View Full Version : A little bit more on "The Mist"

27-Feb-2007, 08:09 AM

27-Feb-2007, 11:22 AM
I don't know what The Mist is about but they have a picture with the kid that was in Major Payne and Angus all grown up (he's got the blood on his hand).

27-Feb-2007, 04:48 PM
i bought the dark tower series just before christmas and since then ive been on a total literary king binge, ive read, the green mile, the stand, christine, carrie, misery, the bachman books, dolores clairborne ,cell and just bought everythings eventual, what of his books is the mist in, bag of bones?
i know the story and i heard that romero was directing it, sounds pretty cool, they should get bruce cambell to star in it.:cool:

also i just bought from forbidden planet the 1st issue of the dark tower comic by marvel, and its awesome.

27-Feb-2007, 05:40 PM
they should get bruce cambell to star in it.:cool:

No, we want basically unknowns IMHO!

27-Feb-2007, 05:51 PM
"The Mist" was from the book of short stories called "Skeleton Crew". It was the longest story in the book, and probably worth the price of the book alone.

The Mist has always been one of my favorite King stories, but I'm not sure how the movie will turn out.

I'm a huge fan of Stephen King (i've read almost every book he's ever written), but my experience with his books-to-movies and such is this: if he's not directly involved in the making of the movie - not just a cameo or anything, but we're talking directing or writing the screenplay - then usually the adapations of his movies suck horribly.

Y'know, I used to have an audio book of The Mist recorded in what they called "3D sound" (in other words, they did a lot of panning and fading of the audio during the story) - it was abridged, but it was still a kick-ass audio book too.

My fingers are crossed this movie does the story justice, but we shall see.


27-Feb-2007, 06:06 PM
y'know i only got into king recently and you would think being a romero fan that the stand would be my favourite, but in fact, aside from the dark tower seires, which i frimly believe is better than the lord of the rings and harry potter series christine is my favourite so far, though maybe thats cus a freind i know just got his first car and has been acting different since he got it...:)

27-Feb-2007, 06:34 PM
y'know i only got into king recently and you would think being a romero fan that the stand would be my favourite, but in fact, aside from the dark tower seires, which i frimly believe is better than the lord of the rings and harry potter series christine is my favourite so far, though maybe thats cus a freind i know just got his first car and has been acting different since he got it...:)

Ooops! Ignore! Misread your post!

27-Feb-2007, 06:38 PM

triste realtà
27-Feb-2007, 09:07 PM
Holy ****, I remember reading that someone had bought the rights to this and I can't remember if it was on the internet in the 90s or a ****ing magazine in the 80s, it was that long ago!

This is probably my favorite King story, too, although I like his books a lot less than I used to. The short story collections Night Shift & Skeleton Crew seem way more imaginative than his novels. The kickoff story to Night Shift is cool too. This seems like a perfect movie for CGI. Hope they stick closely to the written word.

There was a text-based game made about this story (in the 80s), but I didn't play it. I remember looking for a download but couldn't find it and it didn't sound like fun anyway.

27-Feb-2007, 11:23 PM
"The Mist" was from the book of short stories called "Skeleton Crew". It was the longest story in the book, and probably worth the price of the book alone.
That's where I know the title from. Could be interesting. If they are adapting a story from Skeleton Crew they should do Survivor Type. Damn, that story creeped me out. :skull:

28-Feb-2007, 04:22 AM
The Mist is from King's short story collection entitled "Skeleton Crew."

If you read it, check out the story called Survivor Type. It's about a doctor that survives a plane crash and is stranded, alone, on a deserted island. Food runs out and he begins amputating limbs and eating himself alive. Good stuff!

28-Feb-2007, 07:59 AM
The Mist is from King's short story collection entitled "Skeleton Crew."

If you read it, check out the story called Survivor Type. It's about a doctor that survives a plane crash and is stranded, alone, on a deserted island. Food runs out and he begins amputating limbs and eating himself alive. Good stuff!

I don't remember that story! I have the book! The one I most remember was the first story in the book which is told the story of a sort of haunted house by letters?

28-Feb-2007, 11:08 AM
Someone mentioned Romero directing the mist... uhhh NO! Shawshank Redemption and Green Miles Frank Darabont is helming the project and it is already filming. You know how I know this will be a great film?

Anything of Stephen King's that Frank Darabont has touched has been perfect gold. The Green Miles was 90% exactly as the book, and The Shawshank Redemption was almost dead on.

I read The Mist about 15 years ago and I loved it. The Mist in book form is a real page turner, you can't put it down even for a second. With Darabont in the directors chair this movies going to stomp all kinds of ass. :D

28-Feb-2007, 11:32 AM
I read The Mist about 15 years ago and I loved it. The Mist in book form is a real page turner, you can't put it down even for a second. With Darabont in the directors chair this movies going to stomp all kinds of ass. :D

I have a copy (mp3) of it in radio play format, and that was very good!

I found this article somewhat ironic given I'd just visited this thread before...


28-Feb-2007, 11:53 AM
Someone mentioned Romero directing the mist... uhhh NO! Shawshank Redemption and Green Miles Frank Darabont is helming the project and it is already filming. You know how I know this will be a great film?

Anything of Stephen King's that Frank Darabont has touched has been perfect gold. The Green Miles was 90% exactly as the book, and The Shawshank Redemption was almost dead on.

it said till recently on wikipedia romero was behind it, but if the green miles director is doing it i think he will do a better job cus that film was fantastic, plus the mist inspired silent hill, so that just makes me wanna see it more:cool:

28-Feb-2007, 11:53 AM
That device reminds of the gadget they used in the book for Brian Keene's The Rising, which ended up bringing the dead back to life. Just like in the article, the machine was built underground and was used for exploring other dimensions int he universe, but it had unlocked a universe in which demons possessed dead bodies and took over the earth.

28-Feb-2007, 04:31 PM
y'know i only got into king recently and you would think being a romero fan that the stand would be my favourite, but in fact, aside from the dark tower seires, which i frimly believe is better than the lord of the rings and harry potter series christine is my favourite so far, though maybe thats cus a freind i know just got his first car and has been acting different since he got it...:)
His early books are all great. Cujo, Christine,Differnet Seasons, carrie.
I love The Stand. The unabridged version is one my all time favorites. There is so much new stuff in it mostly in the end of the world section. Thats the best part. Though I think all that Mother Abigail stuff is just plain lame-o-riffic.
Never Read Harry Potter. Not for me. I dont like magical stuff.

Didnt read Dark Tower either. I havent like most of his later stuff and I thought Cell was unreadable.

Anything of Stephen King's that Frank Darabont has touched has been perfect gold. The Green Miles was 90% exactly as the book, and The Shawshank Redemption was almost dead on.
I probably read the mist, though I cant remember anything about it.
I think Stand by my, the adaptation of the body from different seasons, was dead on perfect. It was almost identical to the story. It wa a tight novella so it was easier not to cut anything.
Shawshank Redemption was pretty dead on except I think the end of ther story was more bittersweet than the movie. I like how the Main character in the story was referenced in another king book (cant remember which) by a criminal bragging about killing a couple and the husband taking the fall.
In the film the rooftop part where he convinces the COs to let him do the taxes was exactly how I pictured it.
Though the movie left out the part with him having a toilet paper tampon up his ass adn I think they lightened up the screwdriver to the head "blowjob or else" scene. Softening that takes the total horror out of the story.

28-Feb-2007, 04:55 PM
i didnt like cell too much either but the dark tower, which technically aint recent at all really si like wild west, meets post apocalyptic, meets sliders, meets the dark materials series, meets the lord of the rings.
its hard to desribe but its safe to say its really, really good:)

28-Feb-2007, 06:07 PM
I'm on about page 250 in Cell right now and I'm loving every moment of it. It's a very different take on the zombie-esque genre.

I'm just waiting for Tom to put the moves on Clay... anyone else?

28-Feb-2007, 06:22 PM
i didnt like cell too much either but the dark tower, which technically aint recent at all really si like wild west, meets post apocalyptic, meets sliders, meets the dark materials series, meets the lord of the rings.
its hard to desribe but its safe to say its really, really good:)
I started reading King in the Mid 70s so its relative. I also dont know when the 1st dark tower came out. mid 90s?

28-Feb-2007, 06:31 PM
nah man i think the origional book, the gunslinger, was written not long after carrie and submitted in parts to a magazine, its a series thats been written ovr like 30 years of the guys life, so its a pretty epic series.

01-Mar-2007, 09:21 PM
I have a copy (mp3) of it in radio play format, and that was very good!

I found this article somewhat ironic given I'd just visited this thread before...


ARGH! Had a shock last night! I flicked over to BBC and caught a bit of the end of an article about this muon accelerator. As I turned over there was Stephen Hawkins with his computer voice saying "tear a hole in the space time continuum and destroy the entire universe"!

My jaw dropped! Here's Stephen Hawkins suggesting this experiment could end the entire universe!??!?! :eek:

I had to watch for another 30 mins until they repeated the article... Before the bit I turned over to hear, Stephen Hawkins said "not" :)

02-Mar-2007, 07:04 AM
Bah, and there was me getting all excited an' all. :D

06-Mar-2007, 10:12 AM
Part 1 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/31728
Part 2 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/31742
Part 3 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/31754
Part 4 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/31771

06-Mar-2007, 10:17 AM
okay, aside from diary this is my most looked forward to horror of 07'.
for dead fans and silent hill fans this is looking good (for those who dont know the mist was the inspiration fro silent hill, so no mist no silent hill).

06-Mar-2007, 02:33 PM
Part 1 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/31728
Part 2 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/31742
Part 3 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/31754

From part 1:-

One, my longtime friend, Greg Nicotero of KNB fame, is directing 2nd Unit on this film and for that reason I knew 2nd Unit would be the more likely to feature a creepy-crawly and my hunch paid off.

God Greg get's to have some fun :)

29-Mar-2007, 08:25 AM
Part 4 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/31771
Part 5 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/32057
Part 6 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/32070

02-Apr-2007, 09:51 AM
Part 7 - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/32103