View Full Version : Spider Man 3 clip...

07-Mar-2007, 12:07 PM
...ok... bit of a spoiler... but up to you if you want to watch it!


07-Mar-2007, 12:27 PM
that was awesome, cant wait to see it!:D

07-Mar-2007, 02:20 PM
Pretty cool clip.....but THESE NEW PICTURES (http://www.aintitcool.com/node/31794) have really caught my attention. They're from the book, "The Art of Spiderman 3" and there are some really awesome photos/artwork of Eddie Brock(Topher Grace) becoming Venom. This could be one of the best special effects scenes of all time....

07-Mar-2007, 03:23 PM
cool but he didnt appear to have the logo anymore after the complete transformation, least there doing it right, venoms one of the most iconic bad guys in comics since the joker.

08-Mar-2007, 12:54 AM
That clip was damn impressive but I just wish Raimi would tone it down and make something a little less glossy, like Evil dead 4 for example. :sneaky:

08-Mar-2007, 01:12 AM
Less than 2 months away. Can't wait.

08-Mar-2007, 02:09 PM
same here, y'know i aint been to the cinema of the last few years since return of the king, on account of the being nothing but crap to see, but since 07' ive allready seen 8 films in the cinema, so aside from tehs hti remakes its not been a bad season fro films lately.

though what the **** was up with that "goal, part 2", who in there right mind would watch onne movie about football?, let alone a sequel:confused:

08-Mar-2007, 10:34 PM
though what the **** was up with that "goal, part 2", who in there right mind would watch onne movie about football?, let alone a sequel:confused:
Erm, someone into football. :rolleyes::D

08-Mar-2007, 10:58 PM
so?, its not real its some lame-ass drama about a football player or something and the "dramas" of kicking a ball into a net thats way bigger than the goalie inside it.

aka: yawnsville:rolleyes: