View Full Version : I just read the Death Proof script from Grindhouse

14-Mar-2007, 01:19 AM
I won't spoil anything but lets just say, it aint Kill Bill, it Aint Pulp Fiction... this story is off the planet. Its hip, cool and has a lot of great moments, and tarantino wrote himself a nice part into this script.

We will all enjoy this, and most off all you guys will get to see Kurt in his action movie star form.

You won't be let down. :D

14-Mar-2007, 01:28 AM
sounds good, glad he wasnt going for something like kill bill again i cant stand that movie, so im a little more excited to see this one now.:D

14-Mar-2007, 08:59 AM
Where d'ya read it Deej? I want linkage! :D

14-Mar-2007, 09:06 AM
yeah i couldnt find jack on google.

14-Mar-2007, 09:07 AM
Someone was kind enough to email it to me.


14-Mar-2007, 09:08 AM
oh man, if THAT dont mean procured by illegal means i dont know what does! ,bad man! :gossip: -spreads the word that dj's an unsavoury customer:lol: , though in hindsight he did star alongside satan in a movie:sneaky:

14-Mar-2007, 09:23 AM
Doncha just hate it when people have connections and you don't. :mad::D

14-Mar-2007, 11:05 AM
All I did was go on the IMDB boards for Grindhouse. Someone offered to email the script all you had to do was PM them your email addy. Well I PM'd my email addy and 5 minutes later I had it in my mailbox. :D

14-Mar-2007, 12:29 PM
and tarantino wrote himself a nice part into this script.

Seems like I remember reading that his character's name is "The Rapist". The name alone is freaking gold. And Tarantino seems like a rapist to me.:lol: Definitely a wierd fella....

14-Mar-2007, 12:51 PM
which leads neatly back to a "jittery tarantino" again:lol:

14-Mar-2007, 01:16 PM
I don't wanna read the script prior to seeing it, but I'm glad you liked it as you've got high standards, so if you're lovin' it, then I'm pretty much guaranteed to love it.

14-Mar-2007, 01:37 PM
i agree with you, its great to read scripts in those online archives, but if your gonna see the film for the first time in a month or two it aint worth it, i was too poor to see land when it came out, and made the mistake of reading the superior script with the hanged man and zombie rats in, needless to say i was dissapointed when i saw the full feature, but in hindsight i gave in and bittorrented it, so y'know, no monetary loss.:p

14-Mar-2007, 01:54 PM
Seems like I remember reading that his character's name is "The Rapist". The name alone is freaking gold. And Tarantino seems like a rapist to me.:lol: Definitely a wierd fella....

That is his character in Planet Terror, he plays Warren in Death Proof.

I don't wanna read the script prior to seeing it, but I'm glad you liked it as you've got high standards, so if you're lovin' it, then I'm pretty much guaranteed to love it.

Keep in Mind, I hated Land, and liked the Dawn remake. Are you sure you want to accept my standards being that you liked Land and Hated DAWN 2004? :D

14-Mar-2007, 02:26 PM
True ... I guess ... but I've been gagging for Grindhouse since I first heard about it, so, change of statement - this just adds to my excitement for the flick! :)

15-Mar-2007, 05:43 AM
Seems like I remember reading that his character's name is "The Rapist". The name alone is freaking gold. And Tarantino seems like a rapist to me.:lol: Definitely a wierd fella...
Well it's not like it's new territory for him to play a rapist. Richie from Dusk Till Dawn was a rapist... and a necrophiliac... I dread to think where he's gonna go with Death Proof. :eek:

15-Mar-2007, 01:17 PM
Well it's not like it's new territory for him to play a rapist. Richie from Dusk Till Dawn was a rapist... and a necrophiliac... I dread to think where he's gonna go with Death Proof. :eek:
He was a necrophiliac as well? Eh?

If you mean the bank clerk, I thought he raped her first and then killed her whilst Senoir Handsome was off being George Clooney?

16-Mar-2007, 01:10 AM
I always thought Seth caught Richie on the job. I'll have to watch it again and see.

16-Mar-2007, 11:19 AM
Er, if memory serves the camera follows Seth return and find Richie just chilling out, Seth then goes into the bedroom and we discover at the same time as him, that the bank clerk is dead.

16-Mar-2007, 11:43 AM
So he could've rumped the stiff? Sure he says "raping and killing" but how do we know that is actually the case? Man I gotta quit smokin'. :lol:

16-Mar-2007, 12:08 PM
I think it was implied, senoir post-mania. :lol:

I always thought he raped her, then killed her, or killed her then raped her ... either way around, but I got the impression both things happened.