View Full Version : 360 game recommendations for MZ...

10-Mar-2007, 12:18 PM
What's shakin' folks...

Anyway, like some of you will no doubt most definitely know from my constant talking about it, I'm eyeing up a 360 for my b-day, and I was wondering if there are any particular game recommendations? The sort of game on the 360 I'm looking into is:

Alan Wake
Gears of War
Saints Row

Any experiences with these games, or other recommendations that suit my sensibilities?

10-Mar-2007, 03:37 PM
Dead Rising should be a no brainer

10-Mar-2007, 04:02 PM
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that one - I'll blates get that sooner or later.

Any other ideas folks, or experiences of the games in the list (save for those that ain't out yet of course) or other games you folk might possibly recommend?

10-Mar-2007, 04:24 PM
Gears of War is, in my opinion, the best game for the system. Others to look in to:

Crackdown: Extremely fun GTA-sandbox game. Imagine The Hulk and Robocop mixed together, and thats pretty much what this game is. You play as a superpowerd cop taking out bad guys. It is a bit short though, and the main reason lots of people bought it was for the invitation to the Halo 3 beta. But, nevertheless, its a great game on its own. Saints Row follows the GTA mold a bit more closely, if thats what you're looking for.

Forza Motorsport II: Many say its predecessor was better than Gran Turismo 4, I was one of them. It will probably be the best racer on 360. I believe it comes out in May. You can buy Project Gotham Racing 3 for cheap to hold you over till this one comes out.

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter II: I played it at a friends house recently, and it improves upon the first game in every way. Its a pretty realistic skermish sim, so a couple shots and you're dead. It's still damn fun though.

Are you in to RPGs at all? You should check out Oblivion, its an adventure game with a great feeling of freedom. You can just walk around the woods, finding treasures and fighting goblins. Best RPG of last year, in my opinion.

Then yeah, Dead Rising obviously.

10-Mar-2007, 05:09 PM
Are you into sports games or beat'em ups?

10-Mar-2007, 08:35 PM
How could you forget Dead Rising MZ?

Condemned was darn creepy, might be worth a look.
Lost Planet is quite solid, awesome battles.
Rainbox Six Vegas, what can I say?
Fight Night, if you like boxing.
Definitely Forza 2 'cos it'll knock the granny out of PGR3.
Oblivion should be investigated, so epic.

As for the up and coming titles, I would add:

Mass Effect
Half Life 2 (it'll destroy the PC version)
Clive Barker's Jericho
oh and Resident Evil 5

11-Mar-2007, 12:18 AM
gears of war, turns out it aint just talk it really is good.
alone in the dark, maybe
half life 2, with all 3 eps plus extras:cool:
resi 5
silent hill 2 thru 5 ,in case you aint played em yet;)

dead rising, while fun at last, does get REEEAAAAAAL boring, i loved it at first but man, i got rid of it with only about 60% of the achievemnts purely becuase it got SO boring plus the sotry is real cliche' straight to dvd movie type stuff, if you really wanna kill zombies i can recommend it, but its got real difficult time conservation constraints and the extras and unlockables suck *shrugs*, though thats just me.

11-Mar-2007, 08:03 AM
Yeah, Dead Rising does lose it's fizz after a while but methinks MZ will spooge over it. I kept it 'cos I like the layout of the mall and I enjoy doing my own thang from time to time.

11-Mar-2007, 11:41 AM
I think I'll grab Dead Rising when it's on an offer or something then...

HL2, with all three episodes? :rockbrow: Ep 2 isn't even finished, they haven't even got Ep 3 started yet, doi...

Besides, I have HL2 and Ep 1 for the holy spoodge grail - the PC. :D

Games like Silent Hill and Resi, while I like the look of them, I don't like playing them. I remember trying to play Resi: Veronica (or whatever) on Dreamcast, it got lame and boring, and not because it was a sequel, but just because I don't like to play that style of game.

Gears of War, PGR3, Dead Rising, Saints Row ... methinks these will be the ones I'll be looking out for, one or two of them like, from the off ... then get some pre-ordering go-an-on. :D

11-Mar-2007, 12:07 PM
Its definately a PC upgrade rather than going down the console route for me this year!i was going to upgrade now but i think il struggle on a few months longer while vista settles & DX10 graphics cards get mainstream (and cheaper)
Might get a console before xmas though!

11-Mar-2007, 12:29 PM
If I could afford a PC upgrade, I would do it (and get a 360 regardless), but I've been out of the console game for so long I wanna dip my toes in again and do without the worry of "will this play on my rig" for a while, then when I've acquired a stable financial situation (far from that at the moment) then I'll spoodge out for a tip-top gaming beast for the next-next-gen. :lol:

And then I'll catch up on a bunch of games I'll have missed somewhere in between now and then, like FPS type games that I'd rather not play on the 360, unless they release a plug in keyboard 'n' mouse that you can slip in where the joypad usually goes...now that's be sweet.

11-Mar-2007, 11:48 PM
HL2, with all three episodes? :rockbrow: Ep 2 isn't even finished, they haven't even got Ep 3 started yet, doi...

Besides, I have HL2 and Ep 1 for the holy spoodge grail - the PC. :D
Basically it's Half Life 2 with souped up graphics and textures, Episodes 1 & 2, a mini game called Portal and the Team Fortress package. The first Xbox version clearly couldn't handle the game (even though it was a top attempt) but this one will be an upgrade of the PC version and more.

I thought Half Life 2 handled extremely well on the Xbox, don't know about anyone else?

11-Mar-2007, 11:52 PM
oh yeah, it was excellent. one of , if not the greatest fps games on the origional xbox, the only competitors are maybe halo 2 and black.

12-Mar-2007, 10:57 AM
Halo 2 can suck a f*ck in comparison to Half Life 2, and Black seems more about just blowing sh*t up only on a damn console, when it's blatantly a game for the PC in spirit.

The problem with the original Xbox is that it couldn't achieve the resolutions you can on a PC (which is still ahead of consoles in the resolution department on the higher specs). I play HL2 on 1280x1024 resolution, and it looks marvellous, even 2 and a half years after it came out. It looks even better with HDR fluctuating it's illuminated goodness all over the shop too.

12-Mar-2007, 11:09 AM
The problem with the original Xbox is that it couldn't achieve the resolutions you can on a PC (which is still ahead of consoles in the resolution department on the higher specs). I play HL2 on 1280x1024 resolution, and it looks marvellous, even 2 and a half years after it came out.
Who cares about that s**t, the 360 will exceed the PC's graphics for another year. :thumbsup:

12-Mar-2007, 11:31 AM
Who cares about that s**t, the 360 will exceed the PC's graphics for another year.

Erm ... nope. :D

Top end PC's already outstrip or at the very least sit side-by-side with current "next gen" consoles, and soon the technology will rocket forth again leaving the consoles behind.

Still though, I want a 360 damnit!

12-Mar-2007, 12:11 PM
Erm ... nope. :D
Check out the textures for Half Life 2 on the 360, destroys the PC version.

12-Mar-2007, 12:56 PM
Go on, post some images then, biatch. :D

12-Mar-2007, 10:13 PM
OK, first off read this preview from Gamespy (http://uk.xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/half-life-2/736576p1.html), the feast your eyes on this (http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/image/article/735/735724/half-life-2-20060927114256585.jpg), this (http://lowspec.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/03/HL2%20Ravenholm.jpg) and this (http://files.xboxic.com/general/half-life-2.jpg). I'll find more when I can. :D

13-Mar-2007, 10:40 AM
1st "this" is from Episode 2 ... that's how the game looks/will look on the PC as well.

2nd "this" and 3rd "this" is how it looks on the PC as well. :rockbrow:

a lot closer to a high-end PC version

See ... closer, but not there, to a high-end PC - which by now will probably be a medium-end PC at the rate the tech moves ... as for the new lighting effects, that's after-the-fact additions, you can't count those fairly ... besides, I'm not sure whether HDR has been implemented for HL2 itself or not on the PC, haven't updated gheay Steam in a while. :cool::D:sneaky:

13-Mar-2007, 02:28 PM
as for the new lighting effects, that's after-the-fact additions, you can't count those fairly...
Yes you can, it doesn't matter if it's been added after, it's still a touch the PC version don't have. So identical graphics (with tweaks), smoother gameplay and all of those extras on one disc. To me that's the definitive version matey. :D

13-Mar-2007, 07:01 PM
I'm sure by "lighting effects" they mean the HDR lighting, and that IS on the PC version, in fact, it was there first. :sneaky:

Smoother gameplay? What the hell does that even mean, it's the same game, derh...extras? You mean the stuff already available for PC, or stuff that's going to be available for PC at the same time it comes out for consoles? :rolleyes:

HL2 is a blatant PC title, that's where it was designed and what it was designed for. The console version is nothing but cashing in to make more money.

14-Mar-2007, 01:21 AM
^try playing morrowind on the xbox and running really fast through the world, then do the same in oblivion, then youll know what a "smooth" game is.

14-Mar-2007, 08:26 AM
HL2 is a blatant PC title, that's where it was designed and what it was designed for. The console version is nothing but cashing in to make more money.
Dont think so. Watch the video in the other thread, console gaming is where it's at bwoy! :D

try playing morrowind on the xbox and running really fast through the world, then do the same in oblivion, then youll know what a "smooth" game is.
Word yo.

14-Mar-2007, 11:36 AM
Console gaming is flat out not where it's at though. Console is for the everyday masses, the real brilliance and work is done on PC.

Where did Doom originate? Where did Half Life originate? Where did FarCry originate? Where did Max Payne originate? Where did Crysis originate? Where did STALKER originate?

These are all games that pushed the boundaries right off the cliff and breathed the free air, the PC consistently pushes the boundaries and is consistently ahead of the console game, at best consoles catch up when a new gen comes along, but soon after the PC switches into a new generation of graphics cards, so they're ahead once again.

The PC is where the renaissance happens ... consoles are a cineplex showing action movies to the mushy splodge of the masses.

14-Mar-2007, 11:43 AM
final fantasy
resident evil
metal gear solid
silent hill
sonic the hedgehog
mario bros.
dragon quest
devil may cry
dead rising
panzaer dragoon orta

...should i continue?

14-Mar-2007, 12:13 PM
final fantasy - hate those games
resident evil - said before I don't "do" those kinda games
metal gear solid - Splinter Cell is the daddy, f*ck MGS
silent hill - same as Resi
sonic the hedgehog - I have the original 1 and 3 on Mega Drive, the 3-D ones are lame
mario bros. - always was a Sonic guy
tetris - that's for Game Boy specifically in my eyes
metroid - don't like those games
zelda - don't like those games either
dragon quest - f*ck dragons
halo - might get Halo 3, maaaaayyyybe
ico - pfft
devil may cry - pfft
castlevania - pfft
dead rising - will get it, like I've said before
oddworld - pfft
panzaer dragoon orta - that sh*t belongs on the Sega Saturn

...should i continue? - nope

I like racing and first/third person shootaz, I reckon I've got my answers now...*dusts hands* snorted...ergo, closing my thread. :cool: