View Full Version : Why have you your name?

10-Mar-2007, 03:16 AM
The utility of this post, is that we can know the why of your names...
My name is formed for Huesca (my city) + Nacho, (my name)= Huescacho...:D :rolleyes:

10-Mar-2007, 03:34 AM

Dj - as in what I did for a living in my early 20's
Funk - Music I preferred
Master - Some of the other Dj's use to call me the Funk Master or Dr. Phunkenstein as a joke
G - Gary is my first name.

10-Mar-2007, 03:44 AM
"of or pertaining to the planet Earth," 1881, in science fiction writing, from L. terra (see terrain). Also used as a noun meaning "inhabitant of the Earth" (1953). An earlier form, terrene was used in M.E. in sense of "belonging to this world, earthly, secular, temporal" (c.1300), later, "of the Earth as a planet" (1635).

The term Terran is commonly used in science fiction to refer to humans. The word derives from Latin terra meaning Earth

I always dreamed that someday I would become something synthetic or artificial...information manifested in a robot of some sort etc....
And once that state was reached I would want to leave the planet....but either way I would want to keep the name Terran both as an identifier from where I originated from (Earth) and a reminder of what I once was (Human)....

10-Mar-2007, 03:48 AM
slickwilly was a screen nick given to me by Asian hackers during my first semester of college 10 years ago. 13 is my lucky number and I was born on Feb. 13. Also, slickwilly13 is associated with my 1st hotmail e-mail address 10 years ago.

10-Mar-2007, 04:33 AM
tied to the tracks

My favorite song by my favorite band.

tied to the tracks - soul asylum

off of the record Made To Be Broken

Good luck finding it.

10-Mar-2007, 06:11 AM
HLS is my innitials. When I joined here I could not think of anything clever. I so wish the powers that be would alow me to make a one time name change for over the past 2 years I have developed an awesome screen name at other sites that I would love to use here. When MSN still had the chat I was βΞΆħə秆ẽịת™

I would love to change HLS to that. lol


Dj - as in what I did for a living in my early 20's
Funk - Music I preferred
Master - Some of the other Dj's use to call me the Funk Master or Dr. Phunkenstein as a joke
G - Gary is my first name.

I think you have the coolest name here at HPOTD :D

10-Mar-2007, 06:50 AM
guess where I got my name from..

10-Mar-2007, 06:53 AM
Well, because of the peeps that run this place's fear of allowing me the name Capncnut (by the way, why here and not above my avatar?*), I renamed myself CapnKnut. My real name is much more interesting though. In Gone With the Wind there was a character called Rhett. Out of fear of being ridiculed, my mother named me Brett. Yeah, I'm stuck with that name for good, great huh? :|:lol:

* Good point though.

10-Mar-2007, 07:30 AM
Well, because of the peeps that run this place's fear of allowing me the name Capncnut

That's funny, because everytime I see your nick. I always see those last 4 letters switched around. *L*

10-Mar-2007, 08:54 AM
My names Richard,and when i was about 11 years old all the older kids started calling me tricky dicky,the dicky was soon dropped but the tricky stuck!14 years later its still my nickname :lol:

10-Mar-2007, 11:04 AM
<<<<<<<< I love the film.

"Be one of us!" :p

10-Mar-2007, 11:49 AM
My name is EvilNed because that's what the state told me to use.

10-Mar-2007, 11:58 AM
N E I L = N E I L

10-Mar-2007, 12:14 PM
I originally went by a different name, but changed it as the first one was kinda lame, can't even remember what it was now, anyway, the one I've got now:

The zombie part - nuff said, makes sense, innit? :D

The "Minion" part, I had an episode of Friends on in the background while I was online and Chandler said "a minion of the anti-christ" at the very moment I was thinking of a new name, so it stuck, and ergo - MinionZombie.

The light-hearted subtitle "King of the Undead" was afforded me by an old ex-member of the forum who was around in the DiscussionApp days, which is when I first joined this merry band of nutters. :)

10-Mar-2007, 12:35 PM
heh, cos "Liam" is often taken, so i stick a couple of underscores either side so i'm not Liam6847493.


10-Mar-2007, 12:57 PM
twist - from the song "twist and shout" - my favorite song

bud - from the movie "air bud" - my favorite movie

10-Mar-2007, 01:37 PM
and here I thought it was a reference to rolling a spliff. ;) :D :sneaky:

10-Mar-2007, 02:08 PM
im gonna have to ask my parents and get back to y'all.

10-Mar-2007, 02:28 PM
Well my real name is Debbie and I love angels I collect angels and I have used this name on other chats. I couldnt think of a good one so I stuck with this one. IF I could change my name it would be Zombielady that has a nice ring to it doesnt it? But, alot of people call me DA in chat and thats cool too!

11-Mar-2007, 12:32 AM
my real names Danny, but thats taken surprisingly often, and when i first started using internet forums i was currently folowing a since finished anime and continuing manga series called hellsing, since it sounded a little "goffy" i thought theres no way anyone would use that, and i kept registering at different places with it and it kinda stuck.

beats "yetanothergoku18274728282832pwns":rolleyes:

11-Mar-2007, 12:48 AM
hellsing is a quality show. bo

11-Mar-2007, 12:51 AM
yeah i didnt mind it only ran for 13 eps and didnt follow the mana when it whent all "nazi vampires", curiosly after ehllboy got released over there, plus the jazz/punk soundtrack on the origional series rocked that new OVA has crappy run of the mill anime music:rolleyes: