View Full Version : The New Elite 369

21-Mar-2007, 10:00 PM
Introducing the new SEXBOX 369 Elite. BEHOLD!!!


22-Mar-2007, 06:24 AM
It doesn't look right to me. Sorta like a 360 thats been pulled from a house fire. :D

22-Mar-2007, 12:01 PM
At first I thought the 360 looked weird for being white, now the new 360 looks weird cos it's black ... no, that isn't techno-racism ... just looks weird in a new colour, innit...*ahem*...viva-la-Core! :p

22-Mar-2007, 12:05 PM
So it's basically the same thing........just black?:rolleyes:

22-Mar-2007, 12:52 PM
So it's basically the same thing........just black?:rolleyes:
With some bells & whistles ... I'd rather bash some buttons on PGR3 on a Core, personally. :p

22-Mar-2007, 12:57 PM
At first I thought the 360 looked weird for being white, now the new 360 looks weird cos it's black ... no, that isn't techno-racism ...


That's one of the funniest things i've heard in a long time. "techno-racism" :lol:

I dunno, I wish I could've got mine in black. The white just looks too.. I dunno.. clean? pretty?

I like the black case. :D

22-Mar-2007, 01:11 PM
The original Xbox was a sexy bitch, alright. Black is always cooler for technology, as in snazzier, it's looks pimp. Black is always classic. I also liked the phat "X" added into the shape of the original, and the glow around the power button ... mmmmmm ... *bites lip* ... oh mon...

22-Mar-2007, 01:15 PM
The original Xbox was a sexy bitch, alright. Black is always cooler for technology, as in snazzier, it's looks pimp. Black is always classic. I also liked the phat "X" added into the shape of the original, and the glow around the power button ... mmmmmm ... *bites lip* ... oh mon...

The glow is still on the 360's. It's just seperated into four parts and each part lights up according to how many controllers are being used.

If I REALLY wanted a black 360......I would just take off the outter pieces and spray paint them.:cool:

22-Mar-2007, 02:34 PM
The glow is still on the 360's. It's just seperated into four parts and each part lights up according to how many controllers are being used.

*nods head in agreement*

If I REALLY wanted a black 360......I would just take off the outter pieces and spray paint them.:cool:

I don't want one that bad. :lol: :D

22-Mar-2007, 02:40 PM
I don't want one that bad. :lol: :D

Neither do I. I'm just pointing out that it's a pretty sh*tty marketing scheme. I think the "Elite":rolleyes: also has a bit more memory, but how much do people really need? I don't see myself EVER using up the memory that I already have. I guess it's for those kind of folks that NEVER leave their gaming system.:rockbrow:

22-Mar-2007, 02:47 PM
Neither do I. I'm just pointing out that it's a pretty sh*tty marketing scheme. I think the "Elite":rolleyes:

*nods in agreement again*

Nail right on the head there. Just something else to try and grab money from people.

That's so unlike microsoft. I don't get it. :lol:

I like the looks of it better, the black console, but I wish it would've been offered from the beginning. I would've rather have that than my white cased 360 - but the way I look at it, my white one plays Dead Rising as well as a black console will, so i'm a happy camper. :D

22-Mar-2007, 04:46 PM
So it's basically the same thing........just black?:rolleyes:

120 gig HD, HDMI, and runs cooler than the original 360. But there is no mention of the 65nm chips.

22-Mar-2007, 05:13 PM
120 gig HD, HDMI, and runs cooler than the original 360. But there is no mention of the 65nm chips.

So black....and more memory. I don't know what the chip thing means.

My 360 has never over heated. Then again, I don't play it a long time like alot of people do. I think the longest i've played was about 2 hours.

22-Mar-2007, 05:38 PM
Its a thinner processor chip for the CPU that produces less heat than the current ones. All new 360s: core, premium, and elite will have these chips by this summer. The new chips will be 65 nm and the current ones are 90 nm. Since the chips will be smaller, there will be more processing chips added "means lower energy requirements, lower heat output, and cheaper chip production costs."



