View Full Version : Making of clips for my film

20-Mar-2007, 10:49 AM
Hi Guys,

Just thought I would share some of the behind the scenes clips from my short film Dave's House which was finished at the end of last year. It is currently doing the festival circuit and has so far been nominated for its script and people's choice award at the W.A Screen Academy Awards.


20-Mar-2007, 01:10 PM
Congrats on the success of your film. It is nice when your hard work is recognized.

20-Mar-2007, 01:19 PM
Thanks DJ,

I am just happy that people actually want to watch my film and enjoy watching it. I said right from the start to my Director I don't care about the awards as long as the movie gets seen by people. And seeing as the screen Academy was the first festival we sent the film to, I am extremly happy that it has given the film some publicity and allowed it to have a public screening.

The actual awards night is this Friday and I am hoping it gives me a chance to pitch my next project to investors at the after party.

20-Mar-2007, 07:16 PM
Good luck with that man. :cool:

21-Mar-2007, 12:33 AM
very cool, but whats with the 70's porn music in the opening?:cool:


21-Mar-2007, 02:18 AM
very cool, but whats with the 70's porn music in the opening?:cool:


Thats the theme we had composed for the film, the first time myself and the director heard it, we had to put it in the film :D

21-Mar-2007, 02:29 AM
its kinda catchy, but total 70's porn:lol:

21-Mar-2007, 02:31 AM
its kinda catchy, but total 70's porn:lol:

lol, it adds to the comedy in a way plus it fits in with all the dildos that were hidden throughout the movie :D

21-Mar-2007, 11:36 AM
ooh, someones been watching lost, i recommend doing something like that in every short or proper film you do, it just screws with people, once i overly used the number 14 for no reason at all, but it was damn funny to hear peopless theorys on "all the 14's", seriously some were bizaare.