View Full Version : What REALLY happens on a movie set.

19-Mar-2007, 07:26 PM
According to reports in the past, I've always heard that Director David O. Russell("Three Kings", "Flirting with Disaster") was a tough guy to work with. At one point, I even heard that he and George Clooney had a fist fight on the set of "Three Kings".

Well, now thanks to the internet we can get a climpse of what it's like on a set with this fella and what kind of emotions he provokes. Apparently, he uses anger and hostility to get the actors in the right mindset but this is insane.....

This is some sh*t that happened on the set or "I Heart Huckabees" while the camera was still rolling. I found it to be one of the funniest things I've seen all day.

Warning: LOTS of curse words.


I realize that this is a completely strange and random post, but I thought some of you might get a kick out of it. I sure did...

19-Mar-2007, 09:34 PM
No longer available. DAMN!
I have never heard anything good about him as a person. Apparently he's a world class jackass. He fought Clooney (if you want to call it that) becasue Clooney was friendly to the crew.
Makes Clooney a Class Act and David O. Russell, a total nazi. David O. Russell is a spolied brat who made some really good movies. But I dont want to know him ever.

EDIT: dopey sort of typo fixed

19-Mar-2007, 10:01 PM
Fincher? This wasn't about David Fincher, homie.:p

19-Mar-2007, 10:44 PM
Fincher? This wasn't about David Fincher, homie.:p
I meant David O Russell. . Whoops! pretty goofy mistake.
Everything i said was about Russell. Duh:lol:

Im going to fix the post

20-Mar-2007, 12:22 AM
Video's no longer available already. Ugh!

20-Mar-2007, 03:23 AM
They've both been taken down. Bah! :mad: