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22-Mar-2007, 02:50 PM
Night of the Living Dead (1968) and The Crazies (1973)


Friday March 23 after midnight

22-Mar-2007, 04:09 PM
SWEET! Thank you so much, eyebiter.

I finally get the chance to see "The Crazies".:D

22-Mar-2007, 06:17 PM
SWEET! Thank you so much, eyebiter.

I finally get the chance to see "The Crazies".:D
Stylistically, It fits right in with NOTLD, Martin, and Dawn. All grainy looking with that french new wave influenced cutting. You're going to like it. It one of my favs.

22-Mar-2007, 10:58 PM
just set my cable box to tape them.thanks to the info about them being on. last time they was on rob zombie was the host.

23-Mar-2007, 12:56 AM
Hey Eye THANK YOU!!!! I will set to tape it...I havent seen "The Crazies" since wowww yrs!!!:D

23-Mar-2007, 02:57 AM
Thanks for the heads up, I've never seen 'The Crazies'......

TCM actually has it listed as a Comedy if you click on full schedule and then
the date, hopefully its not an indication of its quality....


23-Mar-2007, 04:02 AM
what a cool double bill. the crazies is an awsome flick.

Moon Knight
23-Mar-2007, 06:52 AM
The Crazies is fun and you can see the style forming in terms of editing and violence that would be used in Dawn shortly after. :D

23-Mar-2007, 06:54 AM
Ummm... definately not a comedy, in any sense of the word. I like the film a lot, but I wonder, if it wasnt a GAR film, would I view it in the same way? Guess I'll never know.....

23-Mar-2007, 01:17 PM
TCM actually has it listed as a Comedy if you click on full schedule and then
the date, hopefully its not an indication of its quality...
Now that's just crazy. How can they class The Crazies as a comedy? :confused:

23-Mar-2007, 03:41 PM
The Crazies is such a good flick, im definatly dvring it.

23-Mar-2007, 04:12 PM
Now that's just crazy. How can they class The Crazies as a comedy? :confused:
Tis but a typo!:D

There is nothing funny aout the crazies. Before Dawn I dont think GAR believed in comic relief:)

Ummm... definately not a comedy, in any sense of the word. I like the film a lot, but I wonder, if it wasnt a GAR film, would I view it in the same way? Guess I'll never know.....
When I saw it as a kid I didnt know who he was and I saw The crazies before I saw Dawn. I knew who he was after that though. It was one of the reasons (That and NOTLD) why I wanted to see Dawn badly.
So I think you would've like it. Plus the blood looks great in the Radiation suits:)

23-Mar-2007, 04:59 PM
I have never seen The Crazies. Was this a very violent film back in the day. And should I expect to see a censored version on TCM?

23-Mar-2007, 05:01 PM
I'm not positive, but I don't think it will be edited. Usually when they play movies that late at night/early in the morning, it's unedited.

That's my guess, anyway.

23-Mar-2007, 05:13 PM
I have never seen The Crazies. Was this a very violent film back in the day. And should I expect to see a censored version on TCM?
TCM does not edit or censor movies EVER!
11AM of 2 AM, if it has tits, there they are.
That channel rules.
Though they usually dont how tougher films in the afternoon, more production code films. But in the early evening they will show stuff with lots of swear words.

Bring on the bllod and guts!

Crazies had shooting with prominent blood. But it is not super biolent.
There is however a very disturbing scene about half way through (you will know what I mean when you get there) and the opening is pretty hard. Most of the blood is on White Radiation suits.

24-Mar-2007, 02:52 AM
I have never seen The Crazies. Was this a very violent film back in the day. And should I expect to see a censored version on TCM?
Dude, if you class yourself as a Dawn fan then The Crazies should be right up your alley man.

24-Mar-2007, 04:09 AM
Dude, if you class yourself as a Dawn fan then The Crazies should be right up your alley man.
Its a classic era GAR horror movie. What's to qyestion? Of course they'll like it:)

24-Mar-2007, 06:01 PM
TCM does not edit or censor movies EVER!
11AM of 2 AM, if it has tits, there they are.
That channel rules.
Though they usually dont how tougher films in the afternoon, more production code films. But in the early evening they will show stuff with lots of swear words.

Bring on the bllod and guts!

Crazies had shooting with prominent blood. But it is not super biolent.
There is however a very disturbing scene about half way through (you will know what I mean when you get there) and the opening is pretty hard. Most of the blood is on White Radiation suits.

There are a couple of things disturbing in that movie. The priest burning himself, The father raping his daughter, the mass burning scenes, etc. I just watched it again on DVD and I love that movie. Has the real feel of most low-budget 70's horror films.

24-Mar-2007, 06:10 PM
There are a couple of things disturbing in that movie. The priest burning himself, The father raping his daughter, the mass burning scenes, etc. I just watched it again on DVD and I love that movie. Has the real feel of most low-budget 70's horror films.
It's def got that GAR feel and look. I think his editing stlye then was very unique. btw The Father, who was also Frankenstein in Day, didnt rape her. She was into it. I least It seemed that way to me. That's one of the wierder parts of the movie. That was the halfway point wierdness I was talking about I like the woman with the broom. I thought the whole intro with the father going nuts and the scared kids was really powerful.
The commentary on the DVD is really goos too

24-Mar-2007, 06:48 PM
I watched it early this morning after running on the track. That movie was funny. I didn't realize that was the doctor from Day. Btw, the bearded scientist working on the cure. Was that the guy with the eye patch on Dawn? Who else was in it from other Romero movies?

24-Mar-2007, 07:23 PM
I watched it early this morning after running on the track. That movie was funny. I didn't realize that was the doctor from Day. Btw, the bearded scientist working on the cure. Was that the guy with the eye patch on Dawn? Who else was in it from other Romero movies?
Frankenstein from Day was Horny Dad. And The scientist (eye patch fella) was the same actor and supposed to be pretty much the same character. I think thats it.

24-Mar-2007, 07:37 PM
I liked the fact it was uncut, too. Saw T&A at the beginning. :thumbsup:

24-Mar-2007, 08:05 PM
I liked the fact it was uncut, too. Saw T&A at the beginning. :thumbsup:
told ya:D