View Full Version : huh? Didn't see this coming at all!

29-Mar-2007, 04:57 PM

(I think they mean series 4)

29-Mar-2007, 11:19 PM
Now that's just stupid. The Doctor never gets the girl, I bet it's just a mock up or something.

29-Mar-2007, 11:33 PM

it's an adaptation of the book "Human nature".

he does get married, but he doesnt. don't worry, there's a damn good reason for it.

30-Mar-2007, 07:15 AM
well, I've never read that one so... there you go.

30-Mar-2007, 11:55 AM
Look, I love Russell T. Davies but I'm getting a bit of sick of his rule rewrites. He's pushing the boundaries and I'm not sure if I like it. I love all the new Doctor Who stories (some are s**t I must admit) but I really do fear for future stories. He's already given a Dalek emotion, made the Doctor snog a companion and now this. What's next, the Doctor gets turd burgled by a Yeti?

30-Mar-2007, 01:03 PM
i think this part'll get the fanboys jumpin'

Clips of the upcoming episodes also apparently show Tennant kissing his new assistant Martha Jones (played by Freema Agyeman) on the lips. However, he adds: "It means nothing, it was just a genetic transfer."

now this is either the last or 2nd to last incarnation of the doctor right?, plus in the trailers she goes on about all this "im triining to be a doctor" "i am the doctor" type stuff, maybe its like a pun and shes like his replacement or something?

30-Mar-2007, 01:12 PM
nah hellsing,he's got 3 incarnations left, but he can get more through some other means (like, er, turning into a CGI snake, according to the movie).

capn - some of it is bad, personally i found the last series way too mushy, but the good stuff keeps me watchin. i still reckon it's the best the show's been since the mid to late seventies.

RTD really has to either go or stop interfering so much though...

31-Mar-2007, 08:46 PM
capn - some of it is bad, personally i found the last series way too mushy, but the good stuff keeps me watchin. i still reckon it's the best the show's been since the mid to late seventies.
That I don't deny but f**k, let's get Terrance Dicks on this motherf**ker!