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View Full Version : Shootings in Seattle at a "Zombie Party"...

25-Mar-2006, 11:20 PM
I don't know if you folks have heard about the shootings in Seattle recently but if not here's the link:


I was just watching a press conference by a police official and he said the shooting happened at a "Zombie Party" with people dressed up to look dead with make up and fake blood. It hasn't hit the written press yet I believe.

This is really not good press for zombie flick fans.:dead:

25-Mar-2006, 11:27 PM
sounds cool and lame all at the same time, dont get me wrong i would probably go to something like that

25-Mar-2006, 11:37 PM
thats is crazy. i feel for the familys of the victoms.
zombie rave? i wonder how that would be?

26-Mar-2006, 02:01 AM
I bet that some type of halunicigen type drug was being used. If the USA would end the "war on drugs" and legalize all drugs and focus on education, I bet stuff like this would happen a lot less.

26-Mar-2006, 10:44 AM


Here we go again...zombies made me do it, who cares what sort of party they were attending - what matters is that a bunch of people are now dead. If some moron runs with the zombie angle I wouldn't be too surprised.

26-Mar-2006, 01:01 PM
It was a very unfortunate event and like Minion Zombie said it is highly possible that some idiot will protest against zombie films.

Some groups have already started critisizing the colour of their hair and the type of music they were listening to.

27-Mar-2006, 04:50 PM
It looks like, for the moment, they're steering away from the zombie angle and going for the let's-blame-the-rave-scene angle. I'm waiting to hear more about motive in the coming days/weeks--I think that'll determine who they really want to stupidly crack down on. I hate it when **** like this happens.

Admittedly...a zombie rave sounds like a damn good time. :D

27-Mar-2006, 05:13 PM
Seattle, huh? Where's Grimstories?!:eek:

But, seriously folks...this is like the third zombie-related violent news story in about a year's time.

First, there was that Jeff Weise (aka Blades11) thing...and at about the same time we had that kid caught in Arkansas (I believe) with plans to pull a Columbine who claimed it was all just a zombie RPG or something. Now, this...

Say what you will about Trekkies having a bad rep....at least they don't pull some of the crazy stuff deadheads do!:confused:

27-Mar-2006, 05:24 PM
deadheads do!:confused:

The name "Deadhead" is used for a fan of the Grateful Dead. Make up another one for folks around here:p

27-Mar-2006, 05:30 PM
No one had a problem with it at the old board....:rolleyes:

27-Mar-2006, 05:32 PM
I didn't say that anyone had a problem with it, now did I? It was a little joke.

But seriously....it can't be used. If it is, it's stolen.:D

27-Mar-2006, 06:14 PM
I don't know if you folks have heard about the shootings in Seattle recently but if not here's the link:


I was just watching a press conference by a police official and he said the shooting happened at a "Zombie Party" with people dressed up to look dead with make up and fake blood. It hasn't hit the written press yet I believe.

This is really not good press for zombie flick fans.:dead:

He said they came from a "Zombie Rave" nothing about the house hosting a zombie party.

27-Mar-2006, 06:59 PM
First, there was that Jeff Weise (aka Blades11)

A member of the boards? What happened? I don't remember hearing anything about this...

27-Mar-2006, 10:54 PM
The Blades11 thing happened in my home state of Minnesota. Basically, he was an member of the Red Lake Indian Reservation who, one day, shot and killed his grandfather, a police officer, and his grandafther's girlfriend with the grandfather's duty weapons, then piled in to his cruiser and went to school, and continued the blood bath, killing in total 9 people I believe before he killed himself. This was one of the forums he visited, actually, it was the old boards but Homepage was in Jeff's bookmarks when the cops started the investigation.

28-Mar-2006, 01:33 PM
Holy ****.

28-Mar-2006, 01:36 PM
Yeh that was messed up that whole situation, Neil fortunately managed to get any mention of HPOTD removed from any online news articles that mentioned it - to avoid a swarm of traffic, therefore bumping the site offline because of Jesus-freaks or whomever looking for something to blame.

The guy just sounded like the usual disaffected youth (possibly with mental health issues) who turns to violence to solve a problem, rather than reaching out...sad stuff.

28-Mar-2006, 06:09 PM
come on guys we all know what really happened! this reminds me of ROTLD 5...some drug turned the people at the partys into zombies so this guy had to go in and protect people but how is he gonna explain that to the police so boom blows his head off. lol just joking..but yeah i feel sorry for the familys of the victims.

28-Mar-2006, 06:11 PM
come on guys we all know what really happened! this reminds me of ROTLD 5...some drug turned the people at the partys into zombies so this guy had to go in and protect people but how is he gonna explain that to the police so boom blows his head off. lol just joking..but yeah i feel sorry for the familys of the victims.

You saying they took Z and were slowly turning if not already. I swear at first I thought it was some sort of bad joke promotion for ROTLD5: Rave to the Grave.

28-Mar-2006, 06:20 PM
You saying they took Z and were slowly turning if not already. I swear at first I thought it was some sort of bad joke promotion for ROTLD5: Rave to the Grave.

same thing i thought to lol...i mean come on if this was a small zombie outbreak at a party the goverment would try to cover it up.

28-Mar-2006, 10:46 PM
Wow. :|

I wonder if the zombie part was just coincidence. It'll be a sad day if I ever hear a defense of "George Romero made me do it" ...

29-Mar-2006, 10:25 PM


Here we go again...zombies made me do it, who cares what sort of party they were attending - what matters is that a bunch of people are now dead. If some moron runs with the zombie angle I wouldn't be too surprised.

there gonna have that clinton bitch hot on there ass.

now forgive me for saying this to any americans, but america is the biggest party pooper ever, they try to ban videogames and porn all the while producing triple bacon burgers and scientology and "intelligent" design.

now forgive my tea and scone filled mind, but britain seems to be now like america was in the early ninetys, so is america just a sign of things to come over here?

i hope not, dont get me wrong theres some good stuff about america.... jackass and kevin smiths films , but those kind of americans need to chill, and i bet the normal americans would agree with me.

now you may think that rant was bollox, but i cant count on all my fingers ,toes and hiar follicles, and im one hairy white bastard, the times someone in americas commited murder and someones said, thats pokemons fault or something..... though thats a bad example.

30-Mar-2006, 07:52 AM
I know exactly what you mean, America is one gigantic, lumbering paradox...an epic hypocrisy.

That loony prez goes about appointing his Jesus Army to the Supreme Court and various "agencies", the latter of whom are set up specifically to 'combat' porn - including valuable FBI resources - shouldn't they be working to stop actual criminals, and terrorists, and serial killers? Yet America has the biggest porn industry in the world - it's a huge part of their own economy, without it they'd suffer that's for sure.

And what's with all those bloody SUVs? Get some sensible fuel consumption for a change!!! Televangelists - just like on South Park - begging for the money of idiots, it's sick. The fuss that was kicked up over Janet Jackson's nipple - it wasn't even a nice nipple! And yet there's a whole investigation, a whole huge fuss and Americans were "embarrassed" by the whole "ordeal" (those Bible belt types) - WHO THE FUDGE CARES?! The FCC must have an epic bladder to be able to pee on EVERYONE'S parade. I'm not an anti-American type - there seems to be a lot of that here in Britain, but I'd safely bet a bunch of that is twat kids just doing it to be cool or because 'everyone else' (apparently) is doing it...saaaaaad.

And I know what you mean about Britain is now like America in the 90s - definately in one respect - all the kids getting shipped off to University, being encouraged to flood the market to ridiculous levels, they come out highly educated and what happens? THERE'S NO FUDGING JOBS!!!

I graduated last summer ... it's taken me 8 or 9 months to get some work experience (which I'm doing for FREE) with the Rural Media Company. No fudging way am I going to London, why should I be forced to go there? It's greedy of the city, bastards! But yeh - you come out highly educated, and you'll rarely find work in your own field - your best bet is McDonalds or some other hard working, low paid job - just like in "Clerks" - it's utterly retarded. This Labour government have seriously screwed up the country, it's ending up like it was in the 1970s when Labour were in, they messed the whole thing up and Britain was in a terrible state - then the only party who actually understands sensible governance - the Conservatives - came in and had to spend many years fixing everything and making TOUGH decisions that not everyone will like - that's proper governance, not pandering to readers of The Sun with cocktail-napkin legislation that ends up in Labour's favourite place - the "long grass".

*grrr* Now I'm ranting...I'll shut up now :p