View Full Version : Pirates of the Caribbean 3 trailer...

20-Mar-2007, 12:55 PM

Looking forward to this one :)

20-Mar-2007, 01:08 PM
I enjoyed "Dead Man's Chest" more than the first and this one looks as though it might exceed the previous installment, as well.:)

These are some of the best brainless, summer entertainment flicks I think i've ever seen....

20-Mar-2007, 01:26 PM
It certainly looks good, I didn't really enjoy the second one but I can't wait to see this one.

20-Mar-2007, 01:38 PM
It certainly looks good, I didn't really enjoy the second one but I can't wait to see this one.

I'm kinda with Mike on this one. I didn't think the 2nd one was all that great, but I looked at it as the 'bridge' between part 1 & part 3. Sorta like Attack of the Clones, but good. :lol:

I can't wait to see part 3. I just wanna see Keef & Johnny cuttin' it up on camera. :D

20-Mar-2007, 01:46 PM
Sorta like Attack of the Clones, but good. :lol:

What a terrible analogy... All the films thus far in the Pirates Trilogy have been quite good! :)

20-Mar-2007, 02:24 PM
Pirates of the Carribean with Chow Yun Fat? I'm all for that:cool:

20-Mar-2007, 03:01 PM
What a terrible analogy... All the films thus far in the Pirates Trilogy have been quite good! :)

:o :D

it was all I could think of at the moment!! :lol:

The POTC films have been much better than the SW movies (ep. 1-3 I mean), agreed - but just like Attack of the Clones was a bridge to Revenge of the Sith from Phantom Menace, that's what I felt Dead Man's Chest was. Just a link between two films - so it doesn't really "satisfy" the viewer, it just leads them to the last part of the story. I wasn't trying to imply SW ep. 1-3 were 'better' than the POTC franchise. ;)

Does that clarification help? Or should I just flog myself for even comparing POTC to the SW films? :lol:

20-Mar-2007, 03:01 PM
Just watched it and the POTC 3 trailer looks better than the 1st two movies combined.

There is one reason why POTC 3 will kick ass.

1. Geoffrey Rush has returned as Barbosa.

:o :D

it was all I could think of at the moment!! :lol:

The POTC films have been much better than the SW movies (ep. 1-3 I mean), agreed - but just like Attack of the Clones was a bridge to Revenge of the Sith from Phantom Menace, that's what I felt Dead Man's Chest was. Just a link between two films - so it doesn't really "satisfy" the viewer, it just leads them to the last part of the story. I wasn't trying to imply SW ep. 1-3 were 'better' than the POTC franchise. ;)

Does that clarification help? Or should I just flog myself for even comparing POTC to the SW films? :lol:

POTC Has become the new TRILOGY... Star Wars who?:shifty:

20-Mar-2007, 03:03 PM
:o :D

it was all I could think of at the moment!! :lol:

The POTC films have been much better than the SW movies (ep. 1-3 I mean), agreed - but just like Attack of the Clones was a bridge to Revenge of the Sith from Phantom Menace, that's what I felt Dead Man's Chest was. Just a link between two films - so it doesn't really "satisfy" the viewer, it just leads them to the last part of the story. I wasn't trying to imply SW ep. 1-3 were 'better' than the POTC franchise. ;)

Does that clarification help? Or should I just flog myself for even comparing POTC to the SW films? :lol:

Seems to me that a better analogy would have been the Matix trilogy. Nothing new really happened in "Reloaded".....it just linked the original and "Revolutions". Neither of the two sequels were as good as the original, though...

20-Mar-2007, 03:03 PM
There are two reasons why POTC 3 will kick ass.

1. Geoffrey Rush has returned as Barbosa.

You could've stopped right there. :D

Seems to me that a better analogy would have been the Matix trilogy. Nothing new really happened in "Reloaded".....it just linked the original and "Revolutions". Neither of the two sequels were as good as the original, though...

Now, had I been thinking right (it's too early for me) when I posted, that would've probably been a better comparison.

Regardless, though, Dead Mans Chest was just a link to part 3. I didn't see anything too 'spectacular' about DMC. Good movie, yes, but just a link to part 3 and not better than the first.

20-Mar-2007, 03:17 PM
You could've stopped right there. :D

Ok... I fixed it.

20-Mar-2007, 03:26 PM

Much better, Dj.

Although I really am stoked to see Keef as "dad" in part 3, I'm even more stoked that Geoffrey Rush is coming back.

Am I the only one who thought Rush was brilliant as "Stephen-goddamn-Price" in House on Haunted Hill? :D

20-Mar-2007, 03:29 PM
Seeing Keith in the film will be worth the price of admission alone I believe, plus Geoffery Rush is always great to see on screen. No matter what role he plays he always makes it enjoyable to watch.

20-Mar-2007, 03:33 PM
True, true... I can't argue with you there. Rush is an awesome actor - who I wasn't exposed to 'till "House..." I wish I would've found him earlier. ;)

20-Mar-2007, 03:35 PM
You didn't really miss much, most of the films he did before 'house" were pretty ****ty Aussie films, well ****ty in my opinion anyways.

20-Mar-2007, 03:36 PM
I really enjoyed his performance as the Marquis de Sade in Quills.

I first saw him in Mystery Men, then House on Haunted Hill which sold me on keeping an eye on him, Quills just made that decision even stronger. I actually go out of my way to find his films. He even did a good job playing Peter Sellers.

Geoffrey is the Man.

20-Mar-2007, 03:40 PM
I really enjoyed his performance as the Marquis de Sade in Quills.

I first saw him in Mystery Men, then House on Haunted Hill which sold me on keeping an eye on him, Quills just made that decision even stronger. I actually go out of my way to find his films. He even did a good job playing Peter Sellers.

Geoffrey is the Man.

I don't know if the film Swimming Upstream ever got released in the states but it is another of Rush's films where he puts in a brilliant performance - he plays an alcaholic abusive father. He wasn't bad in Ned Kelly either.

20-Mar-2007, 03:41 PM
Regardless, though, Dead Mans Chest was just a link to part 3. I didn't see anything too 'spectacular' about DMC. Good movie, yes, but just a link to part 3 and not better than the first.

I was never really into the first film. It may have been all the hype or something, but I don't know. Everyone was telling me that it's "so cool" and "GREAT" and all this.....but when I saw it, it was just a plain...."meh". "DMC" delivered more to my liking, I would say. For one, I was friggin amazed by the CG Bill Nighy.

20-Mar-2007, 03:47 PM
The Visual FX in POTC 2 were freaking amazing, and Bill's performance as Davy Jones was amazing. He was what kept me interested in POTC 2 DMC.

20-Mar-2007, 04:59 PM
For one, I was friggin amazed by the CG Bill Nighy.

I have to hand it to Bill, he almost stole the show from Johnny Depp. :D

Why is it every time I mention Bill's name I have the urge to say "Don't buy drugs, kids. Become a pop star and they'll give them to you for free!" :lol:

20-Mar-2007, 06:43 PM
Seeing Keith in the film will be worth the price of admission alone I believe...
Yeah, where was he in that trailer?

20-Mar-2007, 06:55 PM
I didn't think the first one was good enough to warrant a sequel. I mean, it was a good one-time ride but I wasn't at all hyped for any sequel of any kind. Turns out that the sequel was much more cheerful than the first film, sort of similar to The Mummy Returns. But it was a good ride. Way to long, tho.

I like swordfights tho, and PotC has some decent ones (but no great ones). So I'll give it kudos for that. But Johnny Depps acting. Bleurgh. I could do without. Or at least I wish they'd cut his part down a bit. In the first one it was perfect, but in the second one there was to much of it.

20-Mar-2007, 07:06 PM
Does that clarification help? Or should I just flog myself for even comparing POTC to the SW films?

I'll fetch my flogging kit, ya dirty monkey...

Aye, the second film in a trilogy is always there to bridge a gap (well, Back to the Future 2 didn't, they were all connected like one big, long movie, so...yeah!) ... anyway, Dead Man's Chest was enjoyable, but it was just all middle act action, same with Reloaded, a big flabby belly in between the head of the first film where sh*t gets interesting, and the legs of the third film where the franchise runs away with all the cinemagoer's cash! :elol:

20-Mar-2007, 09:39 PM
I'm kinda with Mike on this one. I didn't think the 2nd one was all that great, but I looked at it as the 'bridge' between part 1 & part 3. Sorta like Attack of the Clones, but good. :lol:

I can't wait to see part 3. I just wanna see Keef & Johnny cuttin' it up on camera. :D

Lets be HONEST... POTC 2 Sucked balls until the last 30 seconds. When Geoffrey Rush showed up the film went from a D+ to a B- :D

The Trailer for 3 makes part 3 look better than 1 or 2.

20-Mar-2007, 09:42 PM

too funny

I have to admit though, as soon as Rush came down those steps, I jumped outta my seat and yelled "YES! BARBOSA IS BACK!!!" - and that was probably the only time I was cheering during the movie. :D

21-Mar-2007, 12:24 AM
super meh:bored:

saw the first one, didnt think it was up to much other than another rrappy movie based ona disney ride: aka one hour and a hald advert using jhonny depp to sell disney products.

though reading the thread posts above me walt must be spinning in his undead grave saying "ka-ching!":lol:

21-Mar-2007, 11:38 AM
The Visual FX in POTC 2 were freaking amazing, and Bill's performance as Davy Jones was amazing. He was what kept me interested in POTC 2 DMC.
Agreed, the CGI was over the piece superb, out there most definitely, but due to the story, believable enough ... the Davy Jones lot were really gross, even I was sat there a bit squirmy at the cinema ... in fact they might have gone a little too far in creating the grim men of that ship. :eek:

22-Mar-2007, 08:02 AM
The first one was great... the second one was okay... can anyone see a pattern forming here? :rolleyes:

PotC3 looks awesome, just like Spiderman 3 does but we'll just have to wait and see if it cuts the mootard or not.

10-Jun-2007, 05:44 PM
i saw it the other day, didnt really want to but it was a free showing so what the hell right?
in a word. "bitchin'", its easily the best movie of the 3 and far superior to the 3rd spiderman outing, though some bits were totally disney, like the "bad guy" at the end proveing hes mentally unstable "see kids bad guys are crazy people":rolleyes: or swann being mad epirate king.
the effects were fantastic the final action sequence with the flying dutchman and the black pearl circling each other on either side of a giant whirlpool in a maelstrom,firing cannons in the rain and lighting was fookin' amazing i would just loved to have been the producer going over the budget then seeing that part of the script:D
the action was great, depp was at his peak as jack sparrow though barbosa stole a fair bit of his thunder this time around.
Will turner was easily forgotten and chow yun fat was a cameo even though he was a main character.
my biggest gripe was the plot wholes, the whole "calipso" storyline whent unresolved and was quickly forgotten, the whole pieces of eight thing whilst interesting to some is pretty much 80% of all anime storylines form the 1980's
I think the high points were the surreal scene near to 15 minute mark were sparrows fighting his own psychosis for a peanut then licking a stone which turns into a crab ect ,the final ship battle and the opening with the pirates singing, it was cool to see kieth richards as sparrows dad that was a better played role than fats cliche abd guy from any fung fu movie ever role.
the gripes are the unresolved sub plots, the 45 minutes of constant side switching and uneeded bottom of the barrel humour ,case in point a dwarf bloke fires a bigass gun and shoots backwards and down a whole, funny for the kids but totally uneeded in an action sequence.

all in all i was really, REALLY surprised and i found this film to be a highly entertaining 2 and a half hours that was far superior to the first one. if hot fuzz was the number 1 brit film of 2007 this was surely the american one.
even if you didnt like the first i suggest you give it a try and overlook the terrible acting on keira "as expressive as a block of wood" knightlys role as the "english rose, so all you gotta do is look at her" character.
Its an origional and enjoyabel action adventure film and by the end i found myself allready wanting a sequel, does sparrow find the founatin of youth?, what about swan and turners son?, and were does barbosa lead the black pearl and its crew theyd be stupid not to make a 4th on the money this made and i for one hope they do.

8.5/10 :thumbsup:

10-Jun-2007, 09:57 PM

I enjoyed it and all, but the first is still the best I feel. POTC3 had many good moments, but the pace was very all over the place I felt, big swathes of complex plot sagging down in between the excellent action set pieces.

The CGI was f*cking spectacular, Davey Jones actually looked like he was physically standing next to Orlando in one scene in particular (in the captain's quarters on one of the ships, the Flying Dutchman I think), it looked really good, not like two layers pasted over each other like you often see, or used to anyway.

It really needed better pacing and more clarity, those were my main two gripes, just because it's a big action film, doesn't mean it has to be damn near 3 hours.

Spider-Man 3, now that I really enjoyed, far better pacing, and generally I had a bit more fun that I did watching POTC3. It definitely did have too much going on, and one of the villians could have been exised for future use, but it still works. If you already know the characters, then you're sorted, if you don't, you find out enough to "get it", and then if you want, you can fill in the greater details later.

However, Venom wasn't in it enough, that was a bit of a let down, and Brock was a tad whiney, rather than an actual photography nemesis...

Still though, tons-o-fun I thought.

Next time I see POTC3 though, I'll probably enjoy it a lot more, part of the experience was dampened by this kid I was sat next to who just kept leaking this hideous smell, but I couldn't tell which end it might have come from, it was a really odd - yet rank - smell, hard to place...so that was annoying...but I did have a lot of fun with POTC3, but I personally dug SM3 more than POTC3.

Speaking of POTC, I've got the second part coming to me on DVD in a couple of days.

10-Jun-2007, 11:52 PM
i still aint seen the second one but the whole crew are the ship storyline sounds cool, i may check it out, though my next dvds gonna be hot fuzz.:cool:

11-Jun-2007, 09:55 AM
woo, Hot Fuzz be 'ere...anyway, you ain't seen POTC2???!!! Geeeeeeeeez...:p

11-Jun-2007, 10:36 AM
i may check it out, though my next dvds gonna be hot fuzz.:cool:
woo, Hot Fuzz be 'ere...
Yeah and they want £24.99 for it in HMV and frankly I don't think the film is worth that. Damn, you could buy a second hand Dreamcast and a few games for that! :eek:

11-Jun-2007, 10:39 AM
Yeah and they want £24.99 for it in HMV and frankly I don't think the film is worth that. Damn, you could buy a second hand Dreamcast and a few games for that! :eek:
pfft, that's why you should buy from play - £16 mate. Still a bit on the high side, but in comparison to £25, boshty as fook. :thumbsup::cool:

11-Jun-2007, 10:46 AM
I think I'll just pick it up next year when it's in the bargain bin for a fiver. :D

11-Jun-2007, 01:36 PM
13.99 in HMV, -sorry, hoomve.:D

jsut watched all the extras, didnt realise when i saw it that peter jackson was the guy in the santa suit that stats pegg at the start, gonna watch it with some mates later cant wait to watch it again ,top film.

and screw total film 4 star material at the least.;)

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 01:43 PM
Yeah and they want £24.99 for it in HMV and frankly I don't think the film is worth that. Damn, you could buy a second hand Dreamcast and a few games for that! :eek:

Or 4 copies of LOTD for that matter. Although why you would want to is beyond me.... what!?! I'm just sayin'...:rolleyes:

11-Jun-2007, 02:08 PM
13.99 in HMV, -sorry, hoomve.:D
Crumbs, that was dropped quick! :eek:

Hot Fuzz is still not worth £14 if I'm honest, considering that I just bought Deus Ex 1, Half Life 1 and Shadow Of Memories (YAY, at last!!!) in GAME (yes, you heard me right) for £7.99 the lot.

But damn, if any of you UK folks absolutely have to own it then HMV is your place. It's definitely the cheapest I've seen it thus far.

11-Jun-2007, 02:20 PM
man i got that beat, sorta for 10 quid i got sudeki, azurik rise of perathia, the thing and total overdoes yet my 360 only plays one of em, the thing so i got a new horror game but im pissed that theres yet more games that aint backwards compatible yet.:mad:

11-Jun-2007, 04:19 PM
Damn youze!

Still, I didn't have to go to any shops or walk or anything, so hahaha, that's worth £2 to me. :D

I watched the film with the commentary by "the cops", which was bloody marvellous, really points out a whole bunch of little asides in the film you didn't find funny originally, but hearing them laugh at certain moments makes you really LOL for real. :D

Also - Raif Spall, the "other Andy" (i.e. not Paddy Considine) - that's the 17 year old Foree Electric kid! :eek: Damn, it's amazing what a few less pounds and a tash will do to make you look totally different! :stunned:

Indeed, I saw Jacko in a vlog, but didn't know he was actually in the film until I saw on the extras - also - the chick who played Galadriel in LOTR is the lass that Angel talks to at the crime scene (his ex) - blimey grimey.

The out-takes were hilarious as usual, I've got the deleted scenes left to do, and the vlogs, and the commentaries to Dead Right (just finished watching the short film itself)...ooh, and the Pegg/Wright commentary for HF, I look forward to that alright. :cool:

A very good package indeed. :)

11-Jun-2007, 04:39 PM
yea, not wanting to drag a pirates thread even more off topic, but it really is the first dvd in a long time that was worth the over a tenner price tag, and actual was a decent special edition.

darth los
13-Jun-2007, 03:33 PM
I own the first one, it's a pretty good film. I might have to check the others out now.