View Full Version : Escape from NY vs. Escape from LA

06-Mar-2007, 10:59 PM
Which one is your favourite of these two John Carpenter films? The original, or the remake/sequel?

I am still undecided, by the way.

06-Mar-2007, 11:25 PM
I never saw l.a. so i voted new york. Now did not he make the ghost of mars and lord of illusions? I can be wrong.

06-Mar-2007, 11:28 PM
bwoy you had one too many swedish meatballs if you can choose between that gem and that turkey...

it's all about the first one!

06-Mar-2007, 11:32 PM
New York was the better movie. More original. L.A. seemed too much of a rip off of the first one. Plus the lead villian was better and had a cooler name.

07-Mar-2007, 12:18 AM
This one is gonna be a landslide win before it's even begun. EVERYBODY knows New York is way better than the sequel. Damn, Escape from LA was totally worthless.

07-Mar-2007, 12:26 AM
No contest..New York wins hands down!!!!;)

07-Mar-2007, 04:57 AM
New York was the better movie. More original. L.A. seemed too much of a rip off of the first one. Plus the lead villian was better and had a cooler name.
Cuervo Jones was real stupid. How does he compete with the Duke!?!?!
Ned, the fact that you cant decide invalidates anything you could say in the future.:p

Peter Fonda and that crap CGI Wave vs the Gladiator fight
yeah and Adrienne Barbeau's boobs. Yum
Harry Dean Stanton
Ernet Borganine
The girl who gets eaten by the cannibals.
There can be no comparison
NY was A+, LA was an F a big fat red F

07-Mar-2007, 05:20 AM
new york all the way.

07-Mar-2007, 10:23 AM
New York, blates.

L.A. was just a pretty lame sequel that just repeated the first movie (not a remake though, just retreading the same road set elsewhere).

07-Mar-2007, 10:29 AM
Haha, didn't know the outcome was so given first hand. Personally, I find LA to be pure class A entertaining super cheese. But definetly GOOD super cheese. I like LA because you get to see more of the future and it's politics, rather than just alot of slums.

Still undecided. NY is just so damn cool too. But cabbie was annoying.

07-Mar-2007, 11:34 AM
yeah and Adrienne Barbeau's boobs. Yum


Nobody is going to vote LA.


07-Mar-2007, 11:42 AM
The ending of Escape from LA was FAB!!!!

ps: I've removed that 3rd "Other" option... Seemed a bit strange as you're asking for a black/white choice to then offer that!?

07-Mar-2007, 12:22 PM
The ending of Escape from LA was FAB!!!!

ps: I've removed that 3rd "Other" option... Seemed a bit strange as you're asking for a black/white choice to then offer that!?

I just included the Other option because I thought some people would say "Where's the Other option?" if I didn't. I don't know why people would vote for it. :p

And yes, LAs ending was the bomb.

07-Mar-2007, 12:30 PM
that and one choice is not a choice at all.

still the first oen gets my vote.

07-Mar-2007, 12:47 PM
I just included the Other option because I thought some people would say "Where's the Other option?" if I didn't. I don't know why people would vote for it. :p

And yes, LAs ending was the bomb.

The basket ball bit was kinda cool as well :)

07-Mar-2007, 12:55 PM
NY has the kick ass Carpenter theme tune ... but LA has the kick ass "The One" song by White Zombie (or is it Rob Zombie?) ... ach, LA has some great bits and it does have Bruce Campbell ... and any Snake Plisken is good, but still, the original beats LA's ass with it's eye patch. :D

07-Mar-2007, 05:52 PM
Haha, didn't know the outcome was so given first hand. Personally, I find LA to be pure class A entertaining super cheese. But definetly GOOD super cheese. I like LA because you get to see more of the future and it's politics, rather than just alot of slums.

Still undecided. NY is just so damn cool too. But cabbie was annoying.
Cabbie was supposed to be annoying. with some characters its an accident but not Cabbie. You keep wanting him to die.

When I saw LA i kept thinking that it was a pale imitation. The Political thing was interesting but I didnt care what happened. I remember little of it and had to think hard to remember the ending.
On the Other hand, EFNY I could probably recite almost the whole thing. It wasnt cheesy at all. It was werid and cool and smart. LA was kinda obvious.

07-Mar-2007, 08:54 PM
Cabbie was supposed to be annoying. with some characters its an accident but not Cabbie. You keep wanting him to die.

You got a source for that? 'Cause of the papers and documentaries I've seen on the film (granted, probably not even half) the only thing they mentioned was that Cabbie was supposed to be the storyteller character. The guy that filled in the holes. That he did. I also didn't want him to die. I just thought he ruined his scenes with bad acting. (And yes, I know it's Ernest Borgnine and I know that he has been in some good roles. But damn, the guy has also made some bad roles)

07-Mar-2007, 09:16 PM
New York all the way. LA seemed to be more of the least favorite child that didn't get treated properly. Kind of like Carpenter gave New York the attention and brains that it deserved and thought that LA would turn out the same way.

Not that LA is horrible. It's got some bad stuff going against it, but it wasn't absolutely awful. A quick entertainment fix.

07-Mar-2007, 09:39 PM
The use of the twin towers as a landing site was spooky ... The guy that delivers the presidents finger was really creepy ... It had a great ending ... The people that say to Snake : " Snake Pliskin? I heard you were dead ! " :lol: The surfing scene in Escape/L.A. was lousy .

07-Mar-2007, 10:45 PM
You got a source for that? 'Cause of the papers and documentaries I've seen on the film (granted, probably not even half) the only thing they mentioned was that Cabbie was supposed to be the storyteller character. The guy that filled in the holes. That he did. I also didn't want him to die. I just thought he ruined his scenes with bad acting. (And yes, I know it's Ernest Borgnine and I know that he has been in some good roles. But damn, the guy has also made some bad roles)
No source, just my impression. I dont like Bourganine much either, but I thought he was supposed to be irritating.:) I just liked the Schlocky nature of his character.
So, turns out he's a sort of macGuffin who serves no purpose except to move the plot from one point to the next. Figures:)

The use of the twin towers as a landing site was spooky ... The guy that delivers the presidents finger was really creepy ... It had a great ending ... The people that say to Snake : " Snake Pliskin? I heard you were dead ! " :lol: The surfing scene in Escape/L.A. was lousy .
NYC used to be a sort of cross between the Warroirs, EFNY and Blade Runner beofre Disneyification. It was really wasy for me to get totally sucked into it as a reality. Manhattan being a small island that can be easily isolated helped. Manhattans not that big. You could probably walk the whole circumference in a day. LA is super huge. Walking all over stretched the imagination for me.

There were areas of Manhattan at the time that looked as bombed out as the movie. Alphabet City for example, right down to the burning cars. The city was so wall to wall violent, it would've been hard not to believe that was possible.

And that Wave CGI thing was so bad I couldnt believe Carpenter even used it.

07-Mar-2007, 11:07 PM
When Carpenter decided to develop Escape from LA he thought people would be unaware of a fairly obscure science fiction movie from the early 1980's. Thus the decision to remake the first film instead of making a valid sequel. From the fan reaction he underestimated the amount of fan interest in the S.D. Snake Plissken character.

Looking back on Escape from LA it's not a bad movie, it's just there are B Movie scenes in there that don't belong. The nuclear powered jet submarine, how everyone in the film lived on an island prison but was clean and wearing leather clothes, the surfing sequence, the death glider scene, and of course the ending.

Snake might be an anti-hero, but would he really be willing to be directly responsible for the largest loss of human life in centuries? Think Carpenter got so wrapped up in trying to portray the religious right in the US as evil that he lost the essence of the character.

08-Mar-2007, 01:41 AM
Still undecided. NY is just so damn cool too. But cabbie was annoying.
Aw man, I thought Borgnine was awesome in EFNY.

The guy that delivers the presidents finger was really creepy...
As was Frank Doubleday. He was cool as f**k in Assault on Precinct 13 too. :cool:

08-Mar-2007, 09:52 AM
yeah and Adrienne Barbeau's boobs. Yum

I was flat out about to say the same thing just now. :)

08-Mar-2007, 10:38 AM
OK! Who's the numpty who voted LA? :)

08-Mar-2007, 10:51 AM
Yeah c'mon, own up you loser. :D

08-Mar-2007, 10:54 AM
I haven't voted on anything yet, but I'm ready to give LA some love.

Cabbie was probably going to be acted as irritating yes, considering it's... Ernest Borgnine. But I still just thought he ruined the scenes he was in. You can be annoying and still play a rather good role, and then you can just be flat out annoying. Like Ernest.

And YES, Snake was really ready to kill thousands of innocents. I think the presidents actions in itself just shows how ****ty the world has become. Snake has always been the archtypical hero who stands for American morals, right? The states were corrupt both in NY and LA, but Snake was about individual freedom. When that freedom gets taken away in LA, I say it's totally in his character to blow the tyranny away, even if it means he has to break a few... million eggs.

08-Mar-2007, 10:57 AM
Dont get me wrong, the ending to L.A. was way cool, but overall the film sucked big time.

08-Mar-2007, 11:01 AM
It was a long time since I saw LA, but I remember thinking it was cool. I always thought the CGI was crappy, tho.

08-Mar-2007, 11:26 AM
Eyebiter, why are you calling LA a remake? It's obviously not. If you watch it you can see how they mention the first one in it a bunch of times.

Perhaps I just misunderstood what you were trying to say.

08-Mar-2007, 12:14 PM
The remake is terrible. I used to stand up for it, saying it was almost a pisstake on the first one. While it does have some redeeming moments (the wave scene is my favourite and I believe it to be intentionally cheesy), there's something about the vibe of the movie that just doesn't work. I think, like GHOSTS OF MARS, it could use a re-edit (and a re-score - they redid the theme music but everything else was absolute plop).

08-Mar-2007, 12:20 PM
The remake is terrible.

Uhhhhhhhh........... :confused:

08-Mar-2007, 12:44 PM
Eyebiter, why are you calling LA a remake? It's obviously not. If you watch it you can see how they mention the first one in it a bunch of times.

Perhaps I just misunderstood what you were trying to say. Escape from LA is a sequel in name only. Far as I'm concerned a big budget remake of the first film. Sure there are some references to prior events in NY and Cleveland in the script but overall the plot is very similar.

Escape from NY

- Island prison
- US President captured by inmates
- Inmates threaten to kill the president unless demands met
- Threat of nuclear war with USSR and China
- Snake sent in to retrieve important fusion power tapes & documents
- Injection of explosive capsules to force compliance
- Insertion into the prison by glider via World Trade Center
- Snake uses a tracker to try to find the President
- Friendly punk woman in ice cream shop killed by CHUDS
- Annoying comic relief (Cabby)
- Criminal from Snakes past who betrayed him (Harold Helman->Brain)
- Escape from prison by cab over bridge
- Snake double crosses US President

Escape from LA
- Island prison
- US President's daughter captured by insurgents
- Insurgents threaten to kill the President's daughter unless demands met
- Threat of imminent invasion of US soil by Latin forces
- Snake sent in to retrieve Sword of Damocles instruction disk
- Infection of Plutoxin 7 virus to force compliance
- Insertion into the prison by nuclear jet mini submarine
- Snake uses a tracker to try to find the first insertion team
- Friendly Arab woman killed on freeway by raiders
- Annoying comic relief (Map to the Stars Eddie)
- Criminal from Snakes past who betrayed him (Carjack Malone -> Hershe)
- Escape from prison by burning helicopter
- Snake double crosses US President

Escape from NY was a gritty action film. The sequel/remake made the hero into a cheesed out self aware comic book character. But the basic plot of both films is very similar.

There were some cool moments in Escape from LA. The earthquake, rise of the religious right, the basketball sequence, various F/X shots. But it fell far short of what could have been.

Near the beginning of the film the authorities mention that Snake was arrested in New Vegas Thailand for Gunfighting for profit. Recall thinking in the theater that I would have liked to seen that. Instead like the first movie the backstory elements were cut by Carpenter to get right to the prison.

Since the third film, video game, and anime project have all been cancelled,
the Snake Plissken story has been continued in a comic book miniseries.

The Snake Plissken Chronicles

Snake Plissken Timeline is another good resource

08-Mar-2007, 10:31 PM
The timeline link is very cool. Now I know what happened to 'Fresno' Bob. :D

09-Mar-2007, 08:37 AM
EFNY #1. Cold, bleak, and mean. The campy atomosphere that took over EFLA as it progressed got on my nerves.

09-Mar-2007, 09:22 AM
I got all inspired, so I started re-watching EFNY last night, it's such a great film isn't it? :cool:

09-Mar-2007, 12:04 PM
I got all inspired, so I started re-watching EFNY last night, it's such a great film isn't it? :cool:

Haha, you and me both brother! I just couldn't resist it...

The DVD version I have is crystal clear, and I'm AMAZED at how stunning some of the visuals are. Like the empty streets with a green hue. Sometimes you just can't tell wether it's a new or an old film.

The film is also interesting from a bunch of social points of view.

- The World Trade Center player such a big role.
- All the heavy devices used to track folks. These days it just takes a single chip and you've got something to track.
- How it has inspired Cyberpunk settins with the visuals of New York.

09-Mar-2007, 06:28 PM
Haha, you and me both brother! I just couldn't resist it...

The DVD version I have is crystal clear, and I'm AMAZED at how stunning some of the visuals are. Like the empty streets with a green hue. Sometimes you just can't tell wether it's a new or an old film.

The film is also interesting from a bunch of social points of view.

- The World Trade Center player such a big role.
- All the heavy devices used to track folks. These days it just takes a single chip and you've got something to track.
- How it has inspired Cyberpunk settins with the visuals of New York.
The DVD transfer is super nice and it had great extras. I think its holds up excellently.

The WTC were like big rectangle mountains sticking up out of the city. If you stood next to it and looked up, it looked like it went all the way to space. You used to be able to look down any North/South Avenue and be able to tell which wasy was south (easy to get confused when you got off a subway). But, alas, no more.

I have been at the top of the towers and it was so high I got nauseous there. the concept of landing a kind of aircraft on it is terrifyng.

If any of you have the opportunity to see it on the big screen you got to go. It looks incredible.

09-Mar-2007, 06:48 PM
I got all inspired, so I started re-watching EFNY last night, it's such a great film isn't it? :cool:
You can't beat that drum beat when The Duke first makes his entrance. <snaps fingers in rhythm> :lol:

09-Mar-2007, 07:04 PM
Oh hell yeah, that's some funky sh*t right there ... plus the main theme ... and Barbeau's fantastic boobs.

09-Mar-2007, 07:08 PM
Oh hell yeah, that's some funky sh*t right there ... plus the main theme ... and Barbeau's fantastic boobs.
The Theme is one of the best. I have listened to the soundtrack a billion times.

09-Mar-2007, 07:15 PM
Yeah both Escape and Assault soundtracks are awesome.

09-Mar-2007, 07:27 PM
And don't forget the OST for The Thing ... it's especially cool how the vibe of EFNY and The Thing are quite similar, I mean the opening credits are even in the same font.

09-Mar-2007, 07:31 PM
And don't forget the OST for The Thing ... it's especially cool how the vibe of EFNY and The Thing are quite similar, I mean the opening credits are even in the same font.
Except the Thing is Ennio Morricone and Assault and EFNY is Carpenter. I agree The vibe is similar though. Assault on Precinct 13 is really great. I love Most of Carpenters Music. He is a big influence on me as a musician.

09-Mar-2007, 09:41 PM
True, The Thing is Morricone, but it fits Carpenter's style (in The Thing anyway) quite well ... and of course, Carpenter co-composed on EFNY.

Just finished watching EFNY, damn fine film. Snake Plissken is a complete bad ass, 80's style - back when they did it best.

09-Mar-2007, 09:57 PM
I used to think Carprnter did the Thing too. They all fit together so well.

Snake is the Badasses badass.
But I liked him (Kurt Russel) when I was little in all those Disney Live action movies like Flubber etc.

I think I am also going to watch EFNY again. Even the deleted scenes are great. It is def in my top ten favorite movies

09-Mar-2007, 10:05 PM
I'm gonna start watching EFLA tonight ... but it won't live up to NY, it didn't before ... but it's better than nothing, any Snake Plissken (original only of course) is awesome.

Kurt Russell is the f*ckin' man.

10-Mar-2007, 12:46 AM
Escape From L.A. was testament to JC's spiral into lameness.

10-Mar-2007, 04:59 AM
For THE THING, I believe Carpenter gave Morricone a musical sample of the feel he was after. Later Morricone presented Carpenter with a selection of musical cues and Carpenter went with the one that represented his the most, probably why that score as a very J.C. feel...

10-Mar-2007, 06:31 AM
"Dum-dum, dum-dum..."

10-Mar-2007, 12:04 PM
I don't think EFNY or EFLA are masterpieces, but they are both great films as far as I'm concerned. But then again, it WAS a while ago since I saw EFLA. But I remember it as a really fun and cool ride.

EFNY probably looks the best though. And it's interesting how "different" NY and LA feel in the films. NY feels more like a ghost town with very few people living there, and they're mostly crazy. LA feels like a warzone.

12-Mar-2007, 12:23 AM
Bruce Campbell was great in LA.

12-Mar-2007, 10:59 AM
Bruce Campbell was great in LA.
Damn straight, I watched EFLA t'other day and his scene was a highlight - shame it was rather short though. :(

"My God, they're real!" :rockbrow:

12-Mar-2007, 11:14 AM
"My God, they're real!" :rockbrow:
Lollywol. :D

12-Mar-2007, 01:44 PM
Watched Escape from LA again yesterday for the first time in like 10 years. Here's my thoughts:

1. It's not as dark as the first film. It's also much more fast-paced. The first film was rather slow at times.

2. Rather than focusing on the "good gang" possé, the film focuses on the bad guy which I think gives the film more character. The Duke was barely ever in the first film, which I didn't really like. Therefore, Cuervo Jones gets my vote for "Best Baddie".

3. The CGI wasn't as bad as I had imagined it! Sure, by todays standards it sucked. But I remembered it being MUCH worse! Hah!

4. Somewhat cooler description of the future. I mean, NY isn't really the future. Our society today is more advanced than NY. I doubt the same will happen with LA. But then again, NY was never supposed to be that advanced. Just dark.

5. It's so stupid sometimes. Like when Snake and the others go handgliding, they glide down over a crowd of 500 thugs with machine guns and start wreaking havoc. They'd get shot in an instant! Stuff like that was abundant. It was a bit to "Hollywood" stupidness for my taste. EFNY had very limited amount of that (A revolver that holds 20 rounds, for one).

I still don't know which to vote for. EFNY is a slower, darker and more realisitc adventure. EFLA has more action, a better badguy and shows you more of the city.

12-Mar-2007, 07:48 PM
Watched Escape from LA again yesterday for the first time in like 10 years. Here's my thoughts:

1. It's not as dark as the first film. It's also much more fast-paced. The first film was rather slow at times.

2. Rather than focusing on the "good gang" possé, the film focuses on the bad guy which I think gives the film more character. The Duke was barely ever in the first film, which I didn't really like. Therefore, Cuervo Jones gets my vote for "Best Baddie".

3. The CGI wasn't as bad as I had imagined it! Sure, by todays standards it sucked. But I remembered it being MUCH worse! Hah!

4. Somewhat cooler description of the future. I mean, NY isn't really the future. Our society today is more advanced than NY. I doubt the same will happen with LA. But then again, NY was never supposed to be that advanced. Just dark.

5. It's so stupid sometimes. Like when Snake and the others go handgliding, they glide down over a crowd of 500 thugs with machine guns and start wreaking havoc. They'd get shot in an instant! Stuff like that was abundant. It was a bit to "Hollywood" stupidness for my taste. EFNY had very limited amount of that (A revolver that holds 20 rounds, for one).

I still don't know which to vote for. EFNY is a slower, darker and more realisitc adventure. EFLA has more action, a better badguy and shows you more of the city.
Here's my coupel pennies
1. Dark and creepy is better for atmosphere. Im not gonna say I hated LA, but it had zero feel. I consider the pace measured, not slow. It was suspensful and scary. LA was neither. I hate the MTV pace. I wish some movies now would slow down

2. Not showing the duke made it more powerful when you did see him. Cuervo Jones was a cartoon but the duke acted like a Warlord/Real Gangster. Also has ther ever, EVER been a mexican named Jones? Carpenter uses that last name waaay too much. There are not that many people named jones that I meet.

3. I think the CGI sucked by any standard. It was plain tacky and took you out of the moment. when I first saw LA ,I said out loud about that wave thing "God, that sucks!". It isnt as bad now but still really crappy.

4. When EFNY came out it was a reasonable dystopian perdiction of the future. beilieve me, if you lived in NYC in the 80s it was extremely reasonable, which I mentioned earlier. Being Pickly over technology is just that. It's a common thing, but its something I just dont notice. And of course there is no tech in NYC prison, Its supposed to be reduced to a middle ages esque existence.

5. LA ahs a lot of stupid and inprobable stuff. The hang glider bit was too Ed Wood. I dont generally like camp and LA was campy out the wazoo.
The whole walled off LA is improbable. LA is spread out and HUGE. I metioned this in an earlier post, but you can walk the entire perimenter of Manhattan in a day. LA. No way. You can drive from one end of NY to the other in a couple hours. LA goes on and on and on

I perfer realism and atmosphere. Cuervo Jones was suckoriffic. If EFNY was never made and only LA I would probably have had no interest in LA at all, because it has carry over affection for that world and Snake. Not for the film itself.
If I think more than once or twice "Man, that is Stooopid" the film goes in the pretty much sucks file

12-Mar-2007, 07:58 PM
IMHO, there shouldn't even be a debate on this subject. Escape From NY is the far superior film, and to be honest we should all forget Escape from LA even exsists.

12-Mar-2007, 08:08 PM
IMHO, there shouldn't even be a debate on this subject. Escape From NY is the far superior film, and to be honest we should all forget Escape from LA even exsists.
To me, it's more of an excuse to blather on about the Greatness of EFNY. Ned is pretty much the only dude who thiks they are equal.

12-Mar-2007, 08:14 PM
To me, it's more of an excuse to blather on about the Greatness of EFNY. Ned is pretty much the only dude who thiks they are equal.

EFNY is most definitely the "Escape From" flick ... I'd heard something briefly somewhere about "Escape From Earth", what was that all about?

Anyway, LA wasn't as bad as I remember it being, but it still sucked, it's just a retread of everything from the first film ... but still, the best part was Snake Plissken, he's just a badass everywhere.

12-Mar-2007, 11:11 PM
IMHO, there shouldn't even be a debate on this subject. Escape From NY is the far superior film, and to be honest we should all forget Escape from LA even exsists.
I think I said something damn close to that on page one so I totally agree witchu man.

13-Mar-2007, 09:20 AM
I'd heard something briefly somewhere about "Escape From Earth", what was that all about?

Escape From Earth was a made-for-TV film that had absolutely nothing to do with Snake Pliskin, EFNY, EFLA, or John Carpenter. The only similarity is that it has "Escape From" in the title.

I wish there had been an Escape From St Louis made in the 90s (or whatever city they talk about a lot in EFLA).

13-Mar-2007, 10:26 AM
This may interest you guys :)


13-Mar-2007, 10:46 AM
*blows brains out all over Neil's horrified face*

WHY???!!! WHY???!!!

Butler will suck balls as Snake, the ONLY Snake is Kurt "super duper badass" Russell, STOP THE FRIGGIN' REMAKES, it's like a second friggin' wind with these people now. :(

13-Mar-2007, 02:54 PM
Bring on Zack Snyder to direct. Technically it will be his third remake. I don't care what anyone says, 300 is really a polished remake of the film 300 spartans using Frank Millers graphic novel.

I have no problem with Zack doing EFNY. IMHO he did fine with the DAWN remake, 300 was blah, but he knows how to direct action, it is all the slow mo that kills it. However, I would prefer they leave EFNY alone.... Please don't ruin my childhood.

13-Mar-2007, 03:55 PM
I have no problem with Zack doing EFNY.
Have I got a problem with Snyder doing EFNY? Yeah, I got a problem, I got a BIG F**KIN' problem (Keitel moment :D). This dude has made nothing but flashy emotionless drivel and he will only slaughter the project. If Snake must be ressurrected then please give it to a professional, preferrably Fincher, Rodriguez or someone equally as respectable. Either way, I know it's gonna suck before it's even made, who the hell are they gonna give Plissken's role to? Nicholas Cage? :lol:

13-Mar-2007, 04:33 PM
To me, it's more of an excuse to blather on about the Greatness of EFNY. Ned is pretty much the only dude who thiks they are equal.

Yeeeah... I don't know why, but I just like L.A. sometimes. But it's definetly no masterpiece. Then again, I think NY has it's faults too.

13-Mar-2007, 07:17 PM
Damn straight Capn, the original is untouchable, a remake will never live up and will most likely be a bunch of lame MTV style action, throw in some poorly placed boobs and/or sex, then throw in some lame nu metal soundtrack, some OTT editing that just takes the complete f*cking piss, then market it to 13 year olds who wouldn't know quality cinematic history if it rose up, bit them in the ass and then gave them a satanic reach around whilst using toilet plungers to liquidise their brains inside their skulls to a soundtrack by Limp Bizkit. :rolleyes::bored:

13-Mar-2007, 08:29 PM
I would like to see John Carpenter and Kurt Russell do a darker (as with NY) Snake film where there wasn't any particular form of escaping going around. That'd be cool.

13-Mar-2007, 08:49 PM
I would like to see John Carpenter and Kurt Russell do a darker (as with NY) Snake film where there wasn't any particular form of escaping going around. That'd be cool.

Yeah, that would be cool but I have a feeling that this summer....."Stuntman Mike" will be Kurt Russell's new iconic figure.

13-Mar-2007, 09:24 PM
Yeah, that would be cool but I have a feeling that this summer....."Stuntman Mike" will be Kurt Russell's new iconic figure.

Bah! To replace Plissken? Doubt it. It'll be entertaining, but it can never replace Plissken. Perhaps "Stuntman Mike" will achieve the same status as, say... Jack Burton.

14-Mar-2007, 12:29 AM
Bah! To replace Plissken? Doubt it. It'll be entertaining, but it can never replace Plissken. Perhaps "Stuntman Mike" will achieve the same status as, say... Jack Burton.

I'm not saying it will replace Snake. It just seems to me that Stuntman Mike will be a slightly bigger name in this "day and age". Let's face it......"Grindhouse" will probably have a bigger audience than "EFNY" ever thought about having.

Not that one is better than the other...it's just the circumstances.

14-Mar-2007, 08:56 AM
I would like to see John Carpenter and Kurt Russell do a darker (as with NY) Snake film where there wasn't any particular form of escaping going around. That'd be cool.
There's no doubt that Russell could carry off Plissken for another movie but I think it's time this franchise was left alone. It's been buggered with a razor dildo for long enough.

market it to 13 year olds who wouldn't know quality cinematic history if it rose up, bit them in the ass and then gave them a satanic reach around whilst using toilet plungers to liquidise their brains inside their skulls to a soundtrack by Limp Bizkit. :rolleyes::bored:
Vintage MZ-ism. :lol:

14-Mar-2007, 11:27 AM
Vintage MZ-ism. :lol:

You f*ckin' knows-it, chap! :D

I'd definitely like to see another Russell Plissken pic, he's totally got time left in him for that, Stuntman Mike is gonna rock a whole other ballgame full of nuts though, I still can't shake that awesome clip from the trailer, it just makes it look like such a fun movie!

14-Mar-2007, 03:38 PM
I'm not saying it will replace Snake. It just seems to me that Stuntman Mike will be a slightly bigger name in this "day and age". Let's face it......"Grindhouse" will probably have a bigger audience than "EFNY" ever thought about having.

Not that one is better than the other...it's just the circumstances.

Well, yeah. But I don't think, in 10 - 20 years, that people will remember Grindhouse as much as people remember EFNY today. Or...

AH! Nobody will reach Plisskens fame. NOBODY!!

Also, if they made another Plissken -film, I wish it had more of a "western" film to it. A western hero, like Plissken, should spend the majority of the film doing badass stuff without really shooting too many people. Like Clint, Bronson, Coburn...

14-Mar-2007, 07:41 PM
But you can't really say what people will or won't think about a movie in 20 years time, there was no doubt many people who thought 20 years ago that EFNY would just sink without a trace or just be some kinda little film in a quite period or something...

I totally think Grindhouse is gonna be one of those flicks that sticks out, like Sin City is doing, it's something different to what everybody else is doing, so I think it's totally gonna have lasting power, more likely on a more cultish level, but that's where those sort of films best belong.

14-Mar-2007, 10:04 PM
But you can't really say what people will or won't think about a movie in 20 years time, there was no doubt many people who thought 20 years ago that EFNY would just sink without a trace or just be some kinda little film in a quite period or something...
I saw EFNY in a packed house a couple of times in it's original release. While not a blockbuster I think some of you fellas may not be aware that was widely seen at the time. Every kid I knew at the time saw it, and loved it. It became a cult thing afterwards, with midnight showings.
Like DOTD, it was very popular in release and had a life of its own in Midnight shows and grindhouses.

Carpenter was a name that pulled a lot of asses into seats at the time, being very popular becasue of Halloween etc.

14-Mar-2007, 11:00 PM
Mmm I guess, but the point I was more trying to make was, what did people think at the time - was EFNY just a cool movie at the time, or a cool movie for all of time?

I should really try and better my clarification sometimes...:p:)

15-Mar-2007, 12:17 AM
Mmm I guess, but the point I was more trying to make was, what did people think at the time - was EFNY just a cool movie at the time, or a cool movie for all of time?

I should really try and better my clarification sometimes...:p:)
Thats hard to say. But i can say it was extremely popular. Exploitation movies got more wide release than they do now.
EFNY captured a lot of imaginations and tapped into something people were feeling. Not like Star Wars or a block buster. But I think it's staying power shows its value.
Ask any guy about EFNY whose my age and they all know.
Thats the best I could do, sorry:eek::)

15-Mar-2007, 06:13 AM
I saw EFNY in a packed house a couple of times in it's original release. While not a blockbuster I think some of you fellas may not be aware that was widely seen at the time. Every kid I knew at the time saw it, and loved it. It became a cult thing afterwards, with midnight showings.

Like DOTD, it was very popular in release and had a life of its own in Midnight shows and grindhouses.
Totally know what you mean. Even though EFNY didn't affect me the same way Dawn did, I totally knew that it was a cinematic masterpiece way back in 82-83. Me and my buddies used to re-enact EFNY in the school playground at lunchtime and we even encouraged some black kid from another class to play the Duke. :cool:

15-Mar-2007, 07:54 AM
Right! We got two pansies now! Come on, own up :)

15-Mar-2007, 11:32 AM
Also don't forget that EFNY was one of the very first Cyberpunk films. So, if all else fails, it'll always be remembered for that. Grindhouse will not be remembered for being the first... of anything. :p

15-Mar-2007, 11:58 AM
Two of 'em?! :shifty:

Right, where's that billy club at?

15-Mar-2007, 05:41 PM
Also don't forget that EFNY was one of the very first Cyberpunk films. So, if all else fails, it'll always be remembered for that. Grindhouse will not be remembered for being the first... of anything. :p
Movie within a movie has been done
Over the top exploitation. C'mon!
It's just a homage for the kids.
Its pretty much Driller Killer and combat Shock in tone and look. At least so far. Except for all the tough girl stuff. A Sibyl Danning movie?

Right! We got two pansies now! Come on, own up :)
thats just not cricket:)

16-Mar-2007, 01:14 AM
Seriously, I think they are doing it for a laugh. Maybe if you delete the two votes, it might smoke the pansies out of their holes. :D

Its pretty much Driller Killer and combat Shock in tone and look.
Great movie, Abel's commentary is awesome.