View Full Version : Diggin In Vs. Hittin The Road?

09-Mar-2007, 05:37 PM
What would you do in a zombie scenario? Try to fortify your house or head for the hills?

09-Mar-2007, 05:56 PM
I would become a mass murderer and store zombies in my basement. Then feed them to keep them away from me.

09-Mar-2007, 11:14 PM
ill sum it up in a fe wrandom words

phase 1:monster truck
samurai swords
paintball guns
general lee horn
lots 'n lots of fireworks
unguarded stores
zombie celebritys to find and kill just becuase. (bonus points for simon cowel, william shatner and phil collins;) )
heavy metal music blasting all the while

phase 2:......

...phase 3, profit.:p

10-Mar-2007, 12:16 AM
i would make my way to the bush and hide out.

10-Mar-2007, 12:41 AM
ill sum it up in a fe wrandom words

phase 1:monster truck
samurai swords
paintball guns
general lee horn
lots 'n lots of fireworks
unguarded stores
zombie celebritys to find and kill just becuase. (bonus points for simon cowel, william shatner and phil collins;) )
heavy metal music blasting all the while

phase 2:......

...phase 3, profit.:p

And then on a serious note what would you do ? :rolleyes: :confused:

10-Mar-2007, 12:46 AM
...well on a serious note. its.not.real.:rolleyes:

10-Mar-2007, 01:15 AM
...well on a serious note. its.not.real.:rolleyes:

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo . You don't say ? :confused:


Like all good make believe; it's only fun when the plausibility factor is kept intact. Your version sounded like a 10 year olds game plan and I was serious when I asked about 'what would you really do?'

(No offense) :rolleyes:

10-Mar-2007, 01:44 AM
i could not fortify the place where i live

so i would have no choice but to leave

to go where?

if this situation ever arose
i dont think there would be a safe place

unless the powers that be actually did something right and
contained it right away
then this world wouldnt be anyplace
you would want to survive in

10-Mar-2007, 07:17 AM
Anywhere where there's grass. But what type though?

10-Mar-2007, 11:35 AM
I would stay where I am. I own a gun and have enough bullets to fight off 30-40 corpses. I of course would go get more the minute it started happening. My home is two levels, bathrooms upstairs and down. My smallest bedroom is becoming my work area and I am putting a small fridge in there to keep beer in once the room is finished, so I could load that up with small protein drinks and what not. I could easily escape to the roof from my attic and walk down the otherside to be in the parking lot where my car is parked.

My only two weak spots would be the patio door (Sliding Glass) and the two large windows in the living room. I would buy plywood at the start of the outbreak and board my house up really nice. One sheet of plywood inside and out. The patio door needs replacing and it is being done in April and being replaced with a steel re-inforced french style exterior interior style door. It has smaller windows but the main construction is steel. The patio itself is enclosed, although it is a wood fence, it could easily hold back 5-7 zombies, but a larger crowd would just mow it down. However, it would give me enough time to escape upstairs if they did break through.

I just bought a rather large fridge to replace the one that was in the house when I bought it. It can easily hold two months worth of food, if not more. I spoke to a co-worker who is a nutritionist and posed the zombie question on her and said what would be needed to survive for sometime.

She suggested dried foods like Granola, canned foods (Mostly vegetables like green beans or carrots) and of course tons of vitamins. So when stock piling grab as much one a Days as you can. Once you run out of food you can sustain your existence on vitamins for some time. Although most people wouldn't do this, stock piling old Carafes from orange juice or milk is a good idea. When the **** hits the fans you can fill them with water. If you own a coffee pot you should filter the water if it is still on months into the apocalypse. Just fill it up and filter the water through 2-3 coffee filters it will pull out 90% of the impurities, not too mention it heats it up which will kill most bacteria.

If you're a smoker... Stock pile cigarettes. You can barter those later on. hell if you're a non smoker stock pile them. A pack of smokes in a zombie infested world could fetch you a lot of things. If you can steal or snag 200 cartons you would have enough cigarette packs to barter and live for 3-5 years (if you barter wisely)

Drugs, most pharmacies would be raided, so get their early and grab the pain pills and antibiotics (use for barter). The idea to survival is to be smart and set yourself up so you can survive for X amount of time. If you have loved ones factor that in as well. However, once the **** hits the fan the only thing that will be worth anything are guns, smokes and drugs.

10-Mar-2007, 12:43 PM
grab the pain pills

Use for barter my a$$. :D

10-Mar-2007, 01:31 PM
Well I didn't say don't keep any for yourself. Hell, even I would keep at least a few hundred just for relaxation use.

10-Mar-2007, 01:40 PM
samurai swords

Why use samurai swords when Machetes, european bastard swords or falcatas would be so much better at chopping people up? Kinda irrelevant, but I'm a swordnut...

I would dig in, cause I live in a large ****ing country with around 9 million people in it total. There's around 10,000 people in my town, and geographically it's a big ****ing town.

I'm pretty safe here. No reason to change that.

10-Mar-2007, 04:07 PM
treat this like a massive natural disaster ,no time to shop or write up and order a dream list on e-bay ,just weapons and equiptment you have around your house!

10-Mar-2007, 04:12 PM
Why use samurai swords when Machetes, european bastard swords or falcatas would be so much better at chopping people up? Kinda irrelevant, but I'm a swordnut...

I would dig in, cause I live in a large ****ing country with around 9 million people in it total. There's around 10,000 people in my town, and geographically it's a big ****ing town.

I'm pretty safe here. No reason to change that.
Unless 9,999 of your town turn into zombies and all come banging on your door, that is. :D

10-Mar-2007, 04:16 PM
aint you in britain?thats a tiny island country with millions and millions of people,a bad place to be in my books!

10-Mar-2007, 07:00 PM
Unless 9,999 of your town turn into zombies and all come banging on your door, that is. :D

If 99% of the population in my town turned into zombies, which is not very likely considering it's so big it'd take longer for it to spread than for people to realize what's going on, then I'm still in a pretty secure location. I got a large bombshelter, I'd say around 60-70 square meters if not more. It even has two different rooms. I could just hide out in the room where there's no windows until the zombies disperse then take an axe and go out and kill a few. go back in, hide. Wait. Repeat etc. etc. The zombies in my neck of the woods would never get that many either, seeing as I live on a hill in the corner of town. Near the woods.

I'm generally in a pretty ideal place. Besides, if the movies are right most people would flee the town, leaving a pretty empty place.

ryeandcoke, if you're referring to me then no. I'm in Sweden. We don't have that many people, mostly forests.

10-Mar-2007, 07:22 PM
but europe like most of north america and asia would be a war zone,i wonder if nukes would be used?

10-Mar-2007, 08:10 PM
but europe like most of north america and asia would be a war zone,i wonder if nukes would be used?

Yes. But Sweden is practically isolated from the rest of Europe, except from very far up north... And not even a zombie would want to live there. It's just miles and miles of forests.

10-Mar-2007, 09:25 PM
I'd stay put even though I am in a 'generic affluent suburban' area. There is not a lot of people around and my area is a quiet one (Live inside a Golf Country Club).

I'd be busy bording windows up, which I have alreayd due to being in a Hurricane path. No weapons other than baseball bats, golf clubs, knives, garden tools ...

But now that I think about it; if the people could cooridinate, the entire hood could be 'blocked' off from the outside.

11-Mar-2007, 12:49 AM
Why use samurai swords when Machetes, european bastard swords or falcatas would be so much better at chopping people up?

becuase they look cool as fook.:cool: :lol:

11-Mar-2007, 11:48 AM
I'd probably stay put, but just because there's nowhere else better to go in my vicinity, our house is well built and has strong doors ... but we'd have to venture outside for a hammer and nails, which would be interesting. :D

But it's quite quiet out here, mind you, we do live on the cusp of a 10,000-ish population town (could even be 15 thou, not sure).

11-Mar-2007, 04:47 PM
if you are bugging out on foot then what would you take andbe honest this is not a video game where you can pack 12 guns and 10000 rounds??

12-Mar-2007, 10:16 AM
We don't have guns here in the UK, or aren't supposed to anyway. So I'd be taking things like a hammer, golf club, cricket bat, spade - aye, Shaun of the Dead stylee - you know, sharpen a stick or something...

Although there's a farm nearby, and that guy has a shotgun, how do I know?

1) Farmers always have shotguns
2) He shot at me and a friend with it :lol:

12-Mar-2007, 08:06 PM
Although there's a farm nearby, and that guy has a shotgun, how do I know?

1) Farmers always have shotguns
2) He shot at me and a friend with it :lol:
I've been shot at by shotguns at least 3 times. Got to get the space between you and the pellets.
Run forest run!

12-Mar-2007, 08:12 PM
I've been shot at by shotguns at least 3 times. Got to get the space between you and the pellets.
Run forest run!
lol, tell me about it, we heard the pellets flitting in the trees overhead, he was scaring us off (must have been a nutter, he'd tied a dead crow by it's neck to a wooden post and plucked it's eyes out :eek:) ... needless to say we ran out asses off and never returned! :D

12-Mar-2007, 08:30 PM
lol, tell me about it, we heard the pellets flitting in the trees overhead, he was scaring us off (must have been a nutter, he'd tied a dead crow by it's neck to a wooden post and plucked it's eyes out :eek:) ... needless to say we ran out asses off and never returned! :D
Holy crap!
One time I had the exact same thing!
That is wierd!
A rip in the space time continuum perhaps?

12-Mar-2007, 11:51 PM
what is ti with farmers and screwing with dead stuff?, i bet a fair few of em have gone to that playingwithdeadthings.com hopeing for like a forum to post **** like "and this week i took a swam ,cut its head off and nailed it to a tree".
which no **** i saw once in my local nature reserve, theres a farm right next to it, and the same familys owned that house before the town was here, theres even rumors there inbreds, and yep once when i was 9 my grandad and i accidently crossed onto there land and got a gun aimed at us.


13-Mar-2007, 10:17 AM
Holy crap!
One time I had the exact same thing!
That is wierd!
A rip in the space time continuum perhaps?
Hey! Stop trying to steal my copy of the Sports Almanac!! :eek: :D

Maybe the farmers are distant relatives? :)

13-Mar-2007, 05:06 PM
Hey! Stop trying to steal my copy of the Sports Almanac!! :eek: :D

That reminds me.

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind director Michel Gondy is excited to remake the 1980's classic Back to the Future. "Back to the Future is really a classic for me," Gondry says. "But I have to do it in 2 hours. I wrote the screenplay of this scene... Back to the Future as somebody would direct it if he had only 2 hours."

In Gondry's next film Be Kind, Rewind, Jack Black plays a man whose brain becomes magnetized. Black unintentionally destroys every tape in his friend's video store. In order to satisfy the store's most loyal renter, an aging woman with signs of dementia, the two men set out to remake the lost films which will include Rush Hour 2, Robocop, Boyz In The Hood and Back to the Future. Basically all the types of movies "that people would rent in a video store which doesn't carry DVDs," explains Gondry.

"There is a film camera that is shooting the making of, which is our actual movie, which slows us down, unfortunately," explained Gondry. "But it will be interesting to do it by memory, not watching the film."

Gondry also revealed that the crew has been banned from going back to the actual movies because they might try "to perfectly reenact all the cinema." And that isn't something Gondry wants. The crew were only given permission to look at the VHS boxes for prop purposes. "Everybody comes up with their own visions in terms of art direction... it's how they would do it," Gondry told AICN. "But it's hard because we are making film for our living, so we are not like those guys. We have to think of how you would do it if you had 2 hours to do it."

In an interview last week, Gondry also revealed that he will be unable to feature one of the films he had scripted due to rights issues. "The rights situation in the world is getting ridiculous," he says. "I have to reimagine a quarter of my film one week before I shoot. It’s absurd. We are not allowed to shoot graffiti without the permission of the person who drew it, even something like ‘f — you.'"

Obtaining the rights could be a lot of trouble. "We needed authorization from every director, writer, producer for each movie we are doing," explained Gondry.

13-Mar-2007, 07:37 PM

The BTTF trilogy is untouchable, the first film is just over 20 years old, the last one only came out in 1990.

*ach* this is f*cking sickening, you can't make a better film, it can't be done. These films had the stars align for them, something special happened, something you CAN'T manufacture, and then by the time some twat wants a remake, they've had endless cult success on the home video market.

It's f*cking sickening beyond belief, they might as well just go and rape every single one of the people who grew up loving these movies, because that's what they're doing with all these horrid and unoriginal remakes.

14-Mar-2007, 10:11 AM
LOL, I take it you feel strongly about this then? :rolleyes::lol:

14-Mar-2007, 12:08 PM
You're damn straight I am, but back to zombies ... I think I'd realistically try to dig in, go searching around at the beginning and think of a better possibility, but most likely dig in, put my fingers in my ears and go "la la la, not listening!" and watch Sky News to see Jeremy Thompson really mean it when he says "by removing the head or destroying the brain". :eek:

15-Mar-2007, 07:06 AM
I think I'd realistically try to dig in, go searching around at the beginning and think of a better possibility, but most likely dig in, put my fingers in my ears and go "la la la, not listening!" and watch Sky News to see Jeremy Thompson really mean it when he says "by removing the head or destroying the brain".
Or watch videos of Top Gear so that it would take your mind off the zombies and make you feel all fuzzy wuzzy inside. :D

15-Mar-2007, 01:30 PM
Or watch videos of Top Gear so that it would take your mind off the zombies and make you feel all fuzzy wuzzy inside. :D
You f*cking knows it, I've got almost all of them on disc now anyway, haha. As long as the electricity was still flowing I'd be set up. :cool:

16-Mar-2007, 03:28 AM
Yeah, if a real life zombie crisis hit the world then I think many people would turn to their comforts and try to forget whats going on. I wonder how many would just take some sleeping pills and go to bed?

16-Mar-2007, 04:59 AM
Yeah, if a real life zombie crisis hit the world then I think many people would turn to their comforts and try to forget whats going on. I wonder how many would just take some sleeping pills and go to bed?
I always imagined it like A nuke war aftermath. Sort of waiting to die.
I have no access to firearms. I would be trapped in the city lile in Katrina (New Orleans flood). There is no possible positive outcome that I could Imagine in that scenario. Where would I go? Gridlocked highways. 10 million in just the city with the same idea plus the suburds which go on forever. Could only go north, but to where?

30-Jun-2007, 12:51 AM
I live in a rural area so I'd "dig in." There should be enough food to survive a month or more. I have enough ammo here to put down a few dozen zombies. I'm sure after a few weeks, nature will have taken its course in my area and all of the remaining residents in this sleepy town will be zombified. As a result, I'll be free to raid neighboring houses up the road from me to find sources of food or ammunition to begin the next phase of my life. I don't live in a big enough area for there to be huge crowds of zombies, so truthfully I wouldn't be too worried about a lot of them breaking in here :D

30-Jun-2007, 03:49 AM
Bah... i'd raid town for supplies and show zombies whassup... and of course if they turn out to be running zombies i'd prolly end up fleeing to the ocean to me boat and hope for the best on another continent...

30-Jun-2007, 02:45 PM
if one of Neds neighbours turned ,then the "RED BOOK" clearly says he has to pass the infection around so that everybody gets their fair share of infection, isn't that right comrade :lol:

30-Jun-2007, 03:02 PM
if one of Neds neighbours turned ,then the "RED BOOK" clearly says he has to pass the infection around so that everybody gets their fair share of infection, isn't that right comrade :lol:

Nah, Dr. Foster said they're not human, so we're in the green. Or red. Whichever you prefer. :)