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25-Feb-2007, 09:22 PM

25-Feb-2007, 09:33 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i've seen loads of these lotr gifs popping up, some of them are excellent...

25-Feb-2007, 10:31 PM
lol ... there's just something rib-ticklingly funny about Gandalf saying "wtf was so hard about that?" :D

26-Feb-2007, 12:44 AM
That was great. It's impossible for me to look at Lord of the Rings without thinking of Clerks 2. :lol:

26-Feb-2007, 01:37 AM
That was funny and I have to agree with minionzombie on the gandolf saying wtf?

26-Feb-2007, 02:10 AM
but they skipped the scene where he's about to brick in Frodo's mouth....


26-Feb-2007, 10:00 AM
but they skipped the scene where he's about to brick in Frodo's mouth....


I know ... LOTR is forever going to be 'tainted' by Clerks 2 now ... for me anyway ... though I still think the Rings films are epically good.

26-Feb-2007, 10:53 AM
That was pretty funny.

I won all the extended editions of LOTR's and have never opened them up. I have no need for it. I just don't see or can find a reason to watch those films.

Having just watched the "Short Version, I really see no need now.

26-Feb-2007, 06:31 PM
lol :rolleyes:

You've gotta watch them!

I've got all the extended editions on DVD, an incredible collection of filmmaking.

26-Feb-2007, 07:10 PM
Bull****! Lord of the Rings is an excellent example of mediocre and dull filmmaking. There's nothing stellar about them! And ROTK ****ing sucks. It's below par. It's so cheesy, my balls hurt.

26-Feb-2007, 09:09 PM
I'd like to see you spend five years of your life making three epic movies in a row from an epic source novel working with ground-breaking computer technology as well as an army of dedicated individuals working in many varied and assorted crafts to bring one of the most intricately pieced together pieces of fiction there has ever been. :D

26-Feb-2007, 09:15 PM
The Lord of the Rings series and King Kong are nowhere near as good Bad Taste, Braindead and Heavenly Creatures. Jackson is a big fat sell out full stop.

26-Feb-2007, 09:18 PM
A sell out doesn't work their guts out and pay massive attention to detail, nor make content he's deeply passionate about. :rockbrow:

What's with all the Jackson playa-hatin'?

26-Feb-2007, 09:26 PM

I know ... LOTR is forever going to be 'tainted' by Clerks 2 now ... for me anyway ... though I still think the Rings films are epically good.

Now I really need to go see clerks 2

I'd like to see you spend five years of your life making three epic movies in a row from an epic source novel working with ground-breaking computer technology as well as an army of dedicated individuals working in many varied and assorted crafts to bring one of the most intricately pieced together pieces of fiction there has ever been. :D

Well you have a point. Peter did put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into the movies. We need to give him credit for that. He loved the books and had a dream to make the book a movie(s).

26-Feb-2007, 09:36 PM
What's with all the Jackson playa-hatin'?
Because a bunch of billion dollar movies are nowhere near as good as his earlier efforts which only cost a few thousand, thats why. :D

26-Feb-2007, 10:14 PM
Because a bunch of billion dollar movies are nowhere near as good as his earlier efforts which only cost a few thousand, thats why. :D

theyre good in a different way, i see what you mean though, its kinda like when sam raimi did spiderman, i was disappointed to see so much of the director's style just evaporate in the face of a big multi million project. wheres the whip pans? wheres inanimate objects making weird noises as they pass the camera?! SELL OUT!:mad:

but i think jackson did a good job with lotr, it's a kid's book at the end of the day, he pushed the graphic violence pretty far considering, and i didnt feel his style was overtly compromised by the project, the only thing really missing was the elaborate set pieces (like that bit in braindead where the wires get pulled and he ends up dangling by his leg over the zombies, or the zombie baby hitting the guy in the nuts).

he was working from a set text, so maybe it didnt really leave room for jacksonisms.

however, king kong was a big fat blob of derivative, sell out rubbish. he's done for in my eyes. he's doing "the lovely bones" next, ive read that, & it could be a return to dark, jackson form, but could be a sentimental piece of wishy washy crap, an adaptation of that book could either way.

evilned - lotr is like christmas, its overblown & cheesy, but if you surrender yourself to the cheese and go along it can all be quite thrilling :D

27-Feb-2007, 12:29 PM
"even the trees walk!!" :lol: :lol:


27-Feb-2007, 04:27 PM
I'd like to see you spend five years of your life making three epic movies in a row from an epic source novel working with ground-breaking computer technology as well as an army of dedicated individuals working in many varied and assorted crafts to bring one of the most intricately pieced together pieces of fiction there has ever been. :D

That kind of argument is kinda dumb. I can't design an atom-bomb but I can still think that it's a ****ed up idea, right?

I can't make a Lord of the Rings adaption, but I can still think it sucks. Right? I mean, otherwise only filmmakers would have any say on what movies are good or not.

liam - if I surrender myself to the cheesy, I still have to cope with annoying dwarves, elves and cgi that is bland and mediocre. Where is the entertainment in that? But yes, it's cheesy. Usually I can just switch off that. But LOTR is SO cheesy it's annoying. Which is bad for a film.