View Full Version : Dreams

07-Mar-2007, 11:03 AM
I will probably be ridiculed for this but have you ever had a dream that feels so real you can not tell its a dream? That you feel like your actually there?
I dreamed I was in England and in a park out in the country. Cars driving on the wrong side of the road of course:D :D I mean I could smell the air and the detail was very strong it felt real. I got in my car and drove around looking for a place to stay and I came to this town with an Inn and a restaurant. I ordered food and it turned out i had no money and I panacked. I saw minion zombie and zombie man there and then woke up.

07-Mar-2007, 11:42 AM
i had a wierd "so realisitic its scary" dream a while back, i was on an old american bus ,no one else was on it, not even a driver, outside it was a really bright day and everything looked autumnal with orange leaves and yelow gress, there was a canal with a rusty barrier to the side that i noticed and plenty of old buildings that were empty, but i got the feeling like they wer eabandoned not like something bad had happened, then the bus reached the end of this dirt track, and i walked for a bit down this old track through the woodland till i came to an area were there was a concrete tunnel and there was something inside the tunnel, i knew i had to go that way but there were "things" in the tunnel intent on killing me i was about to step in and felt something rush at me when i woke up.

freaky, guess thats why i remember it so vividly.

07-Mar-2007, 12:20 PM
have you ever had a dream that feels so real you can not tell its a dream?

All the time. That's kinda what dreams do, they make you think it's real all the way up til you wake up. If you realize that it's a dream while dreaming, you'll wake up almost instantly. Unless you know lucid dreaming, of course.

07-Mar-2007, 12:46 PM
I very rarely dream, or at least remember I have!

07-Mar-2007, 01:13 PM
Yes, years ago a dream of pale faced zombies/vampires (think Heamovores from Doctor Who Curse of Fenric without the nails) coming at my house from the street, it was night, the only light came from burning cars and some houses across the street and the TV in my bedroom which shown static, it was saying something about it being the end of the world, then they got in downstairs and tried to break the door down. when I woke up I pushed furniture against the door, closed the curtains, put a comedy on and waited til sunrise to venture out.

Weeks ago I had a dream about Cybermen (old style) forcibly converting people. I was waiting in line with some guys I know at a warehouse in Shields, strangely no one was resisting we were just talking and some were looking for a avenue escape, eventually we scattered in all directions and made it into some woods we were walking around aimlessly for ages being hunted.

I remember some details but not everything though some things do remain vivid like other people including Cykotic hanging on a hook in the warehouse and being changed on a molecular level.

07-Mar-2007, 01:39 PM
Yep, that hook f***ing hurt!

07-Mar-2007, 02:55 PM
I will probably be ridiculed for this but have you ever had a dream that feels so real you can not tell its a dream? That you feel like your actually there?
I dreamed I was in England and in a park out in the country. Cars driving on the wrong side of the road of course:D :D I mean I could smell the air and the detail was very strong it felt real. I got in my car and drove around looking for a place to stay and I came to this town with an Inn and a restaurant. I ordered food and it turned out i had no money and I panacked. I saw minion zombie and zombie man there and then woke up.
HLS you were in England , rest assured , MZ wouldve lent you the $ !:elol:

07-Mar-2007, 04:00 PM
I very rarely dream, or at least remember I have!

When you sleep, you dream from the get-go to the second you wake up. Not remembering it sucks, though, because dreams are usually kick ass entertainment and good inspiration for your life. Well, at least that's a communists point of view.

07-Mar-2007, 04:02 PM
hey ill wager most of the famous writers wouldnt have been sucessful if they didnt write down there blunt induced dreams;)

im looking at you tolkein:

"the finest weed in south farthing":lol:

07-Mar-2007, 04:17 PM
lol ... I'm like Freddy Kruger, up-in-your-brain! :elol::evil:

I've had some completely bizarre dreams in my time, like the one that involved me attending a convention in my old high school assembly hall, held by my hair dresser to inform folk of when she was going on holiday ... then it morphs into me riding a Goodfella's Pepperoni Deep Pan Pizza around a sea of green and cheesy/pepperoni/tomato'y gunge through a network of Ghostbuster fire station toy playsets (like I had as a kid), being chased by these weird things throwing gunge at me ... no sh*t, I had this dream.

DVW ... nah, I wouldn't lend her any $ ... ... maybe a couple of these badboys: £ ... kaching, haha! Of course ... you'd have to put on a theatrical style dance, which expresses, in interpretive dance fashion, the fall of the South to the North in the American Civil War ... then I can get me some transatlantic edu-ma-cay-shun, hyuck! ... ... where the hell did that all come from? I ain't even been eatin' cheese!

Chic Freak
07-Mar-2007, 05:44 PM
When you sleep, you dream from the get-go to the second you wake up.

You actually only dream when you are in REM state, with your eyes flicking and your body paralysed. The rest of the time, when people are moving around in their sleep etc, they're probably not dreaming (except sleep walkers/ talkers etc!). Just so you know ;)

I heard something quite funny the other day. This woman had a dream that her boyfriend gave her a diamond ring. The next day at breakfast she said to him, "I had a dream you gave me a diamond ring last night. What do you think it means?" He smiled mysteriously and said, "You'll find out tonight."

She's excited all day, and sure enough, that evening he comes home with a small package for her. It's a book called, 'What Your Dreams Mean.'


07-Mar-2007, 06:07 PM

It's a good thing she didn't dream she got a shiny pearl necklace for a present, eh?! :D

Chic Freak
07-Mar-2007, 07:39 PM
Or wake up with one! :lol:

07-Mar-2007, 07:48 PM
Or wake up with one! :lol:

ho-ho! I like your style of humour. :):D

07-Mar-2007, 08:31 PM
Sleep, those little slices of death, how I loathe them: edgar allen poe

07-Mar-2007, 08:42 PM
You actually only dream when you are in REM state, with your eyes flicking and your body paralysed. The rest of the time, when people are moving around in their sleep etc, they're probably not dreaming (except sleep walkers/ talkers etc!). Just so you know ;)

Not true. REM state is just the deepest state of sleep, and has the longest dreams. You still dream whenever you're not in REM sleep, but the dreams are short and you rarely, if ever, remember them. They can be upwards a minute, or so. REM dreams can last 10-20 minutes.

I've been involved in a project on dreaming where they would ask you questions about them and such. I had it explained to me by three different guys... When people talk of dreams, they usually mean the REM dreams. But dreams are by noway limited to REM sleep.

07-Mar-2007, 09:50 PM
i had a wierd "so realisitic its scary" dream a while back, i was on an old american bus ,no one else was on it, not even a driver, outside it was a really bright day and everything looked autumnal with orange leaves and yelow gress, there was a canal with a rusty barrier to the side that i noticed and plenty of old buildings that were empty, but i got the feeling like they wer eabandoned not like something bad had happened, then the bus reached the end of this dirt track, and i walked for a bit down this old track through the woodland till i came to an area were there was a concrete tunnel and there was something inside the tunnel, i knew i had to go that way but there were "things" in the tunnel intent on killing me i was about to step in and felt something rush at me when i woke up.

freaky, guess thats why i remember it so vividly.

I love dreams that kick ass. Sometimes I wish I never wake up. It is almost like teleporting into a new world when they are so lucid.

HLS you were in England , rest assured , MZ wouldve lent you the $ !:elol:


When you sleep, you dream from the get-go to the second you wake up. Not remembering it sucks, though, because dreams are usually kick ass entertainment and good inspiration for your life. Well, at least that's a communists point of view.

I agree

lol ... I'm like Freddy Kruger, up-in-your-brain! :elol::evil:

I've had some completely bizarre dreams in my time, like the one that involved me attending a convention in my old high school assembly hall, held by my hair dresser to inform folk of when she was going on holiday ... then it morphs into me riding a Goodfella's Pepperoni Deep Pan Pizza around a sea of green and cheesy/pepperoni/tomato'y gunge through a network of Ghostbuster fire station toy playsets (like I had as a kid), being chased by these weird things throwing gunge at me ... no sh*t, I had this dream.

DVW ... nah, I wouldn't lend her any $ ... ... maybe a couple of these badboys: £ ... kaching, haha! Of course ... you'd have to put on a theatrical style dance, which expresses, in interpretive dance fashion, the fall of the South to the North in the American Civil War ... then I can get me some transatlantic edu-ma-cay-shun, hyuck! ... ... where the hell did that all come from? I ain't even been eatin' cheese!

I dont't know. I can do a belly dance :) I used to belly dance with my mom as a kid. It was fun. lol


It's a good thing she didn't dream she got a shiny pearl necklace for a present, eh?! :D

hahahahahahaha. only if its a gift from zombie man (kidding of course!)

Not true. REM state is just the deepest state of sleep, and has the longest dreams. You still dream whenever you're not in REM sleep, but the dreams are short and you rarely, if ever, remember them. They can be upwards a minute, or so. REM dreams can last 10-20 minutes.

I've been involved in a project on dreaming where they would ask you questions about them and such. I had it explained to me by three different guys... When people talk of dreams, they usually mean the REM dreams. But dreams are by noway limited to REM sleep.

Well I read that there is a chemical in your body that keeps you paralized as you sleep. If your body does not produce the hormone or what ever it leads to sleep walking.

Chic Freak
07-Mar-2007, 10:29 PM
Yes, the body-brain connection is broken while you dream to stop you acting the dreams out (because you obviously think they're really happening at the time). This paralysis is when REM occurs. As well as the rapid eye movement, brain waves during REM (i.e. dreaming) are almost identical to those of when you are awake. Sometimes it gets screwed up, either by the connection not being broken and you acting out your dreams by sleep walking, or the connection remaining broken when you wake up, which is that freaky thing when you're awake but can't move or speak and get a creepy feeling there's a presence in the room :dead: The miracles of the human brain, eh.

08-Mar-2007, 12:52 AM
I posted this once before but it is facinating. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_familial_insomnia

08-Mar-2007, 02:30 AM
I remember one dream I had years ago when I was into Nirvana. In this dream I went to a record store and bought TONS or Nirvana cds (most of which probably never existed in real life) and when I woke up, I checked my cd collection to see if I actually had them or not.

But then again most of my dreams are weird, sometimes they even end with credits. :lol:

08-Mar-2007, 09:36 AM
I have dreamed in cartoon a few times. Now that is bizzare.

08-Mar-2007, 09:48 AM
I had a really sh*t dream last night. The fake rubber snake from episode 1x05 of Bam's Unholy Union (which Dunn sent to Bam as a joke present) was in my room, but I prodded it with a model car that I've had since I was a kid (a red convertible Mercedes), and it sprang to life and bit me.

The rest of the dream was me avoiding getting bit and desperately trying to get it trapped under something and when I thought I had managed it (under a pillow and an ice cream tub) it's head managed to poke out and the git got out again. At this stage I was sat down with my ass crack exposed and it went straight for it really viciously, I woke up with a right fright! :eek:

08-Mar-2007, 09:54 AM
Now that's one strange dream.

08-Mar-2007, 05:11 PM
I had a really sh*t dream last night. The fake rubber snake from episode 1x05 of Bam's Unholy Union (which Dunn sent to Bam as a joke present) was in my room, but I prodded it with a model car that I've had since I was a kid (a red convertible Mercedes), and it sprang to life and bit me.

The rest of the dream was me avoiding getting bit and desperately trying to get it trapped under something and when I thought I had managed it (under a pillow and an ice cream tub) it's head managed to poke out and the git got out again. At this stage I was sat down with my ass crack exposed and it went straight for it really viciously, I woke up with a right fright! :eek:

Have you watched Snakes on a Plane lately?

The dreams I hate is dreams of having to find my car. I can never find my car in a dream. Like I would dream I am at a mall and I would leave to go somewhere and I do not know where my car is. I can never complete a phone call in a dream. When ever I call in a dream I always get the wrong number at each try. Another dream frustration of mine is I can never find a working potty in a dream. And if I do there is a group of people standing there staring me and interupting me so I can not go:mad:

08-Mar-2007, 06:14 PM
I watched Snakes on a Plane several weeks ago, it was most definitely the episode of B.U.U. that put it in my head for that dream though ... strangeness.

I hate having dreams where you're constantly running from someone (or a group of people), you can never get away and you feel really tired out...but when I have a zombie dream, I'm always kicking ass and never getting bit - or I have a magical serum to cure me of a bite, lol.

08-Mar-2007, 09:52 PM
the most recurring theme in my dreams is missing a car or bus home and walking but the route which i know by heart isnt the same, some places are there which shouldnt be and some which should are no were to be seen, i very rarely have nightmares in fact i can only remeber 3, one will take up a page of writing so heres the two short ones.

1:im kinda non existent in the dream, i dont even acknowledge i am me or i even exist, a series of events play out but its not like watching a movie or being a 3rd person its something happenning and i know its and see it but im not there in any sense, damn thats hard to describe, a woman goes to a truck stop to look for a job, serves the customers food but discovers the meat isnt pigs but people instead, and shes next, she gets in her car but notcies a huge blood splatter on a load of straw leading into a dark barn, she turns and runs into the darkness down an old dirt track, but the dirt track is turning into wooden boards over a swamp of blood and thats when i woke up, no shock i jsut woke up, wierd as fook huh?

2: the second one was from when i was little i was about 8 years old in life and the dream in an elevator with my family, my shoelace got caught in the door as it goes up im being pulled down, you can imagine were that goes, and what it stems from i was told earlier that day by my grandad about getting your shoelace caught in the escelator


08-Mar-2007, 11:21 PM
I watched Snakes on a Plane several weeks ago, it was most definitely the episode of B.U.U. that put it in my head for that dream though ... strangeness.

I hate having dreams where you're constantly running from someone (or a group of people), you can never get away and you feel really tired out...but when I have a zombie dream, I'm always kicking ass and never getting bit - or I have a magical serum to cure me of a bite, lol.

the most recurring theme in my dreams is missing a car or bus home and walking but the route which i know by heart isnt the same, some places are there which shouldnt be and some which should are no were to be seen, i very rarely have nightmares in fact i can only remeber 3, one will take up a page of writing so heres the two short ones.

1:im kinda non existent in the dream, i dont even acknowledge i am me or i even exist, a series of events play out but its not like watching a movie or being a 3rd person its something happenning and i know its and see it but im not there in any sense, damn thats hard to describe, a woman goes to a truck stop to look for a job, serves the customers food but discovers the meat isnt pigs but people instead, and shes next, she gets in her car but notcies a huge blood splatter on a load of straw leading into a dark barn, she turns and runs into the darkness down an old dirt track, but the dirt track is turning into wooden boards over a swamp of blood and thats when i woke up, no shock i jsut woke up, wierd as fook huh?

2: the second one was from when i was little i was about 8 years old in life and the dream in an elevator with my family, my shoelace got caught in the door as it goes up im being pulled down, you can imagine were that goes, and what it stems from i was told earlier that day by my grandad about getting your shoelace caught in the escelator


I have several recurring dream themes. One is being chased by Godzilla or some sort of dragon or I am in a building trapped with one of these monsters outside and Then do not attack but they follow my movements withing the house and they look at me threw the windows. That scares me more than any dream.
Another theme I have regular is being overcome by waves or I will be by a body of water like following a stream and seeing strange fish.
Also in my dreams I can never look out a window. For some reason looking out a window in a dream always leads to a serious space alien nightmare or a zombie dream.

09-Mar-2007, 01:02 PM
I had a dream which I know I was dreaming last night of hanging out with then killing two girls, I reduced one to a pulsating brain on a table and cut all the limbs off another discarding them on the floor, tore the skin off her face and she automonously banged her head off a table. I'm freaked by the whole thing.

09-Mar-2007, 01:19 PM
...*edges away from rottedfreak*.....

09-Mar-2007, 06:25 PM
...*edges away from rottedfreak*.....
*joins hellsing ... but positions self so that hellsing is between me and RottedFreak* :eek:

09-Mar-2007, 06:36 PM
*joins hellsing ... but positions self so that hellsing is between me and RottedFreak* :eek:

tricky backs up behind MZ & hellsing,and also loads new paintball gun with ballbearings,finger twitching on the trigger....:eek:

Back to the thread though,ive had some weird and wonderful dreams,some horrid ones as well,ive even had ones where ive felt physical pain in the dream & its actually still hurting when i wake up!i reckon its probably muscle cramps that are incorperating themselves into my dreams,like when you fall asleep in a room with other people who are talking,and their voices carry on into your dream in a weird way...

09-Mar-2007, 06:40 PM
I love that spacey sense you get when falling asleep with the TV on, it's like being drunk...ish.

I once had a dream, not sure what happened in it, but I woke up and I must have been fighting to the death in my dream, because I had a cold sweat a-flowin', my muscles felt all shaky and my heart was pounding so hard and loud I could hear it in my ears and feel it thumping against my ribs. My heart has never beat that fast, it was pretty scary to wake up to, must have been one hell of a battle in the dream ... but damn ... I woke up gasping.

Also, a funny one, whenever I'm asleep and I need a big slash, I have a dream about needing to take a whizz, but there's always something to stop me from going, and this keeps going until I wake up and realise I'm busting to squirt...kinda neat actually.

Like a subconscious pee-pee alarm! :lol:

09-Mar-2007, 06:42 PM
I get the pee alarm,usually wakes me up about 5am,but il lay in bed for at least an hour before i get up,despite the discomfort!i dont know why cos if i just go straight away i can get back to sleep instead of laying there,but i never do

09-Mar-2007, 07:03 PM
lol, it's always around 5am isn't it?!

If it's like 7am and I have to be up at 9, then I'll wait it out, otherwise it pressures the balls too much for my liking, lol! ... then you never know if the pee-pee dream is gonna screw your over just for once...:eek::D

09-Mar-2007, 07:24 PM
Also, a funny one, whenever I'm asleep and I need a big slash, I have a dream about needing to take a whizz, but there's always something to stop me from going, and this keeps going until I wake up and realise I'm busting to squirt...kinda neat actually.
Now I pee in my dreams but my alarm is a little different. Once I was busting for a piss (while dreaming) and I found a big cardboard box in the middle of the road. I unzipped myself, pulled out my Peter and began to take a whizz. The box was slowly filling up to the point where it suddenly overflowed and splashed on my shoes. It was then that I woke up and realised that I had pissed about a spoonful and was pretty much bulging at the helm. Needless to say, I rushed downstairs and relieved myself. I agree, neat alarm. :lol:

09-Mar-2007, 07:27 PM
I used to sleepwalk when I was a little kid. Like 3. My Mom caught me pissing in a closet more than once:)

Chic Freak
09-Mar-2007, 07:57 PM
I use the "pee-pee alarm" to get me out of bed in the morning if I have to get up early, by drinking a couple of pints of water before I go to sleep the night before. It's about the only thing that can convince me to get out of bed before 10am! I'm really not a morning person :lol:

09-Mar-2007, 08:02 PM
Me neither. My creativity and general zest ignites around the 12am mark. Strange for a non-goffick. :D

09-Mar-2007, 09:59 PM
lol, tell me about it, I often get to bed between 1am and 2am, sometimes at 3am...then I get up somewhere between 10am and 12pm, so I'm getting on average about the amount of sleep I should be getting normally, but my days are just skewed a bit later than "normal" people.

Two pints ... ... damn.

I have a glass of water for the night in case my throat gets all f*cked up in the night, but I seem to - more often than not - drink it in my sleep. I have absolutely no recollection at all of drinking it, that doesn't mean I just forget waking up for a drink, because I usually remember those times. But there's other times when I don't remember squat and the glass is where it shouldn't be and the cover I put over it (to guard from dust, little flies and such) is flung somewhere it shouldn't be.

So I'm a sleep drinker! ... but a lazy sleep drinker, cos I don't have to get out of bed to take a drink, ha...but that one glass (far less than a pint) can be plenty enough for me...goddamnit I hate getting up in the middle of the night to slash, it just f*cks up my whole night's sleep.

Fortunately, for some strange reason, I've been getting through the night without having to drain a sleepy lizard quite a lot (sometimes it can be really confusing for some strange reason, just really sleepy I guess), so that's been awesome, getting to sleep for more than 4 hours straight without getting up is great.

Speaking of getting up to take a whizz, I use a torch to find my way, no way am I putting lights on, that sh*t hurts and makes me fall over from the shock :lol:, but sometimes when I'm really groggy I pick up my stereo remote which is next to it and then get completely confused as to why my "torch" isn't working (when it's actually the stereo remote), and yet I'll take it with me to the bathroom anyway, and then continue to be completely bemused as to why it isn't working. So I'm standing there smacking it against my palm thinking the batteries are f*cked, lol...it must look hilarious, thinking a remote is a torch and getting really groggily-mad at it not lighting my way. :lol:

09-Mar-2007, 10:36 PM
I know what you mean about the sleep drinking,i do it often!i always take a pint of juice to bed with me,but when i wake in the morning with a dry throat,i reach for the glass and its empty! :confused:
I bet it would look quite creepy to watch myself if i had a hidden camera in my room overnight,filming me sitting up and sipping my drink while being completely unconscious.
Just over a year ago i went fumbling my way through the house in the dark to the toilet,i thought i was on the last step as i went downstairs but wasnt,my ankle twisted & there was a loud cracking sound as my full weight went on it,i had to stop myself from screaming so muttered every foul word i could think of under my breath (didnt want to wake the house up) and fell to the floor.Turned out i'd torn the ligaments in my ankle,it looked like a black golf ball stuck to the side of my foot for weeks,and it was 6 months before i could walk without pain!keep using that torch MZ :lol:

09-Mar-2007, 10:58 PM
Me neither. My creativity and general zest ignites around the 12am mark. Strange for a non-goffick. :D

yeah same here, no matter how tired i am, going to sleep before 10 feels like im wasting precious hours of my life i could spend wasting em looking up **** on the net and wailing on guitar hero 2.;)

10-Mar-2007, 06:40 AM
Oblivion, writing, porn, Oblivion etc... :D

10-Mar-2007, 09:47 AM
*OUCH!* Daaaaamn...

Fortunately the bog is just across the hall from me, so I don't have to scale the stairs - although if I'm running a download(s) overnight then I'm up every 3 hours checking them and making sure my computer hasn't crashed under the heat of it all. I used to do that at uni all the time, as my laptop then was at the foot of my bed, so I was up and down constantly all night checking my downloads, and rebooting my computer if need be (which would take flat out 10 minutes :mad:)

Anyway, just managed to stay in bed all night, but then got up and drew a bath, but it was too hot, so I dropped some cold water in there from the tap and the sonuvvabitch went and dropped a load of green scaley sh*t into the water (you know that scum you get around the taps), so I had to empty the whole f*cking bath and draw another one - but all the hot water was gone, so I had to have a cold splash about like a f*cking pigeon! :eek: