View Full Version : Rerun Enterprise beats new Galactica in ratings

29-Mar-2007, 03:12 PM
ECW 1.6
Rose Red part two 1.2
Star Trek: Enterprise 1.2
Battlestar Galactica 1.1
House on Haunted Hill 1.1
Rose Red part three 1.1
Special Unit 2 1.0
The Dresden Files 0.9
Rose Red part one 0.9
Thirteen Ghosts 0.8
For that week only (Maelstrom) but ouch.

29-Mar-2007, 03:50 PM
yeah but was the playboy with the cylon chick a moneymaker?

30-Mar-2007, 01:29 AM
Ever since they moved BSG to Sunday nights with the Dresden Files ratings have suffered. Course they rerun the episodes during the week, so it's possible some folks watch on Tuesday night instead.

30-Mar-2007, 01:00 PM
theyve only just got passed the eye of jupiter bit over here, sky one really puts shows like this beind lost , which they make a real big deal out of, too bad cus after that boring as hell occupation arc i think the series has started to pick up again.

cant stand the dresden files myself looks like its trying to hard to fill the void buffy ,angel adn the x files left, i liked that miniseries the lost room though, that was great.

30-Mar-2007, 01:15 PM
lost room kicked arse.
enterprise was ruuuuubbbishh. a real franchise killer

30-Mar-2007, 02:14 PM
dresden must go lay the blame on that dud
dont even re run it
I saw promos for it
I broke my 20 year tv boycott for 2 months recently.
Threshold really suprised me and they killed that show,shows how
much they know.
they wouldnt know a good show if it bit them on the boo-boo
Nix the hulk and so much stargate and have outer limits day every week.
but not the lou diamond phillips robot one ever again,....lol

30-Mar-2007, 05:29 PM
^, anyone get any of this?

30-Mar-2007, 07:43 PM
My universal translators on the blink....

Have I ever said ENT just sucked? Anyone catch the final episode set against the backdrop of TNG episode 'The Pegasus' with Marini Stirtis and Jonathan Frakes reprising their roles of Troi and Riker. It was horrible, it had been twelve years since that TNG episode aired, Frakes had put on a few pounds and Troi was completely wrong, she's a bit more plump, the hairstyle was wrong, the accent is the one the character had in the movies.
That's just the beginning a scene inside Ten Forward shows Klingons, Feringi and Padleks who just weren't in the TNG episode.

30-Mar-2007, 08:00 PM
dude i'll say it,


i'm all about the original series & movies I-VI

these boys own.

it's a good job the original series got cancelled after 3 seasons, otherwise doctor who would be the 2nd best sci fi show ever...

30-Mar-2007, 09:54 PM
I lost interest in Galactica after the first season....its just like Lost.....

nothing every really happens in an episode and eventually the plot gets so convoluted to describe it outloud is laughable.....

I miss old school Star Trek....or Lexx...at least Lexx had a sense of humour I loved that show...

31-Mar-2007, 12:05 AM
to the disintegrator's tweedle on the double
all I know is they jugg factored up the commercial with Blaylock turning in a
tank top

31-Mar-2007, 12:15 AM
Maybe Enterprise will get new episode made by Sci-Fi. :D

It's actually not that bad a show, I just wish it was set in the "current" Trek time as opposed to mucking up it's "past".

31-Mar-2007, 02:39 AM
i kinda liked enterprise, i think the last series was the when it picke dup though, all that stuff in the earlier series just to link it, like a borg appearing and then going into space and they just say "oh theyll be back in a few hundred years"

-oops, spoilers:rolleyes:

31-Mar-2007, 02:48 AM
i kinda liked enterprise, i think the last series was the when it picke dup though, all that stuff in the earlier series just to link it, like a borg appearing and then going into space and they just say "oh theyll be back in a few hundred years"

-oops, spoilers:rolleyes:

its ok, no one cares, as i said - gash


31-Mar-2007, 04:19 AM
We all know Enterprsie was the best star trek show. Polarized hull plating is far more realistic then shields

giggle snort huff....

31-Mar-2007, 07:27 AM
They can't have phasers and photon torpedoes or replicators so they came up with phase cannons, photonic missiles and protein resequencers. They are so ****ing clever when it comes to the cosmetics!

It's not really that which would turn fans off though, it's the formulaic stories weve seen before and done better in TNG/DS9/VOY and the fact producers Berman and Braga say they haven't seen much of TOS.

That Borg one was good but when the writer says "It answers the question of why the Borg were coming in TNG Q Who!" it makes me think he's a idiot, the Borg have already been in UFP space prior to Q Who, they were there in 'The Neutral zone', Voyager shown they have assimilated humans further back then that and probably found them unremarkable until they encountered the Enterprise.