View Full Version : Got to love James Cameron! Now he's sinking Christianity!

26-Feb-2007, 07:34 AM
I can't wait for the fall-out of this!


26-Feb-2007, 10:05 AM
lol, Go Jimbo! :cool:

26-Feb-2007, 01:13 PM
i think its been done before as fiction on the exact same subject, anyhoo i read the comments but this one is pure gold.:D

"I don't buy this heresy for one minute. After I heard about this, I did some digging and found that Cameron and Jacobovici produced a documentary that claimed the Exodus actually occurred. I, as a believer, already knew that.

So, this raises an important question. If Cameron and Jacobovici believe in the Exodus, how could they NOT believe in the Resurrection? How could they accept part of Scripture, but not all of it? They're speaking out of both sides of their mouths."

okay all you christians show of hands, who thinks 100% and i mean every word of the bible actually happened, even the stuff like a guy named david slaying a giant?, now far be it from me to judge your religion but even a christian has to admit that not everything in the bible could have happened, a guy named jesus could have existed, thats entirely plausible, but talking burning bushes and the like dont exist, so yes its entirely possible to not believe in all of the bible.

though in hindsight im probably completely wrong about the facts but you get my point, plus i think mista mo will probably explain it better, since he's the only guy who i know is christian on here.

26-Feb-2007, 01:39 PM
"How could they accept part of Scripture, but not all of it?"

Has that guy ever heard of, Oh I don't know, JEWS?

26-Feb-2007, 01:46 PM
zing man, zing.:lol:

26-Feb-2007, 01:46 PM
Christianity is so close to becoming null and void. There are two scientist that are really close to proving the Big Bang Theory. But I doubt Christians will except the truth even then.

26-Feb-2007, 01:49 PM
Christianity is so close to becoming null and void. There are two scientist that are really close to proving the Big Bang Theory. But I doubt Christians will except the truth even then.

Odd you say that... Some scientists are now suggesting there are so many perfect systems balanced on top of each other (for us to exist) that devine intervention has to be real!

26-Feb-2007, 01:54 PM
In my opinion, the idea that once we die we magically fly away to a wonderland to run barefoot, hand in hand with Jesus Christ is really stupid. Reality sucks, but won't subdue myself to believing in a fairy tale that creates war and hatred all around the world.

26-Feb-2007, 02:24 PM
i believe in a creator but i reject all dogma and most of the stuff in the bible.

i subscribe to the design argument etc, and i think the stuff in genesis is parable/metaphor, because how are a bunch of savages going to understand the big bang? even enlightened 21st century post industrial revolution folks cant fully grasp it...

but yeah, go cameron!

"this time it's war"

26-Feb-2007, 02:27 PM
i agree, though i wouldnt put it as bluntly, i was talking with a christian freind of mine and i told him that i think we (lief on earth) is just a coincidence of so many perfect anomalys occuring at the same time, and when we die, were gone, which he found really depressing but i just told him i meant he should enjoy the moment, regardless, not live a set of teachings during life for after its done, cus i honestly dont think that such a beautiful world as this is nothing more than some way station for some afterlife.

that said, that was when i got a little evil:elol: ....

he asked me why i hated the idea of heaven and i said something along the lines of "living forever, never ageing, never argueing or feeling pain and never having to want for anything means never having to strive for somethign again, no more growth on a personal level you would just be stuck for ever, thats my idea of hell".
he nodded and said "i can see how you might find that not so appealing".

then the devil on my shoulder gave me an idea :evil: ..

i said "well what if the whole christianity thing was a cosmic joke?"

naturally he whent "bollox"

i said "no ,hear me out, what if there is a god and a devil, but the devil wrote the bible and starterd christianity?"

of course, he just sorta shrugged and whent ,"pfft, you talkin' **** man"

then i said "but think about it, if the devil is really evil, then he would make himself look like the hard done too guy what with the thrown out by god thing right?, and what better revenge if your pissed at god would there be than to start a religion on earth were people think there praying to god but actually its the devil instead?"

he was a little bugged out and said "allright ,explain"

i go on "well think about it, bad things happen to good people right?, so god rarely if ever intervenes, what with the whole life allways finding a way thing, so if he started your religion why, since modern communication and science has been easily accesible has he not communicated with humanity in centuries?, why stop?, but you hear people say the devil talks to them all the time, and think, if you were told that after death you had to choose between a paradise were you forever go without wanting, or a firey inferno youd choose the first one right?"


"exactly my point, so what if the devil set up the idea of "hell" so you aim to go to the first one, when that is the real hell, were you never change, and never get another surprise forever, and the second one doesnt exist, its just natural youd pick the lesser of two evils right?, so what better way to get back at god than to found a religion which sends thousands of his creations straight to hell?"

......he was silent for a bit then said "....uhh, i think im gonna have to think that one over".
i think i officially gave that guy a "mind ****" over that one...only that sounds a little gay, but damn i shouldnt have screwed with his head so bad.

....but what if i was working for the devil, hell, he visits this forum too ,right lou?:lol:

26-Feb-2007, 02:59 PM
God doesnt intervene cause we have the freedom of choice in all things. When things go wrong its always blamed on God, he didnt do or he did something that caused this..or he isnt there at all!
It is easy to come up with things to explain him away if that is what you want to do...but for me I believe and always will believe in him no matter what man says!
I know one thing I believe in God and Jesus, I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose again. God gives us the free will to believe in whatever we please just like you all have said before me.
This is one of things I wont argue sex, politics, or religion!
But, I wanted to say that I believe God exists and He is there...He has helped me through many many things in my life. I wouldnt have made it through without him.
Now adays people sure like to take God out of everything but not for me he is right here in my heart eventho I as a human being dont act like it sometimes!
God isnt a concept or a book or a thought he is GOD!
So, I am not going to argue with you I just wanted to put my thoughts down .
I was going to tell you all God loves you but, I dont want to offend anyone so, I will just :) and say I do!!! I care for you all and ya all know if ya ever need to talk just pm me I am here!:)
You guys still rock!!!!!

26-Feb-2007, 03:06 PM
God doesnt intervene cause we have the freedom of choice in all things. When things go wrong its always blamed on God, he didnt do or he did something that caused this..or he isnt there at all!
It is easy to come up with things to explain him away if that is what you want to do...but for me I believe and always will believe in him no matter what man says!
I know one thing I believe in God and Jesus, I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose again. God gives us the free will to believe in whatever we please just like you all have said before me.
This is one of things I wont argue sex, politics, or religion!
But, I wanted to say that I believe God exists and He is there...He has helped me through many many things in my life. I wouldnt have made it through without him.
Now adays people sure like to take God out of everything but not for me he is right here in my heart eventho I as a human being dont act like it sometimes!
God isnt a concept or a book or a thought he is GOD!
So, I am not going to argue with you I just wanted to put my thoughts down .
I was going to tell you all God loves you but, I dont want to offend anyone so, I will just :) and say I do!!! I care for you all and ya all know if ya ever need to talk just pm me I am here!:)
You guys still rock!!!!!

If a child dies at say less than a year old... Where does it go? Heaven or hell?

If it's heaven, how does God decide who gets the automatic passes to heaven? Why wasn't I deemed lucky enough to die so young?

26-Feb-2007, 03:14 PM
y'know that raises another question, you could'nt age in heaven or it'd be just frekay, so what does happen to a baby that dies, they'd probablt go to heaven, what without not being able to sin yet, but would they stay a baby forever?, how would that work?

26-Feb-2007, 03:21 PM
I think both evolution and intelligent design has pros and cons. But evolution sounds more reasonable to me. Even if it is Intelligent Design, I would never accept christianity, and least of all the bible, as the REAL answer. Nor any other manmade religion. Why? Because it IS manmade (No offense Debbie, these are just my views). God didn't spread the word, Charlemagne did. With his sword and his cavalry.

Same with Islam. Mohammed spread it with his scimitar. Most religions are spread the same way, and I frankly don't see how christianity holds any more value than ancient Hellenistic (Greek) religion. That's why I more often than not label my religion as Hellenistic and say I believe in Zeus and Ares and that ****. To me, that is JUST as crazy as believing in christianity.

As for philosophy, I follow the opposite of Buddhism (which I also think is bull****...), namely the teachings of Epicuros. Life is short, so enjoy it. It's a hedonistic thing... And no, I am not overweight, as you more often than not imagine hedonists :p

Oh and Hail Communism.

26-Feb-2007, 03:22 PM
i dont believe in heaven or hell, but when i did i reasoned it like this;

we are all like a bunch of programs on a computer, programs that function well follow his rules and go to heaven, those that dont go to the hell recycle bin. kids who die young automatically go to heaven because they havent had a chance to screw up yet, god's kind like that.

i never subscribed to the whole "why does god let bad things happen" as grounds for disproving his existence. we are left to our own devices. faith is a requirement for salvation, and there wouldnt be much point in faith if a ghostly giant hand stopped planes from crashing etc.

it's up to us to make the world a nice place, it's part of the criteria he'd judge us on.

btw just like to underline i dont fully buy anything of this personally, i'm nothing more than a deist, i believe in A god or higher power of some kind that designed and created the earth, but i dunno about judgement, dogma, angels and all that...

26-Feb-2007, 03:37 PM
it's up to us to make the world a nice place, it's part of the criteria he'd judge us on.

*every person who reads that*


26-Feb-2007, 03:42 PM
If a child dies at say less than a year old... Where does it go? Heaven or hell?

If it's heaven, how does God decide who gets the automatic passes to heaven? Why wasn't I deemed lucky enough to die so young?

What I have learned when a person learns the sense of right and wrong that is when they are accountable for sins. How would a baby know to ask forgiveness we as parents are to teach our children the ways of God!
If a baby would die ofcourse the child would go to Heaven!

y'know that raises another question, you could'nt age in heaven or it'd be just frekay, so what does happen to a baby that dies, they'd probablt go to heaven, what without not being able to sin yet, but would they stay a baby forever?, how would that work?

Good question huh? I guess we will know when we get there!
I guess all these questions we are asking on this thread will be answered then!;)

26-Feb-2007, 03:49 PM
What I have learned when a person learns the sense of right and wrong that is when they are accountable for sins. How would a baby know to ask forgiveness we as parents are to teach our children the ways of God!
If a baby would die ofcourse the child would go to Heaven!

Voila! So how does God decide who the lucky ones are that die early on and get their automatic pass to Heaven?

How does God decide who he's going to perform a miracle to and convince them he exists?

If Hitler had been born in the middle of Rome, do you think he might have ended up a priest instead? How did God decide this particular individual should be dealt the events that would destin him to hell? Where just being born in a different place probably would have meant a totally different outcome....

For such an all powerful being, so set on letting out make a choice, his system is really loaded at times!

26-Feb-2007, 04:05 PM
Voila! So how does God decide who the lucky ones are that die early on and get their automatic pass to Heaven?

How does God decide who he's going to perform a miracle to and convince them he exists?

If Hitler had been born in the middle of Rome, do you think he might have ended up a priest instead? How did God decide this particular individual should be dealt the events that would destin him to hell? Where just being born in a different place probably would have meant a totally different outcome....

For such an all powerful being, so set on letting out make a choice, his system is really loaded at times!

Boy, you are putting me through my paces lol, ok...
I know that sin can not be in the presence of God!
Hitler..Hitler had choices he could been born in the middle of Rome and still been who he was who knows? The choices he himself made in life made him who he was he wanted the power that he craved. You can see that he had a whole nation following him with his hate of one race! Do you really think he would have been a priest? I dont! It's all about the choices man makes for themselves! Freewill!

26-Feb-2007, 04:09 PM
yeh its full of holes.

the way i see it anyone who kills or rapes has some sort of mental problem brought on by their environment & upbringing.

i'm not saying they shouldnt be punished, these individuals need to be isolated from society because we currently lack the technology to cure them, but all the same, technically it's not their fault, i dont think anyone *chooses* to be a nutter psycho and be totally cast out from society, so where's the fairness in judging them?

it's like the way homosexuality is a damnation worthy sin. they dont choose to be gay...its just the way they turn out! studies show that women who are under stress while pregnant are more likely to give birth to a child with homosexual tendencies... so why the hell should the individual be punished for something that is a product of circumstance?!

26-Feb-2007, 04:11 PM
Without getting into myself into the religion argument that is sure to explode in here.....I just want to say that I find this to be a quite interesting subject. I'll have to check out the Documentary when it airs. I don't see why christians are upset about it. I'm christian and I bet it will be a good watch....

26-Feb-2007, 04:22 PM
yeh its full of holes.

the way i see it anyone who kills or rapes has some sort of mental problem brought on by their environment & upbringing.

i'm not saying they shouldnt be punished, these individuals need to be isolated from society because we currently lack the technology to cure them, but all the same, technically it's not their fault, i dont think anyone *chooses* to be a nutter psycho and be totally cast out from society, so where's the fairness in judging them?

it's like the way homosexuality is a damnation worthy sin. they dont choose to be gay...its just the way they turn out! studies show that women who are under stress while pregnant are more likely to give birth to a child with homosexual tendencies... so why the hell should the individual be punished for something that is a product of circumstance?!

We are not to judge ANYONE.".judge not lest ye be judged" I have my own self to worry about I dont need to worry about others and what they do anyway whether they are sinning or not sinning...love thy neighbor as thy would love thy self or however that goes!
We christians get a real bad rap for judging people and alot of christians do but we have to remember something ...we are going to be judged just as harshly as we judge others!

26-Feb-2007, 04:46 PM
i think christians get a bad rap, especially in america for how christian groups have moved into territory's that dont mix with it, science, schooling and politics.
intelligent design is the one that pisses me off a good deal, now if you believe that stuff, fine, but if you want to learn about your religion, go to a church not a school, plus theres religous education as well, adding a whole subject for just one of many religions is horrible in my opinion, granted i think its optional but the point stands, what if some kid had a crisis of faith or something then says "how does buddah or mohammed fit into that?", what the hell could the "teacher" say that wouldnt be biased?

26-Feb-2007, 05:08 PM
We are not to judge ANYONE.".judge not lest ye be judged" I have my own self to worry about I dont need to worry about others and what they do anyway whether they are sinning or not sinning...love thy neighbor as thy would love thy self or however that goes!
We christians get a real bad rap for judging people and alot of christians do but we have to remember something ...we are going to be judged just as harshly as we judge others!

ah im not talking about christians judging people, i'm talking about god himself. sodom & gommorah and all that. it just doesnt seem right

26-Feb-2007, 06:27 PM
I'll wade in with my athiest-wellies, not out of disrespect to anyone "of faith", I'm just stating my thoughts.

Basically, the how and why of everything is so huge that it's far beyond our comprehension, I mean mega-far-beyond.

The whole "god created it all" thing is lame to me, cos in that case, who created god?

Then you think, where did everything come from, how old is it all, how far does it go on for, and what is the very nature of time itself, was there a "time" before time? If so, what the hell is that like, surely it can't be like anything, and how can you make everything out of absolutely nothing - the point I'm trying to make is, that sort of thinking makes your head actually feel like it's swelling, you can't comprehend it, and I feel that just slapping this human-like "god" thing all over the situation to explain it is far too simplistic and far too soon.

The human race is far too full of itself, we think we're the be-all and end-all, and that's the problem, we aren't, and as a result we're far beyond the ability to comprehend the ultimate how & why. Heck, we've only been to the moon, so how could we get anywhere near understanding everything, we only know a bit about ourselves as it is.

I personally see religion as a massive game of Chinese Whispers.

Am I correct that the Bible started to be actually physically written, like what, a couple of hundred years after the apparent events of JC etc took place?

Try your hardest, and you'll still manipulate a story as it's told. Also, what about the motives of those charged with writing this tome? JC is more often than not shown to be a white guy, God is always inferred to be a man, JC's parents didn't get jiggy at all?! Hmmm...

I think there could have been a bloke called JC, but I reckon he was just a really cool guy (if he existed) and that was that, he was a motivational speaker at most. That's a brief synopsis of my thoughts...

26-Feb-2007, 06:30 PM
Jews dont have alot of these issues because questioning is the foundation of the Torah. I like how they dont recruit, but try to dissuade you from joining, I wish the were all like that.
It has been found that, In the US,in surveys people say they go to church when they dont, because they dont want to look bad.

David and Goliath is a story about a big mook who bullies a town. David is a shrimp who summonses the balls to give Goliath a beat down. Just Like Ice Cube Vs. D Bo in Friday:D

Me, I have no religion and I am not "spiritual". I just dont have an interest.

though I loved the "jesus was really nice, taught people how to be cool and helped out people noone cared about" stories. They are a good example of how to be and the only really important message. A lot of the other stuff just gets in the way of that.

26-Feb-2007, 07:09 PM
It's only a matter of time until Christianity and it's affiliates will be proven as bogus. The bible is man written document and cannot be taken as direct proof of God's existence. It is a bunch of poems of fantastical tales. I'm will not debate in depth on the subject with any Christian because they are incapable of answering anything other than "I don't care, I believe and that's all that matters."

Once upon a time I myself was a Christian. I attended bible study, knew powerful and well respected ministers I saw all the flaws tenfold. I will not name names but I will tell you that the particular group that I attended is one of the biggest Christian organisations in the world. I knew a guy there once, lovely fella. We would talk punk and other things that you don't expect from a Christian youth minister. I lost touch with him for a year but I saw a friend of his at a seminar once. "How's [name deleted]?" I asked. "Well, thats a difficult one", my friend answered. "He died a few weeks ago. God gave him Cancer and took him away because he was gay."

Is that supposed to be joke? Is this how Christians actually feel about this? Because someone has a different sexual preference, it means they deserve to die? I thought that if you asked God for forgiveness (which I imagine this guy would've on regular basis) then it's not supposed to matter what you did before. Immediately I thought of all my drug related 'sins' and thought, "why the f**k should I dedicate my life to something that doesn't care about me? That would snuff my life in a flash if I decided to form an opinion that differed from His." I hightailed it out of that congregation there and then and never returned.

Now when I look back on it, I remember the way they recruited me. I was a 15 year old kid, smoking, drinking and doing drugs. I was an easy target for their bulls**t and that's how Christians build their armies. I bet if you asked a Christian how they joined the church, 99% of them will tell you that they were at their lowest when God "saved them". What a load of old scrub.

They disprove anything scientific and hold their own science classes to give impressionable people their interpretation of the Big Bang and how it fits into their scheme of things. I'm all for this documentary and I hope it is done intelligently and with little mockery. Maybe people will open their eyes to the reality of life. Science. What we as humans discover and not what a book instructs us to discover. I mean I do believe in a creator, but it simply isn't plausible for me to believe in the biblical God. It's just text, nothing more.

"this time it's war"
Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me man. I bet Jesus comes back at the premiere of this movie just to make a point. :lol:

26-Feb-2007, 07:13 PM
Jesus was a kind human being (maybe off-earth educated-intelligent) that gave people of his time great advice : to love & not hate ... I love his work . Logic is not the enemy of religion , unless you get strung up and eviscerated by a hoard of religious psychopaths , which is exactly what happened to Jesus . The bible has so much about it that confounds anyone with a brain stem . If this planet is only 6 thousand years old ,WTF were the dinosaurs? Why can we see stars ? Light travels only so fast ; if the earth is so young ,like creationists believe, we would'nt be able to see stars. Ask someone that believes in this dogma if they use antibacterial products . Why would they believe antibacterial stuff works ? It goes against their belief system . Why would you believe that it works to clean when you dont believe in our planets 65million-plus year history ? Intelligent design : schmez-zign !
I think that is poor gratitude to ignore the survival of human beings before Jesus' time ...

26-Feb-2007, 07:55 PM
I mean I do believe in a creator, but it simply isn't plausible for me to believe in the biblical God. It's just text, nothing more.

Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me man. I bet Jesus comes back at the premiere of this movie just to make a point. :lol:

first off a joke , "oh gawd, and now here comes james caeron for the premier, and who follows him up the red carpet, its jesus, yo ,yo j.c, love those sandals!"

secondly, i used to believe the same thing but the more i think about it the more i think it's that the more we've evolved from being monkeys in trees (an i hear way, waaay before that starfish, just thought id point that out cus its interesting...anyway), we no longer live each day looking for food and shelter we have society, technology and language, and while this may stagnate us for all we know evolutionarily, we have more time to question, and have a proper identity to ourselves so we know now that we are born and eventually die, and many would ,rather than see this as a great reason to enjoy all around you, would get all depressed about, without wanting to sound to emo "the futility of living"...nope still emo, anyway i think its the nature of the human condition, even if you dont believe you'll still think "but there must be something", hell i still do even though i dont want to, becuase if the species homo sapien on a whole disbelieved at the same time you'd have something bad on your hands, (hey that's a stephen king type novel right there) cus we need something to believe in nowadays, even if subconsiously, to explain life itself to make it worth living.

though i gotta say my whole life, 18 years religion free, and its still pretty sweet, no booze, drugs or smokes, plenty of friends a nice house and a decent education, yet i have no beliefs in any religion, but am i hellbound? by something i dont beleive in?, should i be bound to those supernatural laws if they do in fact exist?

26-Feb-2007, 07:59 PM
JC vs JC...whoever wins...a huge following is disappointed

a feel some photoshop comin on...

26-Feb-2007, 08:04 PM
Pope John Paul published an edict that basically said
"If you try and pretty much succeed at being a good person, it doesnt matter that you have a different religion, no religion or have sinned a bit, we beileve there is a place in heaven for you"
Thats so reasonable, its hard to believe a pope (or any religious leader) said it

26-Feb-2007, 08:07 PM
JC vs JC...whoever wins...a huge following is disappointed

a feel some photoshop comin on...

or at least a smash bro.s parody:lol:

Pope John Paul published an edict that basically said
"If you try and pretty much succeed at being a good person, it doesnt matter that you have a different religion, no religion or have sinned a bit, we beileve there is a place in heaven for you"
Thats so reasonable, its hard to believe a pope (or any religious leader) said it

yeah but i played the poke'mon games and he said they were demoic, so im screwed:lol:

26-Feb-2007, 08:37 PM
or at least a smash bro.s parody:lol:

yeah but i played the poke'mon games and he said they were demoic, so im screwed:lol:
Totally screwed!
He pretty much caught up to with what many Catholics were saying anyway.
I was raised Catholic and never once heard
"Icant do that becasue the pope says..."
Catholic School girls take some convincing, but after that they are filthy, filthy girls! Gotta love those skirts!

26-Feb-2007, 08:46 PM
Boy, you are putting me through my paces lol, ok...
I know that sin can not be in the presence of God!
Hitler..Hitler had choices he could been born in the middle of Rome and still been who he was who knows? The choices he himself made in life made him who he was he wanted the power that he craved. You can see that he had a whole nation following him with his hate of one race! Do you really think he would have been a priest? I dont! It's all about the choices man makes for themselves! Freewill!

But if a car had run him down at the age of one, he would have had his golden ticket to heaven... That wouldn't be much free will...

Regarding free will... Let's take an extreme example... What about all the children of Sawney Beane. They were all murderers and cannibals... That's the way they were brought up! So, did they go to hell for the murdering, cannabalism, and incest? If they did, hardly seems fair as they had no choice! If not, then again, why did they get a golden ticket?

26-Feb-2007, 09:06 PM
I know what your saying Neil but you want answers from a law that doesn't exist. A christian would probably say <emulates posh accent>, "Yes, of course Sawney Beane's children went to heaven because they had no choice in the matter. God is not totally without compassion, you know." But it's okay for Him to take away a father of [number undisclosed] because he was gay. This is why I think it's a load of old hokum. So many contradictory laws and beliefs that it makes me laugh out loud.

No dinosaurs ever walked the Earth according to the christian bible? But we have fossils of the creatures right here in the Natural History Museum. Why aren't they mentioned in the bible or at least hinted at? Because the first ever dinosaur skeleton was an accidental find. Nobody went looking for bones or fossils in biblical times because the people of Earth had no idea that anything lived before them.

God is full of love? Read the book of Revelation and you'll see how lovey-dovey He is. Cut to a big fanfare and thousands of angels descending from the sky (subtle, would probably scare 95% of the human race to death but oh well). They pour vials of liquid into the water and kill the ocean life, same with the forest and then the cities. Everything God deems worthy shall be taken up to heaven and all the non believers (and gays probably) get stuck on Earth and live the rest of their life on a dying planet until God decides to end it permanently. Nice. :rolleyes:

triste realtà
26-Feb-2007, 09:39 PM
As usual with all things, religion is polarized: between mono and polytheism. One of those sees things as they really are. The other one is the total opposite > shut off your brain and wait for death. Jesus was a pedophile. Pagan gods are symbolic of natural forces > nature is god.

Some of you are near dead on about it. The contradictory and insane nature of Middle Eastern religion is a fair characterization. And this sounds good:
we are all like a bunch of programs on a computer, programs that function well follow his rules and go to heaven, those that dont go to the hell recycle bin.
except you can't have programs that work without programs that fail. Both must exist. Like that yin and yang thing, I bet every sane culture has a symbol for that. It's heaven and hell, oh well. Fool, fool. (hail DIO)

26-Feb-2007, 09:49 PM
No dinosaurs ever walked the Earth according to the christian bible? But we have fossils of the creatures right here in the Natural History Museum. Why aren't they mentioned in the bible or at least hinted at? Because the first ever dinosaur skeleton was an accidental find. Nobody went looking for bones or fossils in biblical times because the people of Earth had no idea that anything lived before them.

funny thing about a guy in my film class who isnt just a normal average joe who happens to be christian, he's that rare crazy zealot uber christian who ran out the room hiding his face with a bible praying when the teacher put on brokeback mountain and cried at the end of the passion.

i asked him about dinosaurs and this was his response *wipes tear of laughterous joy from his eye*

"there not die-na-swoars, they didnt exist, there just dragons that were found and put together wrong":lol:

26-Feb-2007, 09:55 PM
I think he was put together wrong, if you ask my opinion. :D

26-Feb-2007, 09:58 PM
were a non uniform college but he dresses like full on 1950's/ amish style, that's just creepy, like adams family creepy.:lol:

27-Feb-2007, 01:40 AM
But if a car had run him down at the age of one, he would have had his golden ticket to heaven... That wouldn't be much free will...

Regarding free will... Let's take an extreme example... What about all the children of Sawney Beane. They were all murderers and cannibals... That's the way they were brought up! So, did they go to hell for the murdering, cannabalism, and incest? If they did, hardly seems fair as they had no choice! If not, then again, why did they get a golden ticket?

Neil, I dont have the answers I am not God ...my beliefs are very simple!
I believe in the Bible and everything in it the answers you want are there I am by know means a scholar and do not pretend to be one! I have faith and believing what the Bible says and that is what I stand on to be true and always will til my dying day and through to eternity!
No matter what I will follow the Bible's teachings...love thy neighbor as thy self and everything else in it!
Whatever you all believe in is fine for you I am not a freak that will cram my religion down your throat. You make You make it clear you do not believe which is your own freewill!

27-Feb-2007, 03:32 AM
I think he was put together wrong, if you ask my opinion. :D

"aint it funny how people who dont believe in evolution...look unevolved"

erm no offence btw debs, i dunno if youre a fundamentalist or not, but i respect anyone who is at peace with their beliefs :cool:

27-Feb-2007, 04:14 AM
Well I am christian but I am not a bible thumper. I believe in god and jesus but I do not believe evey word in the bible as truth.

27-Feb-2007, 05:50 AM
yeh its full of holes.

the way i see it anyone who kills or rapes has some sort of mental problem brought on by their environment & upbringing.

i'm not saying they shouldnt be punished, these individuals need to be isolated from society because we currently lack the technology to cure them, but all the same, technically it's not their fault, i dont think anyone *chooses* to be a nutter psycho and be totally cast out from society, so where's the fairness in judging them?

it's like the way homosexuality is a damnation worthy sin. they dont choose to be gay...its just the way they turn out! studies show that women who are under stress while pregnant are more likely to give birth to a child with homosexual tendencies... so why the hell should the individual be punished for something that is a product of circumstance?!

we call them bullets. :evil:

27-Feb-2007, 07:36 AM
Neil, I dont have the answers I am not God ...my beliefs are very simple!
I believe in the Bible and everything in it the answers you want are there I am by know means a scholar and do not pretend to be one! I have faith and believing what the Bible says and that is what I stand on to be true and always will til my dying day and through to eternity!
No matter what I will follow the Bible's teachings...love thy neighbor as thy self and everything else in it!
Whatever you all believe in is fine for you I am not a freak that will cram my religion down your throat. You make You make it clear you do not believe which is your own freewill!

I envy your belief; that the end is not indeed the end... That everyone I meet and know and love in this life will not disappear in a few fast years...

But unfortunately the mind God gave me is a logical one, and I cannot help but percieve that a perfect-being has created a system that is so far from perfect, that I question how he could even exist...

ps: Why doesn't God just appear to everyone and say "Hi!"... Rather than a select few...

27-Feb-2007, 08:11 AM
I suffer from OCD quite badly at times,and on a help forum someone told me i should "turn to the bible and love god and all my problems shall be healed"
Another said that OCD is punishment for actions in a past life
Absolute utter crap,and people actually believe in this stuff?

27-Feb-2007, 12:22 PM
Anyone notice how the engraving on the tomb looks remarkably like the Umbrella logo? :D

Why doesn't God just appear to everyone and say "Hi!"
Most christians will tell you, "Never test God, that's a part of His plan to see if we have faith or not." :lol:

27-Feb-2007, 04:23 PM
In the Bible, God would often smite things, people, races, worlds, universes when they turned to sin, right? So why hasn't any of that happened in the last 2000 years, considering humanity has been at war non-stop?

If God ever existed, I'd have to say he doesn't anymore. Man grew to powerful and nuked him!

28-Feb-2007, 04:24 AM
I'm not defending Christianity by any means, but it seems to me, there's a christian-hating jew behind this. I wouldn't be surprised if this so-called Tomb of Jesus turns out to be a hoax or a fake in order to discredit Christian beliefs regarding Jesus' resurrection from the tomb.

28-Feb-2007, 02:37 PM
Most christians will tell you, "Never test God, that's a part of His plan to see if we have faith or not." :lol:
In the 80s when I saw Last Temptation of Christ I tried talking to this other Catholic guy I worked with about it. I was saying I dont know whats the big deal. Its basically the bible story and the film never says he dogged Mary Magdolin. Its just a split second where the devil tempts him with what he could have if he abandons God. And JC sticks with the big man in the end.
He freaked. "I dont wanna hear it. NOO!" He alternately put his hands over his ears and eyes, like a see no evil monkey. What a butt tard. When people dont want to question stuff I automatically think they must be stupid. But you cant say that, of course, becasue its taboo and unacceptable. Of course its not taboo for them to say what ever they want about what you think.

I'm not defending Christianity by any means, but it seems to me, there's a christian-hating jew behind this. I wouldn't be surprised if this so-called Tomb of Jesus turns out to be a hoax or a fake in order to discredit Christian beliefs regarding Jesus' resurrection from the tomb.
Illuminati?!?! Wtf, dude. Is that just an impression or do you have some kind of evidence. I dont think Jews care enough to discredit it.

28-Feb-2007, 03:20 PM
I'm not defending Christianity by any means, but it seems to me, there's a christian-hating jew behind this. I wouldn't be surprised if this so-called Tomb of Jesus turns out to be a hoax or a fake in order to discredit Christian beliefs regarding Jesus' resurrection from the tomb.

Jesus was jewish though so i dont see why the jews would try to discredit his existence.

28-Feb-2007, 05:07 PM
"If this is the best 'God' can do, i'm not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the resume of a Supreme Being. This is the kind of sh*t you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. In any well-managed universe, this guy would have been out on his all-powerful ass a loooong time ago." -George Carlin


28-Feb-2007, 05:09 PM
yeah but youre still pissed at him after the whole casting down thing anyway right lou?, better get back to corrupting our young-un's with "black metal":lol:

28-Feb-2007, 05:23 PM
I would say creating a planet/universe is very impressive. That's if God did it of course. :D

28-Feb-2007, 05:32 PM
I would say creating a planet/universe is very impressive. That's if God did it of course. :D
It was the flying spaghetti monster.
Prove me wrong

28-Feb-2007, 05:34 PM
It was the flying spaghetti monster.
Now that I can believe! :lol:

28-Feb-2007, 06:03 PM
all hail the flying spagetti monster!:lol:


28-Feb-2007, 06:28 PM
And f*ck those French-Chinese, they can't have Hawaii!! :eek:

28-Feb-2007, 06:33 PM
....what the hell are you talking about?:confused:

28-Feb-2007, 06:44 PM

The South Park episode where ... oh wait, this whole spaghetti monster wasn't just from South Park? Hmmm...

28-Feb-2007, 07:04 PM
no its a proper religion...sort of

gather round children ,and be enlightened.

"The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the deity of a parody religion founded in 2005 by Oregon State University physics graduate Bobby Henderson to protest the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to require the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to biological evolution. In an open letter sent to the education board, Henderson professes belief in a supernatural Creator called the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which resembles spaghetti and meatballs. He furthermore calls for the "Pastafarian" theory of creation to be taught in science classrooms, essentially invoking a reductio ad absurdum argument against the teaching of intelligent design.Followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) call themselves Pastafarians, a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarian.

Because of its recent popularity and media exposure, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is used by atheists, such as Richard Dawkins, as a modern version of Russell's teapot.

Henderson proposed many of the beliefs in reaction to common arguments by proponents of intelligent design.[4] These are the canonical beliefs set forth by Henderson:[6]

An invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe, including a mountain, trees and a midget, spelled "midgit."
All evidence for evolution was planted by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The FSM tests Pastafarians' faith by making things look older than they are (q.v. Omphalos). "For example, a scientist may perform a carbon-dating process on an artifact. He finds that approximately 75% of the Carbon-14 has decayed by electron emission to Nitrogen-14, and infers that this artifact is approximately 11,000 years old, as the half-life of Carbon-14 appears to be 5,730 years. But what our scientist does not realize is that every time he makes a measurement, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is there changing the results with His Noodly Appendage. We have numerous texts that describe in detail how that can be possible and the reasons why He does this. He is of course invisible and can pass through normal matter with ease."
The Pastafarian belief of heaven stresses two points. "A) It has beer volcanos as far as the eye can see & B) It has a stripper factory."[6]
The religious text of the Pastafarian religion is called the Loose Canon. In place of the ten commandments, it contains eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts", with a looser moral code.
"RAmen" is the official conclusion to prayers, certain sections of The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and so on, and is a portmanteau of the Semitic term "Amen" (used in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) and Ramen, a noodle. While it is typically spelled with both a capital "R" and "A", it is also acceptable to spell it with only a capital R.

According to the Pastafarian belief system, pirates are "absolute divine beings" and the original Pastafarians. Their image as "thieves and outcasts" is misinformation spread by Christian theologians in the Middle Ages. Pastafarianism says that they were in fact "peace-loving explorers and spreaders of good will" who distributed candy to children.

The inclusion of pirates in Pastafarianism was part of Henderson's original letter to the Kansas School Board. It illustrated that correlation does not equal causation. Henderson put forth the argument that "global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of pirates since the 1800s."[6] A chart accompanying the letter shows that as the number of pirates decreased, global temperatures increased; this is a farcical demonstration of how statistically significant correlations do not imply a causal relationship.

In December 2005, Bobby Henderson received a reported USD $80,000 advance to pen The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Henderson said he plans to use the proceeds from the sale of the book to build a pirate ship, with which he may travel the world in order to convert heathens to the Pastafarian religion.[7] The book was released on March 28, 2006 (ISBN 0-8129-7656-8).

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the Pastafarian equivalent of the Bible. It parodies biblical figures with characters such as Captain Mosey, a pirate and the FSM equivalent of Moses. The Gospel contains The Eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts", parodying the Ten Commandments.

The first public exposure of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and its eponymous deity can be dated to May 7, 2005, when Bobby Henderson sent his open letter regarding the FSM and the teaching of intelligent design in science classes to the Kansas Board of Education. Henderson posted the letter on his website, and subsequently published the responses[8] he received from board members.

As word of Henderson's challenge to the board spread, the website and Henderson's cause gathered more attention and support. The satiric nature of Henderson's argument made the Flying Spaghetti Monster popular with bloggers as well as humor and internet culture websites. The site was featured on Sensible Erection on June 17, 2005.[9] and sites such as Boing Boing, Something Awful, Uncyclopedia and Fark.com. The mainstream media quickly picked up on the phenomenon as the Flying Spaghetti Monster became a symbol for the case against intelligent design theory in public education.[10][11][12] Over time, the website has expanded in response to the growing lore surrounding the FSM as well as publicity received.

In August 2005, in response to a challenge from a reader, BoingBoing.net announced a $250,000 challenge, later raised to $1,000,000, of "Intelligently Designed currency" by other bloggers, payable to any individual who could produce empirical evidence proving that Jesus is not the son of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, though Jesus is not a part of Pastafarianism.[13] The challenge is modeled after a similar challenge issued by creationist Kent Hovind (an award of $250,000 to anyone who can prove evolution "is the only possible way" that the Universe and life arose) that has been criticized by scientists as being logically flawed in design.[14] Pastafarians in Australia recently used the Census in Australia of 2006 to raise public awareness of Pastafarianism in a campaign similar to the Jedi census phenomenon. They asked Australians to record their religion as "Pastafarian" in the August 2006 Australian Census.[15] Self-declared Pastafarians continue to independently produce and document artwork and tributes to the Flying Spaghetti Monster in various media."

id believe that before the bible myself, rock on spaggeti monster!:cool:

28-Feb-2007, 07:45 PM
"Our Father who art in Heaven,
Flying Spaghetti Monster be thy name..." :lol:

28-Feb-2007, 07:52 PM
^spagetti monster 1 - religion 0:lol:

Rancid Carcass
15-Nov-2009, 04:35 PM
Maybe I've seen one too many Romero movies, but I'm under the impression that resurrection is a bad thing... :D

15-Nov-2009, 06:36 PM
Thread resurrection is! :elol:

15-Nov-2009, 07:52 PM
OK, not really.

But one of the clearer voices on the matter was C.S. Lewis (yes, the man who wrote the Narnia books and a kick-ass Sci-Fi Trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength )

He also wrote this little tome called The Screwtape Letters. It concerned the correspondence of an executive level demon (Screwtape) with his nephew(Wormwood ) where the senior tempter advises the younger on how to undermind faith.
Let's just says that many so called spiritual big mouths in the media today would not be seeing the Heavenly Father anytime soon.

There is another book of his, The All Seeing Eye, which is pretty cool as it gently chides the faithful for externalizing and objectifying thier religion as opposed to simply practicing it in the best ways possible.

If I believed in organized religion, I'd likely be Christian, but the hierachy in generally has made an unholy mess of potentially good things. A while back something happened which pushed me into a middle ground of Faith. I believe in God because of that incident, but it's not a measure for judging others only my own conduct.

If our contributions to this world come from God, Nature, or a combination of both, does it really matter?

Oh, and for the atheists. Too many media wonks who claim this title and write books on the matter too often sound like children who never got any presents from Santa Claus.

Logic neither proves or disproves the presence of God or it's equal (Yet), all else is simply opinion.

Wayne Z

15-Nov-2009, 07:56 PM
Three cheers for you! I salute you sir! Yay!

17-Nov-2009, 04:26 AM
God doesnt intervene cause we have the freedom of choice in all things. When things go wrong its always blamed on God, he didnt do or he did something that caused this..or he isnt there at all!

Logic neither proves or disproves the presence of God or it's equal (Yet), all else is simply opinion.

Not only do people blame god when bad things happen, he gets praised when good things happen. You can't take away the first one without wholly and totally removing the second one... but logic is not the language of religion. Faith is. No amount of logic should disturb or corrupt the faithful. But every one of the faithful fail when trying to use logic to explain their faith.

For if faith required either scientific evidence or broadly appealed to logic then it would not be faith. Faith requires only belief without question. Any attempt at using logic to explain ones faith forfeits the legitimacy of the faith of the one trying to use logic. This is the alleged fundamental reason why god doesn't do miracles anymore. If god were to reveal himself publicly to all and perform spectacular unambiguous miracles then faith would no longer be required.

I think art is a better metaphor for religion than logic. Art is a personal and emotional appeal as religion should be. If someone consider themselves christian, he or she should be making statements about how christian doctrine appeals to their heart and how it helped them in their relationships with others and therefore represents truth to them.

Trying to tell me the Earth is approximately 6,000 years old, carbon dating is fallacious, dinosaur bones were left by the devil to lure me away from god, homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of god and as such has some kind of modern relevance (as opposed to the admonition being merely a Bronze Age antiquated social construct), Jesus died for my sins (when it is clearly a political, anti-Roman, pre-planned martyrdom), logic can't disprove gods existence (when logic as a rule cannot disprove any negative assertion), or god is worthy of praise when good things happen, but not worthy of scorn when bad things happen, tells more of the failings of faith than its merits.

My target in this discussion is the ill advised attempt at logic when discussing issues of faith. I have much respect for those who demonstrate real faith. And I can best describe real faith by defining it's opposite, which is faith that is so threatened by logic that it feels compelled to emulate it...poorly.

17-Nov-2009, 04:36 AM
My target in this discussion is the ill advised attempt at logic when discussing issues of faith. I have much respect for those who demonstrate real faith. And I can best describe real faith by defining it's opposite, which is faith that is so threatened by logic that it feels compelled to emulate it...poorly.
Well said. :)

I have the biggest respect for folks who really live their faith as opposed to others who think God will just protect them because they simply believe.

17-Nov-2009, 10:33 AM
Well said. :)

I have the biggest respect for folks who really live their faith as opposed to others who think God will just protect them because they simply believe.

That is like my friend- He does anything but live the life that a Christian is supposed to live, yet he still thinks that God will "protect" him because he believes in him. I think the one idea that people can't seem to grasp in relation to God and Christianity as a whole, is that the individual needs to put forth a conscious effort to change his life, and base it around the principles that God has lain down in the bible.

I still love the guy like a brother, but it just grates my nerves when he tries to preach to me, or explain something to me that I already know, and then the next minute telling me how he just "shot his load in his girlfriends pussy, and spanked her hard for 20 minutes". Thanks man, I need to hear that.

17-Nov-2009, 01:58 PM
and spanked her hard for 20 minutes". Thanks man, I need to hear that.

He's trying to teach you to turn the other cheek. ;)

17-Nov-2009, 02:20 PM

17-Nov-2009, 02:31 PM

Neither do the Ghostbusters...


17-Nov-2009, 03:26 PM

Neither do the Ghostbusters...


I bet Bassman would love this...oh, wait, nevermind...;)

18-Nov-2009, 04:14 AM
wanna piss off ur parents? tell em jesus was a zombie........:lol: