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26-Mar-2006, 03:19 AM
zombie article (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/26/fashion/sundaystyles/26ZOMBIES.html?_r=1&8hpib&oref=slogin)

26-Mar-2006, 03:41 AM
Decent article. A good find, even if I had to register to read the thing.

They did refer to the 28 Days Later infected as zombies, I'm sure that'll bother some who read the article :skull:

26-Mar-2006, 10:35 AM
Register for the article? Meh, I've registered for too many things I can't be arsed, lol, but yes - in 28 Days Later they're INFECTED ... geeeeeez, wake up and smell reality you dopey journo's! lol.

26-Mar-2006, 12:52 PM
"It's the xenophobia. Americans don't trust Muslims, and Muslims don't trust the West. Everybody is paranoid."

This is sure to raise ire. What was the point of bringing this up? Certainly doesn't belong in an article about zombies.

Anyone heard of Dead Riot?

Lastly, why the heck wasn't HPotD mentioned? I think it beats out All Things Zombie by a landslide...

a comment sure to raise ire. :elol:

26-Mar-2006, 01:42 PM
its nice to see the zombie craze back at full force. it wont last for long , so enjoy it while it lasts peaple.

26-Mar-2006, 10:24 PM
Oh, I have to agree with Brooks about the zombie craze lasting abit longer than it should. Of all the monsters in the horror genre, zombies are really the easiest to write, film and even make a game about.

26-Mar-2006, 10:33 PM
Oh, I have to agree with Brooks about the zombie craze lasting abit longer than it should. Of all the monsters in the horror genre, zombies are really the easiest to write, film and even make a game about.

I dont know. I have seen so many Vampire movies, Good and bad! I think its far easier on the pocket to make a Vampire flick then a Zombie flick.

Usually twice the cast is needed for Zombie films I would think?

Maybe not...I dont know, just seems that way to me

26-Mar-2006, 10:38 PM
Well, true on needing a larger cast for a zombie movie, but I think story wise zombies are still much easier as a plot device than vampires or werewolves. Those monsters you need more backstory and the rules on how to handle such monsters are pretty set in stone so writers don't have the freedom to go nuts.

With zombies you have Romero rules and those outside his rules. But in the end the writer can add his own twist on the zombie story. Zombies truly are blank slates waiting for someone with some creativity to put their own touches. And they make for a much better apocalyptic story than vamps or weres. :)

26-Mar-2006, 10:45 PM
Well, true on needing a larger cast for a zombie movie, but I think story wise zombies are still much easier as a plot device than vampires or werewolves. Those monsters you need more backstory and the rules on how to handle such monsters are pretty set in stone so writers don't have the freedom to go nuts.

With zombies you have Romero rules and those outside his rules. But in the end the writer can add his own twist on the zombie story. Zombies truly are blank slates waiting for someone with some creativity to put their own touches. And they make for a much better apocalyptic story than vamps or weres. :)

I agree.
To many poor Vamp stories have been fabricated and steadily released into the video stores. plaugeing mankind slowly, eating away at our wallets until finally the poor shlub who knows no better reaches his hand for that awfull film... VAMPIRES: LOS' MUERTOS....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

What a SH** film!


27-Mar-2006, 03:03 AM
I thought it was a decent articale too and I love that zombie movies are on a come back. Lets just hope they don't put the "American Idol", "Nsync", "MTV" or any other annoying teen pop effect on it. Cause then though I might still like the movie alittle i would prefer they stick to the basics...decent plot...non-stupid lines...creepy...great makeup...lots of zombies...and some people getting ate out...

mmm...if you took out the zombie part that could have been a decription of a porno even...HAHA!

27-Mar-2006, 03:06 AM
"This summer Max Brooks, the author of the successful "Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From the Living Dead," will publish "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War" (Crown). "

Music to my ears!

27-Mar-2006, 03:09 AM
I have always wanted to write my own zombie books...

27-Mar-2006, 03:18 AM
Alright ... gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27-Mar-2006, 09:33 AM
But you could say that about any genre. Romantic comedies for instance - get two sexy stars, write some smush about them meeting and hating and then loving in some romantic city and bingo - chick flick gold.

The same could be said of so many genres.

27-Mar-2006, 03:42 PM
"This summer Max Brooks, the author of the successful "Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From the Living Dead," will publish "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War" (Crown). "

Music to my ears!

Here's the Amazon.com pre-order link. :)

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0307346609/ref=ed_oe_h/002-7179097-9683256?%5Fencoding=UTF8)