View Full Version : I don't understand the concept of beauty these days..

14-Mar-2007, 07:22 AM
is it wrong of me to like a lady with some fat and or muscle mass on her frame? Serisuly, is it sick of me to not want a skin and bones lady? I don't understand what todays fascination with uber skininess is. And people wonder why alot of girls have eating disorders or are getting there. Hell, most of the girls i know are very good looking and yet they don't see it. THey go i'm not as skinny as so and so or i don't look as good as so an so. Seriusly.


14-Mar-2007, 08:12 AM
Me: "You got arms like Christina Aguillera".....
Girl: *blushes* "Thanks, your sweet"
Me: "No. I mean....." *points and looks shocked* "Gross! Christina Aguillera arms!"

14-Mar-2007, 08:40 AM
dont get me started. i like slender girls, but not some of the gross **** you see these days.

blokes will tell girls over and over again that they dont like full on stick insects, and yet the stick insects keep appearing...so i dont buy the idea that they starve to become attractive, theyre just being controlled by the media... it's really sad & weird.

14-Mar-2007, 08:45 AM
hey man i asked my cousin why she was buying somethign horrible the other day, a coat i think and she replied "cus it's the fsahion", if thats right i think ill stay wrong in my jeans and band t-shirts.

14-Mar-2007, 09:15 AM
I like curvy but toned girls,salma hayek s figure in dusk till dawn is perfect for me!none of that skin and bones malarky

14-Mar-2007, 09:56 AM
I like curvy but toned girls,salma hayek s figure in dusk till dawn is perfect for me!none of that skin and bones malarky
Yeah same here, something to get your teeth stuck into. Nice tan and a pretty smile helps also. :D

14-Mar-2007, 12:30 PM
Totally, that stick insect look is f*cking disgusting, does a guy wanna poke a sheet of tracing paper? No, they wanna poke a human being.

A figure on a gal is sexy, and time and again I've had girls I'm friends with going on about "do I look fat" and I'm like "hell no", but they never listen, it's like talking to a brick wall, and if the fashion industry is mainly controlled by gay men, how do they know what straight men want in a lady? It certainly isn't Naomi "lob a phone" Campbell or Kate "snort an ounce" Moss. If I can see ribs and collar bones, then piss-the-f*ck-off with ya.

Some girls are naturally slender, so they suit it, but slender and emaciated are a mile apart. I'd rather have a girl with an ass to grab on to (none of that saggy Paris "i can see if from the front as well" Hilton arse), with hips to hold and a rack that fits her body type (I don't care of the size of boob, if it suits her body then fine and dandy).

See, blokes ain't fussy ladies, they just want a nice looking gal with a nice smile, a sense of humour and who doesn't take three years to put her make up on...and they're not a bitch, that's a must, we hate bitchy women, it's too much effort.

14-Mar-2007, 01:00 PM
plus ,if you look don vito and kate moss have the same wandering eye:lol:

* after 2 mins in paint and google image search*


14-Mar-2007, 01:45 PM
Scarlett Johansson - now there's a famous lass with curves and an actual body, now THAT is attractive ... Kate Bosworth - now THAT is 100% minging of the highest order.

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 02:42 PM
"Fashionable" and "sexy" might overlap sometimes, but they're not really in the same ball park, or at least i don't think so. Like saying, "why do girls try to be stick insects when men don't find it attractive?"- I think the answer is that they're not trying to be sexy as much as fashionable. And it *is* fashionable to be underweight, no way round it. Sure, there's some successful plus-size models around, but in general Kate Moss and co. lead the pack. So, a lot of the time, wanting to be v. skinny is aimed more at impressing gay fashionista guys and other women, than attracting men. That's what padded bras are for :elol:

As regards people with actual anorexia or ED-NOS, I think for a lot of people it's a similar feeling to what an athlete feels when they're training really hard and get too caught up in pushing thier limits. It's a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve a body type, and starving oneself actually leads to feelings of euphoria after a couple of days; it's suprisingly addictive for something that you would have thought to go very much against the natural instinct to survive. I'm not saying it's okay, not for a second, I'm just saying it's not that all these skinny girls are deranged, although I think many are ill.

Not to mention the fact that most girls are straight, so they are at best guessing what men are likely to find attractive. And they might think that when you say "you're not fat/ men don't find skinny women attractive" you're just trying to be nice, rather than honest.

I had a good chat with my dad about this when I was about 14. I was saying I thought that supermodels would be the most attractive women on earth and he was saying no, curvy women are. I just assumed he was saying that because he was my dad, and didn't want to encourage me to be skinny, so i didn't believe him. Eventually he threw his hands up in the air and gave me permission to go and buy a porn mag and have a look at the women in there. He said, "if you find a single one that looks like Kate Moss I'll give you a tenner. Anyway, she has horrible skin and teeth."

I think the mass popularity of Dita Von Teese seems to be having a good effect on some of the girls I know.

14-Mar-2007, 02:49 PM
i thoght "plus size", was just a term for morbidle obese people like rosanne?:p

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 02:51 PM
Nice tan and a pretty smile helps also. :D

No way, pasty-pale gofficks for the win :D


i thoght "plus size", was just a term for morbidle obese people like rosanne?:p

Scarily enough... plus size high fashion models are UK size 12-14. That's really not that big at all :( The average dress size in the UK is 16, for a start.

Example of a "plus-size" figure:


It's bad really. When someone with a normal figure makes a success of themselves they're labelled plus-size. No wonder so many girls think that "normal" = fat.

14-Mar-2007, 03:08 PM
No way, pasty-pale gofficks for the win :D


i dont care, plus size sounds funnyier as a pc term for obese:lol:

and cap'n, tans?, gross, tans are for kappa slappas, david dickenson and alcoholic women in the 40's who want to complete there metamorphosis into a shammy leather. :hurl:

14-Mar-2007, 03:23 PM
In the US (and I'm sure all over the world) I just don't get what is considered 'beautiful' anymore. The nasty sh*t they put on runways and consider "supermodels" is some of the most sickening displays of human ugliness I have EVER seen. Since when is it 'chic' to look like you're going through a horrible heorin addiction or withdraw? dark circles under the eyes, so skinny you can see ribs.. :barf:

The sh*t they pass off as "beautiful" i'll never understand.

To me, you have to love a person for more than just their looks (unless you're just lookin' to shag her for a night or something.. :lol: That's another discussion for another time. :D). My wife is no model by any stretch of the imagination, but I can't imagine a more beautiful person to spend my life with. You have to be beautiful inside before you are beautiful outside. Think about it: If you're gloomy, depressed or just plain have a horrible personality, you're forever going to be pushing people away and will never find that special someone. If you're ugly inside, you could be the cutest woman in the world and I wouldn't get within 50 feet of you.

Although, beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder - and apparently some people have a strange idea of beauty is. :confused:

14-Mar-2007, 03:25 PM
I can't stand ultra skinny girls. I have friends that think I'm gay because I don't find Paris Hilton attractive at all. (but that's not just because she's disgustingly skinny... she also looks like a beast)

I like thin girls. But I also like girls with a little meat on them.

I actually don't give a damn what size a girl is. If she's pretty, then she's pretty.

14-Mar-2007, 03:48 PM
I actually don't give a damn what size a girl is. If she's pretty, then she's pretty.

Advice to live by. ;)

14-Mar-2007, 03:53 PM
OK I am from the USA and Plus size is a heavy women which is pretty big size size 18 and up.
Mista Mo if this gal is sweet and you think she is pretty to you then what is wrong with her? and who gives a flying fig how big she is?
What really counts is what kind of person she is inside?
I am a very heavy person my husband thinks I am beautiful, I am losing weight I tried on a blouse last night that looked rather nice on me but was lowcut and he said " Ah noo you arent goin out in that showing MY stuff"
So, my point in telling you that is big can still be beautiful!!
If a women is beautiful inside then she is beautiful on the outside do you know what I mean?
I have seen some really skinny so called beautiful women that were trully fugly people, when ya hear them talk it ruins their looks!
Why get hung up on size of the gal anyway as long as she is someone you like to be with, to me if you just go for looks that is just shallow?
A person can still be beautiful and be heavy I have seen some very pretty women that are very heavy! To tell you the truth my hubby is pretty happy with his fluffy wife! Its all how a person is inside that counts a not the package we come in!
Mo, good luck with your relationship with your girlfriend!

14-Mar-2007, 04:56 PM
I boned a 90 lbs. girl in high school. I felt like I was boning a skeleton. It seriously hurt. I like a wide array of women, but prefer a little flesh on their bones.

14-Mar-2007, 05:07 PM
no matter what the weight though, look at how happy, cheerful orsullen/ miserable a guy or gal is and that defiantley effects there looks i think.

14-Mar-2007, 07:02 PM
A figure on a gal is sexy, and time and again I've had girls I'm friends with going on about "do I look fat" and I'm like "hell no", but they never listen, it's like talking to a brick wall, and if the fashion industry is mainly controlled by gay men, how do they know what straight men want in a lady? It certainly isn't Naomi "lob a phone" Campbell or Kate "snort an ounce" Moss.
True. It is absoultly about Gay guys ideas of what is sexy in a woman. They have about as much Idea of that as I do of what makes a good looking guy. The dont consider a nice ass AT ALL. Speaking purely physically,They look at a girl as a sculpture rather than as something to maybe enjoy sexually.
If you were hanging out with a gay bud and pointed out on the street who you thought was hot and what they thought, You would never, ever agree. I have tried it and its true.

Thers some strait dudes who dig anorexic types, but not most. I have never had sex with a skinny rail in my life. Zero attraction. A few really cool girls dug me, but I couldnt get past the ribs etc.

Brains, humor and accepting me is whats important. Then Face. Boobs and ass are down the list. In the end its what YOU dig, **** everyone else. I always told my friends, YOU are the one ****ing her, other peoples opinions are worhtless in that area.

14-Mar-2007, 07:02 PM
paris hilton is indeed minging,she's way too skinny & has a david coulthard jaw

You could call me superficial because initially i do go for girls by looks,but if after 10 minutes of talking to them i find they dont have the personality to go with it then il usually let them go ;)
I believe you have to find someone attractive both physically & by personality for it to work.But back to the point,those skinny fashionista girls are horrid :hurl:

kelly brook figure for the win?you better believe it :D

14-Mar-2007, 07:05 PM
I prefer smaller girls. Not boney. But no taller than 5'3 and no bigger than 115 lbs. I dunno why, but I have never been atteacted to someone larger than that.I like my girls tiny and trim.

14-Mar-2007, 07:09 PM
I had a good chat with my dad about this when I was about 14. I was saying I thought that supermodels would be the most attractive women on earth and he was saying no, curvy women are. I just assumed he was saying that because he was my dad, and didn't want to encourage me to be skinny, so i didn't believe him. Eventually he threw his hands up in the air and gave me permission to go and buy a porn mag and have a look at the women in there. He said, "if you find a single one that looks like Kate Moss I'll give you a tenner. Anyway, she has horrible skin and teeth."
having a good effect on some of the girls I know.
Your Pop is a wise man and makes EXACTLY the same argument about that as I do. Porn is a simulated fantasy sex experience. And what do guys fantasize about usually? Figures. Look at perfect 10. Thats a good one.
Your Dad Was encouraging you to be happy with yourself by showing you Reality. Good on him.

Generally guys say "Kinda in shape, with some meat on the bones"

I am not so concerned with working out because then I might feel pressure to and that aint happenin':D

paris hilton is indeed minging,she's way too skinny & has a david coulthard jaw
The problem with Paris is HER. She's wierd looking but OK. No body, but if you like Kooky faces shes alright.
But she is stupid, spoiled, venal and useless. And gives the boringest head ever documented. Pretty much yawning her way through it.
I dont care wht she looks like, she is so Obnoxious I couldnt even throw her an anger f*ck.

She represents the dregs of mankind

You could call me superficial because initially i do go for girls by looks,but if after 10 minutes of talking to them i find they dont have the personality to go with it then il usually let them go ;)
Not superficial, its pretty much how it works. The exception is when you grow to like someone becasue you have contact with them over a long period, then you think
"I never realized how beautiful they are".
They still look the same, its just your perception and appreciation thats changed.

14-Mar-2007, 07:16 PM
ah coma, turly the lurve guru of the hpotd forum:lol:

14-Mar-2007, 07:27 PM
ah coma, turly the lurve guru of the hpotd forum:lol:

But the man speaketh the truth :D

14-Mar-2007, 07:31 PM
Kelly Brook definitely has a fit bod, but she's a bit of a moron - ever see her when she was co-presenting The Big Breakfast? Oh dear...

Anyway, in my experience I've always gone for personality first, I figure if I can't stand the lady then what's the point? It's like in porn and there's a really hot chick and then she speaks and it's just utter garbage and that's a complete shut down to proceedings.

Anyway, personality is the key, yeah a nice package is a total bonus and is part of the routine for seeking out a special lady, but personality is a huge part of it for me. There was a girl I was mad for back in high school and it wasn't till I was like over her and had kinda given up with that, that I then thought of her in a sexual light. Up until then it was all about the personality.

So while I really like watching porn and watch porn fairly regularly, in real life I'm a 180...that make sense?

14-Mar-2007, 07:36 PM
Not superficial, its pretty much how it works. The exception is when you grow to like someone becasue you have contact with them over a long period, then you think
"I never realized how beautiful they are".
They still look the same, its just your perception and appreciation thats changed.
Coma...that is sooo profound!!!
That's what happens in marriage if married people give it a chance after awhile your perception does change in good ways and you learn to appreciate each other the longer you are together.
I look at my husband sometimes and remember what a beautiful person he is..sometimes ya just have to step back and look!

14-Mar-2007, 07:40 PM
ah coma, turly the lurve guru of the hpotd forum:lol:
Should I say Thanks or feel embarresed?:p
I guess you mean Love by Lurve.

For me when things went funny romantically I always tried to think "how can I improve on that"
rather than the "I am a useless f*ckup".

My next book
From f*ckup to guru in 10 easy steps!

14-Mar-2007, 07:41 PM
Im captain suave anyway so i can afford to be picky :p

14-Mar-2007, 07:43 PM
Coma...that is sooo profound!!!
Thanks! Aw shucks:o

Im captain suave anyway so i can afford to be picky :p
Yeah, but one can picky themselves into a life alone.
Good to be suave. I have hard girls tell me I am "unnaturally smooth". But I just spit out what I think about their good qualities and worry if I look dumb later. Who doesnt like an honest compliment? Dont lay it on too thick though, or you look like an ass.
Its an old saw but If you want a girl to like you, notice when they change their hair or get a new blouse or whatever. Works like a charm. If it works on The Flintstones it can work for you:D

14-Mar-2007, 07:59 PM
Yeah, but one can picky themselves into a life alone.

More sense from the guru! :)

Totally, back at uni there was this girl I was friends with and I spent like the latter two years of the three that we were in class together (we were both doing the same degree) swinging back and forth. One minute I was totally up for it and gonna ask her out, then the next day I'd be all cooled off on her, then I'd be all heated up again, then cooled off and this shiite went on with me for two years like I was saying, and it bugged the shiite out of me.

Anyway, time just kept slipping by, as it usually does when you're at uni and you think that time goes on forever, and then before I knew it uni was over. Then I saw her at graduation, and she was all spruced up and looked so damn hot and we took a picture together and I was just like "dude, you're such a f*cking indecisive numpty"...*sigh*...

After having been burned before going to uni, that made me all indecisive and cautious and I could never make my mind up, and now I just regret it cos I was such an idiot. We still keep in touch, but I found it really hard to read her, as I duno, kinda got the impression she might have been similarly indecisive back at me, so if that was the case, we were both mutually indecisive and anyway, I lost out, and that's something I'd definitely change if I could go back in time and give my previous self some advice - I'd say get off your indecisive ass already!

14-Mar-2007, 08:02 PM
Thanks! Aw shucks:o

Yeah, but one can picky themselves into a life alone.
Good to be suave. I have hard girls tell me I am "unnaturally smooth". But I just spit out what I think about their good qualities and worry if I look dumb later. Who doesnt like an honest compliment? Dont lay it on too thick though, or you look like an ass.
Its an old saw but If you want a girl to like you, notice when they change their hair or get a new blouse or whatever. Works like a charm. If it works on The Flintstones it can work for you:D

aaaaaaah now you are sounding like my husband, he had some smooth moves let me tell ya!
You do have a silver tongue(right words)...watch out on that I got my husband on that silver tongue and smooth moves some girl will get you too!LOL;)

14-Mar-2007, 08:06 PM
Im not all that suave really,im actually quite shy and a bit of a geek,but im forever getting compliments when im on nights out purely because of how i look :lol: doesnt send me on an ego trip though,just makes me blush :o

14-Mar-2007, 08:09 PM
Isn't anyone gonna give me a virtual hug and some internet sympathy after my heart-wrenching story of male indecision? :sneaky:

*does a Kevin-Smith-doing-Ben-Affleck-in-Jersey-Girl impression* (Evening With Kevin Smith 2 viewers will know what I mean) :lol:

14-Mar-2007, 08:22 PM
you didnt happen to want to be a dancer in vegas did ya?

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 08:23 PM
Since when is it 'chic' to look like you're going through a horrible heorin addiction or withdraw?

I *think* Heroin Chic- that emaciated look you described- has been fashionable since the late 70s/ early 80s (I think). Not nice.

My wife is no model by any stretch of the imagination, but I can't imagine a more beautiful person to spend my life with.

Awwwww. That's so nice <3 I like reading things like this :)

I boned a 90 lbs. girl in high school. I felt like I was boning a skeleton. It seriously hurt.

It *hurt*?? How? Why? What? :eek:

kelly brook figure for the win?you better believe it :D

I would kill small children to have her figure!

The exception is when you grow to like someone becasue you have contact with them over a long period, then you think
"I never realized how beautiful they are".
They still look the same, its just your perception and appreciation thats changed.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I actually got a bit choked up reading all your comments. This is such a nice board!

I have hard girls tell me I am "unnaturally smooth".

Lol! Your smoothness is trickling out of the monitor a bit, I must say :lol:

Its an old saw but If you want a girl to like you, notice when they change their hair or get a new blouse or whatever. Works like a charm.

I can vouch to everyone (MZ in particular!) that this is absolutely 100% true.

if I could go back in time and give my previous self some advice - I'd say get off your indecisive ass already!

At least it's well sunk in for next time ;) Next time you meet someone, remember that 2 years at uni and get in there (possibly after consulting with coma... lmao).

(I'm only teasing, coma ;) )

14-Mar-2007, 08:29 PM
you didnt happen to want to be a dancer in vegas did ya?
*sigh* :bored:

You know, everything doesn't need to be a post-count-notching-up quip, you know ... take a chill pill ... quality, not quantity.


Yeah I'm kinda worked up right now, but I was being totally serious and baring some reality on the board... :|


Coma, Chic - I'm gonna have to start paying attention to shiite like that...

I'm one of those guys that thinks something really smooth and suave in my head, but either:

A) Doesn't say it
B) Thinks of it a few hours later

Connecting my mouth to my inner suavity isn't exactly something I've mastered yet...grrr...:rolleyes:

Ya damn straight though Chic, next time I've got that in mind for future reference ... ... watch me f*ck it up another way, guaranteed ... some blokes are just totally rubbish. :rolleyes:

Which reminds me, girls who are forward and sometimes take control of things is really hot...

14-Mar-2007, 08:34 PM
yeah good going guys, now she thinks were a bunch of fags.
we need a "best faces of death video" thread, stat. :lol:

here's some hardcoreness to redeem this thread
http://www.onenet.com.hk/images/Bruce%20Lee%20&%20Chuck%20Norris%20Screen%20Saver%20sample%201%20 300x179.jpg

14-Mar-2007, 08:38 PM
:lol: @ liams post
That bottom pic just needs seagal or van dammes head on it and a couple of helicopters or humvees

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 08:47 PM
I'm one of those guys that thinks something really smooth and suave in my head, but either:

A) Doesn't say it
B) Thinks of it a few hours later

Connecting my mouth to my inner suavity isn't exactly something I've mastered yet...grrr...:rolleyes:

Ya damn straight though Chic, next time I've got that in mind for future reference ... ... watch me f*ck it up another way, guaranteed ... some blokes are just totally rubbish. :rolleyes:

Which reminds me, girls who are forward and sometimes take control of things is really hot...

I'm the same, the most un-smooth person ever, but in my experience it either a) hasn't mattered because most blokes assume it's up to them to make the first move anyway or b) my slightly deranged quirkiness has turned out to be attractive in itself... or at least made me stand out :lol:

Seriously though, try not to get down on yourself. Maybe if you got to know yourself better, you'd feel more centered and confident. Not meaning to turn this into a therapy session or anything- but my personal advice would be to try to find yourself more, it can really make you feel a lot more settled and secure in yourself, which is incidentally a very attractive quality.

14-Mar-2007, 08:48 PM
*joins Tricky in the laughter*

Well played, Clerk ... er ... Liam. :lol:

See, this is the problem with being a guy (I actually just mis-typed that as "gay" :lol:), you let one emotional thought/feeling out the bag, then the barb wire seal on the burlap-man-emotion-sack is torn asunder and you get all torrential until a fellow chap goes all Die Hard on us to round us back up into the emotionally-redundant fenced-off zone (like a dog barking sheep into a pen). :p

14-Mar-2007, 08:53 PM

There we go,clawing some man points back :lol:

14-Mar-2007, 09:02 PM
*tries to figure out how he's going to find himself under all this laziness* :)


*tries to claw back some bloke-respect too*



no wait ... I did that wrong...er...


That's more like it...



Nope, wait, some inner non-blokey-ness is still seeping through the gate...someone grab that padlock!



Nope ... missed it again ... wait ... wait...


AHHH!!! I've completely lost it...:eek:


oh I give up...


14-Mar-2007, 09:04 PM

14-Mar-2007, 09:05 PM
I'm one of those guys that thinks something really smooth and suave in my head, but either:

A) Doesn't say it
B) Thinks of it a few hours later

Connecting my mouth to my inner suavity isn't exactly something I've mastered yet...grrr...:rolleyes:

I'm one of those guys that thinks of something really smooth and suave in my head.
Then says it.
But then I compulsively follows it up with something like this.
"Nah Im just fooling, if you got in a horrible car accident tommorrow and died, more than likely I wouldnt care."

christ whats wrong with me....

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 09:09 PM
*tries to figure out how he's going to find himself under all this laziness* :)

I can heartily recommend reading, writing and drawing, to start with at least ;) Anything you feel attracted to expressing yourself through. Just taking time for yourself is really good for self-esteem I think, I have a theory that it kind of sends a message to yourself that you're worth investing time and effort into...

I'm one of those guys that thinks of something really smooth and suave in my head.
Then says it.
But then I compulsively follows it up with something like this.
"Nah Im just fooling, if you got in a horrible car accident tommorrow and died, more than likely I wouldnt care."

*nearly cries laughing* :lol: :lol: :lol:

Treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen, I guess!!

14-Mar-2007, 09:11 PM
is it wrong of me to like a lady with some fat and or muscle mass on her frame? Serisuly, is it sick of me to not want a skin and bones lady? I don't understand what todays fascination with uber skininess is. And people wonder why alot of girls have eating disorders or are getting there. Hell, most of the girls i know are very good looking and yet they don't see it. THey go i'm not as skinny as so and so or i don't look as good as so an so. Seriusly.


Well I am a big woman and it pisses me off when some people have that anti-fat attitude. I mean beauty and uglyness come in all shapes and sizes. I am a big girl and I think I am cute as hell. There is plenty of skinny women that are real ugly and skanky. I mean how the WOMAN TREATS YOU is the most important. If your lady friend likes you in return and cares about you and respects you and makes you happy that is what is important. And if your friends give you grief you need to tell them there are more important things in a relationship than a womans jean size. And besides big galsd do it better anyways:o :o :o :o

14-Mar-2007, 09:11 PM
Terran - smooooooooth.

Liam - that last pic is surely a boner kill. :eek: At least that's the impression I got ... like some kind of drunken version of symbolistic circumcision. :eek:

Arnie and Bulldogs though - manly *grrrr* *flexes* ... *pulls a muscle* ... *slouches on reclining chair* ... now THAT'S manly.

14-Mar-2007, 09:15 PM
*nearly cries laughing* :lol: :lol: :lol:

Treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen, I guess!!

It happens most when snuggling....:confused:

Girl: *whispering* "I love you baby"
Me: "Well thats pretty stupid"

14-Mar-2007, 09:16 PM
i thoght "plus size", was just a term for morbidle obese people like rosanne?:p

Well rosanne did not keep herself up when she had that show. Like I said some woman do not take care of themselves and their apparence. You can look good, be beautiful no matter what your size is. I would rather date a fat man that treats me like a princess then a skinny guy that is a gross slob or has no emotions or respect.

14-Mar-2007, 09:18 PM
Chic - ah right, I see what you mean...

I used to do a lot of drawing/painting when I was at school/sixth form (as I took those classes throughout), but kinda gave up on that when I went to uni (no time, took up the filmmaking thing full time).

Haven't really been able to express myself (in that way) with filmmaking though - however, I did write a script after uni that was very cathartic and kinda allowed me to re-assess my whole uni experience and kinda "get over" it a bit, so that was rather good...

And I used to be more introspective...but apart from that particular script I wrote a while back, I haven't been into introspection ... guess I kinda forgot about it as I've been rather chilled out and not seeking out any company since the indecisive chapter ... hmmm ... okay, I am still a bit introspective, as this rather unmanly thread speaks...but as my journey of googled images show, I just gave up and rested on a romantic sunset. :p

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 09:36 PM
Self-indulgence conducted in private is good (that sounded rude but oh well!). not so good in films though I suppose! If you're interested, i can pm you some exercises I did on a Introduction to Counselling course, in a fortnight or so. Basically, if you want to be a good counsellor, you have to know yourself really well so you don't project your own **** onto the clients, so all we really did for those 10 weeks was getting-to-know-you stuff (as well as learning the basic principles of counselling and active listening).

I started off thinking it was all a load of new age hippie horse**** but by the end I had to admit that I had grown a hell of a lot. You do have to be up for it to some extent though.

Girl: *whispering* "I love you baby"
Me: "Well thats pretty stupid"

Lmfao. Way To Not Get Laid # 78943759

14-Mar-2007, 10:00 PM
Self-indulgence conducted in private is good (that sounded rude but oh well!). not so good in films though I suppose! If you're interested, i can pm you some exercises I did on a Introduction to Counselling course, in a fortnight or so. Basically, if you want to be a good counsellor, you have to know yourself really well so you don't project your own **** onto the clients, so all we really did for those 10 weeks was getting-to-know-you stuff (as well as learning the basic principles of counselling and active listening).

I started off thinking it was all a load of new age hippie horse**** but by the end I had to admit that I had grown a hell of a lot. You do have to be up for it to some extent though.

Lmfao. Way To Not Get Laid # 78943759

I like your style!!:cool:

14-Mar-2007, 10:50 PM
More sense from the guru! :)

Totally, back at uni there was this girl I was friends with and I spent like the latter two years of the three that we were in class together (we were both doing the same degree) swinging back and forth. One minute I was totally up for it and gonna ask her out, then the next day I'd be all cooled off on her, then I'd be all heated up again, then cooled off and this shiite went on with me for two years like I was saying, and it bugged the shiite out of me.

Anyway, time just kept slipping by, as it usually does when you're at uni and you think that time goes on forever, and then before I knew it uni was over. Then I saw her at graduation, and she was all spruced up and looked so damn hot and we took a picture together and I was just like "dude, you're such a f*cking indecisive numpty"...*sigh*...

After having been burned before going to uni, that made me all indecisive and cautious and I could never make my mind up, and now I just regret it cos I was such an idiot. We still keep in touch, but I found it really hard to read her, as I duno, kinda got the impression she might have been similarly indecisive back at me, so if that was the case, we were both mutually indecisive and anyway, I lost out, and that's something I'd definitely change if I could go back in time and give my previous self some advice - I'd say get off your indecisive ass already!
My thought is the root of the indecision is "does she like me or not" and maybe the "I dont want to screw the friendship" thing. I have tried to just take my chances after a few experiences like that. Two of which I cant really detail because They are kinda painful as you are aware.

Maybe you could call her up and ask her to hang out with you all "let's catch up". After a couple beers and you get all warm and freindly tell her something like "I always liked you" or "I had a crush" or "I always regretted not getting together with you" combined with "wow, you look great, but then again you always have. You're a great person. Smart funny, hot" all that stuff. Be honest and direct.

Don't come at her with the "I have been in love forever" stuff. That only works in the movies.

If she goes for it, great
If not, you have closure and dont have to see her anymore anyway. It will sting, but not as much as regret. well, hopefully. Or you could just look in another direction for someone new. Nothing like New love.:)

Don't feel too bad, it's actually pretty (or extremely) common and quite normal.

Is that a serious enough response?

14-Mar-2007, 10:54 PM
Actually that sounds kinda interesting, PM away...

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 10:58 PM
Will do when I'm next at my parents' house, my folder's there :) If anyone else is interested I'll put it all in a thread.

14-Mar-2007, 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by El_Hooligan http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/images/style2/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/showthread.php?p=73593#post73593)
I boned a 90 lbs. girl in high school. I felt like I was boning a skeleton. It seriously hurt.

It *hurt*?? How? Why? What? :eek:

No padding on the pelvic bone. You can get a painful bruising feeling on the mid groin

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I actually got a bit choked up reading all your comments. This is such a nice board!

Lol! Your smoothness is trickling out of the monitor a bit, I must say :lol:

At least it's well sunk in for next time ;) Next time you meet someone, remember that 2 years at uni and get in there (possibly after consulting with coma... lmao).

(I'm only teasing, coma ;) )
Thank you for the kind comments. I truly love the ladies:). I try to be kind and give people the credit they deserve. Its easier to be nice than to be a dick. And you sleep better. I tried both. Nice is better.
All these tidbits come from years of catastophic failure.:cool:

14-Mar-2007, 11:12 PM
Will do when I'm next at my parents' house, my folder's there :) If anyone else is interested I'll put it all in a thread.
Muchos gracias. :)

14-Mar-2007, 11:14 PM
Coma, Chic - I'm gonna have to start paying attention to shiite like that...

I'm one of those guys that thinks something really smooth and suave in my head, but either:

A) Doesn't say it
B) Thinks of it a few hours later

Connecting my mouth to my inner suavity isn't exactly something I've mastered yet...grrr...:rolleyes:

Ya damn straight though Chic, next time I've got that in mind for future reference ... ... watch me f*ck it up another way, guaranteed ... some blokes are just totally rubbish. :rolleyes:

Which reminds me, girls who are forward and sometimes take control of things is really hot...
Thats why blurting is handy. Don't think just say.
But using a word, for example, like Attractive is better than Hot. Less sexual. Cant seem pushy.

To quote the hilarious Josh Rogan in 40 year old Virgin
"You plant seeds
The plant grows
Then you f*ck the plant!"

I have spent many hours having flashbacks of asshole behavior. That's non productive. Instead concentrate on what works. I have had independent confirmation from Wise and sophisticated females that I'm on the right track.:)
A lot of things I picked up from Girls who liked me and were planting their own seeds. Just Observe and ye shall overcome.:cool:

I'm one of those guys that thinks of something really smooth and suave in my head.
Then says it.
But then I compulsively follows it up with something like this.
"Nah Im just fooling, if you got in a horrible car accident tommorrow and died, more than likely I wouldnt care."

christ whats wrong with me....
Sounds like Fear of Success.
And kinda Mean:eek:
I read Chris Farley did the Same thing. Tons of Fame, money. Sure he was fat, but really funny and thats a good quality. Then he would act like a goof and screw it up. He could only get with Hookers.

I can heartily recommend reading, writing and drawing, to start with at least ;) Anything you feel attracted to expressing yourself through. Just taking time for yourself is really good for self-esteem I think, I have a theory that it kind of sends a message to yourself that you're worth investing time and effort into...

And that "want to see my etchings" bit works like a charm.
If a girl tells me she wants me to paint her portrait Im in like flynn.
If she wants a painting lesson
I aint teaching her painting:p

It happens most when snuggling....:confused:

Girl: *whispering* "I love you baby"
Me: "Well thats pretty stupid"
You cad!

14-Mar-2007, 11:37 PM
Oki doke - I'll increase my blurting quotient :D ... previously it hasn't worked out well for me, but I'll improve! :)

Ah yeah totally, I don't talk like such a randy bloke amongst the ladies ... unless they specifically ask. ;)

14-Mar-2007, 11:43 PM
okay, I am still a bit introspective, as this rather unmanly thread speaks...but as my journey of googled images show, I just gave up and rested on a romantic sunset. :p
There is nothing more manly than not giving a sh!t what anyone thinks. And sharpening your romantic skills? Whats soft about that? You're way ahead of some of your peers. Given a choice, listen to the ladies. Often, only guys who dont know anything about ladies goof on those looking for some kind of answer. Think the Gas and Sip in Say Anything.

I spent a long time trying to be a hard ass. It's not worth it. Inside Im a sensitive spaz internally. I dont look it, but I am. And I say f**k it.

When you pass desperation (which guys stink of like homeless B.O.) and move on to ambivalence, you will score big time. Its a scientific fact;)

Ah yeah totally, I don't talk like such a randy bloke amongst the ladies ... unless they specifically ask. ;)
Its a good way to sort out the uptight ones. If they think the randy stuff is funny, you good to go. Plus they aren't repressed which equals MZ living out his unsaid pervo fantasies:p

14-Mar-2007, 11:56 PM
You cad!
Romance and getting laid are overrated. Been there done that. Lets try several years of fear and loathing....lol

Probally part of it is that I think....*hmm ahhh crap they are totally into me....they just dont know me well enough to hate me yet*...
Nothing warms a girls heart more than a meticulous scientific verbal deconstruction of emotion, love, and romance.....:|

15-Mar-2007, 12:10 AM
Romance and getting laid are overrated. Been there done that. Lets try several years of fear and loathing....lol

Probally part of it is that I think....*hmm ahhh crap they are totally into me....they just dont know me well enough to hate me yet*...
Nothing warms a girls heart more than a meticulous scientific verbal deconstruction of emotion, love, and romance.....:|
What a stud.

Seriously dude. Even if thats a little true, I feel kinda bad for you.:(

Romance and getting laid are not overrated. Not if it's good.:)

15-Mar-2007, 05:33 AM


Why can't there be a drooling emoticon? That girl is breath taking.

15-Mar-2007, 06:37 AM
That girl has also been airbrushed and blown up to s**t. :lol:

Chic Freak
15-Mar-2007, 09:18 AM
No padding on the pelvic bone. You can get a painful bruising feeling on the mid groin

:eek: Bloody hell. David Beckham's "mid groin" must be one big perma-bruise :lol:

A lot of things I picked up from Girls who liked me and were planting their own seeds. Just Observe and ye shall overcome.:cool:

I think that's good advice too. Next time you see someone and get that proper flash of "ooh they're hot", try and think what it was that made you think that (other than pure looks) e.g. what they said, eye contact, body language, attitude, all that, and maybe you couold adapt it for your own ends.

And that "want to see my etchings" bit works like a charm.
If a girl tells me she wants me to paint her portrait Im in like flynn.
If she wants a painting lesson
I aint teaching her painting:p

Pssh, coma's a proper fount of wisdom. You guys should be taking notes here ;)

When you pass desperation (which guys stink of like homeless B.O.) and move on to ambivalence, you will score big time. Its a scientific fact;)

Also true. Sadly enough, there is often nothing hotter than a guy who couldn't care less whether you fancy him or not *sigh*

Probally part of it is that I think....*hmm ahhh crap they are totally into me....they just dont know me well enough to hate me yet*...

I used to think like that. You've just got to keep reminding yourself that they're not stupid, and if they like/ love you, then there must be something likeable/ loveable about you that they can see, even if you can't see it yet. Good luck xx

That girl has also been airbrushed and blown up to s**t. :lol:

Which brings me onto another "what do men really think?" question. Fake boobs: yay or nay? Is it better for a girl to be flat-chested or have implants? Obviously it's better if she has naturally nice boobs, before anyone says it, but assuming she doesn't..?

15-Mar-2007, 09:55 AM
boobs are like ghost photographs, sometimes fake ones look better than real ones, sometimes the other way round, there's an element of luck in it

Chic Freak
15-Mar-2007, 10:05 AM
True. I've seen some horrors, just like everyone else has I expect! But then there's Dita Von Teese.

15-Mar-2007, 11:19 AM
I think fake boobs suck. They don't feel right... (from what little bit I've experienced) they're way too firm.

Chic Freak
15-Mar-2007, 11:22 AM
mm, I've heard someone say they feel like grapefruit :lol:

15-Mar-2007, 11:52 AM
If a fake boob is done well, then it can't really do much harm ... but you don't want some Lolo Ferrari staggering about - it's all about proportion. And of course, some fake boobs, or most actually, look pretty good in a bra behind a t-shirt, but that comes off and they haven't moved an inch - that's not so good.

Natural is always best, it's all about proportion like I said, any size really. :)

15-Mar-2007, 04:20 PM
Romance and getting laid are overrated. Been there done that. Lets try several years of fear and loathing....lol

Been there, done that, overrated. Now I just wanna get laid. :lol: :lol:

(sorry man, couldn't resist.. :D)

15-Mar-2007, 04:39 PM
excessive drug use and nihilism are overrated, romance is a nice change after youve been frying and refrying your brain for a few years...

15-Mar-2007, 05:08 PM
This pressure to be ultra thin has encouraged a new generation of women who are either fitness nuts or are very skinny though diet but don't seem healthy. If you look at the Sports Illustrated swimsuit models from the 1970's and 1980's like Farrah Fawcett, Christie Brinkley, Cherl Tiegs, Claudia Schiffer, or Cindy Crawford - most would never make the cut now days.

15-Mar-2007, 05:17 PM
More sense from the guru! :)

Totally, back at uni there was this girl I was friends with and I spent like the latter two years of the three that we were in class together (we were both doing the same degree) swinging back and forth. One minute I was totally up for it and gonna ask her out, then the next day I'd be all cooled off on her, then I'd be all heated up again, then cooled off and this shiite went on with me for two years like I was saying, and it bugged the shiite out of me.

Anyway, time just kept slipping by, as it usually does when you're at uni and you think that time goes on forever, and then before I knew it uni was over. Then I saw her at graduation, and she was all spruced up and looked so damn hot and we took a picture together and I was just like "dude, you're such a f*cking indecisive numpty"...*sigh*...

After having been burned before going to uni, that made me all indecisive and cautious and I could never make my mind up, and now I just regret it cos I was such an idiot. We still keep in touch, but I found it really hard to read her, as I duno, kinda got the impression she might have been similarly indecisive back at me, so if that was the case, we were both mutually indecisive and anyway, I lost out, and that's something I'd definitely change if I could go back in time and give my previous self some advice - I'd say get off your indecisive ass already!

awwwwwwww that is a sad story MZ you have my sympathy..anyway her loss!!....I almost did the same thing... I played too cool with my boyfriend and he got engaged to another girl, we stayed best friends while he was engaged :( my heart was breaking inside :( !!!
Then he found out she was cheating on him. But, anyway you are sweet and will find the right girl!
BTW: I have been married to my best friend for 31 yrs!

15-Mar-2007, 06:21 PM
That girl has also been airbrushed and blown up to s**t. :lol:

Nah seriously theres nothing airbrushed about kelly brook,the photos probably been tweaked in regards to lighting etc,but she really is that good au natural :D


Chic Freak
15-Mar-2007, 07:33 PM
Is that Kelly Brook???

15-Mar-2007, 08:31 PM
It is indeed!and its not one of those photoshopped fakes either,she was with that billy zane dude sunbathing,the lucky git!

Chic Freak
15-Mar-2007, 08:45 PM
She looks great, although nothing like her pictures! And I thought she had breast implants? They look very natural.

16-Mar-2007, 02:06 AM
Which brings me onto another "what do men really think?" question. Fake boobs: yay or nay? Is it better for a girl to be flat-chested or have implants? Obviously it's better if she has naturally nice boobs, before anyone says it, but assuming she doesn't..?
Theres nothing wrong with enhanced tits as long as it was needed and not just done to pump them up to 84DD. I like all tits: naturals, fakes, big, small, firm, saggy, round, square, whatever. Tits are tits and as long as it's got a nipple - I don't care what type of tit it is. :D

16-Mar-2007, 11:27 AM
Indeed, she's a smokin' hotty, but it's all ruined when she has to say anything that remotely involves intelligence ... that was the problem, like I said before, on The Big Breakfast back in the day. I remember watching that in the mornings and just couldn't believe how thick she was on there...it was at least twice as bad as Kate Lawler trying to present on the show that replaced TBB ... and that was BAD.

16-Mar-2007, 06:59 PM
Theres nothing wrong with enhanced tits as long as it was needed and not just done to pump them up to 84DD. I like all tits: naturals, fakes, big, small, firm, saggy, round, square, whatever. Tits are tits and as long as it's got a nipple - I don't care what type of tit it is. :D
As someone whose had experience with the fake ones I can say that it feels different, but looks like a porn movie. Like when your boning you feel like your a XXX star. And for Many guys an illusion is a good as the real thing. Im not talking ridiculously big, more reasonable. My GF with the fake ones all my buds thought was smokin even though they would talk smack about the gel boobs. I didnt know they were fake until we got nekkid. Shows how much I know. Im more of an Ass man anyway.

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 07:20 PM
Lol, well what's your opinion on ass implants??

16-Mar-2007, 07:24 PM
wtf is an ass implant?!

16-Mar-2007, 07:35 PM
Oh man there's implants for everything, I was flicking around Sky one day and some vain twatty Californian OC type jock was getting implants to simulate ... wait for it ... calf muscles ... geeeeeeez.

There's pec implants, muscles implants, so there's no doubt ass implants ... and Paris Hilton really could do with them, lift that saggy flap of arse up and make it invisible from the front once more. *shudders*

16-Mar-2007, 07:38 PM
lol CALF implants?! :rolleyes: you can tone them up just by walking on tiptoes whenever you go up stairs, how lazy!

16-Mar-2007, 07:39 PM
I saw some bloke in FHM once who was pretty much made out of implants!biceps,pecs,abdominal,calves,buttocks etc!he was some extremely vain dude who said that he lived in hollywood & you had to have all that done just to look the part while walking around!absolute crazies in hollywood!even if there was massive demand for me i wouldnt live there,its my idea of hell :lol:
All very well having all these implants till you have to lift something & your fake muscles give you no strength whatsoever :lol:

16-Mar-2007, 07:44 PM
Tricky - lol @ vain weaklings who look strong. :D

Liam - yep, f*ckin' CALF implants...it's the vainest thing I've EVER SEEN EVER.

Then there was another guy getting a dick operation (cutting the muscle above the cock or something to make it sag out more). He already had like 8 inches, but he insisted on spending a few K to get about one more by doing a procedure which apparently makes it kinda tough to get a boner, or at least make a boner stand up properly...seriously lame.

All those Hollywood f*cks who get all implanted should piss off, I'd go to Hollywood if they were giving me all sorts of work and I could do what I wanted movie wise (like Kevin Smith), but no doubt I'd go absolutely crazy from all the vain dripping off the "beautiful people" like empty seminal fluid. :rockbrow::barf:

Mind you, they'd probably really like us lot, cos we're Brits and we have the accent...:sneaky::elol:

Back to the CALF bloke, I was sitting there laughing my ass off, while I didn't have the wash board stomach, nor the impossibly inhuman teeth, or the chiselled jaw ... what I did/and do have IS BITCHIN' CALFS...these bitches are SOLID. I've actually got rather strong looking legs, and they must be strong, dragging my ass around all day :lol: ... anyway, I just gloated at the screen - check these bitches you jealous, vain twat! :elol:

16-Mar-2007, 07:56 PM
Lol, well what's your opinion on ass implants??
Not cool. Liam, thet are same as breast implants but in the ass.
I am not pro breast implants, just though that one time they were OK. I if had a pic you would know why.:) She was a total package, so it wasnt just that. It was her booty that sold me.
I would be afraid of breaking the ass implants. I dont want to be that careful when I just want animalistic lust:p

I saw some bloke in FHM once who was pretty much made out of implants!biceps,pecs,abdominal,calves,buttocks etc!he was some extremely vain dude who said that he lived in hollywood & you had to have all that done just to look the part while walking around!absolute crazies in hollywood!even if there was massive demand for me i wouldnt live there,its my idea of hell :lol:
All very well having all these implants till you have to lift something & your fake muscles give you no strength whatsoever :lol:
Pec implants are wierd as hell.
The worst?
CHEEK implants. They always look xtremely odd

Mind you, they'd probably really like us lot, cos we're Brits and we have the accent...:sneaky::elol:
when I was In CA i would play up the Joe Pesciness of my accent and it totally worked. Cause us NYers are foreigners too to the rest of the US.
If you want to sound "Classy" in a Advertisemnt they use a BBC type accent, cause UK = Class!

16-Mar-2007, 08:09 PM
Aye us english (or those of us who have good command of the language) could sell anything through adverts as we sound trustworthy,sincere,and of authority!

I dont need implants anyway as i put the work in with weights so im naturally muscular :cool:

16-Mar-2007, 08:16 PM
Lol, well what's your opinion on ass implants??
You have got to be kidding. :lol:

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 08:23 PM
Lol, as in "don't be ridiculous of course they're horrible" or "people don't really get them??"

if the latter, yes they do ;) If you have a flat bum it's supposed to make it look perkier :rolleyes:

16-Mar-2007, 08:25 PM
Heel squats with butt clenching. Good way to keep an ass nice and tzight. :D

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 08:27 PM
I'm *guessing* it's mostly anorexic girls who want to have protruding hip bones and ribs, but then still want to look sexy so they get breast and ass implants. i guess.

My method is way simpler, exercise for the perkiness and ice-cream for the roundness :D Cheaper and more fun than surgery.

16-Mar-2007, 08:32 PM
I like that theory Chic - more should do it methinks. After all, collar bones, ribs and then a massive pair of jugs is a turn off, it just looks wrong ... only Lara Croft can be physically disproportionate and get away with it ... mainly because she's not real, but also because the basic figure is curvy, not boney.

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 08:40 PM
Well yeah, and she doesn't have any protruding bones. Kind of goes back to my dad's argument that given a kind of fantasy-land reign, men like curves. Although she is rather top-heavy ;)

16-Mar-2007, 08:43 PM
I like that theory Chic - more should do it methinks. After all, collar bones, ribs and then a massive pair of jugs is a turn off, it just looks wrong ... only Lara Croft can be physically disproportionate and get away with it ... mainly because she's not real, but also because the basic figure is curvy, not boney.
When Angelina Jolie did her they actually stuffed her bra. Which is super weird because she has world class tits. Wtf?

16-Mar-2007, 08:43 PM
Men likes boobs ... they really like boobs ... so when it comes to creating a set, they'll usually go disproportionately large ... but when it comes to reality, they'll take any, because boobs are just awesome. :D

When Angelina Jolie did her they actually stuffed her bra. Which is super weird because she has world class tits. Wtf?
I know! I always thought that was really weird, because she's got an absolutely bangin' body with world class jugs, so stuffing more in there ... kinda weird...still blatantly would though. :p:lol:

16-Mar-2007, 08:52 PM
Men likes boobs ... they really like boobs ... so when it comes to creating a set, they'll usually go disproportionately large ... but when it comes to reality, they'll take any, because boobs are just awesome. :D

I know! I always thought that was really weird, because she's got an absolutely bangin' body with world class jugs, so stuffing more in there ... kinda weird...still blatantly would though. :p:lol:
really. Plus she's all creepy and wierd and that makes her hotter.

16-Mar-2007, 08:57 PM
Damn, I wonder what she's like when she's not had sex for 2 months. <straps himself in> :eek:

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 09:35 PM
When Angelina Jolie did her they actually stuffed her bra. Which is super weird because she has world class tits. Wtf?

I watched a documentary about her on the biography channel a while ago whne I was mildly obsessed with her, and apparently it's because she was "only" a C/D cup at the time and Lara Croft was supposed to be a DD/E cup. Or something.

Did you see her in Girl, Interrupted though? Skin and bone.

Damn, I wonder what she's like when she's not had sex for 2 months. <straps himself in> :eek:

We all have to die of something I guess. Bagsy me that way.

16-Mar-2007, 10:25 PM
I watched a documentary about her on the biography channel a while ago whne I was mildly obsessed with her, and apparently it's because she was "only" a C/D cup at the time and Lara Croft was supposed to be a DD/E cup. Or something.

Did you see her in Girl, Interrupted though? Skin and bone.
Yes. but her face still looked good.:kiss:

We all have to die of something I guess. Bagsy me that way.
I didnt get any for two years once. Got sick if the effort.

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 10:29 PM
Yes. but her face still looked good.:kiss:

Yeah, she was awesome in that film. Very convincing as a nutter! Kind of weird that the only part of her body that stayed the same size was her lips though :lol: *meow*

I didnt get any for two years once. Got sick if the effort.

You say :p

16-Mar-2007, 10:48 PM
You say :p
My "friend" banged my GF. Then I got shot down by like 5 girls I tried to ask out in a row, and not kindly. Crushed my confidence. said "to hell with it". Took up masterbating as a second career.:p
tried to later on get back with an old GF. She had apparently turned into a psychopathic shrew and conspired to crush my mind while also banging some old degenerate (long and sad story). I had lived with her a few years previous and she definably lost her marbles. Too many bad left turns made me really give up.

Next girl was a total nutjob beyotch. Everything I tried so hard to get away from. I realized I had been going backwards.

Changed my direction totally. The next girl I am still with 8 years later. A relationship only has room for one asshole:D

Yay, I spilt my guts too:p

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 10:53 PM
Aw, I'm sorry man, I wouldn't have taken the piss if I'd realised.

Great to hear you got with the right woman in the end though :D

Hurray for guts-spillage. See, it's NICE to have girls on the board... lmao.

16-Mar-2007, 11:01 PM
Aw, I'm sorry man, I wouldn't have taken the piss if I'd realised.

Great to hear you got with the right woman in the end though :D

Hurray for guts-spillage. See, it's NICE to have girls on the board... lmao.
Piss taking is OK. Im not delicate flower and its ok to make fun of me for not getting laid.:D Though Im a sex machine now, so maybe thats why I dont care
I just remembered. that all. Earlier today I had a sort of flashback of the shrew. I had some new friends who would goof on me for never having any girls. I just tell them "dude, you have no idea. Im quite studly".:p

As far as being a girl, Im a lesbian trapped in a Man's body. I was raised with no men around. Hence the odd combo of overcompensating Macho posturing and sensitive heart on my sleeve stuff. I read an old sex advice book when I was little that was probably from the mid 60s. It said guys like me turn out gay. I spent a couple years worried I was going to turn gay. Then one day I was at the Doctor and noticed the nurse had a nice ass. Problem solved!

16-Mar-2007, 11:01 PM
I'm gonna have to watch Girl, Interupted now...*licks lips*...woooaaaaaahhhh mamma!

Coma - I couldn't think of a better way to die ... well, if you slap Jennifer Aniston (circa Friends season 1 through 4/5 ... hell, even up till now), Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson and a whole bunch of other fitches that have slipped my mind as the images currently flowing around in there now have taken up all my Processing power ... I'm not dual core yet, you see ... ... ah geez that was a nerdy-ass joke. :rolleyes:

Chic Freak
16-Mar-2007, 11:09 PM
As far as being a girl, Im a lesbian trapped in a Man's body. I was raised with no men around. Hence the odd combo of overcompensating Macho posturing and sensitive heart on my sleeve stuff. I read an old sex advice book when I was little that was probably from the mid 60s. It said guys like me turn out gay.

Ha, I sometimes think I'm a drag queen trapped in a girl's body. It's all good :D What a pathetic book though. It's a shame that different qualities are stil categorised as being feminine, masculine, faggy or dykey, rather than just stand-alone qualities in and of themselves. Like men are meant to feel ashamed about actually being balanced or something.

Ooh, I'm feeling political tonight. All my posts seem to be bitching about someone's rights, whether it be men's, women's, LGBT peeps' or beagles'. Oh well!

the images currently flowing around in there now have taken up all my Processing power ... I'm not dual core yet, you see ... ... ah geez that was a nerdy-ass joke. :rolleyes:

That was very nerdy. I don't know what dual core is. But then I'm nerdy about other things :p

16-Mar-2007, 11:15 PM
I'm gonna have to watch Girl, Interupted now...*licks lips*...woooaaaaaahhhh mamma!

Coma - I couldn't think of a better way to die ... well, if you slap Jennifer Aniston (circa Friends season 1 through 4/5 ... hell, even up till now), Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson and a whole bunch of other fitches that have slipped my mind as the images currently flowing around in there now have taken up all my Processing power ... I'm not dual core yet, you see ... ... ah geez that was a nerdy-ass joke. :rolleyes:
I just busted off and its not cool that a guys words made them happen
***feels shamed and alone***

Ha, I sometimes think I'm a drag queen trapped in a girl's body. It's all good :D What a pathetic book though. It's a shame that different qualities are stil categorised as being feminine, masculine, faggy or dykey, rather than just stand-alone qualities in and of themselves. Like men are meant to feel ashamed about actually being balanced or something.

Ooh, I'm feeling political tonight. All my posts seem to be bitching about someone's rights, whether it be men's, women's, LGBT peeps' or beagles'. Oh well!

I've had guys call me faggy (or more pussy) for being 'sensitive" and bull dykes call me a macho jerk (huh?). Make up your goddamn mind!
Bulldykes are weird. They act like the worst elements of masculinity but hate a guy for acting vaguely masculine. I have had to say "Im sorry, but your mistaken. I am not your father or whoever you resent."

16-Mar-2007, 11:41 PM
I just busted off and its not cool that a guys words made them happen
***feels shamed and alone*** - su-f*ckin'-perb ... I should write erotic novels ... but blokey erotic novels that have absolutely zero romance and is filled with sentences like "and there she popped out her jugs and f*ck me backwards they were great, all round and stuff, pretty big too - noiiice! :thumbsup:" ... lol!

Chic - Dual Core is essentially double the processing power of your computer right now, like two standard processors back to back - double the power ... that's it put really simply ... I don't much else about them. :lol:

17-Mar-2007, 12:00 AM
- su-f*ckin'-perb ... I should write erotic novels ... but blokey erotic novels that have absolutely zero romance and is filled with sentences like "and there she popped out her jugs and f*ck me backwards they were great, all round and stuff, pretty big too - noiiice! :thumbsup:" ... lol!
manly tool! thats the best one. Who the f**k ever said that?
actually me and my girl use all those stupid words like Porked, dong, schlong, finger popped, boning etc.
Yup, we are 'Tarded

Chic - Dual Core is essentially double the processing power of your computer right now, like two standard processors back to back - double the power ... that's it put really simply ... I don't much else about them. :lol:

17-Mar-2007, 12:22 AM

Blates, didn't you know the ladies love computer talk, like, pishaw! It's the hawtest thing ever! :rolleyes: *GOL!* :D

17-Mar-2007, 12:52 AM
Blates, didn't you know the ladies love computer talk, like, pishaw! It's the hawtest thing ever! :rolleyes: *GOL!* :D
especially if you dont know what the **** your talking about!:lol::moon:

17-Mar-2007, 05:52 AM
I like women of all sizes, but those rail thin girls are disgusting looking. I want to force feed them hamburgers and other fatty foods just so they can look normal.

17-Mar-2007, 06:00 AM
is it wrong of me to like a lady with some fat and or muscle mass on her frame? Serisuly, is it sick of me to not want a skin and bones lady? I don't understand what todays fascination with uber skininess is. And people wonder why alot of girls have eating disorders or are getting there. Hell, most of the girls i know are very good looking and yet they don't see it. THey go i'm not as skinny as so and so or i don't look as good as so an so. Seriusly.


Nothing wrong with you likeing a fat girl, but why do you gotta put down skinny girls?

No way, pasty-pale gofficks for the win :D


Scarily enough... plus size high fashion models are UK size 12-14. That's really not that big at all :( The average dress size in the UK is 16, for a start.

Example of a "plus-size" figure:


It's bad really. When someone with a normal figure makes a success of themselves they're labelled plus-size. No wonder so many girls think that "normal" = fat.

I like fair skinned women myself... calling them pale and pasty is just buying into the whole tanning craze nonsense. Nothing sexier than a fair skinned beauty.

you guys realize all the pics of women you posted who have "meat on thier bones" are also the ones called "skinny bags of bones" right? a little flesh = fat.. a fat girl who is a little or a lot overweight. A girl who is a normal weight and height ratio is considered skinny by most.

17-Mar-2007, 09:49 AM
My on/off girlfriend has a gorgeous body,shes not skin and bone either :D and her jubblies are awesome!

Chic Freak
17-Mar-2007, 10:03 AM
I like fair skinned women myself... calling them pale and pasty is just buying into the whole tanning craze nonsense. Nothing sexier than a fair skinned beauty.

I was only kidding, I'm very pale myself, which is why I said it ;)

A girl who is a normal weight and height ratio is considered skinny by most.

Sure, I was referring to anorexic or anorexic-looking girls though, e.g.


Some girls are naturally "skinny", if you want to call the lower end of the healthy bracket that. I think people on here are mostly referring to girls who are clinically underweight/ anorexic/ emaciated though?

If we are in fact just bitching about girls with no tits then I withdraw everything I've said, it takes all types ;)

17-Mar-2007, 11:57 AM
Even truer *hit by de ja vu of a conversation we had talking about the same thing in which I also had a hit of de ja vu...:eek:* ...


Anyway, I've got 1024mb RAM and a 256mb DirectX 9.0c graphics card with 4 USB ports, two round back, two up front and an infra-red mouse ... anyone gettin' hot up in here, or is it just me? :lol:

17-Mar-2007, 12:36 PM
As far as being a girl, I'm a lesbian trapped in a Man's body.

Ain't we all, dude....

....ain't we all.

As far as this topic is going, I like a medium sized girl with some good pins and child bearing hips.

Then again, I'm at the stage where I'd buck owt!!!! :lol:

17-Mar-2007, 02:46 PM
Blates, didn't you know the ladies love computer talk, like, pishaw! It's the hawtest thing ever! :rolleyes: *GOL!* :D
I thought they loved Milk Tray? :D

17-Mar-2007, 07:24 PM
Only if that bloke climbing in your window like a ninja to drop some chocs on your bed can remove all the pop up windows from her computer as well. :D

It was always hilarious at uni, the girls' computers were rubbish, filled, PACKED even, with pop ups. They'd forget to empty the recycle bin and wonder why their HDD is full, they had no concept of virus scans, anti-virus software or anti-spyware/adware, no idea whatsoever.

Us lads had our computers locked down and stowed away and in order, then we'd be getting PM'd on MSN asking us to fix something. :lol:

17-Mar-2007, 09:47 PM
^ and the reason for that?, is it because men are better with computers?, of course not.

its cus they take better means to hide there porn folders, nothing more:lol:

17-Mar-2007, 10:32 PM
Nope, blokes generally are better with computers from the off. The ladies can learn, much like blokes had to do, but the lass' generally couldn't give a bollocks about such things.

It's like how men are better at parking a car than women, why? Sexism? Nope - spatial awareness, a trait that's honed to a greater degree than in women.

Chic Freak
17-Mar-2007, 11:02 PM
I have to reluctantly concede that that is generally true. I ****ing hate parking, my spatial awareness is appalling.

Women tend to be better at learning languages and communication for example. I forget the statistic now... but women even speak significantly more words in an average day than men, and are generally able to talk and listen at the same time (me, my mum and my nan do this all the time, it nearly drives my dad round the bend. He can't figure out we can hold a conversation with everyone talking at once, for hours on end. But we can :) )

17-Mar-2007, 11:57 PM
woman:"what did i just say?"


woman:"before that"


woman:"before that"


18-Mar-2007, 12:12 PM
Aye, I've read the stat about how much more women talk, thousands and thousands more words isn't it, or something mad? :eek:

Whenever my sister comes down for a few days she and my Mum are just talking constantly, especially the case when my Aunt visits, then it's just wall-to-wall chit-chat, it's nuts.

I grunt now and then...then I'll go park a car quickly and then maneuver through town traffic with confidence. :lol:

Chic Freak
18-Mar-2007, 12:31 PM
Lol, it's not actually that much I don't think, more like 200-250 more words per day (don't quote me though, it was a looong time ago I read that stat).

18-Mar-2007, 12:36 PM
The stats I heard was women talk for around 20,000 words a day, while a bloke only does 7,000 ... of course, those are averages so some will vary, you might get a really chatty bloke, or someone might say nothing all day as they're alone in the house or whatever...

I certainly know who does most of the talking at the dinner table - my mum, hehe - my dad is second, and I sit there barely saying anything because I'm too busy shovelling food down my gullet. :lol:

I think you're thinking of the words per minute rate. Women are apparently 250, while men are 125.

Chic Freak
18-Mar-2007, 01:46 PM
That's twice as many! Christ.

18-Mar-2007, 03:04 PM
That's twice as many! Christ.
Exactly my poi...:sneaky:

Chic Freak
18-Mar-2007, 03:25 PM
Hmm, i have my suspicions :sneaky: I want to read this book when i get the chance:


It's meant to be a good psychological account of some of the traditional gender differences.

18-Mar-2007, 09:27 PM
Yup,when i gave my old computer to my mum for her & my sisters to use,it was a decent spec gaming rig,smooth running & clean,now it crashes every 5 minutes,is bursting with junk & has all these errors that refuse to be fixed!how they've done it i have no idea.But i know they never defrag,virus scan,error check or anything else :rolleyes:

Chic Freak
18-Mar-2007, 10:30 PM
_liam_ and I, and a friend of ours called Walsh, have a theory that it's something to do with an ovary aura. I can do the exact same thing to a computer as a male friend, and it'll ****ing die on me. It's mysterious. It's like a reverse healing thing, I only need to lay hands on a piece of technology for it to commit suicide.

18-Mar-2007, 10:35 PM
Yup,when i gave my old computer to my mum for her & my sisters to use,it was a decent spec gaming rig,smooth running & clean,now it crashes every 5 minutes,is bursting with junk & has all these errors that refuse to be fixed!how they've done it i have no idea.But i know they never defrag,virus scan,error check or anything else :rolleyes:
OUCH! :eek:

I remember at Uni one of our housemates (in the first year) had a Windows 3.1 machine - no-f*cking-kidding (and yes, this was 2002), I hadn't seen one of those since about 1996 when my high school finally upgraded to Windows 95.

Anyway, I remember having to install an ethernet card for her, or help with it somehow (basically unscrewing the box, slotting the card in, screwing it back together again - bingo). Anyway, she had one or other of us up there fixing things or whatever for a while, then she got a new computer I think (about time), it was hilarious, Windows 3.1 after the millennium ... I let her off cos she was (and is) mega fit, but damn...:D

It was kinda weird in a way too, cos the girl's just took us lads for granted when it came to us fixing their computers (one had the WORST working mouse ever imaginable, it was soooooo bad), so we'd tease them by refusing to do the work, then eventually cave in or pawn it off on one of us other lads who wasn't in such an unappreciated mood, lol.

Chic Freak
18-Mar-2007, 10:52 PM
I mostly assume that the amount of enjoyment I get from having someone fix my computer for free is equalled by said man in question's enjoyment of showing off his skills. Seems fair ;)

18-Mar-2007, 10:57 PM
I mostly assume that the amount of enjoyment I get from having someone fix my computer for free is equalled by said man in question's enjoyment of showing off his skills. Seems fair ;)
Mmmm ... you're kinda right I suppose, it makes us feel superior and skilled ... especially in a world where you don't get many "manly-men blokes" working down mines for 36 hours a day and eating wood during their 5 minute breakfast/lunch/dinner break all-in-one. :lol:

Plus there's a part of you in your head, or on one of your shoulders, who's whispering you the suggestion that you might be in with a better chance of taking a shot at her pooter if you tinker in her com-pooter first. :elol:

Sound gross and kinda blokey? Well sorry, but that's what that voice keeps saying, but don't tell me women don't use blokes for similar thoughts. :D

Chic Freak
18-Mar-2007, 11:39 PM
Plus there's a part of you in your head, or on one of your shoulders, who's whispering you the suggestion that you might be in with a better chance of taking a shot at her pooter if you tinker in her com-pooter first. :elol:

"Pooter" is actually quite a cute nickname for "vagina". Aw.

19-Mar-2007, 02:17 AM
Mmmm ... you're kinda right I suppose, it makes us feel superior and skilled ... especially in a world where you don't get many "manly-men blokes" working down mines for 36 hours a day and eating wood during their 5 minute breakfast/lunch/dinner break all-in-one. :lol:

Plus there's a part of you in your head, or on one of your shoulders, who's whispering you the suggestion that you might be in with a better chance of taking a shot at her pooter if you tinker in her com-pooter first. :elol:

Sound gross and kinda blokey? Well sorry, but that's what that voice keeps saying, but don't tell me women don't use blokes for similar thoughts. :D
Well, lots (LOTS) of girls string you along by pushing out their tits to get you to fix their comp/car/kitchen floor. Only a true sucker gets played like that. (yeah, I got played too)
I say
Bitch, fix MY f**king computer before you get this sweet dick, yo.:cool:
Im taking a nap. When I get up I want that cpu Overclocked and maybe I'll let you touch it:)

19-Mar-2007, 05:53 AM
Wow, holy crap, i didn't look at this topic for a few days and it balloons like Rosanne on her show. Jeez, I seem to be a pimp thought evoker.

In all seriousness, I'm a little soured to dating myself, and am not going to try it for a long time, but all this is besides the point.

I dunno..with me..i'm shy as hell, but not anymore, I mean, I never would have thought I was capable of doing or sayign anything I did when me and my ex were dating. Hell, I used to think it was unmanly to actaully have feelings for someone that were higher then "hey, she gots some nice titties yo". Heh, I remember me and her were talkign on the phone ages ago and she broke down crying...I told her to meet me at her door and I ran over to her house at 10:30 at night just to see her...man...looking back on it...nm, i'm in a good mood right now and do not wish to dwell on things best forgotten.

I wouldn't say i'm suave or anything, but I seem to have a way with words aroudn alot of women, and have been told I am an incredible pick me up and charmer. Not too mention i'm a trembling bucket of testosterone ready to explode in a fit of manliness...

19-Mar-2007, 07:18 AM
seriously man, whats with all these "manlieness" posts lately?, you dont have anything to prove here man.

19-Mar-2007, 07:24 AM
it's 3 out of 10 or so in the last week buddy...man

I say manliness here because yes, it is true. I am a man. I am not trying to "prove" anything here.

I said 300 was manly. It is. There is alot of killing, screaming, and fighting, it is the definition of a manly movie chum.

I said this is manly because it is and again, it's a joke. Since when is not being serious a crime all of a sudden? I did the thing in lounge because it's a lounge. I can understand you getting defensive if I had said

"kill all the gays, blacks are the problem today, not bush, murder children, beat women, burn down France" but I didn't. I'm stating what is the media image of manly in a sarcastic way, which is hard to do on the internet btw, and have fun for a little while outside of a boring as hell march break. THerefore, it is in good fun, nothing more.

19-Mar-2007, 11:06 AM
Chic - nicknames are always better for "sexy bits", the real names sound utterly stupid and just insist on you pronouncing them in a really screwed-up-faced manner, they insist that you say them in a silly voice and make bizarre little gestures.

Dick, cock, wang - fine.
Pooter, minge, holy flaps, Brazilian runway - fine.

Penis ... *sniggers, avoids eye contact*
Vagina ... *sniggers, looks embarrassed*

Coma - now that's some funny shiite. I only reserved help for the girls so fit you'd drink ... well, it's a phrase used in a film, gross ... but probably a little bit true with every guy...anyway...the others got a bit of help if they were really nice, and more often than not I'd be too lazy or pawn them off on one of the other guys, one of the non-Scottish and nowhere-near-as-stubborn-as-me guys. :elol:

19-Mar-2007, 11:19 AM
Pooter, minge, holy flaps, Brazilian runway - fine.
You forgot roll mops. :D

Chic Freak
19-Mar-2007, 07:09 PM
"Flaps" is horrible. As is anything that implies injury eg "gash", "slit", "axe wound" etc. Not just because, well y'know, it's not a mutilation, but also because the first thing I think when a bloke refers to a vagina like that is "castration complex" :eek: :lol:

But then, the incey-wincey cutesy words annoy me too. I need to find a good word!

19-Mar-2007, 07:40 PM
lol, call me flattered that I'm quoted in your sig. :D

And it's true ... see, cos now we're talking about minge synonyms...


Holy grail

Furry bowl

The goal

The pink

19-Mar-2007, 07:44 PM
Box,bearded clam,splitarse,bald man in a boat,vertical bacon buttie,haddock pastie,aaah the list goes on!(not that i would use any of those words within earshot of any woman in the real world) :shifty:
Quite the gentleman in real life!

Quick lads,talk about carburettors,guns,earthmoving equipment,explosions & proper german beer to regain man points :lol:

19-Mar-2007, 08:00 PM
"bald man in a boat" - that, Sir, is flat-out genius.


You know what car I'd buy if I had the money? Aston Martin DB9, though I'd prefer a manual gear box personally, none of that flaps rubbish (flappy paddle, not holy flaps! :lol:)

Cor, gimme a bit of DB9 any day. :p

19-Mar-2007, 08:13 PM
DB9's are nice,i had the pleasure of inspecting one in york last year,although if i had the money i would probably give the DB9 a miss and get a Bugatti veyron,pure sex on wheels that car

19-Mar-2007, 08:23 PM
True, the Bugatti is absolutely incredible, a 5 million quid car for a mere sniff at £800,000 (that is, technically, a bargain).

Aye, if I was a multi-millionnaire I wouldn't half mind a Veyron, they're epic...in fact, I'd get a Veyron for the weekends and a DB9 for the working week. :p

19-Mar-2007, 08:28 PM
Aye that could work,and maybe a Zonda for bank holidays..

19-Mar-2007, 08:37 PM
Hmmm...maybe, but I'd be more tempted by a Mercedes McLaren SLR ... those tickle my nuts something chronic.


even sexier with black rims *drools*


Still though:



even sexier with the top off, as is par for the course ;) ... but a puppy is still apparently more appealing :p

19-Mar-2007, 08:41 PM
Hell yeah how did i forget the mclaren mercedes!!!!:eek:
absolute corker of a car that :cool:

19-Mar-2007, 08:48 PM
Then chuck in a Toyota Hilux to yomp around your vast, sprawling acres of land...that sumbitch is indescructable!

(still drives, for those of a non-Top-Gear-persuasion


Mind you, don't make it a "Toybota" ... that seems to kill it off a little bit. :p


19-Mar-2007, 08:48 PM
Is that second one a new Astin Martin? Looks alot like the one in "Casino Royale" that was flipped a world record of seven times.:(

19-Mar-2007, 08:52 PM
The second lot of 3 pics in my 6 pic post (covering the SLR first) is indeed the DB9, the final pic is the Valante (sp?) version, and yep, that's the one from Casino Royale...such a shame to flip it so soon after it being introduced...:(

26-Mar-2007, 07:06 PM
I dont get where girls and women get their desire to be rail thin from...maybe its because I at one point in time may have wanted to do porn I duno but I think beautiful is when you actually look like A WOMAN and have an ass and breasts to go with it. Its when I see females who are like a size zero and have no assets that I go... what the heck? I dont aspire to be rail thin I just like being athletic. Ive never had anyone tell me I should lose weight and I never feel fat. I look at celebrities and wonder... do you miss the taste of In N Out burgers?

But I could suggest the same thing for men... while most men aren't exactly thin I know too many who are trying to lose weight or trying to add two cans to their six pack... I dont get it. When I lay my head down I need padding gosh durnnnit

26-Mar-2007, 08:38 PM
I think the genders should mutually speak up on what they want...I think blokes should continue to express their liking of a lady with a figure - a lady who looks like a proper woman, not a 30 year old child! :eek: (e.g. that pic of whatshername, the one who hangs out with that slag Hilton...yeuch).

And likewise, I think women who like a normal blokey bloke should speak up, especially if they don't mind a bit of a beer gut - cos that's a real bloke, Brad Pitt ... that ain't a bloke, that's a load of hard work or intense vanity...a proper bloke just isn't that vain...and anyway, a bloke obsessed with their look isn't a very nice person I've found, or they're bearable, but you just don't like them anywhere near as much if you didn't get the sense they were checking themselves out in a reflective surface rather than have a conversation with you ... now, in case that makes me sound like I'm gay, I'm not, I was just making a point and saying what I reckon women think of those kind of guys ... or what I think they should be thinking of such guys.

A bloke all up in his appearance is like someone who drives a Hybrid car - smug to the end of the earth, always flexing something or talking about their "intense" work out regime and how many push ups they can do (I knew someone like that, the dude was/is totally ripped, but last time I saw him the entire conversation was all about his muscles ... yeesh).

Anyway, nothing wrong with a naturally slender lass, as long as I can't see ribs or colar bones then okay ... basically, you want something to grab on to, you want to have a whole human being there, not something resembling a person that when you hug you can wrap your arms around so far that you end up touching yourself on the other side. :eek:

26-Mar-2007, 08:54 PM
I dont get where girls and women get their desire to be rail thin from...maybe its because I at one point in time may have wanted to do porn ...
Guess you havent seen much porn lately cause its not like that as much anymore.:)

They get It from fashion designers who make only one size patterns for clothes and all the models have to be that size to fit. I dont think any fashion models are sexy. SOme are pretty but they do nothing for me,.

26-Mar-2007, 09:56 PM
Im one of those appearence blokes,although im not outward about it,i just quietly get on with my weightlifting and running to stay in shape,& my hair is always styled (mainly because it goes into a horrible curly mop if i dont style it,and i dont suit cropped hair)


26-Mar-2007, 10:03 PM
To be honest...skinny or fat makes no difference to me. If they are spreading their legs for me I will accept.

However, if I had choose... A women with Kate Winslets type body wturns me on. That is known as Full Figured

26-Mar-2007, 10:45 PM
To be honest...skinny or fat makes no difference to me. If they are spreading their legs for me I will accept.

ah dj, turly the last of the travellign bards.:lol:

26-Mar-2007, 11:40 PM
To be honest...skinny or fat makes no difference to me. If they are spreading their legs for me I will accept.

However, if I had choose... A women with Kate Winslets type body wturns me on. That is known as Full Figured
If They are of age, I will engage:)

Kate Winslet is pretty hot to me too.

27-Mar-2007, 01:58 AM
Kate Winslet is pretty hot to me too.
Now that's what I call a f**king WOMAN, bee-yotch!

27-Mar-2007, 08:44 AM
Im one of those appearence blokes,although im not outward about it,i just quietly get on with my weightlifting and running to stay in shape,& my hair is always styled (mainly because it goes into a horrible curly mop if i dont style it,and i dont suit cropped hair)

You fashion-friendly-tyke...:p...still though, keep in shape - good idea. Good you ain't boasting about it, blokes who do that are complete dicks, 'oh wow, look at you, you lifted something heavy...oooooh' :rolleyes:...but you're not doing that, so it's all good ... I guess a bloke should take some pride in their appearance, just so they don't look like a sh*tbag, no more than that really I feel ... speaking of hair, I woke up today and my hair looked like I've been seeking to style it of late (as it had yesterday's wax still in it anyway), so it moulded itself into the style I've been going for, kinda spikey, not too much though, and not completely even ... so for once, I didn't have to fiddle around with it for five minutes, haha!

Coma - hell yes, Kate Winslet is very sexy, the lady's got a figure going on. :cool:

27-Mar-2007, 12:18 PM
I'm a man who's all about tits and ass. I can't deal with any girl that's skinny as a rail. I dated one before and it was a big turn off for me. I didn't like the fact that she could jump into my arms and I couldn't even really tell I was holding a person.

Chic Freak
27-Mar-2007, 02:50 PM
I guess a bloke should take some pride in their appearance, just so they don't look like a sh*tbag

Indeed, keepin' it real is one thing but being a bum isn't very attractive, for either gender really!

... speaking of hair, I woke up today and my hair looked like I've been seeking to style it of late

That always happens to me on days when I'm not going out!! :lol:

Coma - hell yes, Kate Winslet is very sexy, the lady's got a figure going on. :cool:

Agreed, if I could have a full-figure transplant it might well be for hers. Or that lady who played Bettie Page in the Notorious Bettie Page.

27-Mar-2007, 05:46 PM
I'm a man who's all about tits and ass. .
That is crying out to be a song lyric:D

27-Mar-2007, 06:22 PM
"ass,ass,tittys,tittys....", man i hate that song.:lol:

27-Mar-2007, 07:41 PM
Hellsing - that song is hilarious, I love it. :D

Chic - ah well today I was out and about ... mind you it didn't bring me luck, got a f*cking parking ticket (but I'm gonna be Scottish about it and contest it!) and was stuck on the roads with a bunch of utter morons or the roads were all torn asunder by road works, f*cking crap ... and I got such an evil from a kid in a wheelchair when I drove through a housing estate - wtf was that all about?! :eek:

Anyway, looked alright today...kinda seated in that 'too blokey to bother too much, not too much of a bum to just leave it' zone...

And aye, girls that are overdone are just *yeesh*, no thanks ... just looks wrong, and often very chavvy...natural beauty is best, because with a subtle dusting over with all those weird products I don't understand, the lass comes out stunning.

28-Mar-2007, 12:06 AM
And aye, girls that are overdone are just *yeesh*, no thanks ... just looks wrong, and often very chavvy....
I like the Staten Island Chicks with the big hair and all the cheesy clothes. I know they are ridiculous but they make the stuff want to come out:)

28-Mar-2007, 10:24 AM
dude over here the majority of girls in my area have there hair in the parison hilton shark fin/ rocker billy thing and dress in track suits and have so much fake tan on that if they sneezed theyd send a could of orange dust into the air surrounding them, why anyone would find that attractive is truly beyond me.

28-Mar-2007, 11:21 AM
You know who I find atrractive? Them two chicks from 8 Simple Rules. Especially the redhead. Boy would I love to be sandwiched between those two cuties. :yum smiley:

28-Mar-2007, 11:59 AM
And aye, girls that are overdone are just *yeesh*, no thanks ... just looks wrong, and often very chavvy....

Theres a term for that, "jaundiced jesus" :lol:


28-Mar-2007, 12:28 PM
Yeah, Capn, they are pretty fit, the blonde one for me ... as long as she doesn't talk, she's got that "My Super Sweet 16" American teen voice that just grinds my gears. *shivers*

Seemed like not a bad show, until thingamy died, then it got really stupid...

28-Mar-2007, 12:55 PM
Kaley Cuoco is fine but I like Amy Davidson better. She has a cuter face, better body and nice pair of Bristols too. :D

Seemed like not a bad show, until thingamy died, then it got really stupid...
John Ritter (see avatar). I was really shocked when I heard about his death. I loved him in Three's Company and those silly Problem Child movies.

28-Mar-2007, 03:35 PM
Yeah, Capn, they are pretty fit, the blonde one for me ... as long as she doesn't talk, she's got that "My Super Sweet 16" American teen voice that just grinds my gears. *shivers*

Thats the spoiled beyotch voice. Those kinds of girls have a whiny demanding voice wuality all their own. They are NOT representative of "real" people.
I ****ing hate that show that you woildnt believe

John Ritter (see avatar). I was really shocked when I heard about his death. I loved him in Three's Company and those silly Problem Child movies.
Only like 3s company wahen it was originally on, but I really liked him in Sling Blade and BAd Santa (That movie rules all. RULES ALL). HE was on a path to really show what he was made of. Sucks he dies. He was about to really bust out.

..dress in track suits and have so much fake tan on that if they sneezed theyd send a could of orange dust into the air surrounding them, why anyone would find that attractive is truly beyond me.

The plastic sweat suit (thats what we call them) with the fake ass tan that turns them into leather face is NAAAAASTY.

28-Mar-2007, 04:12 PM

this lass has been tangoed right up

28-Mar-2007, 05:18 PM
[IMG]this lass has been tangoed right up

Now normally i wouldnt go anywhere near a chav,and she is tangoed and over made up,BUT i think i'd definately get the stamp on my passport "just to say i'd been there" :lol:

28-Mar-2007, 07:05 PM
lol, that DS is hideous ... and that chav girl is minging, absolutely minging. Even if I was drunk and played poke-that-chav I'd regret it and shudder for about a year afterwards I think...:eek:

Coma - f*ck yeah Bad Santa rocks. I didn't see it when it came out, and took ages to get around to it, but then watched it in December 2006 and I absolutely loved it, it was hilarious, and Ritter was superb in it.

Chic Freak
29-Mar-2007, 12:53 PM
Even if I was drunk and played poke-that-chav I'd regret it and shudder for about a year afterwards I think



*runs up to orange girl*
*pokes her in the eye*
*runs away giggling*

29-Mar-2007, 12:54 PM
if you poked that girl in the eye youd get residue on your fingers like you do after you eat cheesy doritos

29-Mar-2007, 06:45 PM


*runs up to orange girl*
*pokes her in the eye*
*runs away giggling*

Didn't mean that kinda poking... :lol: ...and certainly not there. :lol:

Hence why I'd probably be shuddering for a year afterwards ... and I'd have to be really drunk ... by which time it'd probably be a really tough task to do any poking, so if the poke-mish was successful, the regret once sober would be even greater, because you went beyond the sense of just giving up and passing out due to all the drink...so that's just a whole manwich of regret right there ... plus your winky-woo would no doubt be glowing bright orange ... at least around the balls anyway (:elol::barf::eek:) ... *shudders*

I don't think I can lower the tone any further in this post ... gimme 15 minutes and I'll climb back on top ... HO - one last pitch on the way out, hi-oh! :cool:

29-Mar-2007, 07:11 PM
I'd do her,but i'd definately double bag first :lol:

29-Mar-2007, 07:18 PM
xD Great link liam, if you look at the comments next to it there is a full on chav war going on. The usual rubbish slinging but its funnier than the chav girl herself although with that much fake tan I dont doubt that in the morning youd wake up looking like david dickinson.

No way you could hide youre shame with that glow.

30-Mar-2007, 01:14 PM
guys, hate to tell ya but thats nothing compared to some of the brummy girls in my maths class *shudders*, damn ,imagine trying to work when some florescent orange dumbass bint that stinks of fags grabbing your hair and tugging syaing "don-noy, ave yaow gut a pen-ceeel?":dead:

30-Mar-2007, 01:24 PM
I'd do her,but i'd definately double bag first :lol:
Only double?! That orange sh*t is toxic, it's like alien blood, will burn through a double layer ... now, triple-bagged ... THERE you go. :D

I looked at the picture again and she's still really rank actually, worse than before come to think of it ... I bet she has the worst accent, is thick as Gordon Brown's face and just makes you shrivel up inside...:barf:

Chic Freak
30-Mar-2007, 03:15 PM

Didn't mean that kinda poking... :lol: ...and certainly not there. :lol:

I know, but I think my poking method would probably be more satisfying and hygienic :D

guys, hate to tell ya but thats nothing compared to some of the brummy girls in my maths class *shudders*, damn ,imagine trying to work when some florescent orange dumbass bint that stinks of fags grabbing your hair and tugging syaing "don-noy, ave yaow gut a pen-ceeel?":dead:
