View Full Version : HPOTD Member hobbys.

31-Mar-2007, 06:07 AM
Well, we all have our hobbys and I think it would be interesting to see what some of the people do on here

if you collect child porn or stuff...iunno dont respond to this. :shifty: :|

anyways. :lol:

some of my hobbys are weight lifting, scuba diving & collecting dvds

spill hpotd.

31-Mar-2007, 12:29 PM
I like films. I collect DVDs,altough I don't have a SUPER large collection. Around 240 now I think.

Other than that I occasionally swim. Haven't been doing much of that lately. Maybe next week.

I like swords too, and I'd damn right like to collect them. Only problem is that REAL swords are usually expensive, upwards 400 dollars for a Damascus Steel short sword.

I also play games, but it's very much a on and off thing. Right now I play alot, but two weeks ago I wasn't playing that much at all.

31-Mar-2007, 03:09 PM
Cinema and weight-training.

31-Mar-2007, 03:11 PM
"I collect spores, molds, and fungus":p

Collecting films, albums, and guitars/basses. Playing guitar/bass.

31-Mar-2007, 04:37 PM
"I collect spores, molds, and fungus":p

Collecting films, albums, and guitars/basses. Playing guitar/bass.

I believe its Fungi ... He was a fun guy . :lol:
I collect air ... but I cant keep it stored anywhere .

31-Mar-2007, 04:39 PM
amatuer filmmaking, comic books, videogames, youtube in general:lol:

31-Mar-2007, 05:11 PM
http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/205959/2/istockphoto_205959_rock_concert_with_ticker_tape.j pg


31-Mar-2007, 05:24 PM
i like to collect comics, coins, dvds,.
i also watch lots of movies and go hunting and fishing alot.

31-Mar-2007, 05:27 PM
Well, I did the filmmaking thing, but my main hobbies are:

DVD Collecting
Graphic Novel Collecting (Just Started)
Movie Poster Collecting (Been doing that for 20 years + now)
When I had my GT Mustang I used to go to the Drag track every Sunday.
I goto the Horror Movies at the Hagerstown 10 Cinema every Saturday.

Well thats about it.

31-Mar-2007, 06:58 PM
Reading, writing fiction on pretty much anything that makes me tilt my head. Paintball is always a good one and like many people here collecting dvds, sadly not upto evilneds level yet but hey give it time :lol:

Lately Ive been getting into making a couple student movies and writing scripts for some of my friends for them to develop. Strategy gaming online generally oh and trying to avoid politics.

31-Mar-2007, 07:25 PM
I collect vinyl and love going hunting in dimly lit basements of record stores for that one good find. Probably have around 400 LP's, 7"s, and 10"s. I believe I've got one 5" somewhere, too. I really like finding picture discs, too.

I also enjoy creating one-man bands and recording material for them in my room. Some of you have heard a few of my groups.

I also play in a "real" band and love going on tour.

I [somewhat] collect guitars. Right now I have 9. I was at 11 at one point.

I also make short films just for fun with friends. Haven't made anything in about six months, though. Kind of got pissed off that my one friend that would co-direct with me was taking the credit for all of my movies, as if he made them (I was the director of cinematography, director, editor, writer, created the music, etc). He even got a job creating a commercial for a paintball company because he showed them my movies and said they were his. I should have never put his name in the credits as a director because people automatically assume he did everything. Anyway, that pissed me off and put a hold on my movie making for a while. But I miss it, so I'm going to start back up soon. Especially because I've gained a huge following in my town and the surrounding towns.

That's basically it. That was way too long.

31-Mar-2007, 07:45 PM
Well, I did the filmmaking thing, but my main hobbies are:

DVD Collecting
Graphic Novel Collecting (Just Started)
Movie Poster Collecting (Been doing that for 20 years + now)
When I had my GT Mustang I used to go to the Drag track every Sunday.
I goto the Horror Movies at the Hagerstown 10 Cinema every Saturday.

Well thats about it.

come on dj, there comics, callin' em graphic novels doesnt make em sound cooler it sounds like a closet nerd covering his tracks, there comics dude, dont be ashamed, jooooiiin usssssss......:elol:

31-Mar-2007, 09:20 PM
Collecting and building Dolls. :)


31-Mar-2007, 09:23 PM
I love to read that would have to be the main thing I do I am a huge fan of Stephen King.

Also the cinema I have a cineworld card so go every week and more often than not see two films in one night, well I have to get my monies worth don't I :D

I too have a pretty big DVD collection not sure how many I have though might have to count em sometime.

and love playing games too PC & PS2 very good at Singstar although nobody would really want to hear the playback :lol:

31-Mar-2007, 09:41 PM
That's oddly erotic. :confused::D

31-Mar-2007, 09:44 PM
i see it more as an otoku level of creepy, but whatever you thinks the mutz nutz then more power an' all that.

31-Mar-2007, 09:45 PM
I really didnt know what to say about his post either capn.

31-Mar-2007, 09:56 PM
Cinema and weight-training.
Used to build up when I was in my late teens but I ain't lifted in a few. Actually, I like practising the Chaku's nowdays, pure damage, gives me a better power trip than the weights.

I really didnt know what to say about his post either capn.
Innit Codester, how you been mofo?

31-Mar-2007, 10:03 PM
Everyone loves Dolls. :)


31-Mar-2007, 10:07 PM
Seriously, there's some truth to that. A lot of 6 year old males ask for dolls to play with. She is cute btw. :sneaky:

31-Mar-2007, 10:12 PM
Shes from an Manga called Gunslinger Girls, she rules. :)


31-Mar-2007, 10:12 PM
is that gun the P90?

31-Mar-2007, 11:09 PM
My hobbies; the History, movies, pc games (rpg and strategy), and... zombie movies!.

31-Mar-2007, 11:43 PM
Shes from an Manga called Gunslinger Girls, she rules. :)
I completely agree, she's fantastic.

01-Apr-2007, 04:31 AM
Shes from an Manga called Gunslinger Girls, she rules. :)


Chicks in school-girl outfits with machineguns. :D

My hobbies. Combat sports such as boxing, kickboxing, amatuer wrestling, mma, etc. Of course some of yall already knew this. Exercise and fitness. I love to run. Not so much on the weight lifting scene any more. All my strength training comes from body weight and floor exercises. I am a old schooled gamer. I put together model kits. Mainly airplanes from WW2, jet fighters, tanks, and gundam. I'll post some of my kits on here one day. Saltwater fishing is another hobby of mine. Nothing like catching your own food and eating it, too.

01-Apr-2007, 05:21 AM
filmmaking, writing, reading, collecting zombie stuff,cool posters, and horror movie action figures. listening to music, and tons of other stuff.

01-Apr-2007, 07:35 AM
Everyone loves Dolls. :)


looks like shes 11......or younger........:shifty:

01-Apr-2007, 10:38 AM
Im into clubbing (this kind of place)

Paintballing,weightlifting,history (mainly military),motorbikes,gaming (mostly PC these days) and women!

Those dolls are weird,if they looked a little older they wouldnt be so creepy :shifty:

01-Apr-2007, 03:52 PM
looks like shes 11......or younger........:shifty:

Is that a P-90 she is sporting? Hope she a lousy shot .

01-Apr-2007, 03:57 PM
Folkart painting
Sewing...dolls,snowmen,angel all kinds of things
Reading books and zombie fiction
Scrapbooking(new hobby)
Taking photos of families,friends,and taking pictures of out pets
Playing with my dogs,ferret, and bunny
Shopping once in awhile for paint,brushes, fabric
I also collect angels, snowmen and lapel pins( I have over 50 or 60 at last count)
I also like to game online at different sites that are free to play and I occasionally buy the games I like. I dont have gaming systems or 3D card so I am limited to where I can play or I would buddy up with gamers here that play online or challenge them lol!
My last hobby is HPotd probably my fav cause I am here alot!lol;)

01-Apr-2007, 05:45 PM
ooo MYSPACE!! forgot anyone that haves a myspace automaticly has that as a hobby.


02-Apr-2007, 12:11 AM
ooo MYSPACE!! forgot anyone that haves a myspace automaticly has that as a hobby.
Tell me about it Codes. I just got mine set up finally.

02-Apr-2007, 02:30 AM
ugh ,i got rid of mine after 3 days...:rolleyes:

08-Apr-2007, 11:10 PM
: Shudder : Myspace. Never will I get an account..I meet enough annoying people offline let alone when I get online. `s why I come here were the movies are undead, the taste is good and the people are friendly.

08-Apr-2007, 11:13 PM
Innit, I've had an account for just a few days and I got people begging me to be their friends (like 20+) and I've never met one of 'em in my life!

08-Apr-2007, 11:25 PM
Lol Seems that its jus me and you flooding the threads tonight capn

09-Apr-2007, 12:15 AM
i had some woman give me specific details on when and were the apocalypse would occur:rolleyes:

screw myspace, kevin smith DID prove its good advertising but i hate the damn place with a passion:mad:

09-Apr-2007, 12:59 AM
im a gun collector and i enjoy killing things, blowing things up, and general destruction of personal property. :elol:

09-Apr-2007, 01:14 AM
"Cry Me A River!" :lol:

09-Apr-2007, 01:27 AM
Atyid Shrimp

Those are my hobbies

09-Apr-2007, 05:28 AM
Let's see, hobbies.

My most important hobby is writing.
I also tend to draw and paint. Lately I've been doing anime and have been toying with the idea of making a crappy comic.
Then there's modle building and guitar playing, neither of which I'm very good at. (The only tune I can play is that damn guitar solo from 28 days later)
Skateboarding, working out, walking around town in the middle of the night, and reading a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books.
Then there's my knife, sword, and gun collecting hobby, of which I have a nice selection, and I try to a firing range whenever possible to keep my aim sharp, too bad there isn't a place for me to practice swinging a sword around.
If it ever become possible for me to do so, there are two future hobbies I would like to take up. First would be to build a smithery and forge suits of armor and medievel era weapons. The second would be for me to take some of the fighting skill's I've learned over the years and studdy a few more to create my own personal form of martial arts.

p.s. Don't bother asking me where I find the time to do all this, because I don't know.

09-Apr-2007, 09:53 PM
cry me a river? capn?

09-Apr-2007, 11:21 PM
LOL, just a Justin Timberlake dig. Sorry man but I couldn't resist. :D

Chic Freak
10-Apr-2007, 05:42 PM

Liam, when has your bass EVER been that clean?? :lol:

I also play in a "real" band and love going on tour.

What's your band called? :)

Collecting and building Dolls. :)


How awesome, did you make that?? How did you get into it? I was sort of thinking of taking it up myself one day :)

My hobbies atm are:

* trawling through charity shops and ebay for little pre-1960s vintage clothes and accessories and stuffs. As MikePizzoff says, it's all about finding that one piece!
* I also collect MAC eyeshadows and red lipsticks
* Seeing as the above are more like addictions than hobbies, I should say I also like all the usual listening to music/ going out/ reading/ films/ getting drunk.
* Also- I've recently taken up ballet and even though I suck, I really enjoy it. I also like doing lots of TFP photo shoots, which really takes up a LOT of my time.
* Even though I make dreads/ falls/ extensions etc professionally, I'd say it's still a hobby because I really enjoy it when I get a chance to go crazy and do something really creative with someone's hair! :D
* Liam and I have also started going walking together, but sadly I've been so busy recently it kind of died off :(
* Aaaand I've just started learning how to make clothes :) I just finished my first dress (a babydoll nightie) and am buying vintage sewing paterns off ebay so I can re-create clothes from the WWII and the 50s with my own fabrics.

All my hobbies are really girly, heh. I think that's it anyway!

Atyid Shrimp

Those are my hobbies

Do you eat the shrimp, or keep them as pets?? Lol.

10-Apr-2007, 09:23 PM
I like to (and this creeps some people out) go to old cemetaries and do headstone rubbings. Its incredible to find really really old cemetaries where you see whole families buried and you see how many children died young and you can get a general idea of the times. I'm not sure why it bothers people but I generally enjoy old cemetaries.

But when i'm not doing that I enjoy tennis, jet skiing, cliff diving, skin diving, playing poker, dancing, and traveling.

12-Apr-2007, 02:43 PM
you like graveyards, boy are you ever on the perfect site, without graveyards we would never have zombies:evil:

12-Apr-2007, 03:09 PM
I also like grave yards have rubbing fron Al Capone and other gangsters, I dont live that far from J.W. Gacys grave we rreally got some great cemeterys here in Chicago my other hobbies are stamp collecting, fishing, paint ball, board games, reading and ferrets:)

14-Apr-2007, 02:58 PM
I cut down trees,
I skip and jump.
I like to press wild flowers.
I put on womens' clothing,
and hang around in bars.

(not really), but I am a Python fan and watch them whenever possible.

14-Apr-2007, 04:01 PM
"Oh FoodFight, I thought you were so rugged!" :lol:

15-Apr-2007, 03:41 AM
Speaking of dolls, check this out. They made a Living Dead Dolls version of Jason Voorhees. I wasn't aware of this.

http://cgi.ebay.com/Living-Dead-Dolls-Jason-Voorhees-SDCC-Sold-Out-NIB_W0QQitemZ290104280966QQihZ019QQcategoryZ2622QQ ssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Here's an out of box pic.

http://cgi.ebay.com/Living-Dead-Dolls-JASON-FRIDAY-THE-13TH-COMIC-CON-NEW_W0QQitemZ260107232537QQihZ016QQcategoryZ348QQs sPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

15-Apr-2007, 04:13 PM
I think they're great! :D

20-Apr-2007, 02:01 PM
"Oh FoodFight, I thought you were so rugged!"


20-Apr-2007, 02:12 PM
I also like grave yards have rubbing fron Al Capone and other gangsters, I dont live that far from J.W. Gacys grave we rreally got some great cemeterys here in Chicago my other hobbies are stamp collecting, fishing, paint ball, board games, reading and ferrets:)

y'know right next to my old high school was a proper real old church and for geography or english or somethin' we whent to do rubbings and a few of us got a rubbing of a grave were a woman was hanged for witchcraft, the teacher said we faekd it and told us to elad him to were it was and there was nothign there, and this graveyard as small too so it wasnt a gettign lost type thing, i aint a great believer in the paranormal but that was wierd, since we DID have a rubbing of the grave yet we checked out every grave in the boneyard adn didnt find one, just one of lifes little mysteries i guess.:)

20-Apr-2007, 02:55 PM
capoeira, Tae-Kwon-Do, Cycling, Movies (watching specially horror and Sci-fi), Salsa