View Full Version : Whoda Thunk it, K-Fed is the decent one!

07-Mar-2007, 10:30 PM
I was reading many articles today about Mr. Spears and it is funny how he ended up coming away from this in better light than the ex. It appears after his superbowl commercial people have found a new respect for K-Fed and some are now admitting they were wrong about him. Anyway, to see the story goto cnn.com and click "Britney's Antics make K-Fed look like good dad."

What is everyones thought on K-Fed now?

07-Mar-2007, 10:39 PM
i have to admit i like the guy better since he did his super bowl commercial, i thought it was funny as f**k. as far as britney goes i think she is a pig and a clown. i never did think she was very sexxy.

07-Mar-2007, 11:26 PM
He does look better than her and he's a douche. Didnt see the Superbowl, but I heard his rap demos and they were horrendous.
She's just gone nuts and he's a pretty typical blue collar burnout guy.

07-Mar-2007, 11:28 PM
there both just white trash hicks though so its funny to watch em crash and burn though, you wouldnt admit it to em but, it is.:p

08-Mar-2007, 01:52 AM
she tried real hard to
lose the innocent image
so she would be taken seriously
as an artist

but it backfired
and now she cant put the pieces back

she wanted to be free of the image of being too
goody goody which is a curse itself
but she didnt know how to do it
and she used k-fed to help her to be
a lower class person

the thing is
he is the real deal
he is a low class user

she was a sweet thing at one point
and now she is lost

a little girl who has lost her compass alone in the woods...

08-Mar-2007, 02:39 AM
Both of them are retards.

08-Mar-2007, 12:49 PM
It is almost a reversal of fortune, actually it is a reversal of fortune. A majority of people who liked her now can't stand her, annd those who hated him are now more forgiving.

08-Mar-2007, 01:09 PM
It's all one big marketing ploy. This sh*t is all planned out....

08-Mar-2007, 01:12 PM
Save your sympathy for for their two kids.

08-Mar-2007, 04:39 PM
Fed ex isa pig. Now i'd rap spears. Justs needs some hair

08-Mar-2007, 04:40 PM
I wonder how they will turn out. I can see Britney living in a junky trailer, only 3 teeth left in her mouth and the kids are like 16 & 17 with their own litters. :lol:

08-Mar-2007, 05:03 PM
Fed ex isa pig. Now i'd rap spears. Justs needs some hair
I guess you never saw those pics of her flapjacks.
What a huge letdown.

08-Mar-2007, 11:30 PM
I guess you never saw those pics of her flapjacks.
What a huge letdown.
Pure rotten. Not only that but it looked like she had some sort of rash down there too. :barf:

09-Mar-2007, 10:15 AM
Her camel toe was looking like BLOWFISH! :D

09-Mar-2007, 06:32 PM
Her camel toe was looking like BLOWFISH! :D

how do I display a pic? It is impossible to figure out.

09-Mar-2007, 06:44 PM
Aye her gash certainly had a case of nappy rash :lol:

09-Mar-2007, 07:18 PM
Tell me about it. Enough to put one off bacon rashers for life.

09-Mar-2007, 11:11 PM
or to quote borat "it hangs down like the sleeve of a wizard":lol:

09-Mar-2007, 11:26 PM
or to quote borat "it hangs down like the sleeve of a wizard":lol:

11-Mar-2007, 12:27 AM
Big deal he is a sloth who knows hes a sloth. hes still a scumbag. Theyre both trash.

11-Mar-2007, 12:55 AM
I really do not know much about him but he seems to be keeping a low profile which is smart for Brittany is making a jack ass out of herself. I can not believe she went bald. I mean there is nothing wrong with being bald but it is so out of her character. I think that woman has went over the deep end. I hear she went after some photographers recent and busted up their car in a rage.

11-Mar-2007, 08:57 AM
Maybe she wanted her head to match her, er, toilet area? :lol:

11-Mar-2007, 07:56 PM
Maybe she wanted her head to match her, er, toilet area? :lol:
We say carpet match the drapes:D

I heard because of some child custody stuff she shaved her head to beat a drug test, because Evidence reamins in your hair long after it exits your body
Which makes sence to me

11-Mar-2007, 08:06 PM
then surely thats just proving she was out of it?, or just brewed too much of "the shine" and whent paranoid.:dead:

12-Mar-2007, 02:01 AM
I heard because of some child custody stuff she shaved her head to beat a drug test, because Evidence reamins in your hair long after it exits your body.
Would not surprise me. I think she needs to tone down her boozing more than anything though. Every night she's snapped out on the town wobbling around, champange glass in hand, cigarette hanging out of her gob, looking at the camera with her good eye.