22-Mar-2007, 07:55 PM
Neither do I. I'm just pointing out that it's a pretty sh*tty marketing scheme. I think the "Elite":rolleyes: also has a bit more memory, but how much do people really need? I don't see myself EVER using up the memory that I already have. I guess it's for those kind of folks that NEVER leave their gaming system.:rockbrow:

Marketing scheme? I wouldn't say that.

It's not like they're just selling black 360's with nothing different about them.

There isn't more memory. There's more hard-drive space. It would suck for people that own older 360's if they gave the new ones more memory.

A wayyy bigger hard-drive and a core that doesn't heat up as much sounds well worth the extra $80 to me.

My hard-drive is always filled and I need to delete **** constantly. I don't know how so many people with Live say they've hardly used any space on their hard-drive. Most demo's alone are close to a gig in size.

22-Mar-2007, 08:14 PM
Well I'm not that big into gaming, so it seems like a jip to me. I couldn't ask for more out of the 360 I have now. It's good enough for the rare occasions that I play. As I said before, I'm no hard core gamer. The 360 is the least of my hobbies.

And what's the difference between memory and hard drive? I thought hard drive was the thing that the memory information is put onto....:confused:

22-Mar-2007, 09:34 PM
This is how I think of it, Your a chef and making some food.

The hard drive would be the table top, the total amount your computer or xbox can hold.

Memory like Ram is like a cutting board, the smaller your cutting board the more time it takes to prepare food. The more memory you have or the bigger your cutting board, the faster you can make food.

Yea I have live, and a bigger hard drive would mean... I could have both seasons of Babylon 5 on my xbox (hurry up and offer season 3 already damnit) and the twilight zone episodes. Dang thats awsome, my 360 does freeze up sometimes on GWAR 2 and Dead rising sessions.

22-Mar-2007, 09:43 PM
How long are these Dead Rising/GRAW2 sesh's? Like a couple hours or something? Or is it when there's a shedload of stuff on screen?

*check me out sucking in all this 360 info for future use :p*

22-Mar-2007, 11:01 PM
Man, I know me and my son have done some Dead Rising sessions into the wee hours of the morning. We're talking the xbox being on for at least 6-8 hours straight, working hard the whole time. Never had an overheating problem, a glitch, nada. ;)

Personally, I see a little bit of an advantage with this new black box, but I can't say I could justify those improvements for $80. I mean, I already think the 360 and PS3 are WAY out of line with their pricing (especially the PS3, but I don't think 360 is that much better), but alas, it is what it is.


23-Mar-2007, 12:00 AM
This is how I think of it, Your a chef and making some food.

The hard drive would be the table top, the total amount your computer or xbox can hold.

Memory like Ram is like a cutting board, the smaller your cutting board the more time it takes to prepare food. The more memory you have or the bigger your cutting board, the faster you can make food.

That is a great analogy. I couldn't have put it any better.

PS - Are you Hab1bMarwan on Live? If not... who is? I know it's someone from these boards but just can't put my finger on it.

23-Mar-2007, 10:43 AM
How long are these Dead Rising/GRAW2 sesh's?
As long as you like, I've been known for 14 hour sessions on Oblivion. :confused:

23-Mar-2007, 11:33 AM
A core console 360 doesn't seem that bad. £200 ... after all, back in Xmas '93 I got my Mega Drive 2, and that cost £130 (two controllers, two free games - World of Illusion and Castle of Illusion :) ... ahhh memories).

So the 360 is not too badly priced ... the P$3 on the other hand can suck a f*ck, £400+?! GET F*CKED!

Sweet, well I certainly don't think I'd be playing for 6 to 8 hours straight, perhaps like 2 hours in a sesh, then my attention starts wavering and I get a bit screen-tired...

23-Mar-2007, 11:58 AM
Sweet, well I certainly don't think I'd be playing for 6 to 8 hours straight, perhaps like 2 hours in a sesh, then my attention starts wavering and I get a bit screen-tired...

Not if you buy Oblivion. You'll think you've only been playing for a couple of hours. Until you look outside and it's night-time and you realize you started playing during mid-day.

23-Mar-2007, 12:08 PM
I've had some monster sessions before, sometimes I've played a game all day, but not in one sitting, I'll take little breaks, or go watch a movie/tv show/have lunch, and then resume ... but when I do that I just feel sick by the end of the day and I can't really shake the images/sounds of the game out of my head ... and that's not an opportunity for Jack Thompson: Idiot at Law to build a case or prove himself, if you stared at a door all day that's all you'd see as well!

23-Mar-2007, 01:51 PM
Not if you buy Oblivion. You'll think you've only been playing for a couple of hours. Until you look outside and it's night-time and you realize you started playing during mid-day.
Ain't that the truth. :D

23-Mar-2007, 02:01 PM
honestly i aint bothered, its been about 8 months and ive filled less than a single gigabyte out of the 13 available, and i dont see the point in demos that take up a gigabyte when the game itself only takes up a few mb:rolleyes:
honestly mines loud and can get hot but never overheats, though i have noticed that the disk drive seems to be a little squeaky when it closes, though since i got a new ps2 its just been sitting idle other than dvds so that might be it.

my advice mz is when you first get it, play it for about an hour then give it 15 mins or so then repeat for a day ro two, cus they get really hot at first, now ive doen the same 15 hour oblivion stints and it didnt get nearly as hot as it did within 2 hours of turning on for the first time.

23-Mar-2007, 07:44 PM
That is a great analogy. I couldn't have put it any better.

PS - Are you Hab1bMarwan on Live? If not... who is? I know it's someone from these boards but just can't put my finger on it.

Nope, I'm exatreides. You should add me.

23-Mar-2007, 09:38 PM
i dont see the point in demos that take up a gigabyte when the game itself only takes up a few mb:rolleyes:

Hmmm. You've got it all wrong. You know what games took up a few megabytes? NES games. The [good] games we play these days are a few gig's.

23-Mar-2007, 09:42 PM
Like STALKER, that can take up to 10 gigs of your HDD up! :eek:

Of course, when you buy the game, the data is on the disc ... not the HDD (in the case of a console). :smug bastard smiley:

23-Mar-2007, 10:48 PM
^ which is why its only a few mb's, cus its just a save file.:rolleyes:

23-Mar-2007, 11:10 PM
^ which is why its only a few mb's, cus its just a save file.:rolleyes:

There's a huge difference between a game-save and a demo, though. You must know this (of course you do). I don't see why you'd question the fact that in order to download a demo you must sacrific around 1 gig of HD space.

24-Mar-2007, 11:25 AM
If the demo was on a disc, it'd still take up the same amount of space, it just wouldn't be on your HDD, but on a coaster instead ... how is this a hard concept to grasp? Demos are that large because that's how large they are now ... what the hell were you schmokin' t'other day?

24-Mar-2007, 05:18 PM
exactly, and since your only getting a small demo but its taking up way too much of your hard drive i just dont think the demos are worth it.

24-Mar-2007, 10:20 PM
exactly, and since your only getting a small demo but its taking up way too much of your hard drive i just dont think the demos are worth it.
Demo's are the size they are because they need to be that size, doi. :sneaky::D

24-Mar-2007, 11:58 PM
yeah, thank's for stating the obvious:p , but id rather just buy games and play em on a console, i think demos are just a waste of space since its not a complete game but it takes up so much space better used for mp3's and movies and whatnot.

25-Mar-2007, 11:04 AM
A demo has a point, it's a trial, doi...

So if you think "ah dude that's an awesome game!" then play the demo and it sucks, you haven't wasted £40 to £60 on it. I got the demo of "Prey", thought it looked kinda nifty, but not worth buying - perzactly right as it was just a load of the same wank from the first eight levels, after the first eight levels.

What you'd rather do doesn't make a demo pointless or a waste of space, it's not like you can't delete it when you no longer need it. :confused::rolleyes: