View Full Version : Bizarre magazine! XD

Chic Freak
09-Mar-2007, 09:39 AM
Sorry if no-one cares, and sorry if this technically counts as spam, but I'm so effin' excited I had to post somewhere now I've finished screaming down the phone at _liam_ (in a good way).

I got an email this morning from Bizarre magazine saying I'm one of their official Ultra Vixens they've selected to be in the next issue of the magazine!!!!!

:D :D :D :D

I'm SO excited, Bizarre has been my favourite magazine since the tender age of 14 and I always used to look at the girls in there and vaguely dream about being in there myself one day, although I never thought I actually would be!!

Feel free to vomit, it's a touching tale, I know.

So yeah!! I think it's issue #122, or whatever the next one is, if you want to see ;)



09-Mar-2007, 12:13 PM
Nice one!

09-Mar-2007, 12:36 PM
What's Bizarre Magazine? I never heard of it before. What do they do, interview people?

Chic Freak
09-Mar-2007, 12:49 PM
Nice one!

Fankoo! :D

What's Bizarre Magazine? I never heard of it before. What do they do, interview people?

Their website is here (http://bizarremag.com/). Bizarre is a sort of spin-off from Fortean Times, with lots of weird stuff (as the name would suggest). As well as the paranormal stuff, the magazine typically covers a lot of fetish stuff as well as serial killers and random cool stuff :)

09-Mar-2007, 05:34 PM
Very nice.

I had to check out your personal site out of morbid curiousity, after reading your post. I can only say, with no shame...


Okay...a bit of shame...:o

Still, congrats.

Will the shoot be online after, or added to your site?

Chic Freak
09-Mar-2007, 06:11 PM
Hee hee, thank you :o

I'm not doing a special shoot for them, just sending them some of my old photos for them to choose from, as the deadline is Monday morning (cheers for telling me on Friday, guys :rolleyes: ). I'm just hyper-excited about it because it's my favourite magazine, really!

09-Mar-2007, 07:09 PM
Congrats on that Chic Freak. I'm a regular reader of Bizarre so I'll look forward to having a ganders. Well done. :thumbsup:

09-Mar-2007, 11:08 PM
bizaare was allways a little too, well, bizaare for my taste, what with the balls juicing nd whatnot, more of a fangoria bloke myself, but hey its allways good to get into a magazine, be it in a letter or something else, congrats.:)

10-Mar-2007, 06:41 AM
Naw man, how else are you gonna see a human head after a two tonne crate has landed on it? :D

Chic Freak
10-Mar-2007, 08:05 AM
its allways good to get into a magazine, be it in a letter or something else, congrats.:)

Thank you! It should be good for my portfolio too :)

Naw man, how else are you gonna see a human head after a two tonne crate has landed on it? :D

Well exactly, let's not forget what's important here :lol:

12-Mar-2007, 10:22 PM
o.o Coolness Im a big fan of reader, hard to complain when you mix sex with twisted literature. Is it this months issue youre starring in? Oh I have a claim to fame :shifty:

Chic Freak
13-Mar-2007, 09:16 AM
Greetings fellow Cornwallian :D

It's next month's, issue #123 I think! Not the one that came out yesterday (apologies for my confusion there).

13-Mar-2007, 06:12 PM
A fellow Cornwallian? Awesome and Ill look forward to the next issue, maybe Ill even to buy it rather than read while being yelled at to buy or leave. Yeah Im a student so I always leave..:D

Chic Freak
13-Mar-2007, 07:09 PM
I can also totally empathise with the student thing :lol:

14-Mar-2007, 01:46 AM
A fellow Cornwallian? Awesome and Ill look forward to the next issue, maybe Ill even to buy it rather than read while being yelled at to buy or leave. Yeah Im a student so I always leave..:D

word byatch, i allways skim read the latest fangoria before film class:lol:

14-Mar-2007, 09:41 AM
My newsagent is always looking at me over the aisles because of Fangoria. I stand there and read the thing for 30 minutes straight right there instore. Damn straight too, I ain't payin' a fricken fiver for it!

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 11:36 AM
I keep an eye on my magazines in the newsagent on campus. The only customers are students really, so no-one bats an eyelid. They'd probably be shocked if you did actually pay for a magazine in there :lol:

15-Mar-2007, 06:20 AM
I wish the same could be said for the comic book shop nearby. Everytime I take a peek, there's like three bespactacled sci fi nerds on my case telling me not to take the comic out of the covers. <spotlight> :eek::shifty::confused:

Chic Freak
15-Mar-2007, 09:23 AM
Lmao. ****ing comic shop owners/ staff... I don't even go in unless I have Liam with me :rolleyes:

16-Mar-2007, 01:37 AM
And why is it that the old comics that you wanna sift through are always buried under 10 dozen Star Wars toy boxes? Get rid of those things for chrissakes, it's always the heavy stockage of Star Wars s**t that brings down a good comic store. Everywhere you go, Han Solo this, Darth Vader that and I have to wait until next week to get my Freak Bros comics 'cos of the George Lucas money machine. Have you heard these idiots speak? "Oh, I had to wait light years for that comic," or "Oh shut up, that comic was bantha fodder. You obviously never read issues 10 to 12, lazer brain." I mean, GET A F**KING LIFE!!! :mad::lol:

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 10:03 AM
Have you heard these idiots speak? "Oh, I had to wait light years for that comic," or "Oh shut up, that comic was bantha fodder. You obviously never read issues 10 to 12, lazer brain." I mean, GET A F**KING LIFE!!! :mad::lol:

Scary stuff. Those shops can be depressing places sometimes. I was going to try and get a job in my local one when i first moved here, I figured it would be a nice quiet job where I could spend most of the day reading and stealing things. I went into ask, had a little browse through the stock first (kind of in preparation), and the dudes behind the counter were snickering and nudging each other that much I just left again :mad:

16-Mar-2007, 11:13 AM
Yeah some of the people in these places are nutjobs. Years ago in the same shop I was looking for Dr Who s**t when this short, very round, bespectabled teenage girl with braces and bad acne slithered her way up to me and was like (very timidly and in one sentence), "let me recommend the Target books they are just simply wonderful because they have excellent artwork on the front, the one from (random Tom Baker story) is fabulous because it displays K9 with a lower grade metallic sheen than usual which is rather unlike the K9 model I have on my mantlepiece at home which I got at the recent (random Dr Who convention) where the Brigadier Nicholas Courtney signed my dvd copy of Invasion of the Cybermen which included the first ever appearance of the Cybermats, incidentally do you know that Patrick Troughton fought the Cybermen 3 times in his career 4 if you include The Five Doctors but out of them all he fought the most monsters and was voted as the 4th best Doctor of all time in a recent Whovian poll...(etc)" :|

16-Mar-2007, 11:17 AM
:lol: i know what you mean

i call those geeks "asylum nurses" - they hold you down and pump you full of sh*t

16-Mar-2007, 03:43 PM
geez, people who love star wars that much need to wear plastic bags over there feet and live in a ward:rolleyes:

16-Mar-2007, 06:18 PM
Scary stuff. Those shops can be depressing places sometimes. I was going to try and get a job in my local one when i first moved here, I figured it would be a nice quiet job where I could spend most of the day reading and stealing things. I went into ask, had a little browse through the stock first (kind of in preparation), and the dudes behind the counter were snickering and nudging each other that much I just left again :mad:
I hate the dusty and smelly ones where they wont talk to you even if its about buying something. Then if they do talk to to, they suddenly cut you off to start talking to their other spaz buddy about cocks and fags with an 11 year old standing there.

All dark with stuff covering the windows like some little kids clubhouse playing some console game and calling each other gay.

Only stocking wolverine and other crap and never anything good "what's that? I don't carry that because, despite the evidence to the contrary, I know it wont sell. Plus my taste sucks". Like the store 2 blocks from my apt which does all of those things. No walking dead. I hate that store. And the owner looks like he's out of deliverance and talks SOOOOO SLOOOOOOW. He tries to get cute with my GF and because she Japanese he thinks she wont notice he's a dork.:) But she DOES. hah

The best store I have ever been to is Jim Hanley's Universe In Manhattan. Sure they got geeks and the one guy whose a Star Wars douche and actually thinks he's some kind of thug. But almost every other person is pretty normal and easy to talk to There is really only one guy there who is a traditional "comic book spaz". hey even had good looking (horrors!) girls (yes, plural) working there. They have any and all kinds of books and dont just cater to the meatheads and children.
Comic stores come and go but that one thrives because of those things. That place is always full of people and more than a few female customers.

Y'know Chic Freak, you work there and those never get laid dorks are your slaves. You can piss on them all day and they will still worship you.

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 06:42 PM
Y'know Chic Freak, you work there and those never get laid dorks are your slaves. You can piss on them all day and they will still worship you.

I never even thought of that! Too bad I'm moving in a few weeks.

Smelly shop owner douche: "Amy, go and re-stock stuff and clean the store and do a stock-take and tidy the shelves and wash the windows out front and make us all coffee."
Me: "Mm, can't you do it? I'm kind of in the middle of playing with my boobies here."
SSOD: ":eek: 'Kay!"
Me: "Oh and btw I need a raise to buy lingerie."
SSOD: ":eek: 'Kay!"
Me: "Anyhow, I'm going home early, see ya."


I'm a bastard, I know.

16-Mar-2007, 07:11 PM
the best was once i was in "gamesmart" (see what they did there), and the dude had a giant stack of ultimate spiderman comics on the desk which he was putting in a box. being a reader of that series, i said "oh you read ultimate spiderman then"

he's like

i'm like... ok...are you guys moving into selling comics now then?

he's like

so i just bought a dvd and ****ed off. f*cking geek, proper gollum looking git too, i dunno whether he had a rifle under the desk or felt invincible behind his desk but wtf...

16-Mar-2007, 07:25 PM
I never even thought of that! Too bad I'm moving in a few weeks.

Smelly shop owner douche: "Amy, go and re-stock stuff and clean the store and do a stock-take and tidy the shelves and wash the windows out front and make us all coffee."
Me: "Mm, can't you do it? I'm kind of in the middle of playing with my boobies here."
SSOD: ":eek: 'Kay!"
Me: "Oh and btw I need a raise to buy lingerie."
SSOD: ":eek: 'Kay!"
Me: "Anyhow, I'm going home early, see ya."


I'm a bastard, I know.
That was EXACTLY what I was talking about. That is super funny:lol: Unless you get a s**t like me who'll say
"Equal Opportunity pay, equal work. I actually get laid, so cool it!"
I had a job where some "model" girl played that with me. I got fed up with her faux diva act and told her
"I dont like you. Your'e not smart. You are not nice. You may be pretty, but I am not impressed. I'm not exactly deformed over here so go play that crap with the little boys"
My work buddy said I could've made her my sex slave after that cause no guy ever raked her that way before. As the kids today say, "Owned!"

the best was once i was in "gamesmart" (see what they did there), and the dude had a giant stack of ultimate spiderman comics on the desk which he was putting in a box. being a reader of that series, i said "oh you read ultimate spiderman then"

he's like

i'm like... ok...are you guys moving into selling comics now then?

he's like

so i just bought a dvd and ****ed off. f*cking geek, proper gollum looking git too, i dunno whether he had a rifle under the desk or felt invincible behind his desk but wtf...
Shoul've kept going with the questions. "Then WHY do you have a box of books?!?"
The geeks always fold under aggression. They dont know what to do.

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 08:06 PM
I had a job where some "model" girl played that with me. I got fed up with her faux diva act and told her
"I dont like you. Your'e not smart. You are not nice. You may be pretty, but I am not impressed. I'm not exactly deformed over here so go play that crap with the little boys"
My work buddy said I could've made her my sex slave after that cause no guy ever raked her that way before. As the kids today say, "Owned!"

Maybe just so she could put a pillow over your face once you'd fallen asleep :lol:

I'd like to point out to anyone reading this that I've never *actually* attempted to pull any of that sort of bull****, equal rights = equal duties after all ;) Plus I'd just be kind of embarassed, really!

And I believe the phrase you'r referring to is PWN3D :p

16-Mar-2007, 08:48 PM
Maybe just so she could put a pillow over your face once you'd fallen asleep :lol:

I'd like to point out to anyone reading this that I've never *actually* attempted to pull any of that sort of bull****, equal rights = equal duties after all ;) Plus I'd just be kind of embarassed, really!

And I believe the phrase you'r referring to is PWN3D :p
That pillow thing is scary:eek:. And I lied to her. She was totally hot. But I couldnt let her know

It was obvious you were joking, so no worries:)

PWN3D. OK.. But I will only go so far with that sort of thing. Dont want to be "the old guy at the club":p

16-Mar-2007, 11:28 PM
WOW cool!!!:cool: i will look for it.

When does it come out? The closest thing I got to being in a magazine is when i wrote a letter to SPIN magazine in 1988 to the column Buster Poindexter wrote and it got published.

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 11:39 PM
beginning of April I think :)

16-Mar-2007, 11:57 PM
I was in Iron Horse Magazine in 1987!
Anyone impressed other than me?:D

Yeah and congratulations! Being in a mag you already dug is very cool. Like when I played CBGB at Midnight on a saturday to a packed house.:)

Chic Freak
12-May-2007, 05:49 PM
I've just been told by a couple of people on my myspace friends list (god bless 'em, I wouldn't have known otherwise) that I'm in the June issue that's out now (the UK one) :)

Now to find somewhere round here that actually stocks Bizarre... :rockbrow:

15-May-2007, 05:53 PM
Yep its this one youre starring in..Lol Noice pic

Ps Which castle? :lol: jk

Chic Freak
15-May-2007, 09:12 PM
*serious face* Banwell Castle, Somerset. Here's a picture:


I ain't kidding.

I made up the bit about the rolled up Manowar posters though.

16-May-2007, 04:35 AM
F**k walking down that tunnel, thems the kinds of tunnels that ghosts jump out of! :confused:

16-May-2007, 04:49 AM
Looks like my kinda place, actually ;)

16-May-2007, 05:23 AM
Yes, but you bask in the darkness, my friend. MUAH-HA-HA! :elol:

Chic Freak
16-May-2007, 03:02 PM
F**k walking down that tunnel, thems the kinds of tunnels that ghosts jump out of! :confused:

It used to have a nice friendly 'Castle Entrance' sign but Liam stole it on the way out :D

18-May-2007, 01:28 PM
Dare I ask what these picture are of? :)

Chic Freak
18-May-2007, 04:44 PM
Ha, nothing rude. Thought I'd be original in that sense :P Ditto with the sexual position question, I didn't really want to enter that 'who can come up with the most pornographic experience/ fantasy' contest thing :rolleyes:

A wee little scan of it:


(bigger version here (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=82365492&albumID=0&imageID=7153549))

18-May-2007, 04:55 PM
damn, i was expecting something in bizaare to be way mroe....wel, bizaare.

Chic Freak
18-May-2007, 05:00 PM
Yep, they picked my least bizarre picture!
