View Full Version : holy crap, this is ripping off ghost hunters so bad and its worse than most huanted!

04-Mar-2007, 03:28 AM
i **** you not


now i dont see the point in taking in scientific equipment to study paranormal phenomena if your gonna ask a "spirit guide" for guidance during the investigation before hand, guess thats why i like the TAPS ghost hunters way of doing it, they go in to disprove, not to say "whats that sam?, napaloeans in the room with us?":rolleyes:

oh uk folks just thought id point out ghost hunters is rerunning on sky three, so if you never caught this show i can recommend it, its way more entertaining than most haunted, and wihtout that yvettes hair which appears to be going back in time as the show goes on.

04-Mar-2007, 06:28 AM
All of it is bollocks. There are no such things. If you wanna delve into the unknown, then play this (http://www.winterrowd.com/maze/). Try to get past level three, if you can. :D