View Full Version : John Rambo pics...

26-Mar-2007, 03:25 PM
Stallone was caught with growth hormones in Oz? Hmmmm... Wonder why!?


26-Mar-2007, 03:39 PM
There is a logical answer... That muscles, don't be reals. When I was young, I was in the gym a lot of time, and never had this muscles. This kind of bodies, you can't see it in the street, because only the famous and the sporters have access to this products...

26-Mar-2007, 03:40 PM
How about something original, Stallone? Instead of trying to go back to your glory days, why not do something original?:confused:

What's next, "Cobra II"? "Demolition Man 2"??

No, my mistake. The title would have to incorporate the character's full name: "Lieutenant Marion 'Cobra' Cobretti":rolleyes:

26-Mar-2007, 03:42 PM
There is a logical answer... That muscles, don't be reals. When I was young, I was in the gym a lot of time, and never had this muscles. This kind of bodies, you can't see it in the street, because only the famous and the sporters have access to this products...

I have to say also, his face is getting as scary has his mums :eek:

26-Mar-2007, 05:03 PM
I'd love to see Cobra 2 actually. That movie owns.

26-Mar-2007, 05:16 PM
I joined whith Cobra I. Stallone has very good movies, but he has not age for make this kind of characters...

26-Mar-2007, 06:12 PM
Ironic because he goes on about proper eating and workout regimens. How old is he? 60?

Me, I like Rocky 1 and Balboa, FIST, Lords of Flatbush Death Race 2000 and Copland. I think all of his other movies suck big time. I hate First Blood et all. I think him, Most Arnold and 80s Bruce Willis bit the bag. I am one of the few that didnt like hardly any 80s action movies.

26-Mar-2007, 06:29 PM
Geez, he's looking insanely ripped for his age, eh? Blimey, one last shot at the title I guess - Rocky Balboa was indeed a triumph, fantastic film.

As for his face, apparently when he was born there were complications and his face, or most of it, is pretty much paralysed, or sort of f*cked up like that, hence giving him that kinda look sometimes...:eek::(

26-Mar-2007, 10:31 PM
it might be good actually, i wasnt a big a fan when i saw first blood, but hell i was 9 at the time i may have to look up the dvd sometime, i thought rocky 6 (yes im calling it that) was excellent, especially compared to the level of cinema its competing against nowadays, the writing was a bit iffy but stalones directing style was great to see again, if he ever stops acting id still see a movie stalone directed.

27-Mar-2007, 01:20 AM
What a silly old bastard, he's probably risking his health. Besides, nothing can beat First Blood and the whole franchise has been s**t ever since! :dead:

27-Mar-2007, 01:29 AM
How about something original, Stallone? Instead of trying to go back to your glory days, why not do something original?:confused:

What's next, "Cobra II"? "Demolition Man 2"??

No, my mistake. The title would have to incorporate the character's full name: "Lieutenant Marion 'Cobra' Cobretti":rolleyes:

The reason he is making a new Rambo is because of the deal he made to get the new Rocky film produced. If he wanted to make the new Rocky, which he really did, he would have to make another Rambo.
I laughed out loud earlier when I read about this on AICN, a poster on the site asked what was next, Raymond Tango & Gabriel Cash?

27-Mar-2007, 07:59 AM
Geez, he's looking insanely ripped for his age, eh? Blimey, one last shot at the title I guess - Rocky Balboa was indeed a triumph, fantastic film.

As for his face, apparently when he was born there were complications and his face, or most of it, is pretty much paralysed, or sort of f*cked up like that, hence giving him that kinda look sometimes...:eek::(

Come on... He's had plastic surgery...

27-Mar-2007, 08:59 AM
No seriously, that's the word on the street, his face has always been kinda ... unique ... hence the tendency for his mouth to favour one side when shouting things like "DRAGO!!!!" or "ADRIAN!!!" ... maybe he's had plastic surgery recently, I duno, but the word I heard was he was trying to fix the affects that his birth troubles had had on his face when combined with aging and weight gain.

Anyway, Rocky Balboa was excellent, and the writing was spot on, his best writing since the original Rocky, that franchise has always been good (well, apart from #5, which still had good parts), it's basically been an autobiography for Stallone - which I'd say, puts Stallone ahead of Schwarzenegger.

27-Mar-2007, 11:08 AM
after last action hero and kindergarden cop and those danny devito movies stallone was ahead anyway, even with those flicks he did with *ugh*, rob schnieder in em.

27-Mar-2007, 03:00 PM
As for his face, apparently when he was born there were complications and his face, or most of it, is pretty much paralysed, or sort of f*cked up like that, hence giving him that kinda look sometimes... :eek:
Didn't he have a trapped nerve in his lip or something? <whinces>

27-Mar-2007, 05:17 PM
Didn't he have a trapped nerve in his lip or something? <whinces>
Kind of a stroke. Which is why one side of his face sags. Not his fault. Certainly not plastic surgery.

Y'know I liked judge Dredd. I know it wasnt "good" but I liked it anyway

27-Mar-2007, 05:56 PM
I am da law!



