View Full Version : Brad Delp passes away at 55

11-Mar-2007, 08:53 PM
RIP Brad Delp!!!


12-Mar-2007, 02:05 AM
Didn't really know him but it's a shame nonetheless.

12-Mar-2007, 02:36 AM
Didn't really know him but it's a shame nonetheless.

They may have been "Corporate Rock" like Journey, but they still were a great sounding group---

I think they always recorded their albums live-- vs the norm way of recording each part seperaty and mixing the junk together..

He is missed...:(

12-Mar-2007, 11:18 AM
I have a respect for all the old skool rockers, even the track Journey did for Tron. :D

12-Mar-2007, 08:02 PM
Wanna get high ya gotta keep on smokin!
I loved that tube in High School.
I had the Rockman DI amp the Boston dude invented and it was really cool.


12-Mar-2007, 08:49 PM
I loved his vocals
they were really great

the first time you heard bostons debut album
it was like wow! what a voice and
what a great guitar sound

RIP brad

13-Mar-2007, 03:36 AM
He was a great singer and will be missed .:(

13-Mar-2007, 08:59 AM
the first time you heard bostons debut album
it was like wow! what a voice and
what a great guitar sound

Yeah, exactly.

I think they always recorded their albums live-- vs the norm way of recording each part seperaty and mixing the junk together..

Are you sure about that? Some stuff on the debut album deffinitely doesn't sound like it could be accomplished if they recorded it live. Especially the part in which they crossover from "Foreplay" to "Long Time".

13-Mar-2007, 04:24 PM
Nearly picked up the first album in Virgin. I was gonna get it but 'More Than A Feeling' is so commercial that it put me off. I might get it next time though and give it a try.

13-Mar-2007, 08:03 PM
Nearly picked up the first album in Virgin. I was gonna get it but 'More Than A Feeling' is so commercial that it put me off. I might get it next time though and give it a try.

I love that album. It might be a big turn off for you, though, seeing as once you listen through it you'll realize you've probably heard every song on the radio before. It still rocks, though!

14-Mar-2007, 09:38 AM
Well, if I can own Automatic for the People by REM then I can pretty much own anything. That said, Automatic is one of my least played cd's so maybe not. :D

14-Mar-2007, 03:52 PM
I was truly saddened to hear this. Brad had one of the best voices in rock, and he was also known as one of the nicest (famous) musicians in music.

I can't believe he's gone at 55. :(

RIP Brad, your music will "walk on" for all to hear.


PS - Read any interview with Tom Scholtz - Boston never recorded their albums 'live' in the studio. Scholtz is one of the most obsessive-compulsive multi-track layering nutcases on the planet. He spent in upwards of 6-7 years sometimes recording tracks, layering guitars, just to get it "perfect". One listen to their self-titled album (or any of their records for that matter) should be enough to tell that there is no way in hell this material was recorded live in the studio. It's way too sterile. When I say "sterile" i don't mean lacking feeling or anything, I just mean that every track on the album sounds almost beyond "perfect"

15-Mar-2007, 11:28 AM
Last night I read that Brad Delp commited suicide, as it was revealed by his family. :(

But now I can't find the damn link!

15-Mar-2007, 04:24 PM
Mike, I read the same thing. Supposedly the cause of death was carbon monoxide poisoning. There are rumours about how he did it (with portable grills in the bathroom... wtf?), but I dunno about all that.

According to the family, he left notes on the door to his kids and girlfriend/fiance'.

I wonder what could've been so horrible that he did this? Perhaps something along the lines of why Richard Jeni killed himself? Maybe diagnosed with a terminal disease? Who knows.. it's still sad. :(

*edited to add: here's a link to the story: Make with the Clickey (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070314/ap_en_mu/delp_death)

16-Mar-2007, 12:16 AM
Boston was a great band. You can not help but crank up the radio when their music plays. He had a fantastic voice! No doubt about it and he was far too young to die.:(

16-Mar-2007, 12:52 PM
OMG, it just got a bit worse:

Associated Press: Delp's Suicide Note: "I am a Lonely Soul" (http://www.boston.com/news/local/new_hampshire/articles/2007/03/15/delps_suicide_note_i_am_a_lonely_soul/)

How can you possibly be lonely when millions of people love you? :( I guess we'll never know.

20-Mar-2007, 01:50 AM
this is sad

it goes to show you
no matter what people think
it isnt always the way it seems

it is still a terrible loss
even more so because it could
have been prevented

sometimes it makes you wonder if
you know anything at all thses days...