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28-Feb-2007, 10:10 PM
when is night going to be available on dvd? and how much

28-Feb-2007, 11:24 PM
Well whats going to happen come mid-april, is that its going to be released to google video for all to see and enjoy (i hope). And then some time in May, if people want to purchase it, we will have a dvd made up with some special features and such.

There will be a Night update on this forum either tomorrow or friday! :cool:

01-Mar-2007, 11:00 AM
Good to know, I certainly look forward to seeing it.

Sorry for being a 'tard (and lazy), but what's the running time?

01-Mar-2007, 12:35 PM
Good to know, I certainly look forward to seeing it.

Sorry for being a 'tard (and lazy), but what's the running time?

don't see how it makes you lazy MZ :p the movie clocks in at 70 minutes.