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21-Feb-2007, 07:31 AM

and for those of you who are too lazy to click the link.... (Or if I've typed the link in wrong)

Ex-England and Newcastle United footballer Paul Gascoigne is to play the lead role in a new movie.
He will star in action-horror feature Final Run and will begin shooting the film alongside Lois Winstone, daughter of Ray Winstone, in the summer.

Billed as a cross between Black Hawk Down and Alien, the movie is set in the near future and follows the aftermath of an alien invasion of Earth.

Gazza plays a misguided survivor torn between his own future and humanity's.

The movie is being made by SJB Imperial Film and the former Glasgow Rangers, Middlesbrough and Tottenham favourite is also working as one of the film's producers.

It is hoped Final Run will be in cinemas in early 2008.

21-Feb-2007, 08:04 AM
wow....that smells like a stinker allready:barf:

21-Feb-2007, 11:33 AM
Ah geez, Gazza ... in an action horror?! Ah mate!

The basic premise sounds like it could be pretty cool, basically a film version of Gears of War by the sounds of things, but ach, Gazza?! What the f*ck does he know about acting and/or producing?! I'd be a better actor ... and I can't act my way out of a nutsack!

21-Feb-2007, 11:55 AM
"howay man, tham's EELiens about...best phewn the men in black, aye?"

21-Feb-2007, 12:01 PM
if it was like that i think id still watch it, that'd be damn funny.

there should be a spoof of gears of war type films, i dont think thats been done before, excluding battlefeild earth of course:p

21-Feb-2007, 12:13 PM
Ah geez, Gazza ... in an action horror?! Ah mate!

Which Gazza are we talking about here, MZ? :lol:

(sorry, I couldn't resist that one)


21-Feb-2007, 12:27 PM
...i dont get it.

21-Feb-2007, 12:42 PM
Name brand recognition. Direct to video horror movie that football fans will rent at the video store when they see Paul Gascoigne on the cover.

21-Feb-2007, 02:32 PM
...i dont get it.
Not surprising, it's an inside joke. :p

21-Feb-2007, 03:14 PM

21-Feb-2007, 04:49 PM
"howay man, tham's EELiens about...best phewn the men in black, aye?"

Never before have I seen such a ... close attempt at a geordie accent. As a resident of the fair city of Newcastle, I must say that you were pretty damn close...

Just don't try doing that anywhere near the toon...

21-Feb-2007, 05:08 PM
Never before have I seen such a ... close attempt at a geordie accent. As a resident of the fair city of Newcastle, I must say that you were pretty damn close...

hehe cheers! gramps was a geordie ;)

Just don't try doing that anywhere near the toon...

belter as it is, ah wuldnae DEER...

21-Feb-2007, 05:36 PM
Heres the man himself :lol: :lol: (about 18 years ago)


21-Feb-2007, 05:41 PM
GLORIOUS ... nuff said. :cool:

21-Feb-2007, 06:13 PM
Who else would use 'sausage roll' to rhyme with 'goal'? :lol:

21-Feb-2007, 06:15 PM

now that right there is friggin' legend!:lol:

-mini woot 4300th post!, you aint got past me yet capn'!

21-Feb-2007, 06:16 PM
That dude in the video sucks! They should pair that song with the Chicago Bears superbowl rap. I guess thats the soccer (hah!) dude? He's corny as hell

21-Feb-2007, 06:20 PM
mini woot 4300th post!, you aint got past me yet capn'!
In time. :sneaky: