View Full Version : Some people are just mean-spirited:

12-Mar-2007, 08:54 PM
One of my Myspace friends lives in Ohio and makes vampire movies. She is becoming a he through the trans-gender process.

There was a site that was going to interview him, but instead the website mods are making fun of him on their forums.

Here is the forum and the post: (It is highlighted under the VAMPING YOU PRODUCTIONS and is near the bottom of the cached page from Google.)

Agree or don't agree with a person's decision to do with theirselves in their own lives, doesn't give anyone the right to act like a complete idiot as these people did.

That is their opinion, but it is hurtful. Why would you treat another human being in this way? It is one thing to say something in private, but to post it on the Internet in a public forum for the world to see? What is the point?!

They should be flamed, but then again, why stoop to their level?

Anyway, I wouldn't advise dealing with them yourselves, who knows what they will say about someone else?

:dead: Dawg

12-Mar-2007, 10:14 PM
I have a friend who is trans gendered

People dont understand it at all

His mother is the worst of all
she calls it " giving the biggest slap in the face as a kid can
do to their parent"

and "why would he want to mutilate and dissfigure his body"

a transexual is a person of one sex trapped in the body
of the other sex
i dont understand that feeling
but i do understand "trapped'

it is different from a transvestite
a transvestite is a lot of times a straight guy
who enjoys dressing up as a woman
a transexual wants to have a gender operation

talk to your friend
there are ways to get the government to help with
the costs of the operations
you can even get SSI for "gender dysphoria"
while you go thru transition and you are not able
to work

there is no fun in being a transgender
and it is easy to mock them
and make them even more miserable

i dont know why anyone would want to hurt another
person so deeply but many do
and it does hurt them

be there for your friend
it shows that you are a real freind

a lot of people bailed on my freind when he told everyone what he was gonna do

very few stayed to support him

it is not easy on any level
and it wont get any easier quickly

give your friend a message from me
tell her that i know what she is going thru
and those who know really do understand
they have no choice in this matter

im sorry these people back stabbed your friend

12-Mar-2007, 10:15 PM
For ****s sake! I clicked the link and I mean really. The assholes on that site are holding up youre friend as some sort of a sideshow freak, small minded...Im not going to swear so Ill say..ShishKebabs.

Tell youre friend ( no doubt you already have ) that she is way way beyond this childish...ShishKebab.

Thats the problem with the internet there will be always be the people who see it as a tool to exploit, annoy, tease and even bully to another level. But then some of us just use it for porn.

12-Mar-2007, 11:03 PM
I'm not the least bit surprised. The internet has always been an area where the small-minded can showcase their ignorance.

12-Mar-2007, 11:37 PM
all jokes about "myspace freinds" aside, thats just cruel. if you feel bad enough allready with the way you are pysically that your gonna have permanatly life changing surgery thats the last thing you need.

12-Mar-2007, 11:55 PM
Yeah, reading that left a bitter taste I have to say.

13-Mar-2007, 12:04 AM
Knee braking time , baby cockroach in their ears too ... I hate phobic fascists . I had a close friend that died in 89 , beaten to death off P st NW DC because she wasnt really what she seemed . I hope the responses here are well taken . Be there for your friend .

13-Mar-2007, 12:27 AM
I do not think they are intentionally wanting to hurt his feelings, they are just being asses. Remember they do not know him. Do not let them get you down

Chic Freak
13-Mar-2007, 10:38 AM
I guess people like that have nothing else to feel superior about, other than being born with the correct genitals!

Give your mate my regards. He probably has to deal with stuff like this a lot, but then he'll also meet people who really don't give a crap and like him for who he is.

13-Mar-2007, 11:00 AM
i dont see what they said that was so offensive? apart from remarking that the blokes romantic situation seems a bit strange when you write it down on paper...

ah, im probably missing something. die, haters....let people do what they want :rolleyes:


13-Mar-2007, 01:53 PM
I didn't think that was too bad, either. Especially considering it was coming from a male-to-female transgender. It's not like they were slagging the person for wanting to change their sex... they were simply saying how it's an f'd up of a story. He didn't have to call one of them fat. He didn't have to bring it up at all, but he did. Oh well. You made it seem like I was going to be reading some people bashing the fact that someone wants to have a transgender operation.

13-Mar-2007, 07:50 PM
Some person (probably in the sticks) makes these crappy vampire movies.....Did you think that was enough for us to interview them? NOPE! It's a she who is "married" to another fat she, but the 1st she is becoming a man and his "wife" wants to leave him because she is a lesbian! I'm not making this **** up!

...probably in the sticks... (Yeah, starting out good there...)

...makes these crappy vampire movies... (Did they see the movies or are they just being @$$holes because 'obviously' they must be 'crappy' if they live in the sticks. And no, I haven't seen any either, but for God's Sake!)

...to another fat she... (overweight people have feelings too, and once again, they have no idea if she is fat)

Maybe it doesn't seem so bad, but really, it is still in poor taste.

He thought it was very unprofessional at the least, especially since they contacted him to do an interview in the first place.

Also, even though he is a friend on Myspace, I don't know this person in real life, so I don't really know him at all. I don't even think I emailed him before! But... I just felt it was pretty harsh, maybe I'm overreacting.

:dead: Dawg

13-Mar-2007, 08:13 PM
yeah, it was a bit mean of them and certainly unprofessional, i guess i was just expecting a bit more full on abuse...

14-Mar-2007, 09:39 AM
Full on or not, it still sucked. :dead:

14-Mar-2007, 05:00 PM
That's the price you pay when you do something that goes against the grain. Look at what happened to Jesus, Thomas Paine, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela and Malcolm X. You can buck the system all you want, just expect for establishment to buck back.

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 08:58 PM
Aye. I'd say that people wanting a medical procedure that will enable them to actually have a life isn't really making a concerted attempt to buck the system. It's just a shame that it does :(