View Full Version : Just ordered my replacement Camera

16-Mar-2007, 10:59 AM
Because of buying a house I had to liquidate assets, which meant selling my DVX100, which pissed me off. However, I just order my replacement (DVX100B with the 16:9 Conversion lens (W:D :D T!)

I am dying to test this out because the DVX100b has better image control than my older DVX100. I had reccommended the DVX100 camera to MZ whom bought a DVX100b to shoot IAZM2. I guess he likes it.

I was going to go High Def, but decided against it at this time. I may change my mind down the road but as of right now I have no plans on going hi-def for Deadlands 2. :D

16-Mar-2007, 12:36 PM
*runs upstairs, licks own DVX100B all over, runs downstairs again*

Yes I love my DVX100B...if it was a chick, I'd f*ck the hell out of it. :elol:

Talking of cameras, rather annoyingly my previous digital camera now doesn't want to "see" anything, it's gone blind. Seems to be a problem with that camera (and many other models from the Canon range) where the thing connecting the CCD chip to everything else just breaks away...I should be able to get it fixed for free though, irrespective of warranty status ... just a bit of an annoyance. :rockbrow:

Anyway, I f*ckin' love the DVX100B, I get all shivery around it, I love it so much. :)

It's also great whenever I meet someone new on this documentary project I'm filming it with, because everyone's really impressed by it and goes "oooh". :cool:

16-Mar-2007, 01:00 PM
*runs over and licks DJ's DVX100B*

waaaait a sec, he doesn't have the camera yet.. then what was that I just...?

awwww fu*k. Nevermind. :lol: :lol: :lol:

16-Mar-2007, 01:22 PM
If you're gonna lick me, at least take me out to dinner fist. :D

16-Mar-2007, 01:36 PM
If you're gonna lick me, at least take me out to dinner fist. :D

"That'll be $50 Mrs. Lansing"

(sorry, had to throw in a creepshow reference.. :D)

16-Mar-2007, 01:44 PM
Although Dj, perhaps the licking is better first, lest ye want "bloated mouth-sex" with added licking. :lol:

Speaking of which, reminds me of South Park 11x02 from this week. :p

The DVX100B is glorious, when are you getting your mits on it Deej?

16-Mar-2007, 01:56 PM
It shipped last night, so probably by Mon-Tuesday of next week


16-Mar-2007, 02:01 PM
Ball-ticklingly-good! :cool:

19-Mar-2007, 08:15 PM
IT HAS ARRIVED. :D My brand new DVX100b has arrived. (woot)

I walked in the door from work and I pretty much wanted to f*ck it when i took it out of the box. I unpacked it and turned it on. I put a tape in and recorded 30 seconds of footage to make sure it was working.

Just waiting on my 16:9 conversion lens now. Woo Hoo!

19-Mar-2007, 08:30 PM
I walked in the door from work and I pretty much wanted to f*ck it when i took it out of the box.

I felt the same way when I was standing in H. Preston's (a pro shop for such things not far from me) and opened up the box to check it out, I was bustin' a nut all over the shop, I got it home and spent the whole afternoon tickling it and taking pictures. :lol:

19-Mar-2007, 09:28 PM
For $2585 shipped, I got the Camera, a 4 year warranty, 3 FIlters, 3 batteries, Road case and a few other goodies.

I love me new camera. :D

19-Mar-2007, 10:44 PM
Christ! Ahh ... is it a pre-owned camera? ... where'd you get it from again? (too lazy to look, :p)

19-Mar-2007, 11:25 PM
I got it from ZoomMania.com, and nope it isn't pre-owned. It is brand spanking new.

20-Mar-2007, 11:36 AM
Hey, now we can talk all nerdy about the DVX back and forth to one another trading settings and such, lol...

It'd be good if the DVX allowed you to do stop-motion frame-by-frame type animation, that's the only thing I miss with it, but it's not something I have much call to use, so it doesn't matter, hehe.

Damn it's a sexy camera.

So what does this lens you're getting soon do exactly anyway? Bearing in mind I'm a bit of a technological dimwit, so keep it simple, sexy. :lol:

20-Mar-2007, 12:16 PM
*jumps inbetween Dj and MZ with arms extended fully*

Ok, that's enough gayness right there! There will be none of that DVX100B fu*king on my watch, YA GOT THAT!? :lol: :lol:

Actually, "That's the next movie..." :lol:

(long running inside joke on the set of Deadlands. Everytime someone would mention something perverted or a porno, we'd always say "oh, that's the next movie"... :lol: :D)

*points at Dj and MZ with arms extended 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' style and screams "GEEKS!"*


20-Mar-2007, 01:01 PM
Hey, now we can talk all nerdy about the DVX back and forth to one another trading settings and such, lol...

It'd be good if the DVX allowed you to do stop-motion frame-by-frame type animation, that's the only thing I miss with it, but it's not something I have much call to use, so it doesn't matter, hehe.

Damn it's a sexy camera.

So what does this lens you're getting soon do exactly anyway? Bearing in mind I'm a bit of a technological dimwit, so keep it simple, sexy. :lol:

That Lens converts the 4:3 image to true 16:9. The DVX100 (all models) are native 4:3 cameras. Yes they have letterbox, but it is 4:3 letterbox. They also have a squeeze mode, but I don't like anything simulated I want a true 16:9 anamorphic adapter.

As far as trading settings... I am all for that, but I usually leave that up to whomever is DP-ing my film. But if you want to send me some of your settings in email I will try them out. I was thginking of taking up photography so I could DP everything on my own.

20-Mar-2007, 01:52 PM
I'll dig out the settings I have written down somewhere that I used on IAZM2 ... that's about all I've done so far, haha! :p

I've been going nuts over this Magic Bullet thing though, I'm currently rendering out stock footage (from DVDs the director bought specifically, the footage can be used for anything with no worries too ... so I'll be nabbing myself the footage too, haha), which I've tweaked in Magic Bullet, for a project I'm working on, it really makes the stuff POP!

DVX100B + Magic Bullet = happy finish :elol:

20-Mar-2007, 02:46 PM
I am gonna check with the Cinema that is playing deadlands if I can bring the camera down and do some testing with it. :D

20-Mar-2007, 03:31 PM
I am gonna check with the Cinema that is playing deadlands if I can bring the camera down and do some testing with it. :D

Or, I could rent two hookers and we could shoot that "next movie" we keep talking about. :lol:

20-Mar-2007, 03:40 PM
That is the movie YOU have been talking about.

Although we could find out just how good these extra image controls are... maybe instead of just seeing the pimple we can see the root of the zit. :D

20-Mar-2007, 03:42 PM
Although we could find out just how good these extra image controls are... maybe instead of just seeing the pimple we can see the root of the zit. :D

That was wrong on so many levels, I just... I dunno what to say. :lol: :lol:

20-Mar-2007, 03:44 PM
OH NO! The world has come to an End. I have said something so shocking Lou is at a loss for words. Say it isn't So! :shifty: :sneaky:

20-Mar-2007, 06:51 PM
Even I didn't find the ass-pimple suggestion that gross ... I've seen plenty hitting the camera on the internet already ... but damn ... mind you, I grossed out Lou with all my talk of poo units and taking a mean dump. :lol:

20-Mar-2007, 09:23 PM
not to mention "bloated-mouth-sex"


...and it wasn't just a "zit" he was referring to.. he said maybe we could see the "root of the zit" :eek:

Hey, Dj! http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/Forum%20Pics1/FU.gif :lol:

23-Mar-2007, 07:49 PM
I was thginking of taking up photography so I could DP everything on my own.

Nothing could be easier with todays cameras; I own the DVX100 as well (Ill trade up one day for HD, but not today)

DP'ing yourself is simple enough. What's holding you back ?

23-Mar-2007, 09:19 PM
Agreed, you have so much more control and it's easier to communicate your vision if you're doing it first hand ... I'm not dissing DP's, as they're definitely necessary, but there's an upside to DP'ing yourself, of course, it does mean more work ... but whatever suits. :)

23-Mar-2007, 11:33 PM
I had a DP once a couple of shorts ago shooting HD on the HVX200 and went into post and just was left jaw dropped at how many shots did not just go as I wanted/planned/asked ...

Never again (unless it's Janusz :rolleyes:). I'm going RR style.

24-Mar-2007, 11:43 AM
That is an upside of doing it yourself, if you don't quite get what you want, you've only yourself to blame, so there's no arguments to be had. You also can go without communicating, for the most part anyway, what you're looking for in a shot.

Mind you, a cinematographer/DP can come in real handy when you're working with someone who doesn't have the visual eye, but knows what sort of thing they want. I'm currently acting as cinematographer on a documentary that's being produced locally (looking to get it finished by the end of May), and the director isn't a filmmaker by trade, but he's telling a story he wants to be told, and he just conveys a rough idea of what he wants, or says 'like that thing you did in [insert film name]', so that works quite well, as I have quite a lot of freedom and I'm giving him the images he wants.

It's quite nice, on a personal level, really boosts your confidence and such, when the director is really chuffed with the imagery, as well as his editor, who complimented me on my shots ... which was nice. :)

Little "Fast Show" reference for ya there, goin' old school.