View Full Version : Gila Gingrich: Do As I Say, Not As I do.

10-Mar-2007, 03:11 PM

What surprises me--other than the fact that someone would actually wanna have sex with this idiot--is the fact that this was the same guy who cheered on the impeachement of Bill Clinton for similar flings. Gotta love it.

10-Mar-2007, 07:52 PM
There was lot of that going around at the time. A couple of guys had to resign because they got busted doing the same thing. Newt tries to play that it was all about lying, but at the time he went off about the "character" issues of getting some while married. Like GW saying he never said stay the course. I saw it I remember and saying it isnt so makes you even more of a sh*tbag.

Imagine this dick as pres. God help us, the little whining crybaby.

And now he's born again too. Im sure he's totally sincere...not.

11-Mar-2007, 12:25 AM

What surprises me--other than the fact that someone would actually wanna have sex with this idiot--is the fact that this was the same guy who cheered on the impeachement of Bill Clinton for similar flings. Gotta love it.

I believe Ole SLick Willy was being impeache dfor obstruction of Justice and Perjury. not cheating on his wife. Otherwise he would have been in jail 20 years ago. By the way newts affair wasnt a secret. And if you support Scooter Libby being convicted of perjury, but not Clinton youre silly. (oh yeah im tossing it out there.)