View Full Version : FBI illegally mis-using the Patriot Act? No, you don't say!!

09-Mar-2007, 08:43 PM

This is why some legistration is dangerous. Tell me, why not go up the old standard and get a Judge's approval in the first place anyway?

I mean, they sent out letters to acquire records from phone companies, internet providers, etc, so that would mean it would take time to type up the request, send it out and then receive it, right? Then why not get a Judge's approval to begin with? It wouldn't take that much more time and they couldn't argue it was time sensative if it took time to begin with to get the info!

Maybe because the Patriot Act was pushed through too quickly after 9-11 because of fears of terrorists in every other house in America? Is there a hidden agenda? Who knows, probably not, but you never know.

:dead: Dawg

09-Mar-2007, 08:59 PM
I'm actually far-Right when it comes to things like this. The Patriot Act needs to be done away with. Soon.

09-Mar-2007, 09:42 PM
This news doesn't surprise me in the least. Anyone who is shocked and appalled about this needs to get their heads out of their asses.

09-Mar-2007, 09:58 PM
*gasp*....power being abused!....I would have never imagined our government capable of such deceit....

09-Mar-2007, 11:10 PM
*yet another generic sarcastic comment about not being surprised*

10-Mar-2007, 01:35 AM
i think we all expected this to happen

now we get to see how bad
this was abused

that is the thing we may be shocked over
if we are even told anything near the truth that is...

10-Mar-2007, 02:02 AM
This news doesn't surprise me in the least. Anyone who is shocked and appalled about this needs to get their heads out of their asses.
I think it was built for abuse. But is it abusing the act when it is intended to violate privacy?

I read the surveyed almost 4000 people in ONE MONTH alone!
There probably hasnt been more than 300 or so Terrorists in the history of the US. I know its a wild guesstimate. Weathermen, Militia, Abortion bombers, Anarchists in the 1920s etc. Put em all together and theres not that many and thats my point.

I agree with DJ. It wasnt IF they would abuse it (or us), it was when.
And when was when?

I'll bet my balls thats its more of a COINTEL PRO ememies list/dissident watch (harassment) that any thing having to do with Terrorists.

people would say "who cares". See if they say that when they have a ****ing file at the feds.

10-Mar-2007, 12:12 PM
Don't worry guys, the state takes care of everything.

11-Mar-2007, 12:26 AM
Ah well, you win some you lose some. Misuse of the Pat act yesterday, the appeal of an unconstitutional ban on private ownership of guns in Washington DC today.