View Full Version : Crazies was on Turner Classic M

26-Mar-2007, 10:27 PM
last week
maybe on again?
check your listings theres still some days left in this months block
I think it must be heavily edited

26-Mar-2007, 10:36 PM
last week
maybe on again?
check your listings theres still some days left in this months block
I think it must be heavily edited
Actually there was a very recent thread on this.
And, no, TCM does not edit any movies for content or length ever.

26-Mar-2007, 10:48 PM
looked back 2 pages lots
of luck it did me sorry
didnt look like a hot topic
maybe I wasnt watching the ending (all I managed to catch dang) good I been very occupied with affairs
they removed the naked black army dude some?
I dunno looked like that to me

26-Mar-2007, 11:38 PM
I dont remember any naked soldier at all.
And heres the link to the thread. ender dead discussion. Probably why you couldnt find it


27-Mar-2007, 01:36 AM
Still, The Crazies is a top film and worthy of commenting on whenever a thread appears. Not that I have anything to comment on in particular. :D

27-Mar-2007, 01:57 AM
ive yet to see ti, its allways on at the time when something i cant miss is on at the sme time, bummer , i want to see this.

27-Mar-2007, 02:57 AM
The DVD is worth getting man, there's only a few extras but the commentary is top notch. Should only be about a tenner in Virgin or HMV. Quite a shocking film when seen for the first time.

27-Mar-2007, 03:02 AM
i doubt it, the only two things in film to ever full on shock me (and ive seen stuff like i spit on your grave) is the woman being tortured in takeshi miikes imprint and the one shot ,no cut grief scene in funny games, i dare you to whatch that and not get freaked, i double dare ya mother fu- sorry, watching pulp fiction while i type this:lol:

27-Mar-2007, 03:04 AM
i doubt it, the only two things in film to ever full on shock me (and ive seen stuff like i spit on your grave) is the woman being tortured in takeshi miikes imprint and the one shot ,no cut grief scene in funny games, i dare you to whatch that and not get freaked, i double dare ya mother fu- sorry, watching pulp fiction while i type this:lol:
MPD Psycho was the biggety bomb! :cool:

27-Mar-2007, 04:17 AM
The torture scene in Imprint was hilarious. Ugly short woman barking and black teeth. :lol: Funny movie.

27-Mar-2007, 01:08 PM
The Crazies is a harsh film. My only complaint about the Romero version is the 70's music. Still it's a great idea for a film

Trixie virus driving the entire town insane. Gas mask wearing soldiers waking people in the middle of the night and taking them from their homes at gunpoint. Anyone that is suspected of being infected with the highly contagious virus that runs or resists is shot on sight. The authorities try to hold containment before the virus spreads. Some townsfolk resist while others are driven mad by the agent...

Can see why there is interest in a remake.

27-Mar-2007, 03:21 PM
Yeah, I recorded it the other night and finally got to watch it. Definitely classic Romero.

Possible spoiler:
One thing that had me puzzled(keep in mind that I've seen it only once) was that the soldiers continue to wear gas masks throughout the film even though they know that it's spreading by water.:rockbrow: Did I miss something?

Just wanted to add that I loved the certain moments of really shocking stuff that Romero added in like the preacher setting himself on fire, the man screwing his daughter(the editing in that scene was great), etc.

27-Mar-2007, 04:16 PM
Answer to Bassman311's question

While the initial disease vector is through the towns water supply, later on crowding everyone into the high school only increases the number of infected. Codename Trixie is highly contagious. This implys a secondary method of infection besides through the water supply. Perhaps it's airborne or spread through contact with the sweat or blood of an infected person. Note the ultraviolet lights set up in the doorways in the town clinic.

While David appears to be immune during the last part of the film, I still wonder if in fact he is immune or a 'Typhoid Mary' type of plague carrier who doesn't get sick himself but carries the disease and infects other.

27-Mar-2007, 05:32 PM
i doubt it, the only two things in film to ever full on shock me (and ive seen stuff like i spit on your grave) is the woman being tortured in takeshi miikes imprint and the one shot ,no cut grief scene in funny games, i dare you to whatch that and not get freaked, i double dare ya mother fu- sorry, watching pulp fiction while i type this:lol:
Its not that kind of shocking. Not shock value tricks or gore/violence. More situational.

I spit on your grave and Mothers Day are both depraved. I cant imagine enjoying either of those. I hate rape movies. Those are shocking becasue of exploitation, not from actual creative content. More like "Lets show a REALLY long gang bang with crying". I dont ever want to see that stuff.

If you are a true GAR fan you owe it to yourself to see this film. Its in the tradition of Night, Martin, Dawn and Knightriders, the 70s editing, film stock look and style,character types and treatment of subject matter.

Answer to Bassman311's question

While the initial disease vector is through the towns water supply, later on crowding everyone into the high school only increases the number of infected. Codename Trixie is highly contagious. This implys a secondary method of infection besides through the water supply. Perhaps it's airborne or spread through contact with the sweat or blood of an infected person. Note the ultraviolet lights set up in the doorways in the town clinic.

While David appears to be immune during the last part of the film, I still wonder if in fact he is immune or a 'Typhoid Mary' type of plague carrier who doesn't get sick himself but carries the disease and infects other.
In response to either of those I have to say that is why I love GARs movies. There is always things to think on and discuss. Rather than "why was that scene so stupid" you think "I wonder what he meant by that' giving birth to hundreds of threads on HPOTD:D