View Full Version : Straight to video release...

18-Feb-2007, 12:27 AM
you know what, at first I was preying this film would be a theatrical release, but you know what? Would you really be that mad if it was straight to video? C'mon, so many of you were disappointed by Land... you know why? It was a major studio movie. You know damn well they made Romero compromise with some ****, this flick is independent. Romero gets to do what he wants. I just realized this. So hey, straight to video release? That'd be fine. We can watch the unrated version first instead of seeing an R, then waiting 4 or 5 months to see a little extra

18-Feb-2007, 10:00 AM
i dunno i never saw blair witch or the last broadcast in the cinema and it would be cool to see a film shot this way up on the big screen, at least to see what it was like.

18-Feb-2007, 10:53 AM
I'd be fine with Diary coming out just on DVD, totally fine with that. I just wanna see it, and I think such a film is better suited to the small screen by the sounds of it anyway.

So I'd be totally fine with a straight-to-DVD release, it especially suits the indie nature of it too...

18-Feb-2007, 11:02 AM
Direct-to-DVD is Ok with me. But it seems like such a downgrade from the Dead series, which has always been theatrical. And it could be a sign to other people that the Dead series has gone "cold turkey". I mean look at Hellraiser. I watched the theatrical films, but as soon as they churned out direct-to-DVD films I just skipped them.

18-Feb-2007, 12:06 PM
Somehow I doubt GAR is gonna go "Hellraiser" with his zombie films...

Besides, Diary of the Dead is a completely different saga to Night-through-Land, which were all connected. Diary is still zombies, but that's about where the similarity ends it appears.

18-Feb-2007, 12:22 PM
wether thats good or bad though we'll have to wait and see, it may be the worst zombie film he's ever done or hail the start of some new venture which more people may like than the dead series, who knows maybe in like 30 years kids may talk about this like some of you talk about seeing night when it came out...or it'll be doomed to mediocrity and shortly forgetten.

i for one hope it rocks, but the pics ive seen have guys with machine guns in it, and that aint keeping my hopes up i gotta tell ya.

18-Feb-2007, 12:33 PM
Somehow I doubt GAR is gonna go "Hellraiser" with his zombie films...

Besides, Diary of the Dead is a completely different saga to Night-through-Land, which were all connected. Diary is still zombies, but that's about where the similarity ends it appears.

Minion , Listen to GARs commentary on any of the dvds . He is very specific that theres no connection between his films other than they take place on planet earth ... in modern society . Zombies are the only commonality .
As far as dairy going straight to dvd , that sucks . Because it means no distribution interest through theaters , to see it in a theater is part of what movies (at least used to be) ... Yeah , "Diary" will still be interesting , just that crap man , going to the movies to get a thrill is going to be extinct ... :elol:

you know what, at first I was preying this film would be a theatrical release, but you know what? Would you really be that mad if it was straight to video? C'mon, so many of you were disappointed by Land... you know why? It was a major studio movie. You know damn well they made Romero compromise with some ****, this flick is independent. Romero gets to do what he wants. I just realized this. So hey, straight to video release? That'd be fine. We can watch the unrated version first instead of seeing an R, then waiting 4 or 5 months to see a little extra

Wishing for the wasting of a great film tradition ... Your going Kavorkian on GARs films ...The difference between an r rating and not rated is usually 2 to 3 seconds of film that were deemed too graphic . Sheesh , I would like to see Diary of the Dead at the theater ... I dont think Romero was lying on the "Land" dvd commentary when he said he had control of his film ... I like "Land" , have loved his films since I saw "Night" back as a kid . No I wouldnt be mad if it went right to dvd , just would like to see it on the big screen . :elol: People at Universal have a huge amount of respect for GAR , to imply otherwise is unprofessional .

18-Feb-2007, 05:55 PM
What I meant by connection was that they all show the next stage in the progression of a zombie outbreak, irrespective of whether you like to view them as within the same "timeline" or within separate "universes", they each show a zombie outbreak at different stages during the outbreak, each time the outbreak gets worse and more widespread. Land is the inevitable time when mankind fights back, phoenix from the ashes style, and I think that's kinda where those GAR zombie films now end, it's come full circle. That's what I was meaning.

Diary, like GAR has said, is a whole new thing, not connected to Night-through-Land. It's a different vibe this time round, it's like 'zombie outbreak: take two' in a way...

So as a result, for those that might think so, it ain't a sequel to Land like Land was a sequel to Day or Day was a sequel to Dawn or Dawn was a sequel to Night.

19-Feb-2007, 12:16 AM
What I meant by connection was that they all show the next stage in the progression of a zombie outbreak, irrespective of whether you like to view them as within the same "timeline" or within separate "universes", they each show a zombie outbreak at different stages during the outbreak, each time the outbreak gets worse and more widespread. Land is the inevitable time when mankind fights back, phoenix from the ashes style, and I think that's kinda where those GAR zombie films now end, it's come full circle. That's what I was meaning.

Diary, like GAR has said, is a whole new thing, not connected to Night-through-Land. It's a different vibe this time round, it's like 'zombie outbreak: take two' in a way...

So as a result, for those that might think so, it ain't a sequel to Land like Land was a sequel to Day or Day was a sequel to Dawn or Dawn was a sequel to Night.

Ok I got what you mean , just GAR has stressed that theres not connection . When you make the distinction , it makes sense . Sorry to come off like a nerf herder ...:elol:

19-Feb-2007, 03:41 AM
I'd like to see a theatrical release. I think I'd be kind of bummed if it were straight-to-video. That would put a damper on any future projects George would want to do. Also, like Ned said, a lot of people would consider him "washed up" and "burned out".

19-Feb-2007, 10:30 AM
People that would consider GAR washed up or burned out, just because he brought out Diary on DVD straight away aren't really the sort of people who should be GAR fans, or should just shut the f*ck up ... that's what I think. :D

Diary isn't like his previous zombie films, Diary is much lower budget, it's small scale...it's indie (although on the high end of indie of course).

19-Feb-2007, 04:35 PM
We may not consider George A. Romero to be washed up or burned up. But WE make up about 1% of the people that see his films. We aren't the only ones who get to voice our opinions on this.

19-Feb-2007, 04:44 PM
Diary isn't like his previous zombie films, Diary is much lower budget, it's small scale...it's indie (although on the high end of indie of course).

What's the budget on Diary? Are you forgetting that Night and Dawn were indie films? They got theatrical release's!

19-Feb-2007, 06:04 PM
Yeah, but DVD didn't exist when Night and Dawn came out, even video wasn't around when Dawn came out, so the only way to get a film shown was either via a theatre or on TV.

Also, Night came out when films were starting to really push the boundaries of "acceptable content", it was very violent at the time, and that rings the money signs across exhibitor's eyes.

Diary - somehow I doubt it's going to have the $15 million budget that Land had, also, it's probably going to have quite a limited appeal, and considering the poor showing in US cinemas for Land, that's another notch against it getting theatrical.

Obviously, whether Diary gets into the cinemas or not is far from set in stone, there hasn't been much information coming out regarding the flick.

19-Feb-2007, 08:11 PM
According to the new interview with Romero, "It's definitely going theatrical!":D

20-Feb-2007, 12:31 AM
Of course it is. I had no doubts whatsoever. :D

20-Feb-2007, 03:07 AM
i hope it gets a theatrical release and not strait to dvd. it would be nice to see him make some cash off it. i know i would go see it at least once and drag a bunch of buddys with me.

20-Feb-2007, 08:41 AM
Of course, now this most likely presents a problem. It'll come out in America in a few months, and then us in Britain will most likely have to wait until SEP-F*CKING-TEMBER to see it, just like with Land of the Dead (we were the last country to get it aside from those who banned it outright :rolleyes:). For crying out loud!!! :mad:

20-Feb-2007, 11:00 AM
You guys got DAWn 2004 two weeks after it premiered here. Be glad Land was 4 months after the fact. You had time to save up the money you were wasting going to see it. However, you guys really got the shaft on the DVD release. Your UNRATED directors cut, was Americas R-Rated Theatrical cut.

20-Feb-2007, 12:15 PM
Perzactly, that's why I got it on Region 1 (as well as the fact the Region 1 DVD came out a mere 3 weeks after I saw it in the cinema here in the UK, which cost me like £5.50 (so basically $10), and it was money well spent as I had an absolute blast (as did the audience, except the three people who were blatantly unable to get in to see Guy Richie's new flick "Revolver" who ended up leaving when the guts 'n' garters started flying ... damn that was hilarious).

Region 2 DVD usually gets screwed over anyway, there's so many cases of the R2 DVD having f*ck all beyond a trailer on it, and the R1 will be packed with sh*t, or the R1 will have exclusive features, what bullsh*t, eh?

20-Feb-2007, 07:02 PM
What's the budget on Diary? Are you forgetting that Night and Dawn were indie films? They got theatrical release's!
Back then they had dirve ins and grindhouses as well as midnight shows
They DIDNT have VCRs and DVDs and Cable

Direct to DVD is the new drive in/ Grindhouse.
minus the drunken bums and rats running over your feet

Perzactly, that's why I got it on Region 1 (as well as the fact the Region 1 DVD came out a mere 3 weeks after I saw it in the cinema here in the UK, which cost me like £5.50 (so basically $10), and it was money well spent as I had an absolute blast (as did the audience, except the three people who were blatantly unable to get in to see Guy Richie's new flick "Revolver" who ended up leaving when the guts 'n' garters started flying ... damn that was hilarious).

Region 2 DVD usually gets screwed over anyway, there's so many cases of the R2 DVD having f*ck all beyond a trailer on it, and the R1 will be packed with sh*t, or the R1 will have exclusive features, what bullsh*t, eh?
Why dont you just make a fair use copy that removes the region of your legally brought disc so you can watch what you want?
(Talk about a disclaimer:p)

20-Feb-2007, 07:22 PM
I don't need to, I have a DVD player that I re-jigged (with a handset hack - using the manufacturer's code) to play All Regions, so I buy R1's a lot of the time to get the best version available.

20-Feb-2007, 08:31 PM
I don't need to, I have a DVD player that I re-jigged (with a handset hack - using the manufacturer's code) to play All Regions, so I buy R1's a lot of the time to get the best version available.
Nice! Videohelp.com ahs a ton of those
I had a disc with PArental controls that I could not get to play (I brought the damn thing). I had to find (and it wasnt easy_) and app that could remove parental controls. Sucked

20-Feb-2007, 08:32 PM
Perzactly, that's why I got it on Region 1 (as well as the fact the Region 1 DVD came out a mere 3 weeks after I saw it in the cinema here in the UK, which cost me like £5.50 (so basically $10), and it was money well spent as I had an absolute blast (as did the audience, except the three people who were blatantly unable to get in to see Guy Richie's new flick "Revolver" who ended up leaving when the guts 'n' garters started flying ... damn that was hilarious).

Region 2 DVD usually gets screwed over anyway, there's so many cases of the R2 DVD having f*ck all beyond a trailer on it, and the R1 will be packed with sh*t, or the R1 will have exclusive features, what bullsh*t, eh?

Well if it makes you feel any better our edition of Shaun of the Dead trimmed a lot of features out. I have the Region 2 release and Region 1 and the Region 2 version of Shaun was much better.

21-Feb-2007, 11:17 AM

YUCK, parental controls *shivers* :eek::(