View Full Version : **** you bill gates and mircrosoft- windows vista is ****

27-Mar-2007, 07:28 PM
I'm sick and tired of this goddamn OS. It has been nothing but trouble for me since I got my computer, and I stress to everyone on here do not get it, it is not worth the cash, stick with XP. My internet randomly freezes and i can no longer get into links or web sites, msn messenger only works when it wants too (which is usually at start up) and when it does, I have to uninstall it and then reinstall it every tiem I log onto my computer. I'm currently typing this with a window which is 3/4ths smaller then usual (I dunno wtf is up) after it shrunk when I logged back onto the computer after my desktop stopped working for the 3rd time today. Programs won't install, and those that do run horribly (such as msn) internet is ****ed, and i'm sick and tired of this. I'm callign staples to see if I can get a downgrade to xp..and I use the term downgrade here lightly.

27-Mar-2007, 08:09 PM
DAMN! :eek:

My folks are thinking of getting a new computer, I'll recommend to them that they stick with XP and avoid Vista at all costs! :eek:

27-Mar-2007, 09:13 PM
Hmm looks like i best order my new PC without an OS then and buy XP for it (seen as all online PC stores only sell vista now) :(
Or get vista and put up with a ton of ****e while i wait for service pack 1

27-Mar-2007, 09:45 PM
new puters with vista also have hardware DRM built into the motherboards
wait till that takes a bite out of your buttocks

27-Mar-2007, 10:46 PM
Seriusly, stick with XP, I have never had it before, but i've only heard good things about it. Vista may end up being good- in about 2 years. until that time do not get it...I hate this ever so much...

I can't believe I wrote ever so much..

BTW, wats hardware DRM?

27-Mar-2007, 10:49 PM
Never buy and OS until it has been on the market for 3 years. I have XP pro, and have been using it since 2003 and until Vista has been around for 3 years and the kinks worked out I will be sticking with XP pro.

general tbag
28-Mar-2007, 12:16 AM
vista sucks..

drm ISNT hardware but software.
DRM is digital right management.

yes stick with xp. If you do buy a new computer, u can sell the OS to another sucker.

28-Mar-2007, 09:47 AM
im still using the basic home edition of xp and its fine for me, the only thing i like about vista is the areo function asdie from that it just seems to be there to make pc users more lazy "look i dont even have to press alt and tab anymore, that save me using up a clorie of energy":rolleyes:

28-Mar-2007, 10:20 AM
new puters with vista also have hardware DRM built into the motherboards
wait till that takes a bite out of your buttocks


EDIT - Ignore... I know now :)

I'm sick and tired of this goddamn OS. It has been nothing but trouble for me since I got my computer, and I stress to everyone on here do not get it, it is not worth the cash, stick with XP. My internet randomly freezes and i can no longer get into links or web sites, msn messenger only works when it wants too (which is usually at start up) and when it does, I have to uninstall it and then reinstall it every tiem I log onto my computer. I'm currently typing this with a window which is 3/4ths smaller then usual (I dunno wtf is up) after it shrunk when I logged back onto the computer after my desktop stopped working for the 3rd time today. Programs won't install, and those that do run horribly (such as msn) internet is ****ed, and i'm sick and tired of this. I'm callign staples to see if I can get a downgrade to xp..and I use the term downgrade here lightly.

Is it a new machine? Or did you upgrade an existing install?

If it's a fresh /virgin install, you really shouldn't be having problems :eek:

28-Mar-2007, 05:38 PM
I'm -a -pissed -a offa dem danged microsnot bastids ... I have xp pro ... shouldve bought a mac .Well , Bill laughs as we shell out more cash . Friggin' OS crap .:mad:

28-Mar-2007, 06:07 PM
Pista? Bwaaahahaha! You knows that's what I calls it from now on. :lol: