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View Full Version : THE CREW COPIES Have ARRIVED. Thank God!

20-Mar-2007, 07:43 PM
Today UPS dropped off 50 DVD's to my doorstep, all Copies of Deadlands for me to distribute to the crew. (DP, Make-up, etc) I have to say it is Kind of weird to see you film on a glass/pressed DVD. Totally blowing my mind.

MZ, PM your addy so i can send you one.

20-Mar-2007, 09:21 PM
Dude, I think I just filled the cup. :lol:

20-Mar-2007, 10:11 PM
Yeah, well pass me a big gulp cup cos I'm gonna blow like a f*cking atom bomb all up in everyone's face! :lol:

Now, if you don't mind, I've got a PM to write! :)

27-Mar-2007, 12:53 AM
Hey MZ, I didn't make it to the post office this past weekend. I just had my long awaited surgery today, so i know I will be laid up for at least a week. I will probably get it out to you next Monday.

Sorry about the delay.


27-Mar-2007, 09:06 AM
Never fear, surgery is first. :cool:

I've still got STALKER to pass the time. :)

27-Mar-2007, 11:37 AM
Lou was telling me about Stalker... That game sounds sytem intensive. After he told me the modifications he had to make to his vid card to run the game I was like DAYYYYYYYYYYYUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMM!

Anyway, sound slike fun. Also, I should be heading out to get the cast off by friday or next monday so I will be able to mail it then. :D

27-Mar-2007, 07:31 PM
Aye, STALKER is intensive, but even I can run it and it still looks decent enough...could be miles better, but isn't a complete pile of wank - I can enjoy it and appreciate it and it scares the bejesus outta me (haven't had an easy time getting to sleep for 4 nights in a row now, I keep getting images of zombie stalkers, bloodsuckers and snorks stuck in my head - and their moans/screams...*shudder*

I look forward to getting my grubby mits on my copy when it arrives, but patience is a virtue, so I'm fine waiting. :)

27-Mar-2007, 11:13 PM
WTF is a snork?

28-Mar-2007, 12:23 PM
WTF is a snork?
Ahhhhhhh...and there-in lies the horror.

Their screams/howls can be heard from far away as if they're right next to you (that sh*ts you up for one, especially when it's behind you and you're running full pelt away in fear). They used to be humans, soldiers or other STALKERS, but they got all kindsa f*cked up and now scuttle around on 'all fours', a gas mask hanging off their face like an elephant's trunk, the area around their spine ripped open, and once they get near you, they leap at you ... crazy bastards.

