View Full Version : Police blow up foul-mouthed CDs that blared in church

22-Feb-2007, 09:44 PM

Hahahahahahha! Rediculous!

22-Feb-2007, 10:03 PM
lol morons.
"we need to detonate an al qaeda bomb, whurs thuh the plastique?!"

"urm, we used to blow up a stereo"



22-Feb-2007, 10:37 PM
There is no way they believed they were bombs, they just like blowing stuff up. hAnd Santa Fe is total hot target becasue if you blow up a church in Santa FE the whole US of A will collapse.

That si a classic prank and kudos to those funny bastids. WTF would they charge them with anyway? Unlawful dirty words. Spoiling Virgin Ears. Introducing all those innocent preiests to previously unkown messages of sexuality?

I lived near a convent as a kid. One night we took apart packs of firecrackers.
We used differnt length cigarettes as timers.
We laid them all in the tree areas surrounding the house. Lit all 20 or so of them and waited.
somebody knocked on the back door and ran to hide.
The nun comes out
Bang ...bang...bangbang etc
I thought the nun was going to have a heart attack. Man that was funny as hell.
15 year olds are evil:evil:

22-Feb-2007, 11:49 PM
If the police did something similar over here, they would probably lose their jobs. How ridiculous, dumb and un-called for. Sounds like a bunch of bored officers looking for an excuse to blow something up.

23-Feb-2007, 08:52 AM
if it wasnt for the porno guy with the sword that would have been the stupidest thing ive heard in a while.

23-Feb-2007, 10:28 AM
lol ... that's classic, I'd have loved to have been there when the 'swearing bombs' went off! :lol:

Damn I love swearing ... but blowing up a stereo, that's a bit extreme don't you think? *sheesh*

23-Feb-2007, 04:51 PM
people in the u.s are getting pretty damn jumpy around electronic devices huh?, guess a war on terror aint working so well when people think boom boxes and signs of a mooninite giving you the finger are bombs and run in terror.

23-Feb-2007, 05:40 PM
lol ... well, they are called "boom boxes" ... perhaps the coppers in question aren't the smartest cookies in the Cookie Monster (TM) Cookie Jar...:lol:

23-Feb-2007, 11:38 PM
Cookie Monster (TM) Cookie Jar...
Hey! I think I had one of those as a kid. :D

24-Feb-2007, 03:38 AM
gotta love cops and some of the stupid things they do. makes me laugh

24-Feb-2007, 10:32 AM
*digs around in ear with business end of service revolver*

*"Bad Cops, Bad Cops" theme tune warbles in the background* :lol: