View Full Version : YES!! It's March 14th!!!

14-Mar-2007, 03:42 PM
Does anyone know what holiday is being celebrated today? :elol:

in my best "Bruce" from "Finding Nemo" voice, "I'M HAVING STEAK TONIGHT!!!" (that's a hint in case you were wondering.. :lol:)

If you're not sure, you can always click here (www.steakandbj.com) to find out - be forewarned: not for kids or those who are squeamish about such things. :p ;)

14-Mar-2007, 04:59 PM

I've never heard of this. It just so happens that I was already planning on having steak for dinner tonight. It's also my buddy's birthday......he'll love to hear about this.

14-Mar-2007, 05:01 PM
i pledge my support to this noble celebratory dayhttp://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f92/_liam_/horns.gif

14-Mar-2007, 05:02 PM
Three more days until St. Patrick's Day.

14-Mar-2007, 05:04 PM
It’s March 14th
You know what that means
I’ll gobble your knob
And juggle your beans
Now eat your steak
Like a good little chum
And when you’re all finished
I’ll swallow your cum!

brings new meaning to the word greasy:lol:

14-Mar-2007, 05:16 PM
I had a feeling bj meant what I thought it was. I don't eat steak, though.

14-Mar-2007, 05:27 PM
I had a feeling bj meant what I thought it was. I don't eat steak, though.

That's ok, look at it this way: your other half will only have to do 50% of the work as originally thought. :lol: :D

14-Mar-2007, 05:59 PM
I sent my girlfriend a message regarding this. Not sure if she'll grant it, though, seeing as I didn't do such a great job with Valentines Day this year... :confused:

14-Mar-2007, 06:08 PM
I sent my girlfriend a message regarding this. Not sure if she'll grant it, though, seeing as I didn't do such a great job with Valentines Day this year... :confused:

did she not appreciate the diamond head tickets? hehehe

14-Mar-2007, 06:42 PM

I've never heard of this. It just so happens that I was already planning on having steak for dinner tonight. It's also my buddy's birthday......he'll love to hear about this.
You mean your sucking him off?
Cause thats what it sounds like.

Good on you for living life your way!


14-Mar-2007, 07:42 PM
You mean your sucking him off?
Cause thats what it sounds like.

Good on you for living life your way!



nah.....we're both straight.....he's married....no way. But wouldn't that be cool to have your birthday on such a cool holiday?:D

14-Mar-2007, 08:14 PM
lol, people are crazy...who comes up with this shiite? ... crazy people I guess.

So you gobble a steak, get all bloated, then have bloated-mouth-sex? ... okay ... :D

But I bet trying not to rip one (or seven) whilst the lass is "doon tha toon" can be hard ... or you'll end up like Brodie Bruce, and you'll have to walk around a mall all day and then mug it up on some lame Blind Date rip off. *sheesh* :D

14-Mar-2007, 08:26 PM
Im having that!its true women get spoiled on various days through the year,so steak & BJ day is the least we deserve lads :D

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 08:33 PM
i pledge my support to this noble celebratory dayhttp://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f92/_liam_/horns.gif

I bet you do :p I should probably take this opportunity to tell you that I've quit red meat as of 3 days ago... :lol:

I sent my girlfriend a message regarding this. Not sure if she'll grant it, though, seeing as I didn't do such a great job with Valentines Day this year... :confused:

Hmph. I did actually get wined and dined this year, it was really nice. *Ponders*

So you gobble a steak, get all bloated, then have bloated-mouth-sex? ... okay ... :D

But I bet trying not to rip one (or seven) whilst the lass is "doon tha toon" can be hard ...


"bloated-mouth-sex" is actually one of the most unappealing phrases I've ever heard!! :lol:

Anyway you should blatently do it the other way round (BJ first, dinner after ;) ).

14-Mar-2007, 08:39 PM
There should be a "bloke's day" where we can belch and fart as much as we want, openly ogle boobs (no hands, we're still gentlemen underneath all the Nuts magazine style blokeness)...and you know, just be blokes about everything, and take a really relaxed approach to everything - and women across the land would officially not be allowed to get all weird up in their head, and they'd also be made to cut all that bitchy among themselves bullshiite too ... that stuff does my head in.

Chic ... see, that's why women are men's muses many-a-time ...

The site says "steak & BJ", so I automatically think that's how it can only be. :p ... but you've hit the nail on the *ahem* head there ... seriously, I ain't joking, I didn't think of it that way around ... that's actually a really good idea. :)

It's like giving a dog a doggy treat after he's done good ... only it's steak ... and after doing something the Church would say most definitely isn't good (well, publicly anyway :rockbrow:)

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 08:54 PM

I was watching a documentary ages ago starring the UK's oldest brothel madam or whatever the lady in charge of a brothel is called, and one of her dating tips was to give your guy a hand/ blow job before going out so he doesn't rush you through dinner :lol: I was only 15 but I never forgot that advice. I don't know if that's wrong. lol.

14-Mar-2007, 09:06 PM
On a first date that's probably kinda forward ... but it makes sense, add in the (as seen in There's Something About Mary) theory of tug out the easy one before going out to make you laid back and not so sweaty ... so I can kinda see what that madamme is saying ... though I think it's a move you'd do after you'd already gotten to that stage in the after dinner/when you were both drunk after a boozy night out stage...

14-Mar-2007, 09:17 PM
I would like to Thank Lou for pointing out this great occassion. I never knew about this, and now i can die a happy man. :D

14-Mar-2007, 09:18 PM
No wonder it is not on my calander:D so your having steak but are you getting the BJ?????:p

14-Mar-2007, 09:20 PM
No wonder it is not on my calander:D so your having steak but are you getting the BJ?????:p
Or better yet, both at the same time? A meal for two! :lol:

14-Mar-2007, 09:21 PM
I'm glad to be of service...

I was rather pleased when I got home and my wife said "We're getting food from Outback Steakhouse tonight"

w00t! :lol: :lol:

and MZ - "bloated-"whateverthef*ck? that's just WRONG! :lol: When I said you had a way with words, I didn't mean for you to cross that line. :D

14-Mar-2007, 09:28 PM
bloated-mouth-sex :lol::D;)

And what if the Mrs was eating steak at the same time as doing the bizness? Now there's an eye opener ... sucking on meat isn't a great idea, and neither is chewing on man-chow...

Okay, that crossed my line, so I'll shaddup now...well, for a bit...I've got a sitcom to go watch for now. :D

Chic Freak
14-Mar-2007, 09:48 PM
Or better yet, both at the same time? A meal for two! :lol:

Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew.

bloated-mouth-sex :lol::D;)

And what if the Mrs was eating steak at the same time as doing the bizness? Now there's an eye opener ... sucking on meat isn't a great idea, and neither is chewing on man-chow...

Okay, that crossed my line, so I'll shaddup now...well, for a bit...I've got a sitcom to go watch for now. :D

Pfft that sounds confusing. Not to mention gross. And possibly quite dangerous :eek: Go watch your sitcom ;)

14-Mar-2007, 10:52 PM
lol ... that's me all wrapped up - confusing, gross and dangerous. :D

And the sitcom had a lot of erectile disfunction jokes in it, so it wasn't a million miles away from the topic at hand...:sneaky:

14-Mar-2007, 11:51 PM
On a first date that's probably kinda forward ... but it makes sense, add in the (as seen in There's Something About Mary) theory of tug out the easy one before going out to make you laid back and not so sweaty ... so I can kinda see what that madamme is saying ... though I think it's a move you'd do after you'd already gotten to that stage in the after dinner/when you were both drunk after a boozy night out stage...
Jerkin the Bird may help, But wash afterward
"Why, oh why wont she give me head?"
"cause you stink, bro!"


I was watching a documentary ages ago starring the UK's oldest brothel madam or whatever the lady in charge of a brothel is called, and one of her dating tips was to give your guy a hand/ blow job before going out so he doesn't rush you through dinner :lol: I was only 15 but I never forgot that advice. I don't know if that's wrong. lol.
If its wrong I dont wanna be right!

bloated-mouth-sex :lol::D;)

And what if the Mrs was eating steak at the same time as doing the bizness? Now there's an eye opener ... sucking on meat isn't a great idea, and neither is chewing on man-chow...

Jesus Christmas!
Oh the Humanity:eek:

15-Mar-2007, 04:34 AM
Damn, I found out too late. It's past midnight so now its March 15th.

15-Mar-2007, 05:16 AM
I am getting married at 3:15 est (thursday). We are financially emberrased so we are having at the Rockville MD courthouse . Any waze ... Yesterday , I came down with a peritonsillar (strep) absess and went to the hospital ... today my sweetheart made me a steak and sweet potatoes . I never come up for air when servicing my woman (sorry to be familiar) , she 'slurp'rised me tonight ... I dont know if she knows about this holiday . She has great instinct I guess :elol: ...Ps :Whats the best part of BJ after you are married ? The 5 minutes of silence.

15-Mar-2007, 05:27 AM
Well I celebrated one half of this holiday... and let's just say I didn't have steak for dinner. :lol:

15-Mar-2007, 06:34 AM
So what's all this about anyway? :D

Chic Freak
15-Mar-2007, 09:22 AM
I am getting married at 3:15 est (thursday). We are financially emberrased so we are having at the Rockville MD courthouse . Any waze ... Yesterday , I came down with a peritonsillar (strep) absess and went to the hospital ... today my sweetheart made me a steak and sweet potatoes . I never come up for air when servicing my woman (sorry to be familiar) , she 'slurp'rised me tonight ... I dont know if she knows about this holiday . She has great instinct I guess :elol: ...Ps :Whats the best part of BJ after you are married ? The 5 minutes of silence.


*throws confetti*

15-Mar-2007, 08:24 PM
So what's all this about anyway? :D

Do you really want to know??? I am reading and not believing LOL... good thing I am not drinking my diet pepsi I would be spitting all over my monitor!
Sorry Capn you missed the whole day!!!

Oooh hey does Beefstew count???LOL:sneaky:

15-Mar-2007, 08:42 PM
I had to make do with a bag of beef crisps and a free amatuer porn site :lol:

15-Mar-2007, 11:45 PM
I had to make do with a bag of beef crisps and a free amatuer porn site :lol:
Livin' the dream dude, livin' the dream ... at least you had beef crisps! :eek:

All I got was lousy pornos followed by a day of technological failures (ain't half pissed me off today I tell thee).

16-Mar-2007, 12:10 AM
Or better yet, both at the same time? A meal for two! :lol:

HEHEHE That reminds me of the scene in the movie American Wedding where he gets a blow job in a restaurant and his dad grabs him and hes standing in the middle of the restaurant with a boner and his pants down.:D priceless!

16-Mar-2007, 12:29 AM
HEHEHE That reminds me of the scene in the movie American Wedding where he gets a blow job in a restaurant and his dad grabs him and hes standing in the middle of the restaurant with a boner and his pants down.:D priceless!
Heres another recollection for my life O weirdness

Im 16 getting head from My GF. Im about to pop. Actually starting to pop off. Her little sister runs in. I pull my jacket over my Johnny. Lil sis jumps on my lap. Im totally busting off all inside my coat while pushing her off me.
"GET OFF ME!" . she's confused. I'm horrified. My coat is messy, sticky and stinky.
Whatta Buzzkill!

16-Mar-2007, 12:43 AM
Heres another recollection for my life O weirdness

Im 16 getting head from My GF. Im about to pop. Actually starting to pop off. Her little sister runs in. I pull my jacket over my Johnny. Lil sis jumps on my lap. Im totally busting off all inside my coat while pushing her off me.
"GET OFF ME!" . she's confused. I'm horrified. My coat is messy, sticky and stinky.
Whatta Buzzkill!

That's funny. Ever been teethed? That's a buzzkiller.

16-Mar-2007, 12:49 AM
Jesus H. HappySack, Coma ... you've led a crazy ass life. :lol:

How little was this little sister? :rockbrow:

I bet that was the most panicked you've been, or at least Top 10 Top Coma Panic Moments anyway?

16-Mar-2007, 02:35 AM
Im 16 getting head from My GF. Im about to pop. Actually starting to pop off. Her little sister runs in. I pull my jacket over my Johnny. Lil sis jumps on my lap. Im totally busting off all inside my coat while pushing her off me.
LOL, that must have been a difficult one to overcum. :lol:

16-Mar-2007, 05:10 AM
That's funny. Ever been teethed? That's a buzzkiller.
Yup, I was drunk. Didnt notice. Got a scar. Ow! Friggin succubus!

Jesus H. HappySack, Coma ... you've led a crazy ass life. :lol:

How little was this little sister? :rockbrow:

I bet that was the most panicked you've been, or at least Top 10 Top Coma Panic Moments anyway?
Yeah, I used to do pretty much whatever I felt like. My Brother said I was a walking ID.
She was 12. My GF was 15 , I was 16.
I have has worse things happen. Much worse.
Like the above response to getting toothed.:D

LOL, that must have been a difficult one to overcum. :lol: