View Full Version : dawn of the dead library cues

d'arcy's carrot
15-Mar-2007, 07:12 PM
Hi there,

I was just wondering if anyone knows what the name of the music playing when the group are first on the balcony looking over the corpses lying around after they've locked the mall doors. It doesn't appear to be on either of the soundtrack releases.

also, is there a complete list of the library music cues used in dotd anywhere?

triste realtà
15-Mar-2007, 08:24 PM

15-Mar-2007, 09:33 PM
Why not? There are no stupid questions, but there are stupid answers. People got to chill with the elitism:(

I am not sure of the answer btw.

15-Mar-2007, 10:26 PM
Eliteism??? Dudes got 24 posts and has only been here a month!

There is a CD out of a lot of the stock music used in DOTD. Search Amazon for Dawn of the Dead in the music section and it will come up. It has the yellow cd cover.

Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the song. Welcome to the boards, I see that is your first post.

15-Mar-2007, 10:31 PM
Eliteism??? Dudes got 24 posts and has only been here a month!

Ironic Elitism by a newb calling a newb a newb?

15-Mar-2007, 11:35 PM
I actually have a disk of the original score... it was burned for me so I don't have a title for you .... I can tell you to look up Goblin (the band) and you may find the answer....

Originally Posted by triste realtà

and ... the only dumb question is the one that was never asked.

16-Mar-2007, 01:35 AM


16-Mar-2007, 03:42 AM
Johnny Trunk, what a character. :D

16-Mar-2007, 11:14 AM
That is quite an interesting piece of music you are asking about darcy carrot. I dont think that particular cue is on the Trunk CD. The closest I can come to answering your question is that it is listed as "track 33" in my collection of Dawn cues. Like most DeWolfe cues, there probably isnt an actual name of the "song". The only Dawn DeWolfe cue that I know of that is named is "Cuz I'm a Man", and I dont know if it is officially listed that way in the actual DeWolfe library. The music you are referring to is 2 minutes and 19 seconds worth in its entirety. It is definately not a Goblin song.

16-Mar-2007, 12:47 PM
That is quite an interesting piece of music you are asking about darcy carrot. I dont think that particular cue is on the Trunk CD. The closest I can come to answering your question is that it is listed as "track 33" in my collection of Dawn cues. Like most DeWolfe cues, there probably isnt an actual name of the "song". The only Dawn DeWolfe cue that I know of that is named is "Cuz I'm a Man", and I dont know if it is officially listed that way in the actual DeWolfe library. The music you are referring to is 2 minutes and 19 seconds worth in its entirety. It is definately not a Goblin song.

I'm pretty sure The Pretty Things song "Cause I'm A Man" isn't part of the DeWole library. Perhaps it could be, but I don't think it is, which I was always unsure as to why it was put on those two releases... I guess just cause a lot people probably would never find it otherwise.

16-Mar-2007, 01:03 PM
Ironic Elitism by a newb calling a newb a newb?

Who you calling noob, Noob!!!??? ;)

d'arcy's carrot
16-Mar-2007, 03:15 PM
Thanks for all the replies

I have both the goblin and library soundtrack cds and it isn't on them. (i'm big fan of trunk records! :D )

I'm pretty sure The Pretty Things song "Cause I'm A Man" isn't part of the DeWole library. Perhaps it could be, but I don't think it is, which I was always unsure as to why it was put on those two releases... I guess just cause a lot people probably would never find it otherwise.
(here's one i can answer!) "Cause I'm A Man" was definitely recorded for the DeWolfe library along with a lot of other songs (i think under a pseudonym)...

The closest I can come to answering your question is that it is listed as "track 33" in my collection of Dawn cues. Like most DeWolfe cues, there probably isnt an actual name of the "song".
Actually i think you'll find that all the cues in the library do have names... for example "Action Pack" (ok i was going to post a clever url to the dewolfe site here but then discovered i couldn't cause i'm new:rolleyes: ) is pretty familiar... I used to use the parts of the library myself a few years back and needed to know names for rights,etc.

just out of interest, do you have any idea what the source of your cues cd was? is it available anywhere?

16-Mar-2007, 03:28 PM
I'm pretty sure The Pretty Things song "Cause I'm A Man" isn't part of the DeWole library. Perhaps it could be, but I don't think it is, which I was always unsure as to why it was put on those two releases... I guess just cause a lot people probably would never find it otherwise.
You may be right, but I am pretty sure that it is in fact part of the DeWolfe Library.

d'arcy's carrot
16-Mar-2007, 03:30 PM
oh yeah and I've just checked and in case anyone (for some sort of strange reason) is wondering, in the Argento cut of the film the music in the scene is different with part of "L'alba dei morti viventi" being used in a far less effective way (well in my opinion anyway) which pretty much confirms what other said in that it's definitely not Goblin.

16-Mar-2007, 04:05 PM
might be on here:)


16-Mar-2007, 05:59 PM
Who you calling noob, Noob!!!??? ;)
Not you! The newb. Your not a newb.:)
more... huh?

You may be right, but I am pretty sure that it is in fact part of the DeWolfe Library.
ause Im a Man is on the DEwolf library, but listed under the name of the writer, A member of the pretty things, but not the pretty things itself.

16-Mar-2007, 10:17 PM
might be on here:)


No, he said it's not on the Goblin soundtrack or the Incidental soundrack. It's on the hard-to-find CD with the 40-something cues from the movie.

17-Mar-2007, 03:38 PM
Is that the one with the John Williams type guitar piece when Peter and Flyboy are playing cards?

triste realtà
17-Mar-2007, 10:58 PM
While searching (for one out of many hours), I found this quote:

You use a lot of music from [Romero's] Dawn of the Dead--including a lot of the incidentals.
EW: Yeah, you know, a guy I know got me an unofficial soundtrack for Dawn of the Dead--it's floating around out there, it's a bootleg, but you can get it if you look even just a little. And what this guy's done is taken every incidental bit of music from the American version, all the drop-needle, non-licensed stuff, and put it together on this compilation. So you get everything from the film, not just the proper score, and we were really excited to find that most of that stuff didn't have any copyrights or estates on them, that we could use them for free just like Romero did when he was making his movie.

I've looked a lot and the closest I came was a 58 byte file saying Goblin 66 drop cues.wav on soulseek. I think I'm going to have to August Underground somebody over this.

Btw, this douchebag is selling a CDr of it for $24 total.
****ing piece of ****ing ****.

19-Mar-2007, 07:22 PM
Sorry guys, but your wrong on the "I'm a man" track. that is an actual song by a band named "The Pretty Things" (Or Electric Banana as they were also called)

Here is the wiki page: Pretty Things on wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Things)

Scroll down to the "trivia" section and see the note about DOTD

20-Mar-2007, 12:13 AM
Sorry guys, but your wrong on the "I'm a man" track. that is an actual song by a band named "The Pretty Things" (Or Electric Banana as they were also called)

Here is the wiki page: Pretty Things on wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Things)

Scroll down to the "trivia" section and see the note about DOTD

If you had read all of the text on the screen you would have seen that Coma and I both stated it was by The Pretty Things.

20-Mar-2007, 01:05 PM
If you had read all of the text on the screen you would have seen that Coma and I both stated it was by The Pretty Things.

Well see there is just one small problem with that suggestion. Eye kaint rede!!

:confused: (Mumbles to self: What the hell happened to this place??) :confused: