View Full Version : Prepare to roll your eyes in unison...

17-Feb-2007, 10:37 AM

'nuff said. :eek:

17-Feb-2007, 10:39 AM
"Sex toys remain illegal to sell in Alabama"

(saw on the same page) i bet theres a large market for cucumbers & electric toothbrushes there :lol:

17-Feb-2007, 11:55 AM
bloody hell fire:rolleyes:

17-Feb-2007, 12:00 PM
lol @ Alabama, not surprising from the same state that hurled rocks at the Top Gear team simply for writing something jokey on their cars. :rolleyes:

I guess that's another reason why some people hate America, or why people get a bit freaked out that America essentially runs the world being the #1 country (this isn't a complaint), because if the number one country confuses religion with politics and has chunks of its society that can't even stand to have a vibrator in their state, then you kinda get a bit freaked out...:eek:

Still though, I'm pro-American ... well, except all the numpties.

17-Feb-2007, 12:23 PM
lol @ Alabama, not surprising from the same state that hurled rocks at the Top Gear team simply for writing something jokey on their cars. :rolleyes:

I guess that's another reason why some people hate America, or why people get a bit freaked out that America essentially runs the world being the #1 country (this isn't a complaint), because if the number one country confuses religion with politics and has chunks of its society that can't even stand to have a vibrator in their state, then you kinda get a bit freaked out...:eek:

Still though, I'm pro-American ... well, except all the numpties.

and why some americans hate places like alabama.

i thank god we dont have the whole extra trouble of different states over here each has its own set of rules, and some of em are pretty damn wierd, like not putting a hat on a horse and stuff.:rolleyes:

17-Feb-2007, 12:46 PM
The Hoohaa Monologues??? That is the dumbest thing I heard in my life. Kinda makes me want to run outside and scream "VAGINA!!!!" I mean what is wrong witht the word vagina? all woman have it, it is a fact of life so why hide it? And outlawing sex gtoys is stupid. Like the police are actually going to go to your home and see if you have sex toys to hide.:rolleyes:

17-Feb-2007, 03:01 PM
Anyway i thought vagina was the medically accepted adult term for a chuff!regressing into sniggering schoolboy terms for it lowers the tone more i would say!:lol:

17-Feb-2007, 03:11 PM
they should rename it "twat chat"...

17-Feb-2007, 03:18 PM
Who would go to the theater to watch some woman talk about vaginas for 90 minutes? I'd feel like a right c**t. :lol:

17-Feb-2007, 03:31 PM
That's not so dumb. Well, at least not if you compare with some other things. In some parts of Minnesota they teach creationism as SCIENCE. Yes, you heard me. They're directly breaking the constitution of the united states because a bunch of religious nutjobs want to protect their kids from the evil Evolution.

17-Feb-2007, 03:34 PM
from HLS post down theres around 16 decent length jokes i could make, but ill hold off cus i know damn sure ill offend at least one person with a couple of em.:cool:

17-Feb-2007, 03:46 PM
i saw the vagina monologues once, it's alright. i think the hype stems from the eye catching name though, tbh.

although i'll say this, i got a bloody good tshirt from their merch stand

17-Feb-2007, 04:01 PM
"the c*nt chronicles" :lol:

17-Feb-2007, 04:05 PM
^ i swear i saw liam working in my local forbidden planet:lol:

17-Feb-2007, 04:40 PM
So many things to roll my eyes at I don't know where to start.

17-Feb-2007, 05:17 PM

17-Feb-2007, 06:04 PM
and why some americans hate places like alabama.

i thank god we dont have the whole extra trouble of different states over here each has its own set of rules, and some of em are pretty damn wierd, like not putting a hat on a horse and stuff.:rolleyes:
There are a lot of places here that have laws that are no different from Irans "Morality laws".
Anybody who thinks Creationism should be taught instead of science is a total idiot and never has any idea of what "theory" in a science framework means.
And , yes, it is embarrasing to have a bunch of loudmouth luddites. They arent a majority, they are just loud and move as one because they have no independent thought.
In some staes you can go to prison for drawing a comic with nudity in it and people have.

I think pussy is far nicer than vagina and most girls dont mind at all. Vagina sounds too much like Angina (heart disease). Hoohah is so dumb and 2nd grade. In the US people dont say c*nt and tw*t that much and never to a man. The only movie I have heard that in was Trainspotting and thats obviously not American. (edit;Kevin Smith, too. But he writes how people talk and is unusual)You never hear it on movies or TV and I dont think you hear vagina very much at all in any context.

Strange thing is the morality police are often Molesters and drug using homosexuals (nothing wrong with gay, but they are hypocrites.
Funny that the states with all these stupis laws are best known for incest and lynching.:rolleyes:

17-Feb-2007, 06:31 PM
an old issue of bizarre magazine said that in missouri a man can sleep with a dog but not another man. :lol:
anyone know if that's true?

17-Feb-2007, 06:33 PM

'nuff said. :eek:

More importantly, I'm still mentioned on the main page of that site :)

17-Feb-2007, 09:17 PM
More importantly, I'm still mentioned on the main page of that site :)
lol ... I kinda knew you were gonna say that Neil. :)

Whoever said "Twat Chat" (can't be arsed to retrace my steps) - GENIUS, love it.

Aye, Kevin Smith seems to have a thing about the "the big C", in the second "SModcast" he goes on about it a lot with The Mos, and it's hilarious ... although I don't think the C word is that well accepted over here, it's still pretty strong ... we said it a lot at Uni amongst us lads, but that was about it, it had the same contextual use as "f*ck", but I don't think it's quite as popular as Smith seems to think after a few visits ... I guess it's flat out not used in America, eh?

They coulda called it "The Minge Monologues" ... or "The Furry Bowl Conversations" ... or ... *runs out of euphamisms* :lol:

18-Feb-2007, 07:01 PM

I see Mortiis peaking out from behind your head! :lol: :lol: :lol:

18-Feb-2007, 08:50 PM
it had the same contextual use as "f*ck", but I don't think it's quite as popular as Smith seems to think after a few visits ... I guess it's flat out not used in America, eh?

In the Metro North east f**k iis very poplular. Thats NYC, Long Island, Westchester, Jersey and I guess alot of Pennsylvania. Conversations are a string of f*cks punctuated by a few other words like sh!t, for example.:p
for example
"My sh*tty f**kin' boss is f**kin' f**ked up"

You dont call guys c**nts, juts bitchy, evil women and then only if you want a slap-:). Alot of guys wont call girls that, but I will (very rarely) cause they hate it
Almost every Brit male I have met has said it continulously, so I think your so used to it, you dont even hear it anymore

18-Feb-2007, 09:12 PM
I see Mortiis peaking out from behind your head! :lol: :lol: :lol:

lol. yep, it's a cool poster! MORTIIS GETS DA BITCHES. his music is terrible though, aside from the stuff with emperor.

that website is bang on though.
everyone in the uk needs to diddle this...