View Full Version : Finnish Zombie Movie

Pushead Jim
20-Mar-2007, 03:02 AM
I found this on another board. thought you guys (and girls) might be interested. Running zombies and even a little bit of a love story. some of the subtitles are unintentionally funny. A decent amateur effort.check it out you can download the whole flick (its 35 minutes long) herehttp://kapsi.fi/~vesuri/elokuvat/kuolleidentalvi_traileri_eng.htm
i remember reading about this movie on HPOTD some time ago but a search turned up no hits.maybe it was on the old board?

Head Shotz
21-Mar-2007, 02:33 AM
Damn Jim, good call, that was one of the better indie flicks I've seen in awhile, very well done and believable....right up to the part were all the zombies stop and take a smoke break while they have there final farewell at the bomb! Still a great job.:D :D :D

21-Mar-2007, 11:39 AM
if finland makes zombie movies anything like there metal music im gonna have to check this one out.

21-Mar-2007, 02:04 PM
Caught this early last year ... pretty good for an indie, infact, one of the best i have seen to date.

If you have NOT seen this yet ... go watch it!


Pushead Jim
22-Mar-2007, 12:54 AM
I agree the "good bye" scene on the lake seemed a little longish. The sequence where the guy gets jumped while peeing suffered from the same problem. My favorite part was when they were sitting in the lawn chairs enjoying there pipe and casually plinking at the advancing horde. Good thing no zeds snuck up behind them.

22-Mar-2007, 09:36 AM
I do believe I'm gonna have to watch this.

03-Apr-2007, 02:33 AM
Okay, I just got around to downloading this and watching. I think it's the best Zombie short I've ever seen. Extremely well done, all things considered and *some* of the make was well done and the shaky cam on the runners made it even look better.

Thanks Jim, never would have seen this, probably, if I had not seen a post about it here.

03-Apr-2007, 12:49 PM
I'm debating on whether or not I want to take the time to download this, convert it, put it on DVD, then sit through it. The trailer didn't look THAT great to me.

Head Shotz
06-Apr-2007, 12:41 AM
Worth the effort dude. Better than most the trash passing as zombie movies these days.:elol: :elol: :elol:

07-Apr-2007, 07:01 PM
but a long time ago...maybe 2 years?

but I wrote the company and said there is a market here if they want to sell to the US market and I offered $20 +SH for an official version of the movie and they said they are not interested in selling to the US at this time lol.

So...just throwing that out there.

07-Apr-2007, 07:08 PM
I wrote the company and said there is a market here if they want to sell to the US market and I offered $20 +SH for an official version of the movie and they said they are not interested in selling to the US at this time lol.

Vodka, man. You should have offered them vodka.

Head Shotz
08-Apr-2007, 03:50 AM
Risto would have done it for some fresh porn!!!:evil: :evil: :evil:

scotty Boy
08-Apr-2007, 01:17 PM
Predictable in places but what film isnt? Awesome never the less

Whoop Whoop