View Full Version : Do non Euro/US.Ausi folks not value children?

24-Feb-2007, 02:40 AM

I work at an indian casino, we have binders full of people who are banned from the premises. You can be banned for a variety of reasons. You can volunarlily ban yourself if you feel you have a gambling problem. If you cheat, steal, vandilize you get yourself in one of these binders. If you leave your kids alone in your vehicle while you are gambling you are banned and the cops come and talk to you.

Lately we have seen an increase in negelct. Mainly hispanic and asian. We found 6 asian kids in the middle of the night hiding under a blanket(winter mind you) ages 2-9.

Too many cases of people leaving their kids in thier car to go gambling.

I did detain one white woman and 2 Native women for this last year.

I see it as a culteral difference because many hispanics and many asians (in my expierience) neglec their children to gamble.

24-Feb-2007, 09:22 AM
All I know is that asians like to gamble alot. Heck, there's a minority of asians here i Sweden, but they almost make up a majority at the casinos.

24-Feb-2007, 05:05 PM
I have sen hispanics beat and verbally abuse their kids probably hundreds of times. The Subway is a mecca for the "hang by the arm, pop the socket" and the shake. Never saw that from asians ever, and their are a lot of different kinds of asians. Most asians in the US are Chinese and Korean. I would say it is not incorrect to say many Asians love to gamble. They joke about it themselves

I saw white people beat and neglect their kids plenty. I think it's spread aound people good. Though the hispanic public ass kickings are disturbing. When a kid acts foolish it is ignored. When a kid is just standing there he gets smacked 3,4 times in the mouth. Im talking 3 year olds. And of course the crying gets them more. "No, Mommy, No!"
I hate that s**t with a passion. I am sure, like most people, they are planty that dont do that, but the ones that do have no shame in public

I have to say, if you are looking for a blanced portrait of events, fox is NOT the place to look, no matter how they doth protest too much.

24-Feb-2007, 05:41 PM
Not sure about gambling as its not something i can be arsed to do,but when i go to the pub theres quite often young parents who bring their kids with them while they get drunk.Usually by about ten at night the kids are getting tired,cranky,upset & want to go home,but the parents just shout at them to shut up,to me thats child abuse as the kids should be in bed & out of earshot of the kind of conversations the parents are often having!its also plain annoying when your having a drink with friends and theres a screaming kid in the bar :rolleyes:

24-Feb-2007, 05:49 PM
A child has no business in a bar.

24-Feb-2007, 06:01 PM
A child has no business in a bar.

Unless hes serving drinks! :lol:

24-Feb-2007, 06:10 PM
Not sure about gambling as its not something i can be arsed to do,but when i go to the pub theres quite often young parents who bring their kids with them while they get drunk.Usually by about ten at night the kids are getting tired,cranky,upset & want to go home,but the parents just shout at them to shut up,to me thats child abuse as the kids should be in bed & out of earshot of the kind of conversations the parents are often having!its also plain annoying when your having a drink with friends and theres a screaming kid in the bar :rolleyes:
Thats totally illegal now, but when I was a kid I went to pubs, but I was well behaved...at the time:D

24-Feb-2007, 06:16 PM
All I know is that asians like to gamble alot. Heck, there's a minority of asians here i Sweden, but they almost make up a majority at the casinos.

That is akin to any racial generalization-- IE racism..

so much for being free in Sweden...

Maybe they are gambling on hope of a better tomorrow--- my question is why would they move to a country where it is hard to blend in-- and face people that assume that all Asians gamble..

24-Feb-2007, 06:42 PM
That is akin to any racial generalization-- IE racism..

so much for being free in Sweden...

Maybe they are gambling on hope of a better tomorrow--- my question is why would they move to a country where it is hard to blend in-- and face people that assume that all Asians gamble..
oh snap!:p


25-Feb-2007, 02:14 PM
Thats totally illegal now, but when I was a kid I went to pubs, but I was well behaved...at the time:D

I wish it was over here,a lot of places have a rule where kids have to be out by 10 or 11pm,but that still often means the parents have had them in there since about 6 in the evening,get a babysitter FFS!

25-Feb-2007, 05:54 PM
That is akin to any racial generalization-- IE racism..

so much for being free in Sweden...

Maybe they are gambling on hope of a better tomorrow--- my question is why would they move to a country where it is hard to blend in-- and face people that assume that all Asians gamble..

They gamble because we TELL THEM TO GAMBLE!

25-Feb-2007, 06:58 PM
They gamble because we TELL THEM TO GAMBLE!
you're kidding, right?

25-Feb-2007, 08:28 PM
you're kidding, right?

No, there's literally laws in Sweden forcing asian people to gamble. Infact, it's illegal for them not too!

Btw, Tju, I know you were joking. But is it really racist to tell the truth? The casinos in Sweden ARE overflowing with asians. How is that racist? They obviously like to gamble, otherwise they wouldn't be there!

Of course, it's not genetic. It's cultural.