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View Full Version : UNDEAD AND BURIED IS NO MORE (Film name change)

25-Feb-2006, 12:43 PM
I've decided to scrap UNDEAD AND BURIED and start from scratch... I have shot a couple of scenes but I need to know something... Is there already a film called "DEAD AIR"? If not, I have a name!

25-Feb-2006, 06:17 PM
Google it or better yet, IMDb it, if you can't find anything then bingo - but really, for indie flicks it doesn't really matter if you happen to have the same name as some other flick - obviously you can't have "The Terminator" or something, but a 'generic word' title would be fine.

For instance, the little zombie film I made in the summer (available to view online through www.deadshed.com, hehe) was called "Trapped". I didn't bother looking for other flicks with that name (there have been a couple...but I've never seen or heard of them before)...but hell, even Hollywood flicks can have the same name and get away with it, so on the indie scene, as long as it's not an obvious title-chaff, then it's all gravy baby.

25-Feb-2006, 07:06 PM

There's five of them. Now that's cykotic! :eek: