View Full Version : This guys must have been reakky bad in bed.

28-Mar-2007, 10:19 AM

Florida Man Says Ex-Wife's Sex Change Should End His Alimony Obligation

28-Mar-2007, 10:22 AM

That's reakky fulled up!

28-Mar-2007, 10:40 AM
That will teach me to spell check.

28-Mar-2007, 11:08 AM
Lay off the booze!

28-Mar-2007, 11:23 AM
Man, that's a difficult one.

28-Mar-2007, 11:42 AM
That will teach me to spell check.

kok! :)

28-Mar-2007, 04:20 PM
Thats argument is ridiculous. Its not like he was reincarnated and transformed by the monolith:D. He just got fake boobs and cut his johnny off.

28-Mar-2007, 04:30 PM
some people will do anything to avoid paying child support

28-Mar-2007, 10:57 PM
Lorena Bobbit would be jealous . Now that the woman is a 'man' , there should be no difference . The decision was made for him to pay alimony when (he) was female . The ruling should stick . So , pay the 'man' ... sheesh . Friggin world has its head up its tukus .

28-Mar-2007, 11:29 PM
Thats argument is ridiculous. Its not like he was reincarnated and transformed by the monolith:D. He just got fake boobs and cut his johnny off.

It was a she turned into a he....

and when a guy gets turned into a women I was under the assumption that they didnt "cut it off" per say ....more like they turn it inside out and push it inwards....

28-Mar-2007, 11:30 PM
That's reakky fulled up!

Neil is good at making fun of typos. kekekekeke:D

$1,250/mo in alimony???? Jesus Christ that is 15,000/yr.

I am a woman I do not think even I could ever expect that but I guess it depends on the situation.

In my opinion if you were a house wife for 18 years and did not work then yes I can see it. Obviously you have to find a way to gain job skills like to go back to school or what ever but in my opinion if she can afford a sex change operation does she really need alimony?? Not!!! I mean I think alimony should be based on need for financial help during the transition of being married to becoming single and living on your own along with the kind of salary you make and your ability to support yourself.

Any thoughts?

29-Mar-2007, 04:01 AM
It was a she turned into a he....
Good God, Im a spaz!

and when a guy gets turned into a women I was under the assumption that they didnt "cut it off" per say ....more like they turn it inside out and push it inwards....
Christ on a crutch, that stuff never seems less nasty no matter how many times I hear about it. They have to lubricate it forever becasue it has none naturally:|

29-Mar-2007, 04:11 AM
Christ on a crutch, that stuff never seems less nasty no matter how many times I hear about it. They have to lubricate it forever becasue it has none naturally:|

A Typical symptom of men changing themselves into women is liquid discharge from there artificial vagina.....

Im less aware of side effects of women to men sex changes....

29-Mar-2007, 07:22 AM
A Typical symptom of men changing themselves into women is liquid discharge from there artificial vagina.....I really do not want to ask how you know that...

Im less aware of side effects of women to men sex changes.......or that!!!!

Chic Freak
29-Mar-2007, 01:15 PM
It was a she turned into a he....

Ah, he was a he all along, he was just born with the wrong body is all ;)

They have to lubricate it forever becasue it has none naturally:|

Don't some/ a lot of women have to do that anyway?

I really do not want to ask how you know that...

*waves* I do if it's an interesting story! :elol:

29-Mar-2007, 01:23 PM
I really do not want to ask how you know that...

That was my exact thought. Well.....between getting the shivers and gagging, anyway.:barf:

29-Mar-2007, 01:24 PM
I do if it's an interesting story! :elol:
I gotta admit, I'm intrigued too.

31-Mar-2007, 06:09 AM
No way!! I live in clearwater florida LOL