View Full Version : coolest dvd root menu?

26-Mar-2007, 05:27 PM
lifeforce: for the video that plays during
omega man : for musically capturing some of the entire films essence

26-Mar-2007, 05:31 PM

I do like the one for "Ghostbusters" with the street, spook central, Stay Puft and all that. The original DVD release of "Aliens" was also cool. Kind of like a first person shooter game walking through the halls of LV426.:thumbsup:

26-Mar-2007, 07:13 PM
Sounds good not my cup though

26-Mar-2007, 08:27 PM
My favorites are the ones that work well, are easy to read and go by really fast. I think any that dont fit that criteria (ie:most) suck.
I dont want to spend 5 minutes watching some stupid intro.

26-Mar-2007, 09:17 PM
The Once Upon a Time in the West root menu. Especially since Morricones music plays over it.

26-Mar-2007, 09:29 PM
I really hate menus that insist on putting scenes from the film in between menus and sub-menus - JUST TAKE ME TO THE PAGE ALREADY!!!

One DVD menu that REALLY SUCKED though, was that of Shatter Dead ... they take whole scenes and put them between the menus (and BEFORE the menu ever shows up) - completely gheay, and really annoying, and I don't think you can skip the stuff beyond fast forwarding...

triste realtà
26-Mar-2007, 10:08 PM
I swear to Saturn I was gonna post this topic a few days ago. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. I think of a topic and, hey presto, there it is a day or so later.

But anyway, the menu in question that got me thinking of this topic is the one for House by the Cemetery. No other menu comes close. Well, maybe the one for the documentaries disc for Dawn UE box set.

26-Mar-2007, 10:33 PM
the hellboy directors cut was a praticularly good one, just a load of wierd arcane looking stuff and moving betwen them was a smooth morphing motion, not the click and blink its there a second later like a web page.

26-Mar-2007, 10:40 PM
The loops are quite well
and du*n near seamless for both the titles I mentioned

lifeforce video just flows never gets repititious or
"hey theres the beginning again"
the scene of the guards energy transfer revitalizing the alien is the same type of
look and feel as them 2 or 3 dumb looking zombies that didnt fit in Land Of
but hey it was what 20 years ago they made it look good you Have to say

With the omega man its the seamless haunting music loop
and the montage of prepositioned image elements from that film,..heston,..his garrison cap,...caesar.....the sweep continues
triste your tinfoil hat isnt thick enough to prevent mind reading lol

27-Mar-2007, 01:29 AM
I really hate menus that insist on putting scenes from the film in between menus and sub-menus - JUST TAKE ME TO THE PAGE ALREADY!!!
Damn f**king straight, the whole concept of menus is a pain in the ass to me. You know what I hate the most about waiting for DVD's to come on? Them dirty rotten bollocking trailers... like that poxy anti piracy s**t <spotlight - disco music> absolute crap! And you can't skip 'em. Oh and that load of old poo at the end of the movie where you get every language credit and it's an utter nightmare to skip. Damn, I wanna watch the f**king extras man!

Not menu related but hey! :sneaky:

27-Mar-2007, 08:48 AM
Ug, tell me about it...trailers or anti-piracy "you wouldn't steal a car" (er, bit of a difference there, mate :lol:) adverts, that you can't skip. If you can skip, that's not too bad, sometimes it's nice to see some trailers, but the anti-piracy one is still gheay with it's thumping music and 'uncool for trying to look cool' style.

And yes, those warnings in a variety of different lingos that you can't skip - F*CK OFF!!!

I hate all that sh*t, especially the standard "doesn't express our views, please don't sue us!!!" disclaimer - PISS OFF, WE KNOW ALREADY!!! PUT IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!

27-Mar-2007, 11:11 AM
word man, i am fugchug-didly-ukking sick of those anti piracy things, i think they actaully lower my enjoyment of the movei a little, 'cept the one that was on on a copied dvd i bought, that was just ironic humour:lol:

27-Mar-2007, 12:16 PM
Sadly the
"monolithic over-reaching your applicable gov't agency of choice here"
piracy warnings cannot be skipped.
Sometimes the same goes for the dolby,or manufactured by company presentations.
However if you use certain software based decoders trailers can easily be bypassed by going to what is called the ROOT MENU dialog.
Bind it to a hot key,....lol

27-Mar-2007, 03:06 PM
word man, i am fugchug-didly-ukking sick of those anti piracy things, i think they actaully lower my enjoyment of the movei a little, 'cept the one that was on on a copied dvd i bought, that was just ironic humour:lol:
I think the bootleggers deliberately put that anti-piracy ad on the dvd just so you can skip it for a laugh. :D

27-Mar-2007, 05:42 PM
Sadly the
"monolithic over-reaching your applicable gov't agency of choice here"
piracy warnings cannot be skipped.
Sometimes the same goes for the dolby,or manufactured by company presentations.
However if you use certain software based decoders trailers can easily be bypassed by going to what is called the ROOT MENU dialog.
Bind it to a hot key,....lol
I have to reauthor DVDs I own to make the subtitles way bigger (no function for that on DVD standalones). While Im at it I shrink the menu into images and remove all the warnings, BS trailers, ads and junk.
I want to find an easier way to ONLY change the ifo file for the subtitle size, but no one is able to tell me how yet. Anybody know?

27-Mar-2007, 07:24 PM
I acquired a movie a while back which had that warning on it, funniest thing I'd seen all that week. :sneaky:

*laughs like Sid James*

27-Mar-2007, 08:16 PM
Ug, tell me about it...trailers or anti-piracy "you wouldn't steal a car" (er, bit of a difference there, mate :lol:) adverts, that you can't skip. If you can skip, that's not too bad, sometimes it's nice to see some trailers, but the anti-piracy one is still gheay with it's thumping music and 'uncool for trying to look cool' style.

And yes, those warnings in a variety of different lingos that you can't skip - F*CK OFF!!!

I hate all that sh*t, especially the standard "doesn't express our views, please don't sue us!!!" disclaimer - PISS OFF, WE KNOW ALREADY!!! PUT IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!

The goofiest thing I've ever seen at the beinging of a movie was two guys standing in front of a car telling me not to worry, the black bars on the top and bottom of my screen are suppost to be there. What the hell was the name of that movie?? :p

28-Mar-2007, 10:45 AM
I guess one of the coolest root menus is the Nine Inch Nails concert And All That Could Have Been. The menus and music change everytime you hit a feature and return to it. And I don't know how many menus there are on it but after mucking around with it for a few minutes, I was still getting different ones. Some were even merging together!

28-Mar-2007, 12:04 PM
Twist - hehe, I liked that bit too ... and there are people out there who would actually need that explanation, rather than just enjoy it ... and that's a scary thought, but then again, it explains why Pan & Scan was so popular. :rolleyes:

I like menus like those on the An Evening With Kevin Smith DVDs, just a bunch of stuff happening so you can sit there for ages watching it. Ooh - the menu for The Adam & Joe DVD, lots of them talking over it with silly voices, their little compositions and suchlike, so that made for entertaining menu viewing.

The Bo Selecta DVDs had the same thing as well, lots of characters coming on doing skits and saying things and such, went on for ages, so it's like even more free content.

28-Mar-2007, 12:13 PM
and that's a scary thought, but then again, it explains why Pan & Scan was so popular. :rolleyes:

I absolutely hate pan & scan. I refuse to ever watch a film in pan and scan again(unless it's on the tube, of course). I first "got" the idea of the difference of widescreen and pan and scan when I bought "Ghostbusters"(which you know I'm a huge fan of) and realized that there were jokes on the side of the screen that I had been missing for 15+ years!

That and some of my "007" films actually have a picture in the booklets that display the normal widescreen ratio and then a red box within that shows the size of full screen.

I know that if I were a director, I would never want anyone to see my film in pnd and scan.:p

28-Mar-2007, 12:38 PM
I bought the Ghostbusters DVD ages ago and I still haven't got around to seeing it yet. Tut-tut.

Hey, Chasing Prey! :cool:

28-Mar-2007, 12:44 PM
I bought the Ghostbusters DVD ages ago and I still haven't got around to seeing it yet. Tut-tut.

Hey, Chasing Prey! :cool:

Dem's killin words round deez parts. ::spits::

28-Mar-2007, 12:49 PM
*ug* I know, Pan & Scan sucks teabagging balls alright. I still watch some of my old videos that were mostly all Pan & Scan, and sometimes it's done alright, but other times/moments it's so paintfully obvious now.

The first short film I made for BBC Local TV last year I shot in 4:3 as that was what they originally asked for, then they wanted 16x9 so I cropped the image myself to fit that size, THEN the bastards went and re-cropped it to 4:3 again!!! The quality of the image was much reduced as you're 'zooming in' on the section, and the original compositions were all messed up as a result, I was pissed off...the laymen wouldn't notice, but I saw it all, and it was a really pain in the dick, I tell ya. I hate Pan & Scan ... and in my case, it was all Scan with no Pan. :rolleyes:

Two half faces on each edge of the screen with a vast, yawning chasm of space in between on a 4:3 image ... how could anyone think that is right?

And I hate it because it makes the director/DOP/cinematographer look like a complete incompetent dildo.

28-Mar-2007, 09:28 PM
Shaun of the dead has awesome menus!at least the UK one does anyway,dont know if the US one is the same?

29-Mar-2007, 02:55 AM
Yeah, I have to admit that they did a good job with the Shaun DVD.

29-Mar-2007, 10:45 AM
One thing that pissed me off about the Shaun DVD was the sudden clap of thunder when you open up the main DVD window ... always pisses me off, it's too loud too quick, and it's EVERY TIME you access that window...so that pisses me off.

And also, once you've selected a commentary, it would be nice if there was a 'play film' button on that menu rather than going back to that bloody thunder clap again.

Other than that, fine and dandy.

29-Mar-2007, 10:47 PM
I had to share this with you guys since you're talking about the "Shaun" DVD.

I was over on another board that I frequent, Joblo.com, when I came across a thread titled "Movies you would like to see in the future". As I scrolled down, I came across one that would be a sequel for Shaun assuming that they would ever make one with the remaining cast, etc.......

"Night of the Living Ed"


It may seem cheesey to you, but I thought it was a brilliant idea.:p

29-Mar-2007, 10:59 PM
"Night of the Living Ed"


It may seem cheesey to you, but I thought it was a brilliant idea.:p
Naw, sounds great to me:)

29-Mar-2007, 11:02 PM
Aguirre the Wrath of God is my favorite DVD menu....

I once left it running for like a week straight in my room ....very hypnotic to me.....

30-Mar-2007, 08:37 AM
Hmmm ... a sequel to Shaun? Hmmm...not sure about that, perhaps one of those things just best left alone for fear of ruining it...but they had an idea, perhaps just a title - "From Dusk Till Shaun" ... not sure if that was at all serious though.

31-Mar-2007, 08:45 PM
Hmmm ... a sequel to Shaun?
Erm, no thanks. :rolleyes:

31-Mar-2007, 08:49 PM
Erm, no thanks. :rolleyes:

Gotta scratch on that record? Seems to be skipping, squire. :p:lol:

31-Mar-2007, 09:16 PM
Why you cheeky little... :gagged smiley: :D