View Full Version : Mastermind: What would be your chosen subject?

10-Mar-2007, 05:54 PM
Hello all!

This popped into my head during the weekend, what would your chosen subject be for mastermind, something you think you know better than anyone else.

I would have to choose the TV series 'Bottom' with Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson.

Second to that, probably the novels of Stephen King, as long as they don't ask about his book history.

10-Mar-2007, 06:49 PM
Swords. I know a ****load about swords.

Chic Freak
10-Mar-2007, 07:28 PM
Fake hair or Discworld novels, I know more than can be healthy about both.

I would say psychology, as I'm about to complete a degree in it, but it's a bit broad!

10-Mar-2007, 07:34 PM
every time someone has done doctor who or the manic street preachers, i've got more questions right than them, so one of them probably...

10-Mar-2007, 09:42 PM
The life of Sid Vicious. :D

10-Mar-2007, 09:48 PM
Erm, something nerdy like George A. Romero, or Kevin Smith, or Spaced or zombie movies in general ... or! - I Am Zombie Man. :utterly smug wanker smiley: :lol:

10-Mar-2007, 10:04 PM
I would love to be able to say the works of Smith but damn, have you seen the discussion forums at ViewAskewniverse? Those people would make us look like stupid, complete film nerds of the highest order. :D

10-Mar-2007, 10:38 PM
The Monkees...

The United States Marine Corps..

the HMS Hood..

and Ramen noodles...


10-Mar-2007, 10:59 PM
Hmm.....well it would definitely depend on my opponent....and the difficulty level of the questions.
Like if I had to go against experts of the field and was answering expert level questions that would severely limit how competetive I would be....

I kindof got a jack of all trades+1 factor going on for me.... I know about an average amount about practically everything maybe slightly more than average...with the exception of the broad catagory of Music (I know nothing about Rap, Country,or Metal probally some other genres as well....I know next to nothing about playing music(Cant read sheet music)...but I know a good deal about construction, and physics of the actual instruments)......

I just got a ton of random knowledge
(I have WAAAAY to much free time and spend it watching waaaay to much TV...discovery channel, discovery health channel, national geographic channel, discovery science channel, History Channel(the other day they had the "true" story of the movie 300), A&E, any program about prison system or gangs ect(those things are hella interesting), I even catch up on Entertainment news cause I actually like Talk Soup lol.....

So unless the topic was very specific I think I would fair decently in many catagories....Specific topics being:

The life of Sid Vicious.
Fake hair or Discworld novels,
Hmm I dont know if I understand the basis of this topic Ive never seen mastermind so I dont know how the game works...

1)Am I supposed to pick a catagory that I know more about than everybody in the world....
2)Or pick a catagory that that I know a lot about and could out "know" information on the topic in competition with someone else?

If 2 I feel confident in the following catagories.
General Science
General Physics (I have not had much exposure to quantum physics)
Evolutionary Biology
Movies (Im real good at the Kevin Bacon game or games played with another name)
Movie Trivia (though below the 1960s I dont know much, everything after the 1960s Im pretty great with...Im especially good 1980s and on)
General Engineering
General Aviation (I once wanted to get a pilots license but then I realized Im terrified of flying lol)
Cartoons (Including animation, techniques, shows, etc everything about it)
Freshwater Aquascaping
Freshwater Invertabrates

Hmm I think thats it....

If 1 I would feel confident in
Bladerunner (Ive read the novel seen all versions of the movie multiple times and read two novels about the movie/book and one about the making of the movie)

Hmm...I dont know if I get this game....

10-Mar-2007, 11:40 PM
mastermind is a UK game show, you sit in a chair under a spotlight, and you pick a specialist category, like the simpsons, JFK, nascar, whatever, and you answer questions on that, as well as a general knowledge round. whoever wins gets da bitches

bit of trivia, the guy who invented mastermind based it on his experiences of nazi interrogation...

heres the HP lovecraft one

chic freak you'll probably want to have a peek at this, 2 minutes of questions on the sandman comics ;)

11-Mar-2007, 12:27 AM
marvel comics or kevin smith movies or the works of stephen king:D

11-Mar-2007, 11:36 AM
I haven't really bothered checking out the Askew boards, it just feels wrong - like cheating - going to post somewhere else, lol...see, I'm a HPOTD-er for life, boyeeeeeeeee. :D

But I'm sure it's the other way around if they're talking about GAR flicks, if they saw the depth we get into, we'd make them look like dimwits.

11-Mar-2007, 12:09 PM
i bet if they did a hpotd style "askewniballs" thread it would suck.

are we at war with them now?



Chic Freak
11-Mar-2007, 02:20 PM
I just tried to do the Sandman comics mastermind and I got like 1/4 right :/ D'oh.