View Full Version : Horrible death in Pittsburgh

23-Feb-2007, 08:06 PM
Earlier this week in Pittsburgh a drug dealer was selling to a customer when the customer tried to take off without paying. The dealer reached in the car and the guy driving the car took off with the dealer hanging outside the car. He was going over 50 miles an hour when he made a turn and slammed the dealer into a utility pole and the impact cut the drug dealer in half at the pelvis. The news said one half of his body was on the sidewalk and the other half in the street. Can you imagine walking up on that? Jesus. I mean, it's not like the world lost a great human being, but that is a terrible way to die.

23-Feb-2007, 08:10 PM
Holy ****, that's one for Troma to copy.

23-Feb-2007, 08:15 PM
i bet the dude who burned him is brickin it right now

23-Feb-2007, 08:17 PM
thats a horrible way to go drug dealer or not.

23-Feb-2007, 08:27 PM
Earlier this week in Pittsburgh a drug dealer was selling to a customer when the customer tried to take off without paying. The dealer reached in the car and the guy driving the car took off with the dealer hanging outside the car. He was going over 50 miles an hour when he made a turn and slammed the dealer into a utility pole and the impact cut the drug dealer in half at the pelvis. The news said one half of his body was on the sidewalk and the other half in the street. Can you imagine walking up on that? Jesus. I mean, it's not like the world lost a great human being, but that is a terrible way to die.
You sure the dealer wasnt trying to snatch the dough and rob the driver?
Still, pretty gross and a sick way to go.

23-Feb-2007, 10:08 PM
jesus, getting your lower half chopped off by a pole at mph....worst way for a guy to die?, maybe a close second to being put in a shower that pumps out acid.:dead:

23-Feb-2007, 11:42 PM
That's the only drug dealer I ever heard of that slashed 50% off. :D

25-Feb-2007, 10:45 PM
i wonder if the photo of that will end up on rotten.com? That had to be a horrorfying thing to whitness. I would hate to be the one that cleans those messes up.

25-Feb-2007, 11:28 PM
No sympathy ther-- too bad the guy he was chasing down didn't get killed in the process....

Nature has a way of weeding out some bad apples every once in awhile.


25-Feb-2007, 11:31 PM
No sympathy ther-- too bad the guy he was chasing down didn't get killed in the process....

Nature has a way of weeding out some bad apples every once in awhile.


let me guess, you would probably shoot the guy if he was in your neighborhood? *asking kindly:D *

26-Feb-2007, 04:46 AM
I'm sorry, I know it's horrible, but I keep imagining the chalk outline they put around bodies and laughing.


26-Feb-2007, 04:51 AM
That's the only drug dealer I ever heard of that slashed 50% off. :D

I'm sorry, I know it's horrible, but I keep imagining the chalk outline they put around bodies and laughing.


:lol: :lol: :lol: too funny. two bodybags or crammed into the same one y'reckon?

26-Feb-2007, 05:04 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: too funny. two bodybags or crammed into the same one y'reckon?

Two, labeled "Top" and "Bottom" ::Snickers::


26-Feb-2007, 05:51 AM
let me guess, you would probably shoot the guy if he was in your neighborhood? *asking kindly:D *
Only if he tried to push his crap on my kids.

Other than that, I only wish pain, prion and hell on druggies and their lot.


27-Feb-2007, 07:01 AM
One less.

Wonder if the driver is facing charges for murder.