View Full Version : New film : "Grindhouse" ...

13-Mar-2007, 03:15 AM
New Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez film due Friday , April 6 ...caught previews on FX tonight during the first episode of The Riches ( Eddie Izzard & Minnie Driver) ... This is a double feature ; kinda old style but full throttle punch in the nurts . If I am not mistaken , one of the stories has zeds . The previews look really :elol: :skull: good . Anybody Know about this film? I cant find a link to post . BTW , 'The Riches' has me looking forward to next monday :cool: ...

13-Mar-2007, 03:31 AM
Yeah, theres loads of links on HPotD. I've posted a few videos and interviews on it myself. If you don't find it here then it might be in Dead Discussion 'cos the first story Planet Terror is about zombies. Ok here's the trailer again 'cos I'm a super nice guy. :D


13-Mar-2007, 03:39 AM
oh.my.god, sooooo old news man.



13-Mar-2007, 03:56 AM
Methinks this needs to be moved into the nearest Grindhouse thread. :D

13-Mar-2007, 09:10 AM
Looks like somebody hasn't been paying attention to the topics in Media Discussion for the past few months! :p

13-Mar-2007, 10:24 AM
Cool, another grindhouse thread. Al...right. :elol: :lol: :sneaky: :shifty:

13-Mar-2007, 11:16 AM
Oh play nice. :)

I'm certainly looking forward to this film, while the 100 million price tag isn't exactly Grindhouse, a lot of such movies sucked anyway because they had no money, so it's the spirit of Grindhouse giving a budget I guess.

I can't wait to see Michael Biehn blasting Zeds in Planet Terror, that's gonna rock so much cock it goes full circle and starts rocking fanny as well. :cool:

That trailer is still kicking balls, I love it when Russell gets all Snake Plissken style badass (but with a sense of black humour) when he says about 'you've really gotta be sitting where I am' and then slams the break, now THAT'S some Kurt Russell awesomeness right there! :D

13-Mar-2007, 12:49 PM
soooo....what's it like under that rock of yours? :p

13-Mar-2007, 02:51 PM
Oh play nice. :)

I'm certainly looking forward to this film, while the 100 million price tag isn't exactly Grindhouse, a lot of such movies sucked anyway because they had no money, so it's the spirit of Grindhouse giving a budget I guess.

I can't wait to see Michael Biehn blasting Zeds in Planet Terror, that's gonna rock so much cock it goes full circle and starts rocking fanny as well. :cool:

That trailer is still kicking balls, I love it when Russell gets all Snake Plissken style badass (but with a sense of black humour) when he says about 'you've really gotta be sitting where I am' and then slams the break, now THAT'S some Kurt Russell awesomeness right there! :D

I had no interest in Death Proof until I watched the new trailer. That single scene is what shifted me from wanting to just see Planet Terror, to wanting to just see Death Proof. :D

13-Mar-2007, 03:47 PM
Both stories look awesome and I for one can't wait. Sitting in the theater, beerin' it up and cheerin' it on! :D

13-Mar-2007, 05:21 PM
The fact that its directed by Quintin Tarentino is why I wanna see Death Proof. lol. But I loved From Dusk Til' Dawn so... Im excited for it all.

13-Mar-2007, 06:04 PM
The fact that its directed by Quintin Tarentino is why I wanna see Death Proof. lol. But I loved From Dusk Til' Dawn so... Im excited for it all.

I'm more excited about Rodriguez's segment. I've never lost faith in his movie making abilities. However, Tarantino stepped down a notch on my scale with "Kill Bill". But...that was only two films and minor, so maybe he's still got what it takes.

13-Mar-2007, 06:15 PM
What was wrong with Kill Bill? lol. How can you have faith in Rodriguez more than Tarentino? Spy Kids, Shark Boy and Lava Girl? HELLO? lol. What was he thinking? Kill Bill was a great movie.

13-Mar-2007, 06:51 PM
"Kill Bill" just wasn't my style. I understand that it's paying tribute to the old matial arts films and all.....but it was just too "out there" for me. It had no heart.....just a bunch of suspension wires and fake blood. I prefered Tarantino's down-to-earth and "real" movies like "Reservoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction".

What's wrong with "Spy Kids"? Just because it's a children's movie means that an adult can't enjoy it? I watched it with my little nephew and it was a good time. That sort of thing just helps give Rodriquez more depth. Rather than sticking with the same genre, he's branched out and tried his skills in different areas. I think it's helped him a good bit, too. Besides, without the "Spy Kids" movies, there would not have been a "Sin City" and he would probably still be making "El Mariachi" sequels:p (not that I dislike those films).

13-Mar-2007, 07:13 PM
I loved the Kill Bill films, a big step back to form after - what I felt anyway - was a rather crap movie in the shape and form of Jackie Brown, that movie fell flat...

Planet Terror was always an easy sell with me - and no doubt all of us here, being zombies and all - Death Proof I was always interested in, but when I learnt more and more my excitement really got ramped up, and Kurt Russell's delivery of that 'in my seat' line just sold the whole f*cking movie flat-out, I love that clip, combined with the Grindhouse 'theme' track, if you will, and it's just superb.

I really like the idea too, it's like a slasher film, but not like a stalk n slash, it's a stalk n slash meets a road movie. Kurt Russell looking Snake Plissken style badass, dosing out black humour lines AND in a muscle car smashing it up all over the shop?! HELL-F*CKING-YES!

I am seriously amped up to f*cking 11 for this movie.

14-Mar-2007, 01:26 AM
oh my god i cannot stand kill bill, its THE worst film ive ever seen, just homageing some old action and martial arts films doesnt mean its gonna be a great film i though it was a poorely written piece of crap and its THE only film ive got up and left the cinema 15 mins before the end ,purely because i felt there were better things i could be doing right now:rolleyes:

14-Mar-2007, 01:37 AM
Wait, why did you wait until the final 15 minutes? lol. If it was so bad, shouldn't you have left earlier? haha :moon:

14-Mar-2007, 01:39 AM
well i tried to like, really i did, but in the end it was so bad i thought "ah hell, why bother".

14-Mar-2007, 09:07 AM
What's wrong with "Spy Kids"? Just because it's a children's movie means that an adult can't enjoy it? I watched it with my little nephew and it was a good time.
Yeah, I agree. Top little yarn. :D

oh my god i cannot stand kill bill, its THE worst film ive ever seen, just homageing some old action and martial arts films doesnt mean its gonna be a great film i though it was a poorely written piece of crap...
Whoa-wh-wh-wh-what? :eek: Kill Bill was a slice of cinematic legend, certainly convinced me that Tarantino knows his stuff. I'll admit, it took me a while to get into the two movies but now I rate 'em higher than Reservoir and Pulp. It's not as good as Jackie Brown though, that is one of the most slickest, well written movies I have ever seen. Sheer brilliance! :thumbsup:

14-Mar-2007, 09:10 AM
tarantino didnt write jackie brown its a novel he adapted ,not his origional work, unlike pulp and dogs which are both much better than kill bill, in my opinion o' course.

14-Mar-2007, 09:25 AM
Yeah but even Elmore Leonard (writer of the original story Rum Punch) said that Jackie Brown was one of the best screenplays he'd ever read. That movie is Tarantino's vision, no question about it.

14-Mar-2007, 11:12 AM
Don't dis Spy Kids 1. That was one of the best "made for Kids" action films I have ever watched, and with rodriguez behind the camera he made those kids look cool! :D

BTW New interview clip on Yahoo: http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/grindhouse.html;_ylt=AuzkiRrWGRpV3JS6EVtij1JfVXcA

14-Mar-2007, 11:40 AM
And saying Kill Bill is just rehashing other movies is a bit daft really, what about Reservoir Dogs, come on dude...:rockbrow:

Kill Bill had a clarity of vision that hadn't been seen in a long while, Tarantino knew exactly what he wanted to achieve, and he did it, and he proved that he could rock it when the action starts, it's not just people sat around talking about Madonna, he consistently brought the noise when it came to action and it played like a finely tuned symphony with each crash and bash and edit at the precise point it should be. I haven't seen that precision since James Cameron in T2.

14-Mar-2007, 11:45 AM
oh man, dude you cant compare kill bill and t2, thats just wrong:lol:

14-Mar-2007, 12:16 PM

The precision of each director's vision and the efficiency with which they brought it to the screen - THAT is what I meant...:bored:

Story, content and style has f*ck all to do with my connection, it's the clarity of vision and the finely tuned symphony feel you get from watch the films, I hadn't seen that since T2. *gol!*

14-Mar-2007, 05:21 PM
Ya I saw the preview in the theater. It looks to be a kick ass movie and a bit cheezy. Quentin makes a lot of bizzare movies so I am sure it will be facinating to watch bad or good.

In the trailor a woman missing a leg has a gun for a leg in place of an artificial leg. Real odd.

14-Mar-2007, 05:25 PM
The "Making of Grindhouse" showed is up on youtube. Pretty cool....

check it check it (http://youtube.com/results?search_query=making+grindhouse)

14-Mar-2007, 05:39 PM
Looks like Tom Savini is in Planet Terror ...Right on !:elol:

14-Mar-2007, 06:17 PM
I think it is funny that Robert is making a zombie flick, but pulled a Romero and never called them Zombies (so far everything I have heard or read, nothing mentions zombies) They're referred to as "Sickos" :lol:

14-Mar-2007, 06:29 PM
aint that a sign of a good zombie film?, that the ones that seem to be called zombies are arrogant survivors, i think its a dramatic thing-a-ma-whatsit.;)

14-Mar-2007, 06:47 PM
Yeah but even Elmore Leonard (writer of the original story Rum Punch) said that Jackie Brown was one of the best screenplays he'd ever read. That movie is Tarantino's vision, no question about it.

Great Book, Great Movie. And I LOVE Pam Grier.
See her in Cofy, you'll dirty your pants!

Kill Bill was a self indulgent boring convoluted mess that felt like waiting in a long line.
Too much self reverence and reference. Like when the car convoy drives for like 15 friggin minutes while surf music plays. Thats when I realized the whole flick was going to suck.

14-Mar-2007, 06:57 PM
^thats why i left before the end. to each his own but i think that was a terrible movie.

14-Mar-2007, 07:40 PM
I think it is funny that Robert is making a zombie flick, but pulled a Romero and never called them Zombies (so far everything I have heard or read, nothing mentions zombies) They're referred to as "Sickos" :lol:

He calls them zombies in that "Making of" documentary. Then again, that's just him talking and there was no scene of a character calling them zombies...

14-Mar-2007, 07:43 PM
^, uhh dude, they even say so in the trailer like in one point they go "there infected" "with what?" "everything."

proper grade A swiss or what?:D

14-Mar-2007, 08:03 PM
"sickos" ... really?

LOVE IT! :cool:

15-Mar-2007, 05:49 AM
Great Book, Great Movie. And I LOVE Pam Grier.
See her in Cofy, you'll dirty your pants!
Seen 'em all, soiled my pants every time. ;)