View Full Version : Attention: Fans-o-Zombie-Man!

01-Mar-2007, 06:24 PM
I'm now in the process of putting the final DVD version of the film together, and as part of that I'm creating a list of Zombie Man Fans for the credits as a kind of shout out to the supporters and a sign of my appreciation.

Anyway, if you want your name slapped in them thar credits, simply reply to this post and say whether you want your HPOTD screen-name or your real-world name (if so, provide it) listed.

Just responses relating to the purpose of this thread please, just to keep it simple, cheers. :)

Just a note to say this thread is now closed, because I really must get the final edit put together, but I'll still nod towards 'those who didn't spy this thread' or something, but I really must get the film finished. :)

01-Mar-2007, 07:10 PM
*shoots his hand up in the air quicker than Horseshack on a bad episode of Welcome Back Kotter*

"ohhh! oooohhh!! ooohhhh!! me! me!" :D

(why do I feel like i'm gonna get a smartass answer to this reply? :lol:)

You can list me as:

Real Name/HPotD name if you want, I don't care, as long as I can watch it and go "hey! that's me!" :lol: :lol:

01-Mar-2007, 07:43 PM
<second hand goes up>
"Me. Me. Pleeaasee!!!"
<crosses legs in a piss busting pose>

I sent you my handle by PM a while back, I trust you still have it man.

01-Mar-2007, 10:08 PM
third hand...

02-Mar-2007, 10:05 AM
Cool beans, keep 'em coming/spread the word to other fans you know of, it's a 'limited time offer' kinda thing as I'll start doing the final edit today/tomorrow and it's only gonna be a short while until I have it "locked" once and for all. :)

02-Mar-2007, 03:22 PM
I know I will get a Musical Credit and Announcer Voice Credit automatically, so n oneed for me to raise my hand, but thanks for the offer. :D

02-Mar-2007, 04:12 PM
I am a FAN TOO PLEASE ME TOO I have always dreamed to have my name in lights...this is so cool for you to do this for us!!
My name in lights wowwww there is hope yet for my dreams to come true!!lol:D
Just use Debbieangel that would be so cool thank you so much!!!

02-Mar-2007, 04:54 PM
I know I will get a Musical Credit and Announcer Voice Credit automatically, so n oneed for me to raise my hand, but thanks for the offer. :D

Spell his name backwards and inside out, MZ, just to f*ck with him. :lol: :lol: :D :p

"Special Thanks to "GmasterfunkDJ!"


02-Mar-2007, 08:17 PM
Spell his name backwards and inside out, MZ, just to f*ck with him. :lol: :lol: :D :p

"Special Thanks to "GmasterfunkDJ!"


Well if you do that then do this...

Announcer: Keragu Yrag
Music By : GrertsamknufjD

02-Mar-2007, 10:33 PM
i am a big fan as well, love the films.

04-Mar-2007, 05:11 AM
Both Zombie Man movies were awsome.:skull:

04-Mar-2007, 05:33 AM
Well if you do that then do this...

Announcer: Keragu Yrag
Music By : GrertsamknufjD

oh man, you knows he uses them as his character names for d &d:p

05-Mar-2007, 01:11 PM
I'm now in the process of putting the final DVD version of the film together, and as part of that I'm creating a list of Zombie Man Fans for the credits as a kind of shout out to the supporters and a sign of my appreciation.

Anyway, if you want your name slapped in them thar credits, simply reply to this post and say whether you want your HPOTD screen-name or your real-world name (if so, provide it) listed.

Just responses relating to the purpose of this thread please, just to keep it simple, cheers. :)

when is the dvd coming out. i would like to get a copy. you can use both of names on it for me. my name is Rodney "ZOMBIESLAYER" shackleford. hope to hear when it's coming out so i can get a copy. will it be in stores or do you have to order it off line. later.

05-Mar-2007, 01:22 PM
hehe, I wish I was at the stage where it was coming out in stores.

Nope, it's a self-distributed release, I'll be burning them off and sending them out myself. Payment will be via PayPal (not Credit Cards), initially it will be only on PAL DVD (so those in the UK or those with Region All/Free players or whom have DVD Region Free running on their computers will be sorted from the off).

After the PAL version is out, I'll set about doing an NTSC version of the DVD.

It all takes time, but I hope to make the PAL DVD available in a few short weeks, I'm working on it now in between other things, no official date yet.

It'll be a reasonable price, haven't decided on what yet, but the DVD will feature:

I Am Zombie Man 2
Audio Commentary to IAZM2 by Zombie Man
Making of IAZM2
IAZM2 Photo Gallery
Trapped (my 2005 short zombie film)
I Am Zombie Man 1 (slightly different version to the version appearing on the Deadlands: The Rising DVD)

05-Mar-2007, 05:58 PM
Sounds good man. :thumbsup:

07-Mar-2007, 12:56 AM
We all know I love zombie man.

You can list me as Heidi L. Steindel

07-Mar-2007, 09:53 AM
I'll try and leave this topic open until the weekend. I have a few more names of folk who commented on the original IAZM, I saved the feedback for future reference along with the screen-names of those who posted, so I'll add any names from there that aren't already in here by the time I close this thread at the weekend, because then I really will have to get the film locked and loaded.

07-Mar-2007, 11:09 AM
I'll try and leave this topic open until the weekend. I have a few more names of folk who commented on the original IAZM, I saved the feedback for future reference along with the screen-names of those who posted, so I'll add any names from there that aren't already in here by the time I close this thread at the weekend, because then I really will have to get the film locked and loaded.

Cool. I can not wait to see it. I even had a zombie man dream last night. lol I need to spend less time at hpotd before bedtime i guess. lol

07-Mar-2007, 12:32 PM
oh man, you knows he uses them as his character names for d &d:p

Funniest.... post... ever. :lol: :lol: :D