View Full Version : TCM: The Beginning...

24-Mar-2007, 10:50 PM
Finally got around to watching this film today ... hmmm. It's just the original remake all over again, there's piss all that's new, it's just ickier with sh*tter characters up for the chop.

It's interesting to see the background and stuff, but really, to be honest, it's best left undiscovered. In a way, Leatherface was never a baby, never a child, never a spotty teenager, he (almost "it") was always a nutter with a mask that cast shadows over his eyes so there was no soul behind there, but now he's a bullied school kid encouraged into mass murder because he lost his job ... *sigh*...

Mind you, the remake version is a million miles from the original, they're almost like two different dimensions ... the "good" one and the lame one. :lol:

What I did like though:

1) Diora Baird
2) The other lass' ass hanging out all the time
3) The gore
4) Ermey - legend, complete psychopath
5) The visual look of the film
6) The gore
7) Seeing how things from the original remake came out (e.g. "Hoyt's" knackered teeth, that dude's missing legs)

That's about it really, it was generally pointless, just exactly more of the same, but with a rather lame story flung around the characters up for the chop...the original remake appeared to have a lot of effort put into it's production, but TCM:TB just feels kinda cobbled together, the camerawork is less considered for one ... as if trying to reference the 1974 film (including a Sally Hardesty through a window nod) ... but it just didn't pan out, the sound design was also less considered, with some moments feeling strangely devoid of sound - and not because they're supposed to be like that (even though that is why), but it just felt misplaced.

A generous 2 stars out of 5 ... very icky, some excellent gore, Diora Baird looking really shaggable, more gore, R. Lee Ermey ... that makes up the two stars, the rest leaves it floundering.

24-Mar-2007, 11:20 PM
It was a worthless waste of time/money. The only good thing:

Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties. Diora Baird in bra and panties.

25-Mar-2007, 12:06 AM
i cant bring myself to watch anymore remakes.

really, halloween is like the last one for me.

25-Mar-2007, 03:26 AM
I watched the uncut version and loved the gore. Lee Emery stole the show again. Like he does in every movie he is in. Someone give this guy a f#cking oscar.

25-Mar-2007, 11:01 AM
Agreed, Ermey chomps scenery left, right and center and steals every scene, he's the most entertaining thing about the movie. The dude swipes every scene in every movie he's in, it's great!

Hellsing - TCM2003 was a remake, TCM:TB isn't a remake, it's a new story, just a sequel to a remake, that doesn't make TCM:TB a remake, it's a new tangent ... admittedly a tangent that didn't need to be explored ... but it's so far removed from TCM'74 that there's like two TCM universes ... the good one ('74) and the McDonald's one, which is '03 and TB (tastes good, but is bad for you)...

25-Mar-2007, 11:23 AM
I'm a bit tired of Ermey playing the exact character always, but hey. He's funny in a dark sort of way.

The film was nothing special. That's really the perfect way to sum it up "nothing special". It's bland, boring and we've seen it all before. Mind you the gore was nice, but the script and characters were ****ing crap.

25-Mar-2007, 03:11 PM
I loved the remake but this one is pushing things a little but too far. Hasn't Hooper's masterpiece been buttf**ked enough?