27-Mar-2007, 07:22 PM
Hellsing - pfft, Last Action Hero was awesome, some balls-out-and-swinging-in-the-wind action, mixed in with a dose of comedy, Arnie was a total badass in it too, bettered because the content of the film allowed for even more larger than life shenanigans for the protagonist.

Coma - aye, I rather liked Judge Dredd as well, certainly flawed, in fact there's quite a few flaws I guess, but Stallone is badass in it, and that big metal mono-sylabic battle robot thing is friggin' sweet, I wish they'd had more of it in the film.

As much as Arnie rocked, he threw out more stinkers than Stallone, and Sly has the whole Rocky thing going - the most inspirational franchise there's ever been, I'd say.

general tbag
28-Mar-2007, 12:25 AM
yea judge dredd was pretty dam good, like to also see another demolition man, or better yet another cliffhanger.


28-Mar-2007, 12:29 PM
Demolition Man - now there's a classic from back in the (1990s) day. I love that movie, used to watch it a whole load as a kid, they really had fun with the future setting and I think it was a really enjoyable action romp, lots of fun. :)

28-Mar-2007, 12:37 PM
You guys are telling me he hasn't had plastic surgery?

28-Mar-2007, 12:54 PM
Maybe he has had a bit, possibly to try and reverse the affects of age + his birth 'defect' problems, and it hasn't come out too well, I duno...but his face has always been a bit 'punchy', so-to-speak, and as he's gotten older it's become more noticeable methinks...

28-Mar-2007, 12:56 PM
Maybe he has had a bit, possibly to try and reverse the affects of age + his birth 'defect' problems, and it hasn't come out too well, I duno...but his face has always been a bit 'punchy', so-to-speak, and as he's gotten older it's become more noticeable methinks...

His mother's face is diabolical... And I'm only saying that cos she's been under the knife...

28-Mar-2007, 02:49 PM
Sly has made maybe a handfull of good films, including Rocky, First Blood and Copland. Other than that, I can't stand his guts. Altough I thought Judge Dredd and Daylight were surprisingly entertaining yet really dumb. I'm a sci-fi fan though. And Armand Assante was such a bad ass in Dredd (he just looks so villaious).

Demolition Man I thought was crap (soooo stupid and to goofy). Rambo 2 and 3 were hopeless. Rocky 5 was so silly. Rocky 4 is hilarious from a historical point of view but I sincerly think it SUCKS.

Arnold, on the other hand... Nothing can beat vintage Arnold. NOTHING! Conan, Terminator, Predator, The Running Man, Total Recall. Beat that, Sly!

28-Mar-2007, 04:12 PM
His mother's face is diabolical...
Innit just but then again, ain't she like 107? :eek:

28-Mar-2007, 07:09 PM
[jacky stallone on]yeah, Jacky...[jacky stallone off ... thank heavens]

Did you see her on Celebrity Big Brother a while back? Oh dear! :eek:

Arnie most definitely has stomped ass and made a whole host of superb actioners, especially in the 80s...Arnie and Stallone are pretty much neck and neck for me, but the Rocky franchise pips Stallone ahead of Arnie I think...just.

Between the two of them they've given us more than enough classic moments in cinematic history...

28-Mar-2007, 07:58 PM
Between the two of them they've given us more than enough classic moments in cinematic history...

Almost makes you wonder what Face Off would've been like since it was written with them intended to star in it.

29-Mar-2007, 02:50 AM
[jacky stallone on]yeah, Jacky...[jacky stallone off ... thank heavens]
"What about Stallone?"


"No, his old mum Jackie?"

"Oh, I admire Stallone for bringing up one Hollywood's finest action stars. Rocky IV was one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life."

"That's right Frank, good film that was."

"But if that Big Brother opened up my doors and that ropey old tart stuck her head around the side and said "Yeah, it's Jackie" I'd say "OI STALLONE, NOOO!!!" You might've had a million dollars worth of plastic surgery carved on your boat race but you still look like a wrinkly boss-eyed old slaahhgg! Now get out!"

(Enfield moment) :lol:

29-Mar-2007, 10:43 AM
Ahhhh...now that's some classic Enfield (even though it's technically made up) ... takes me back to the day alright, watching that before having to go back to High School ... *sigh* ...

29-Mar-2007, 12:20 PM
Innit MZ, what happened to that guy?

29-Mar-2007, 06:35 PM
Innit MZ, what happened to that guy?
I recently saw him on the excellent E4 show "Skins". He plays one of the father of Tony, the cocky arrogant dick. Enfield swears constantly in one episode, it's hilarious, and he walks around looking decidedly old ... and has the hugest paunch ... even bigger than Clarkson's (which I saw in the paper yesterday, haha).

Otherwise, no idea what else he's doing.

12-Apr-2007, 06:21 PM
Stop or my mom will shoot just about finished Stallone off in my opinion, that was such a crap film:(

13-Apr-2007, 05:23 PM
His mother's face is diabolical...

Indeed, there must be a nefarious and unearthly conspiracy here.:rockbrow: